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  • 8/14/2019 Fifty Years Later


    Chapter 1

    Fifty years later, I have completely changed. No more Miss

    Nice girl. I officially hate every color except for black. That is the

    color my room is and every piece of clothing I own.I live with my new brother and sister Amy and Micheal. They

    found me when I was dieing in the hospital at the age of eighteen

    of cancer. Amy had saved me seconds before my death. I am

    forever grateful.

    Amy has blonde long hair and extremely long legs. She is the

    best sister to ever have. And her mate Micheal has long brown hair

    that covers his eyes. And the biggest muscles known to man. Even

    bigger than Emmetts muscles. Hard to believe, but yes.And there is lastly me. Nice Bella left a couple days into

    cancer. He left me to die. Micheal and Amy totally support my

    decision. I wear dark black make up every day to school and Im in

    orchestra at my school. I play the piano. Just like him. But I didnt

    want to play because of him; I choose to play because I learned to

    play when I was diagnosed with cancer.

    People then created a rumor that I wear all this make up

    because Im in mourning over my ex boyfriend. Im not. I mactually happy hes gone. I have freedom I have never experienced.

    Like learning how to ride a motorcycle, partying all the time, and

    pulling the most hilarious pranks ever that always end me up in

    jail. Despite the way I act, I ace all of my classes and arrive on

    time for school.

    I was now changing into black skinny jeans, a black v neck

    cotton t-shirt with a white skull on it, black five inch high heels,

    and a black leather jacket that fit me snugly. I put on my many

    rings and bracelets and I was ready to go. It took an hour just toapply my make up so I always get ready an hour and a half before

    it was time for me to leave. My make up was so dark today it

    dimmed my bright gold eyes into a brown gold color.

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    I grabbed my back pack on my way down the stairs to meet

    Amy and Micheal outside in the black glossy viper. Amy smiled at

    me through the window and I smiled back.

    Hey Bella. Micheal greeted me as I climbed into the back

    of the car.Guess what? Amy asked me as she turned around to face


    What? I chuckled.

    Amy could see the future just like Alice.

    The Cullens are arriving today. She wiggled her eyebrows.

    I shrugged.

    So what are we going to pull on them? She asked evilly as

    Micheal drove to the school.Nothing. Theyll be hurt enough when they find out I wont

    forgive them. I said lazily.

    Micheal then reached the school and parked into a space in

    front of the boring high school of Wisconsin. I got out and slung

    my bag over my back. I strolled passed the drooling boys with

    Micheal and Amy at my side.

    I kicked the door open with my foot, too lazy to use my

    hands.Miss Creswell! I heard a voice call from behind me.

    I turned around. Mr. Kirkham or like I call him, Mr. Triple

    chin, was behind me. He was the orchestra teacher.

    Yes? I asked.

    A new student will be arriving today that also plays the

    piano as well. Do you want to share your piano, or would you like

    me to get another one from the storage closet. He asked.

    Another one if you please. I sometimes get carried away and

    new compositions pop into my head. I shrugged.Okay, that is all. See you after lunch. He smiled and

    walked away.

    I made a sound of disgust in the back of my throat and

    continued to my locker. Just the look of his hands touching my

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    piano was disgusting. No one has touched my precious ivory keys

    except for me. And I hope to keep it that way.

    After jamming my bag into my locker, I clicked down the

    hallway to my Spanish class. I was greeted at the door by my

    awesome Spanish teacher Mr. Hanson. He and I only spoke inSpanish because this was Spanish class, and also because we are

    the only ones fluent in Spanish.

    Bella. He greeted me.

    Hey Mr. H. I grinned.

    He and I fist pounded. See why hes my favorite?

    Shall we serenade into class? He asked with a chuckle.

    We shall. I smiled and laughed.

    We started singing La cuka Racha into class while linkingarms. The other students just stared at us and laughed. Mr. Hanson

    stuck a sombrero on his head and started to do the Macarena. I

    stopped singing and just laughed my way down the aisle and into

    my chair next to Amy.

    Thank you for joining me Bella. Mr. Hanson called from

    across the room with the sombrero still on.

    No problem. I laughed back.

    Mr. Hanson then changed back to English to talk to the restof the class.

    Well that was fun. But of you who need to, please open your

    text books to page thirty and read the words on the page out loud.

    He told the rest of the class while taking a seat at his desk and

    taking off the sombrero.

    I looked at the page over Amys shoulder. The words were

    fairly simple. I sighed as I looked around the room. Students were

    bent over their books, whispering the words to them selves over

    and over. I stared out the windows on my side of the table. Rainwashed down them, leaving their own individual rivers.

    The class was soon over and the bell rang. Mr. Hanson stood

    at the front door handing us back our graded test papers. He gave

    mine back with a chuckle. I laughed at my paper too. I had drawn

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    an army of evil teddy bears on the side in the spare time I had left

    on the test.

    Mr. Hanson gave me an extra point for the picture of the

    bears and a cool written next to it. Spanish is officially my favorite

    class. I skipped down the halls lightly to my next class, Trig. I ranto my seat next to Micheal and sat down. But I sat in it too fast and

    I toppled over into him, sending us both to the ground.

    He laughed under me and helped me up off the floor.

    What did you want to show me that sent you running into

    me? He asked.

    Mr. H gave me extra credit for the picture of my evil army

    of bears! I said excited.

    I shoved the paper in his face and he pulled it away toexamine it. He laughed and gave the picture back to me. I saw the

    president of Micheals fan club walk into the room. Micheal saw

    her too and pulled the hood of his jacket over his head.

    Our Trig teacher stood behind him disapprovingly. I coughed

    to Micheal to tell him that the teacher was behind him, but Micheal

    didnt get my message. The teacher grabbed the strings of his

    hood and yanked on them.

    The hood enclosed his whole face except for a small hole onhis mouth.

    Im blind! He yelled.

    The whole class laughed and I pulled back the hood off his

    head. The teacher walked back up the aisle and began teaching the

    lecture. I barely paid attention. I hate this subject because theres

    nothing worth to listen to. I tuned out the drone of the teachers

    voice and just stared out the window.

    A flash of thunder echoed outside the window and many of

    the students jumped in surprise. I grinned and turned to Micheal.Baseball. He whispered in anticipation.

    He and I fist pounded under the table.

    The teacher just continued to drone on and on as the minutes

    ticked by slowly. When the bell finally rang the students all filed

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    out of the classroom and Micheal and I got up. We said goodbye

    before taking our separate ways to class.

    I jogged to my history class through the crowd of swooning

    boys as I passed. Typical. Just because everyone knew I was single

    every boy was ready to take bullet for me. I sat in my assigned seatnext to this pimple faced boy with wide horn rimmed glasses.

