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Page 1: Film presentation
Page 2: Film presentation

There has been a teenage party for a young girls birthday, and she posted it onto the most popular social networking site, twitter. Her settings are not on private

therefore she has announced her party to the whole of the world. A man has already had his eyes on this young girl for a while, trying to trace her every move from her going to school, to walking home from school. He then sees that there is a party at her house, and feels this is the perfect time to take action. Everyone has left as the

party has finished, and she is in the front garden tidying up the rubbish that has been left, meanwhile the man is in his car watching, taking photos of her. He

approaches the girl pretending to be a police officer and states that her neighbours have complained about the noise and she is underage drinking, so he asks her to come with him to the station. As she is intoxicated, she does not notice anything wrong with what has happened and gets in the mans car, even though it is not a police car. He gives her a drink of water from a bottle that he had in the car, and says that she needs to drink this to sober up. She is unaware that the bottle has

been drugged to put her to sleep. She wakes up and she is tied up in a place she has never been before. A clock is ticking in a dark room, and the camera is on the clock, you can hear the ticking noise. Then an alarm goes off and there is a shot to

the girls phone which is an alarm which says ‘PARTY TONIGHT’

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The films that inspired me are mainly horror films, as the genre of my film is


Page 4: Film presentation

The genre of my film is horror, which will create a scary effect to the target

audience who will be age 15. The reason I chose the genre of horror is

because I am a big fan of horror movies, and I thought it would always be extra

fun to make my own and this is the perfect opportunity. In my opening I will

include a typical knife shot as this is mostly shown in horror films to indicate the

genre. Also, I will have a typical young girl and a man that over looks her every

move. I will have blood in the room that the girl is placed and have her tied up

with tape across her mouth.

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The setting for my movie will be a typical night time scene, around 2am in the

morning. It will be in an isolated house in an isolated area, filled with fields. As

the girl lives in an isolated area, it leave the viewers with a clear enigma code

when the police officer indicates that someone has called them because of the

noise. Who called because the house is isolated?

The next setting for when the girl wakes up, will be an room alone with tools

inside that show that the man is going to cut her up and kill her.

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A young girl who is very popular in school,

all the boys crave for her attention.

Middle class

16 years old



Middle class

43 years old



A middle ages man who has no friends and

is an ex police man. Widowed

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The sound will be very mysterious, and while the girl is falling asleep she there

is music of little girls laughing and playing in the background (myserious)

The sounds in the room she wakes up in will be echoy.

The sound when the man turns up will be the music from the house in the


Lighting will be dark