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What is a genre?

Genre French pronunciation: [ʒɑ̃ʁ(ə)], "kind" or "sort", from Latin: genus (stem gener-), Greek: genos, γένος) is the term for any category of literature or other forms of art or entertainment, e.g. music, whether written or spoken, audial or visual, based on some set of stylistic criteria. Genres are formed by conventions that change over time as new genres are invented and the use of old ones are discontinued. Often, works fit into multiple genres by way of borrowing and recombining these conventions. Genre theory is a branch of critical theory.

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What is a film genre?

When filmmakers and movie critics refer to a film genre, they generally mean a specific style or subject matter. While a movie may have elements of a number of different genres, it is often classified under a single genre for reference purposes. Some people may consider director Mel Brook's movie Blazing Saddles to be in the Western genre, for instance, but its satirical tone and comedic writing put it squarely in the genre of comedy. Other film genres include drama, romantic comedy, action/adventure, musical and experimental.

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A film's inclusion in a recognized genre gives potential viewers some general hints about its

subject matter and suitability. If a film is described as a Western, for example, the audience should expect to see cowboys on horseback in the American West during the 19th century. There are also certain stock characters and dramatic situations associated with a specific category, such as a sheriff, a villain and a saloon bartender in a Western.

Categorizing films by genre is not always an easy task, since a dramatic film may have its share of comedic moments or a comedy may take a more dramatic turn. Some film experts will create new genres or subgenres to describe these hybrid films, such as action comedies or dramedies. In general, however, most films made in a specific genre, such as film noir or crime drama, follow the established structure and plot lines of that genre. A few movies may challenge the rigidity of their own genres, however, such as Clint Eastwood's deconstructed Western Unforgiven, which pointedly avoided many of the cliches associated with the Western film genre.

Film genres are similar to musical genres or literary genres in many ways. A filmmaker often understands what elements are expected in a specific film genre and steer the film towards that end. Certain actors are generally associated with a specific type of category, as well as scriptwriters and directors. The late director John Ford, for example, worked almost entirely in the Western film genre. Actor Hugh Grant is perhaps best known for his work in the romantic comedy genre. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer specializes in the action film genre.

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ACTIONAction film is a genre wherein physical action takes precedence in the storytelling. The film will often have continuous motion and action including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. The story usually revolves around a hero that has a goal, but is facing incredible odds to obtain it.

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ADVENTUREComedy is a genre of film that uses humor as a driving force. The aim of a comedy film is to illicit laughter from the audience through entertaining stories and characters. Although the comedy film may take on some serious material, most have a happy ending. Comedy film has the tendency to become a hybrid sub-genre because humor can be incorporated into many other genres. Comedies are more likely than other films to fall back on the success and popularity of an individual star.

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COMEDYComedy is a genre of film that uses humor as a driving force. The aim of a comedy film is

to illicit laughter from the audience through entertaining stories and characters. Although the comedy film may take on some serious material, most have a happy ending. Comedy film has the tendency to become a hybrid sub-genre because humor can be incorporated into many other genres. Comedies are more likely than other films to fall back on the success and popularity of an individual star.

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Fantasy film is a genre that incorporates imaginative and fantastic themes. These

themes usually involve magic, supernatural events, or fantasy worlds. Although it is its own distinct genre, these films can overlap into the horror and science fiction genres. Unlike science fiction, a fantasy film does not need to be rooted in fact. This element allows the audience to be transported into a new and unique world. Often, these films center on an ordinary hero in an extraordinary situation.

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HORRORHorror film is a genre that aims to create a sense of fear, panic, alarm, and dread for the

audience. These films are often unsettling and rely on scaring the audience through a portrayal of their worst fears and nightmares. Horror films usually center on the arrival of an evil force, person, or event. Many Horror films include mythical creatures such as ghosts, vampires, and zombies. Traditionally, Horror films incorporate a large amount of violence and gore into the plot. Though it has its own style, Horror film often overlaps into Fantasy, Thriller, and Science-Fiction genres.

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ROMANCERomance film can be defined as a genre wherein the plot revolves around the love

between two protagonists. This genre usually has a theme that explores an issue within love, including but not limited to: love at first sight, forbidden love, love triangles, and sacrificial love. The tone of Romance film can vary greatly. Whether the end is happy or tragic, Romance film aims to evoke strong emotions in the audience.

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The NotebookAn old man who visits an elderly invalid woman, reads a love story to her that centers around

two lovers torn apart by life events.