    His heart rate sped up as he looked at me. I just kept my gaze

    away from him and stared at the chalk board with a bored

    expression. We were told to open our text books and the sound of

    rustling papers filled the room.

    Perfect. Were learning about the Epidemic in 1918. I rolled

    my eyes. How fitting. I just stared off into space while looking at

    my book. And what seemed like in no time at all, the bell rang forlunch.

    I hurried out of my seat and walked to my locker. I put my

    books in my locker and walked to the lunch room. But on my way

    to my lunch table, I passed the Cullens table. I heard seven gasps

    and I just chuckled.

    Amy and Micheal looked at the Cullens and laughed. I sat

    down next to Amy and propped my feet on the table.

    So I heard you and Mr. H sang a song in first period. Amysaid as she tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder.

    Yeah. And he gave me extra credit on my test for the picture

    of evil teddy bears. I laughed.

    Hey Bella! Guess who this is? Micheal chuckled and

    pointed at his tray.

    There was a white mashed potato figure with orange messy

    hair made out of carrot scrapings. I curled my hand into a fist and

    smashed the model of Edward onto his tray with a bang. I wiped

    my hand off on a napkin.He was so young! Micheal cried and threw his hands up in

    the air.

    More like too old. I mumbled.

    Gosh Bella, youre so violent. Micheal said to me.

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    Dont play with your food. I told him pointing to the

    orange and white mush.

    Well Im not going to eat it! He said exasperated.

    Then throw it away. I said gesturing to the garbage can.

    Smash my dreams and I will make that figure again. Hethreatened as he got up and dumped his tray.

    I swore in Spanish.

    What was that? I heard a voice from behind me.

    I leaned my head over my chair to see who it was. Mr. H was

    grinning down at me.

    Oh come on! Youre my favorite teacher! I started in

    Spanish and smiled at him.

    He laughed.And you are my favorite student. He replied with a smile.

    He took out his I pod and I cheered. He and I snuck up to the

    stage in cafeteria. He and I plugged in his I pod and I searched

    through his song list. I put on tapp by 30h!3. He and I bobbed our

    heads to the beat and started to dance.

    All the students whistled and got up to dance as well. Some

    even got on top of the lunch tables. Cyclone by Baby Bash came

    on and everyone cheered. I started to move my hips to the beat andpeople cheered me on and I laughed. I started to dance in a way

    that should be illegal and some of the boys gathered at the foot of

    the stage.

    Mr. H took stood next to me and started to copy my dance

    moves. He and I laughed as some students got their phones out and

    started to record. Mr. H and I turned around and slapped our butts

    as our final move as the song ended. He and I laughed and fist

    pounded before we removed his I pod.

    You are officially the coolest teacher in the world. Ideclared and threw my hands up into the air.

    I know I am. He said in a girly tone, bobbed his head and

    snapped his fingers in a z formation.

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    We laughed and hopped off the stage. I was followed by

    many drooling boys to my table. I sat into my chair and waved

    them off. They all slumped back to their tables, rejected.

    Thats a record Bella. Ten rejected in one go this time.

    Amy approved.I looked at the clock above the entrance to the cafeteria.

    Im going to go now. I sighed and heaved myself out of my


    I walked past the Cullen table. Their mouths hanging open in


    You better close your mouths, dont want to catch flies. I

    said to them with a smirk as I passed.

    I exited the cafeteria and walked down the hallway silently tothe orchestra room. I entered the room to find another grand piano

    next to mine in the room. I walked past the Chellos and Violins and

    sat on the bench of my piano.

    I stroked the keys softly and stared out the window.

    Untouched by the veronicas popped into my head and I began to

    play. The notes filled the room and I closed my eyes as I played. I

    sighed in content and smiled lightly.

    When I finished the song, I continued onto my piece I hadcreated during my first few days playing the piano. The song was

    filled with soft, sad notes. About how I became depressed my first

    few months when Edward left. The song then changed into angry

    notes as I thought about how much I hated him.

    I bent more over the keys, my emotions getting to me. My

    brow furrowed as the notes got even angrier. I finished my song

    with a sharp note and rested my hands angrily on the keys, making

    an awful sound of notes.

    I heard clapping and I opened my eyes. Edward was in frontof me, his eyes locked mine.

    I didnt know you could play. He said a few moments later.

    I can. I said short.

    Why did you decide to play? He asked as he leaned on the


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    When I was diagnosed with cancer, my nurse was a pianist.

    She taught me how to play. I answered.

    Edward then looked very concerned.

    When were you diagnosed with cancer? He asked as if he

    was a doctor.A few days after you left. I sneered.

    His face looked pained.

    Im so sorry Bella. He murmured.

    Why should you care? You didnt care then, or now. My

    eyes turned into slits.

    But I do care. I really care about you Bella. I always have.

    His voice pleaded.

    Oh no. Hes not pulling that on me. Jack ass.Sure. We can go with that. I seethed.

    Bella. I know I hurt you back then, but I had to. I was going

    to leave you for your protection. He begged.

    I know you werent going to change me because you were

    afraid of damning my soul, but in three weeks time, I became one

    of you. If you hadnt left, you wouldnt have any other choice but

    to change me if you wanted to keep me. And after the change, we

    would have been happy and together. But all I could think of as Iabout died was that I was dieing and you didnt love me. I said


    His mouth opened slightly and his eyes scrunched up in pain.

    But I do love you Bella. I truly do. He cried as he moved

    around the piano towards me.

    I got up and stood on the other side facing him.

    And I do believe you. But I hate you. I spat.

    He flinched.

    The other students came into the room. I took my seat on thepiano bench once again. Edward stood next to me and bent down

    towards me.

    Please forgive me Bella. He begged the other students were


    Save it Edward. I snapped and looked away from him.

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    He sighed and walked over towards the other piano and sat

    down. His back hunched and he looked at the keys.

    There was much whispering.

    That has to be her ex boyfriend. A female voice whispered.

    Serves him right for leaving her. A male whispered.Oh. If he needs a shoulder to cry on, Im free. A girls

    voice whispered.

    I chuckled quietly at the last whisper. I got up and opened the

    benchs storage compartment. I sifted through the many

    compositions I had created until I found some blank pieces. I took

    out my black colored pencil and began to write the notes down that

    just had popped into my head.

    I checked the clock when I was done. Mr. Kirkham walkedinto the room. He strolled over to my piano and looked at what I

    had composed.

    He nodded his head in approval.

    Play it please. He demanded.

    I nodded and sat the papers in front of me.

    (Yiruma- When the love falls)

    I finished to a round of applause. That my friend is Edward

    created into music.Mr. Kirkham coughed and we all directed our attention to


    Our concert is coming up soon. We will be merging with the

    chorus class in the concert. Bella, you will be the main pianist. We

    will be doing Viva la Vida by Cold play, a couple of songs from the

    pirates of the Caribbean: Blood Ritual, Will and Elizabeth, and to

    the pirates cave. And pyramid song by Radiohead. He told us

    looking at a list on his clipboard.

    What is the dress code for the concert? A female Cellistasked.

    Black skirt and dress shoes for the ladies with a white dress

    shirt, and Black dress pants and dress shoes with a white button up

    for the boys. He answered.

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    Crap. All I have is black clothing. I guess Ill have to borrow

    one from Amy.

    When is the concert? Edward asked.

    Next Monday night at seven. Mr. Kirkham said turning to

    him.But wed all like to hear you play Mr. Cullen. Mr. Kirkham


    Edward nodded and placed his hands gracefully on the keys.

    He began to play and I recognized the song in the first three notes.

    My lullaby. The class mouths dropped. Even Mr. Kirkhams. The

    music continued and Edward turned to me.

    You inspired this one. He mouthed to me.

    There were then many whispers. Many of the students hadseen that.

    I looked away and stared at my keys. I closed my eyes.

    The song ended and the class applauded. All except for me.

    That was wonderful. Does it have a name? Mr. Kirkham


    It does. I created it especially for someone a couple years

    ago. The name is Bellas Lullaby. He said softly.

    My eyes snapped open and I felt stares boring into my back.Well. Mr. Kirkham said in awe.

    Shall we continue the lesson? I asked, more like pleaded.

    Oh, yes. Mr. Kirkham said clearing his head. He blinked

    twice. Will everyone please practice what is assigned on the

    board? He asked the class, still staring at me.

    There was the rustling of music sheets in the back round and

    music filled the room. I got up and walked over to Mr. Kirkham.

    Mr. Kirkham, I am not feeling so well. May I be excused? I

    asked him.You may. He said gesturing towards the door.

    I walked quickly toward the door, and when I was out the

    door, I ran to the end of the hallway out the front door and into the

    parking lot. A gush of wind hit me and I let out a sob. I ran to the

    car and sunk to the ground. I continued to dry sob, letting it all out.

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    That was the only song that ever made me hurt in side. The song

    that makes me turn defenseless, weak.

    Because he played that song, this is the first time in fifty

    years I have cried.

    Chapter 2

    I sighed as I looked around me. I was still outside, sitting on

    the ground against the car in the parking lot. Wind swept my hair

    around my face. Another flash of lightening cracked through the

    air like a whip with the sound of thunder. The sky swirled in a mix

    of grey and dark purple. There was no sunlight to be seen.

    The bell rang, signaling that school was over. I heavedmyself off the street and looked at the school doors. Amy and

    Micheal were the first ones to come out; Micheal had some papers

    and my back pack. They ran to me with concerned faces.

    I smiled wistfully at them and Amy ran the distance left

    between us and hugged me.

    I saw. Its okay. Are you up for baseball tonight? Amy

    asked me pulling back to look at me.

    Yeah. I sighed.Amy released me and Micheal handed me my stuff. He

    looked at me sadly and hugged me as well. Over his shoulder I saw

    the Cullens step out the front doors.

    Lets go. I breathed urgently.

    Micheal and Amy looked over their shoulders with a glare

    and we hopped into the car. Micheal drove like a maniac. Excited

    to play tonight Im sure. The town blurred past us with rain

    pouring down the windows.

    The car screeched to a stop in the driveway and I opened thedoor quickly. Amys eyes glazed over for a couple seconds.

    Its going to be pouring! Wear shorts and t-shirts! She

    yelled excitedly. And no make up Bella! She added as Micheal

    and I ran into the house.

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    It was our inside joke. We love the rain. And because we can

    never wear shorts and t-shirts out in public, we wear them in the

    rain. But we only do when we play baseball, because it would

    look crazy if three teenagers were walking around in shorts will

    theres a storm.I ran up the stairs and into my bathroom. I grabbed a wad of

    tissues from my sink and wet them with water. I hastily scrubbed

    off my make up and yanked open the door again after throwing

    away the now black sopping tissues.

    I shrugged off my jacket and slipped off my jeans. I put on

    my tiny Hollister shorts which I dyed black. I raced down the stairs

    to see Amy in cute pink shorts with a white tank top and Micheal

    in brown cargo pants and a white tank top.You look so much prettier without make up Bella. Amy

    sighed as her eyes searched my face.

    That must have been the thousandth time she has told me


    I rolled my eyes and grinned.

    Come on! Lets play some ball! I yelled and raced out the


    I sprinted out of the house and into the woods right across thestreet from home. And when I was out of sight from the neighbors

    I changed into vampire speed. In a few seconds I heard Amy and

    Micheal running close behind me. I swerved in and out of the trees,

    my eyes noticing each leaf and rain drop to pass me.

    In a few minutes we arrived at a triangle clearing. Thunder

    rang in the air and I smiled. I turned around to see Micheal with a

    ball and baseball bat and Amy smiling up at the scary looking sky.

    Rain poured on us, soaking us in what seemed like a second.

    Micheal handed me the bat and took the ball into the outfield.I ran up to the patch of grass that marked first base. Amy got

    behind me and crouched down as the umpire.

    We all played on different teams. It was the only way it

    seemed fair. I nodded at Micheal on the pitchers mound and he

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    grinned back. He hurled the ball and I swung my bat. It missed and

    landed into Amys hands.

    Strike one! She called and tossed the ball back to Micheal.

    I narrowed my eyes in concentration and positioned the bat.

    Micheal flicked the ball towards the bat again, but I swung too lateand missed.

    Strike two! Amy yelled.

    The ball was thrown back to Micheal and I let out a huff of

    air in frustration. Micheal smiled evilly and I glared.

    He threw the ball and I swung at the time the ball hit the bat.

    The ball soared out of the clearing and Micheal stared at me

    shocked. I grinned and ran to the next base. Micheal took off while

    I was at third base. But when I stopped back at fourth base,Micheal came back with seven other people.

    The Cullens.

    Amy hissed and got into a defensive crouch.

    No Amy. I dont want there to be any violence. I told her.

    She snorted and rolled her eyes.

    The Cullens drifted closer, their feet barely touching the

    ground. Carlisle held the ball in his hand. They all ghosted closer,

    all of them looking at me. Micheal joined Amy and me and hestraightened Amy out of her defensive stance.

    We heard you playing. Carlisle began as he held up the


    Lightening and thunder cracked through the air.

    May we join you? There would be even players. Alice

    asked in her beautiful voice.

    Why not. I said not smiling.