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The VowThe Vow: A car accident puts Paige (McAdams) in a coma, and when she wakes up with severe

memory loss, her husband Leo (Tatum) works to win her heart again.

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Romance Sub-genres:Romantic Drama

Romantic Drama film is a genre that explores the complex side of love. The plot usually centers around an obstacle that is preventing love between two people. The obstacles in Romantic Drama film can range from a family's disapproval, to forbidden love, to one's own psychological restraints. Many Romantic Dramas end with the lovers separating because of the enormity of the obstacle, the realization of incompatibility, or simply because of fate.

Examples: Titanic, Breakfast at Tiffany's, An Officer and a Gentleman.

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Romantic-Comedy is a genre that attempts to catch the viewer’s heart with the combination of love and humor. This sub-genre is light-hearted and usually places the two protagonists in humorous situation. Romantic-Comedy film revolves around a romantic ideal, such as true love. In the end the ideal triumphs over the situation or obstacle.

Examples: Roman Holiday, When Harry Met Sally, Knocked Up.

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What type of lighting is used in Romance movies?

Though in its very earliest days film lighting served merely to make the actors visibleonscreen, film lighting is generally used to add emotional value to a scene, building romance

and intrigue.

ColourColored lighting has an emotional impact on the audience -- warm colors are oftenthought to be romantic, while cold colors evoke hostility. This is used significantly in

"Gone With the Wind," an early Technicolor film whose director determined that thecolors should have as much effect as the characters.

BrightnessThe brightness of the lighting also sets the emotional value of the scene. Bright scenes are

oftencheerful, while lower light is more dramatic. In "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,“alternating bright and dark lighting between scenes gives the film a sad, romantic tone.

QualityThe degree to which the lighting is hard or soft is referred to as quality. Hard light with darkshadows is more raw feeling, while diffused soft light feels more sentimental. Soft lighting is

often used in romantic scenes, particularly in older films, such as "Casablanca."

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Titles and credits in Romance movies

In most romance film openings, titles and credits are shown in various ways. In the film Dear

John, some of the credits and titles are on a screen of their own. They com up on a blank blue

background with white writing, with the two colours perfectly contrasting, still images/close up’s

etc were not needed in conjunction with the writing. The writing showing the titles and credits

fade in and out, a transition which is very stereo typical of a romance as it gives the shots or title

screens a dreamy effect. After these title and credit pages are shown , the film opening’s action

begins showing John himself in the war. For a while, whilst this character is speaking, no titles or

credits are shown until he finishes he’s speech with ‘you’ and then another important credit’s

page is shown telling you who made the film. ( Lasse Halstrom ). As the film opening

progresses, Channing Tatum and Amanda Sefried’s names are both shown. Being the two main

characters within the film, the audience can now interpret who is involved because they have

seen that these two actors have both been given a screen to themselves with the credits showing importance.

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Setting in Romance movies

In most romances, there are stereo typical places that they are set. They are normally set in an

urban environment, a beach, a school etc, places where a chance encounter would happen.

When a romance film opens, it is likely that much of the setting will be shown to the audience

from the use of establishing shots and wide shots showing characters and much of the setting

and area behind them. Depending on where they are situated, this can sometimes help the

audience interpret what they think is going to happen in the film or where the action is going to

take place. For example, In Dear John, we can see that when the film begins, Still images,

panning cameras and long shots are shown to suggest to the audience that the places such as

the trenches and buildings in the war and the beach, could be the main setting’s used within the

film. A beach is quite a romantic place to go with a boyfriend or girlfriend and a war trench

could suggest loss etc so both of these settings help set the tone and mood of the film.

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What type of

editing is used in Romance movies?

The editing pace for Romance film often varies, If one character is falling in love with the other character then the editing pace is usually slow but then increases greatly to emphasize that

the other character can not control their feelings to the other, working in parallel to their heartbeats.

What type of music is used in Romance movies?

The music used in Romance films tends to build the atmosphere with the audience and the

music is most often soft pop music. Soft, classic music is generally used when the characters

actually meet and fall in love. If a break-up occurs then the music tends to start out soft but

increases in dynamics to emphasize their break-up and build anxiety among the audience

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What type of sound effects are used in Romance movies?

Sound effects used in romantic films are very limited as generally non-diegetic music is used.

If the film is a comedy-romance then sound effects are more likely to occur but in just a romance film, sound effects are more likely to be used to show success or problems in their


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