    Great. Shall it be girls against boys? Esme suggested.

    Wonderful idea. Men bat first. I said stepping up to Emmettand giving the bat to him.

    Emmett cheered and I cracked a smile at that. I stepped

    around the Cullens with the girls behind me.

    Who wants to be pitcher? I asked as I turned around to face


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    Me! Amy called and ran off with the ball already in her


    The other Cullen ladies stared at me.

    Hello. I said quietly.

    Alice, Rosalie, and Esme then all hugged me. I stumbledslightly.

    Bella. They breathed.

    I patted their heads.

    We have a game to start. Do you want the boys to win? I

    asked with a laugh.

    No. They answered and let go.

    I smiled and looked back at where the men were. Emmett

    was up to bat first with Jasper as umpire. The others were off to theside talking.

    Thunder then tumbled through the air.

    Eerie isnt it? I quoted wiggling my eye brows at the girls.

    I heard Emmett boom a laugh from where he was standing.

    Of course he remembers it. He was the one who had spoken the

    very same thing at my first baseball game with the Cullens.

    Emmett nodded at Amy and she threw the ball towards him.

    Emmett swung and hit the ball with a boom. The ball soared pastme and I ran as fast as I could to catch it. The ball hit the ground

    and when I picked it up; Emmett was running past third base.

    It was too far of a throw for me, so I ran after Emmett. Amy

    and Alice started to laugh, knowing the outcome. I ran quickly

    towards Emmett, and just as he was about to reach half way

    between the third and home base, I lunged at Emmett and tripped


    Emmett fell on his back with a crash and I touched the ball

    lightly on his forehead.Youre out. I said with a laugh and threw the ball back to

    Amy. Emmett looked surprised. I laughed at his face.

    Never been beaten by a girl huh? I like to see you beat me at

    football. I said with an evil laugh and a sigh.

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    I skipped lightly back off to my place in the outfield. Leaving

    the men all dumbstruck. Rosalie gave me a thumbs up and I smiled

    back at her.

    When it was time for our team to go bat, the boys had zero

    points. All thanks to Alice and Amy. Esme was umpire and Amygot up to bat. The ball flew at her and she hit it in time. She

    sprinted to the bases, stopping at the plate before home base.

    Edward was hardly paying attention to the game, always

    staring at me. Fifty years ago that might have been flattering, but

    now its just plain creepy. A magnificent thought sprung into my

    head and Alice and Amy bust out laughing.

    Edward looked confused, so they must be blocking him. I

    walked over to Rosalie with the bat and whispered in her ear. Shesmirked and let out a chuckle before nodding.

    Just as planned, Edward kept his eyes on me. And when

    Micheal threw the ball, Rosalie hit it towards Edward, in all of the

    mens-even vampires- sensitive spot.

    His eyes widened and he clutched his crotch in pain as he fell

    to the ground. Everyone laughed hysterically. Even Carlisle and

    Esme. Rosalie ran around the bases, the men didnt even bother to

    pick up the ball.Amy and Rosalie made it back to home base, giving our team

    two points. I fell to the ground rolling with laughter at the look on

    his face.

    His..FACE! I heard Emmett burst out between guffaws.

    I heard swearing under Edwards breath and I laughed even

    harder. Rosalie had soon joined the ground with me as well, still


    A good minute later of laughing, I sighed before getting of

    the sopping wet ground. I stared at all of the drenched people witha last laugh. I stepped up to the plate and grabbed the bat off the

    ground with a glint of victory in my eye. Micheal grinned evilly at

    me before hurling the ball at me.

    I swung the bat in time to meet the ball and I took off

    running. The ball was still flying over the trees when I was at the

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    base second to last. Emmett came with the ball in his hand,

    charging at me. I laughed and continued to run. When he lunged at

    me, I curled into a ball and spun under him, as he belly flopped

    onto the ground. I got out of my ball still in motion and crossed

    home base, untouched.The girls all cheered and gave me high fives.

    Oh youre on for football! Emmett said threateningly as he

    got up and chucked the ball back to Micheal.

    Bring it! I said bobbing my head.

    In the end, girls won six to zero. I helped out a little by

    using more of my awesome ninja moves. The girls all said one last

    goodbye to me before I walked out towards the outfield to say

    good bye to the other guys, all except for Edward.Micheal laughed as I strutted over to him with Amy, singing

    we are the champions by queen drunkenly, leaning on each other

    heavily, and walking unsteadily.

    Show offs. Emmett muttered.

    Dont be a sore loser Emmett. I said with a laugh.

    He gave me the Im watching you sign.

    Amy chuckled and let go of me and ran into Micheals arms.

    They kissed passionately and I gagged.Save it for the bedroom! I said with a look of disgust on

    my face.

    I might take you up on your offer Bella. Micheal said with

    a wicked grin.

    Okay, but if I walk out of my room to find clothes scattered

    across the hallway or I hear Oh Mikey! Im so close! I am getting

    the water bucket and putting you two in straight jackets. I said

    seriously looking at the intertwined couple.

    The Cullens laughed at this.Shut up little Miss Virgin. Micheal said glaring at me.

    And that is supposed to offend me? I said raising an


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    When I finished coloring the white on my converse black, it

    was two hours before it was time to leave. I hurriedly put on my

    outfit I had picked out and ran to the bathroom to put on my make


    When I was finished with that, Amy and Micheal weredownstairs waiting for me. We walked together to the car and

    climbed in. Micheal drove to school a little slower than usual

    because we had so much time left before school started.

    When we arrived, students were already arriving in the

    parking lot. Micheal parked beside a red BMW. Rosalie. Of course,

    there would be another group of boys surrounding it at the end of

    school today.

    I grabbed my backpack I had left in the car yesterday andopened it. No home work. Thats good, makes my life a whole lot

    easier. I opened the door and joined Amy as we walked together to

    our lockers.

    We arrived at our lockers and I spun my combination. I

    shoved the books I didnt need inside, but as I was about to close

    the door, something white caught my eye. I pulled my locker door

    back open again to see what it was.

    A white freesia sat in my locker with a note wrapped aroundthe stem.

    Forgive meIt said in Edwards elegant script. I sighed and when I looked

    in my locker mirror, Edward was looking back at me. I placed the

    note back in the locker and put the flower in my bag. It would die

    quicker that way. I shut my locker door and walked to Spanish.

    I opened the door to my class and sat down next to Amy at

    our table.Decided to make you feel all lovey did he? Amy whispered

    to me under her breath.

    Yep. I whispered back.

    Are you going to fall for it? She asked.

    Nope. I said confidently.

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    were endless with poems! I couldnt stay focused for long before

    my mind drifted off. So much to stay distracted.

    I sighed as the bell rang and I got up off my chair and walked

    out of the room and down the hall to history. When I opened the

    door, there was indeed another folded piece of white paper sittingon my desk.

    I marched up to it and set my books down before opening it


    Last night as I lay awake,

    A vision came to me.

    It was of you and I,

    A wondrous sight to see.

    And in the dream I had,

    I reached and touched your face

    I clasped your hand in mine,

    And felt your warm embrace

    I pressed my lips to yours,

    To taste your kiss so sweet

    You held me for a minute,In this moment that did fleet.

    I came back from the dream,

    With a thought of you that stayed

    With me throughout the day,

    And never once did fade.

    I swallowed back the angry lump in my throat and shoved thenote into my pocket. I opened my history book and began to read a

    whole different lesson than what we were on.

    By the end of class I had learned about ancient China and

    Rome while the other students learned about the epidemic. Pssh, I

    could do the test for that chapter in my sleep. The bell rang and I

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    got up and stormed out of the room, ditching my books at my

    locker. I walked into the lunchroom and stopped near the Cullen


    Emmett. Do you want to play football tonight? I asked him

    raising an eyebrow, not looking at Edward.Emmett grinned.

    You and me only. First one to score wins. At the same spot

    we played baseball. He said challenging me.

    Youre on. See you after school. I jerked my head and

    grinned evilly before walking off.

    I sat at next to Amy and she turned on me with an anxious


    Can I please see them? She begged.I sighed and took out the two poems. She read them eagerly,

    and when she was done, her mouth fell open.

    Bella, these are amazing. Theyre so romantic. I dont know

    how youre not affected by them. She said whispering the last part

    so low only I could hear.

    Without effort. I told her honestly and shrugged.

    Her eyes narrowed and she handed the notes back to me. I

    put them back in my pocket and just stared off into space, thinkingof nothing as I waited for lunch to end.

    I checked the clock and it was a few minutes before orchestra

    would start. I got out of my seat and walked out of the cafeteria,

    ignoring the whispers around me.

    Ever since Edward had played my lullaby and said I inspired

    the song, everyone has been talking about it. Her ex boyfriend is

    back, she hates him. It has been no problem at all ignoring the

    stares because I have so much on my mind, but the whispers are

    something Ill have to get used to.I opened the music room door silently and walked over to my

    piano. When I looked at the keys, there was once again, a note. I

    opened it with a bored expression and read it.

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    Every I love you, you whisper,

    is like rain for the trees,

    moonlight for the ocean,

    nectar for the bee

    A kiss bestowed upon me from you

    is like fragrance on flowers,

    heat upon the desert,

    mist from morning showers

    A glance from you in my direction

    is like flame to the fire,

    a twinkling of stars,a spark of love's desire

    A moment in your arms

    is like waves to the ocean,

    a rushing, primal urge,

    a sweet mix of emotion

    The days with youwas like joy without measure,

    a life without limits,

    I shall love you forever.

    I put it in my pocket and began to stroke the keys softly.

    None of this romantic crap is going to change how I feel. But when

    I thought that, I felt something pull a little bit at my heart. I shook

    my head and stared out the window. Students started to file into the

    room and read the directions on the board. I sighed and started topractice my lines for Viva la Vida.

    Out of the corner of my eye I saw the other piano bench

    beside me move and Edward sit down. I directed my gaze back to

    the keys. I kept my gaze away from Edward for the rest of class.

    And when it was time to go, I saw Edward get up and reach out for

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    Like you were holding a fragile heart,

    That could break any second,

    And then it shatters,

    And you don't know how to fix it?

    Then your world goes wild,

    With everything spinning but you,

    You stand still and stare at the moment,

    Not knowing what to say,

    Not even paying attention anymore.

    You want to say something to help the moment,

    But tears are saying enough.

    I want to hold the pieces of your broken heart,

    And put it back to one.

    I hold you close,Hoping you can forgive me,

    For hurting you so badly.

    And it's far from a lie,

    When I say I love you

    And from Health:

    People say if you love someone you got to let them go

    I say you got to let it show, let them know

    That no matter what happens, through thick and thin, your love for

    them will never bend,

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    Never break, till the earth starts to quake and shake,

    Till the end is for sure, till my heart don't beat no more,

    Till I'm lying dead on the shore of the river of tears that we cried

    over all the years,

    Never given up on the chance that one day you will come back

    That's why I tack these dreams in my head,

    Hoping I won't be alone in bed at night,

    Hoping well stop our fight

    Wishing that your life will get better,Wanting us to last forever

    But you say I'm too serious

    I'm bout to go delirious

    Why can't you just see that we need each other,

    That you're the one for me

    That no matter what happens we're going to go on

    Why can't we just do it now instead of sitting around

    Waiting for the moment when everything's right

    You give me hope

    Every time I hold you close

    I feel like I'm where I belong

    Every time I kiss your lips

    I feel like it can't get better than this

    I miss the feel of your body so close to mine

    You're like a grape vine

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    You get sweeter with time but if you get too close

    There's thorns that can make you bleed,

    Make you want to come back and see what's guarded so closeI got past the thorns, to the other side

    And what I saw could make you go blind

    The most beautiful girl

    In the worst of worlds

    So much pain kept up

    Just got to let it all out

    Not doubt bout what might happen again

    I'm changed Bella

    Ready for a new beginning

    I just wish you felt the same way I do

    Wish you could love me the way I love youEvery time the poems said I love you, I thought I dont. And

    each time I thought that, my heart would prick. I dont know why,

    but it does.

    It was now after school and I had changed into a black tank

    top and shorts. I was running to the clearing to meet Emmett for

    our football game. Amy was with me. She didnt want to tell me

    the outcome, because if she did, there would be no game at all. I

    was so going to win.

    Chapter 3

    Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Edward were all in the

    field. Emmett was holding a football and practicing moves while

    Alice was marking the end zones with white chalk.

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    Bella! Think fast! Emmett yelled and threw the ball at me

    with blinding speed.

    I caught the ball in one hand and torpedoed the ball back to

    Emmett. He was a little late and the ball him square in the chest.

    Emmett fell to the ground and I laughed.I appeared over him in the same second and smiled wickedly

    down at him. He glared up at me.

    You need to be better if you want to beat me. I said

    bobbing my head.

    He got up and towered over me. I just stared up at him at

    waited with a blank expression. He narrowed his eyes at me and I

    just gave him a cheesy smile and batted my eyelashes. He scoffed

    and handed me the ball.Ladies first. He said with a smirk.

    Okay. Ill be easy on you. The first one to score two touch

    downs wins. I said taking the ball.

    Fine. Up for a little bet? He asked me with a devilish grin.

    Sure. I said with a shrug.

    His eyes flashed to Edward for a second and back to me.

    If you lose you have to kiss Edward on the lips. He said

    crossing his arms across his chest confidently and turning his headup.


    Okay, deal. And if you loose, you have to kiss Edward on

    the lips. With tongue. I said emphasizing the last part.

    There was a sound of disgust and many laughs. Emmetts

    eyes grew wide and his jaw opened. I closed his mouth with my

    finger and walked off to the center of the field with Emmett

    following behind.

    I set the ball in the center, and Emmett got in front of me,facing me and the ball.

    And..GO! Alice announced.

    I quickly grabbed the ball and spun past Emmett. I was about

    to make it past eighty yards, when I saw a huge object flying at me.

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    I faked and ran behind the now crashing Emmett and into the

    safety zone.

    TOUCHDOWN! Alice yelled.

    I walked back to the center with the ball in my hand. Emmett

    was already there, waiting for me.Emmett! Youre loosing it man! I heard Jasper complain.

    I have a feeling they bet on who would win. I set the ball

    back in the center and waited for Alice to say go.

    GO! She yelled.

    Emmett grabbed the ball, but I jumped up and put Emmett in

    a head lock and knocked him to the ground. There were many

    oooohhhhs. Emmett shook it off and got back up and put the ball

    in the center.GO! Alice yelled

    I grabbed the ball and kneed Emmett between the legs before

    running off with the ball. There was hysterical laughter, and when I

    looked back at Emmett he was still on the ground. I let out an extra

    burst of speed and crossed the end zone with a hoot of victory.

    TOUCHDOWN! BELLA WINS! Alice announced.

    I walked back to everyone towing Emmett along with me.

    Yousuck. He rasped.I just laughed.

    Rosalie and Alice were holding down Edward while I

    approached holding Emmett up to kiss him. Emmett and Edward

    scrunched their eyes closed and puckered their lips. We all started

    laughing at their faces. Emmetts and Edwards lips touched and

    opened their mouths to reveal their tongues. They kissed for a

    second before coughing and spitting on the ground.

    We released them and I joined the girls behind them. I

    laughed when I had seen that Amy had recorded the whole thingand labeled it as Emmett and Edward getting hot and heavy.

    They were still on all fours spitting on the ground.

    That was so disgusting. Edward moaned.

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    Horrible. I always wondered what it was like when Bella

    and Edward kissed. But I honestly didnt know it was this

    disgusting. Emmett groaned and spat on the ground again.

    We girls laughed and continued to watch Emmett and

    Edward spit out each others taste. It was five more minutes beforethey were satisfied and got up. Emmett glared at me and I smiled

    back sweetly.

    Lets go Bella. Micheal and I still have to finish some things

    from last night. Amy said with a sly smile.

    I shuddered but nodded. I followed her passed the Cullens,

    but when I passed Edward, our fingers barely touched and a spark

    shot through my hand. Edward gasped quietly and looked up at

    me. I just looked away and continued to walk.What is it with that damn shock of true love? I mean I dont

    love him. My heart tugged even more at the thought. Amy and I

    made it to the forest and we took off running back home. Tingles

    danced on my fingers and I tried to shake it off. But for some

    reason they wouldnt go away.

    We made it home and I walked into the house and sat on my

    bed staring at my tingling fingers. My bedroom door opened and

    Amy walked inside.Hey. She said and sat on my bed.

    Hi. I said still staring at my hand.

    I wanted to talk about something with you. She started.

    Okay. I said nodding at moving my gaze to her.

    Listen. I know your going to hate me for saying this, but I

    think you should forgive Edward. He really loves you, and those

    poems were just amazing. Any guy willing to do that for you is

    worthy of forgiveness. And, thats all I guess. Ive never been good

    with speeches. She said looking at me seriously in the eye.I just stared back and she sighed before getting up off the bed

    and walking over to the door.

    Think about it. She smiled slightly before leaving the


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    I sighed and looked down at my still tingling fingers. Should

    I forgive him? Amy does make a good point, but I cant love him.

    My heart felt as if a knife had been struck through it. Liar, my

    mind argued.

    What? I have hated him for fifty years! I snapped back.No, youve just been hurting for all those years. What ever

    you thought was hate was hurt. My other conscience told me.

    Stop telling me what to do! I yelled at the other me.

    I sighed and walked over to my book bag. I grabbed it and

    opened the zipper before dumping it all on my bed. And the last

    thing to fall out of it was the white freesia. It was still alive.

    Through the whole war of sadness and hurt, love was the

    only thing that came out unscathed.

    Chapter 4

    I ran to Spanish in a hurry. I was almost a minute late! My

    black sweater and skinny jeans flowed behind me a little bit at the

    speed I was running. I came to a halt in my high heels at the door

    and yanked it open. Mr. H was smiling and he shrugged it off.

    Thank you! I sighed in Spanish.

    I walked back to my seat, but in it, was a yellow rubberducky. My eyes widened and I stared up at Mr. H. He smiled and


    Eight tonight. He said in Spanish.

    I cheered quietly and removed the rubber ducky off my seat

    before sitting down. Time to announce the good news at lunch.

    I sprinted into the cafeteria and jumped up onto the stage and

    to the podium.

    May I please have your attention? I called and everyone

    looked up at me at the stage.

    Thank you. I have just received an important notice. Rubber

    ducky at eight. I repeat, rubber ducky at eight!

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    Everyone cheered except for the Cullens who looked

    confused. I hopped of the stage and everyone began to talk. I

    walked over to the Cullen table.

    What does that mean? Rosalie asked raising an eyebrow.

    Mr. Hanson the Spanish teacher has a party once a yearwith his students. None of the teachers know, so we wouldnt get

    in trouble. I explained and pulled out a piece of paper form my

    pocket and handed it to Alice.

    These are the directions to Mr. Hansons house where we

    will be having the party. Tonight, at eight. It would be fun if you all

    came. I said with a smile before I left.

    Amy and Micheal were about jumping out of their seats as I

    walked over to them. I laughed and sat down as I propped my feetup on the table.

    Its going to be so much fun! Amy squealed.

    Mr. H always has the best parties. Micheal said in


    Amy looked behind me and back to me.

    So did you forgive him? She whispered so low only I could


    My heart clenched.No. I whispered quietly.

    Amy looked at me for a moment before sighing and looking

    away. I dont know how to forgive him. He basically left me to die

    and I had no one to turn to. No one to hold me close and whisper I

    love you, no one to talk to, he didnt stay when I needed him the

    most. I swallowed a lump in my throat.

    My head turned slightly and looked over at Edward for the

    tiniest bit of a second. I turned my head back to its original

    position and looked down at my hands.He looked so pained. So hurt, so miserable.

    I have done that to him. I hurt him by telling him I could

    probably never love him again. And every time I rejected him, it

    hurt him even more. I am a monster. I have rejected the man I had

    loved. The one who would stay with me at night, the one who

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    protected me and cared for me with his life, who loved me more

    than his life, who left me

    Another lump of guilt rose in my throat and I swallowed.

    This was becoming too depressing. I have to get my feelings out. I

    got up from my chair suddenly and walked out of the cafeteriaquickly. I walked down the hallway and into the music room.

    I ran to my piano and opened the compartment in my chair. I

    hastily took out blank pieces of music sheets and grabbed my

    writing utensil. I wrote down the notes that swirled through my

    mind, and at the speed I was writing, I was finished in a minute.

    I set the completed song in front of me and began to play.

    The song was filled with guilty notes, sad notes, hurt ones, and last

    of all, love. I sighed and looked at the blank space provided for mytitle. I wrote down the title: My entire fault.

    I bit my lip and paper clipped the sheets together. I looked

    sadly at Edwards piano. He will never know how I feel about him.

    If he finds out, it would hurt him even more. I will keep watch of

    him from afar, making sure he is okay. I will be there to comfort

    him, but to never hurt him. I will never let him know that I love


    I was in my bathroom, in a pair of black tiny shorts and ablack sparkly spaghetti strapped tank top with a pair of high heels.

    I hardly put on any make up, too depressed to add more. I wish I

    could tell him how I feel, but I would just hurt him. I put a smile

    on my face and exited the bathroom and down the stairs.

    Amy and Micheal were waiting for me down stairs. Amy

    applauded at my almost make up less face. I grinned at her and she

    linked arms with me. We three walked outside into the midnight

    night and into the car.We drove quickly to the party, and were greeted by lights

    flashing through the windows. Thank goodness Mr. H lives in a

    house not in a neighborhood. The cops would have come to every

    single party and probably arrest Mr. H.

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    Micheal parked the car and we got out and walked up to the

    door. We opened it to see many teenagers. Some talking, some

    drinking soda, some dancing or talking to the Mr. H our DJ. I was

    then hit by a small person. Alice was hugging me tightly. I laughed

    at her and she looked up and grinned.Jasper told me you might need that. She smiled beatifically.

    I glared at Jasper from across the room and stuck my tongue

    out at him. He laughed and grinned. She let go and I walked over

    to Mr. H.

    Hey Bella. He smiled and waved.

    Hi. I grinned and waved back.

    I was about to play our favorite song. You ready? He asked

    evilly.I laughed and nodded.

    Pop, lock, and drop it by Huey and came and I cheered. Amy

    and Rosalie were at my side in an instant.

    I LOVE this song! They said in unison.

    We laughed and started to dance to the beat. Many other girls

    did too, and soon we were a whole group of girls dancing.

    Basically all of the guys were watching us. Whenever the song said

    drop it, the girls would all spread their legs shoulder length apartand bend them lower than a ninety degree angle. We would get

    back into a standing position in a second, giving the on looking

    men heart attacks.

    But when I noticed Edward, my breath caught silently and I

    looked at Amy. She and Rosalie were having so much fun,

    grinning and laughing. I smiled at them and they laughed back.

    The song ended soon and we stopped. Rosalie, Amy, and I

    leaned on each other. Exploding with laughter. We walked over to

    where everyone was waiting.Micheal and Emmett looked purely crazed and started

    looking up and down Amy and Rosalies bodies. They stared at

    each other for a brief moment before grabbing the girls and taking

    them away. Probably to a private area.

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    You three looked hot. Jasper said with a laugh as Alice hit

    him playfully.

    Thanks. I smiled

    You almost made Eddie explode. Jasper said giving

    Edward a playful look.Edward glared at him and I laughed. I looked quickly away

    from Edward before my emotions could get to me and Jasper

    would find out. And if Jasper found out Edward would find out.

    Amy and Rosalie then joined us with Micheal and Emmett.

    Each couple smelling of each other. I wrinkled my nose in distaste.

    Sorry Bella. We forgot. Amy said apologetically.

    It gets better after a while. Edward assured me. When you

    live in a house with three couples, it could be around the corner atanytime. Edward shuddered.

    Micheal and Amy laughed while Emmett, Jasper, Rosalie,

    and Alice hit Edward. A certain song came on and Alice, Rosalie,

    and Amy dragged me to the dance floor.

    After what seemed like hours of songs, a slow one came on

    and I started to exit the dance floor. But through the crowd of

    people I was passing, someone shot their arm around my waist. I

    looked up to see Edward staring down at me.One dance Bella. Please? I bet you improved since prom,

    He taunted with a slight smile.

    I chuckled and rolled my eyes. He led us to an open space on

    the floor and we started to dance around the other couples.

    (The veronicas- When it all falls apart)

    My arms wrapped around Edwards neck and his wrapped

    around my waist. My eyes drifted down to the floor. Looking away

    from his eyes. I bit my lip before summing up the courage and

    looking in his eyes.His gold eyes were a beautiful color. Sparkle shone in them

    and I saw much love and adoration in them. I saw in his eyes, what

    was in my eyes. The same emotions as him. My breath caught and

    I continued to stare into the swirling liquid of gold.

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    I was walking to Spanish, staring down at my feet. I feel

    completely awful from last night. Now Edward will probably never

    talk to me again. That is what you wanted. My thoughts reminded

    me. But why does it hurt so much? I asked myself as I opened my

    Spanish door.Not all of the class was there yet. I walked over to my table

    and sat down. We were having a quiz today so I just stared at my

    table into space. I heard Amy sit down next to me.

    You okay? She asked me quietly.

    Yeah. I mumbled back.

    Amy patted my arm and I sighed.

    Mr. H passed out papers and I immediately started on mine. I

    was the first one to finish and hand in my paper. I collected mythings before leaving the class room. I walked to my next class,

    staring down the empty hallway.

    I walked slowly, taking minutes to reach half way down the

    hall. I felt like something was pulling me back. That something

    was holding me down, trying to stop me from living my life.

    I was finally to the door of my next class when the bell rang.

    I waited until the students had filed out of the classroom before

    taking a step into the room. I walked over to the teacher andhanded him my homework before walking down the aisle and

    sitting at my seat. Students were no entering the classroom and

    reading the assignments on the board.

    I took out a piece of notebook paper and wrote down the

    answers to the equations on the paper. By the time I had finished

    what I was needed to do, everyone was in class and starting the

    class work. I sighed and took out another piece of paper and began

    to doodle.

    I drew a perfect row of squares and circles before the bellrang. I gathered my stuff up and walked out of class, turning in our

    work. I made my way down to history and opened the door. My

    eyes flashed to the chalk board. A quiz on the chapter I was too

    bored to study about. The one I could do in my sleep.

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    I walked past some students and sat down in my seat and

    waited for the test to be passed out. I took out a pencil and stared

    off into space. When the test got around to me, I answered the

    questions in minutes. I got up with my stuff and handed the paper

    to my teacher. He likes to grade tests after we have finished them.He looked over it and nodded his head in approval. He made a

    mark on the page and I was handed back an A.

    I walked out of class with a sigh. I walked down the hall to

    the music room. I was not going to lunch. I would have to face

    many questions there. I opened the door and walked across the

    classroom, looking at the dust motes swirling around along the


    I just sat down on my chair and stared at the keys. A songpopped into my head and I placed my fingers gracefully over the

    keys. I started to play the notes of Clair de Lune. Many memories

    washed through my mind. I closed my eyes and wallowed in the

    happiness I once experienced.

    When I finished the song, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I

    looked over my shoulder slowly to see who it was. Edward was

    standing behind me looking down at me. He took his hand off my

    shoulder and sat down next to me on the bench. I would have run,but right now Im too sad to move.

    He spun around on the bench and faced me. His eyes locked

    mine before saying anything.

    Bella. Why did you run last night? He asked me.

    I just looked away and bit my lip.

    Bella, look at me. He said in a soft voice.

    I didnt so he pulled my face around to meet his. His hands

    cradled my face and I leaned into them.

    Why? He asked again and his eyes scorched mine.I opened my mouth, but we heard footsteps coming down the

    hall towards the class. Edward looked at me sadly before

    disappearing and reappearing on his piano bench. The door opened

    and some students walked in and took their places at their

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    instruments. Mr. Kirkham came in last and looked at us both at our


    I wonder if the students rumors were telling the truth. He

    mumbled and looked at the two of us.

    Oh god. People already know about me running from Edwardlast night. Not that I care, but that moment was horrible, and now

    Edward was going to se it in peoples heads over and over again.

    When my eyes darted over to see his face, he was bent over the

    keys, about to play a song.

    He started to play a sad song I had never heard before. He

    began to hum quietly to the music, his voice creating the most

    beautiful sound known to man. Many of the girls were now

    drooling and the ones that had just walked into the room werestanding there with their mouths open.

    Sexy and tortured. The right combination. I heard a girl

    whisper in approval.

    I growled softly and I saw Edwards lips twitch in

    amusement at my response. He looked at me, still playing.

    Does that anger you? He whispered to me lowly.

    Oh the many things I could to do him One of the girls

    whispered.My eyes widened slightly in anger and my jaw clenched. I

    nodded slightly and turned back to my keys.

    Wonder what he looks like shirtless One whispered to


    My eyes widened and I let out a low growl.

    You wonder why he keeps going after her. A voice


    My tension relaxed. That is a good question. There are

    honestly so many other female vampires. And from what mymemories tell me, a vampire did want Edward. He should move

    on, have a better life. Staying with me is only bad for him.

    His lips would be better on mine than hers. A female

    whispered seductively.

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    My jaw clenched tighter this time and I pinched the bridge of

    my nose with my thumb and forefinger.

    good ass.good hairnice mouth that should be on

    my- I was about to scream when the door burst open.

    Jasper and Emmett rolled inside like they were in combat.Bella! Alice has warned us you are about to explode. We

    have come to rescue you! Emmett said holding his hands up in a

    shape of a fake gun.

    Get her agent teddy bear! Jasper said pointing at me.

    Emmett ran over and threw me over his shoulder.

    Emmett, Jasper you dunder heads! I yelled and hit his


    Edward was very amused and waved at me before I wascarried out of the room. We ran down the hallway, me still in this

    very uncomfortable position.

    If Emmetts agent teddy bear, than what are you Jasper? Mr.

    Control freak? I asked sarcastically.

    Haha, very funny. No, I am agent sexy. He said next to

    Emmett out of my line of vision.

    I started laughing hysterically.

    The doors of the school opened and we walked into theparking lot. I was set down in the parking lot, and laughed once

    more, wiping an imaginary tear out of my eye.

    Now, we are taking you to our house captive. And there I

    shall beat your butt at video games. Emmett said his voice full of


    We got into Emmetts jeep and started to drive to the Cullens


    No way Emmett. I am totally going to win. I said looking

    at him in the rearview mirror.He looked back at me and grinned.

    We shall see. Emmett said evilly.

    In a few minutes we pulled up to a breath taking mansion.

    Emmett parked into a large garage and we got out. I followed them

    out of the garage and into the house. I was lead into a living room;

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    the house was all a pale on pale color scheme. We stopped in front

    of a huge plasma T.V. and I was handed a controller.

    After Emmett had explained the rules to me, he set the game

    up and we began to choose our players. I was this creepy ghost

    thing while Emmett was a big bear with blood red eyes. The screensaid fight and we began.

    After two hours of the game, I had managed to beat Emmett

    every time. Emmett threw down the controller and hit his head on

    the back of the couch.

    Why! He yelled in exasperation and threw his hands up

    into the air.

    There is only one game left to see who is better than who.

    Jasper said in a low voice and lowered his head at Emmett.Wrestling! Emmett shouted, excited.

    Jasper and Emmett ran out the door and onto the front lawn. I

    followed them out and Emmett got in a defensive stance. I got in

    front of him and crouched down as well.

    The first one to pin the other down for three seconds wins.

    Emmett said before lunging at me.

    We darted at each other back and forth, stopping each others

    moves for a while. But when a silver Volvo pulled into thedriveway, I got distracted for a second and Emmett caught me. He

    had his body on top of mine, and I kicked Emmett in the stomach.

    Emmett was now on the bottom, my hands locking down his

    wrists. Emmett thrashed back and forth but he couldnt free


    123! Bella wins! Jasper announced.

    I jumped away from Emmett and grinned cheekily at him.

    Is there one thing your not good at? Emmett complained

    and got up.Nope. Said Alice as she, Rosalie, and Edward walked

    towards us.

    She has you beat at everything. Alice put her arm around

    my shoulders.

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    Im going to go. Micheal and Amy will probably be

    worried. I said a moment later.

    Bye agent teddy bear and agent sexy. I laughed before I

    darted off into the woods right outside their house at vampire

    speed.I speeded back home and was outside my house in minutes. I

    walked through the front door and closed it behind me. I noticed

    my back pack on the counter as I rounded the corner. I picked it up

    and walked up stairs into my room. But as my hand was on the

    knob, I smelt a smell different from mine in my room.

    Vampire. I whispered and sniffed.

    I opened the door and none was there. But where the smell

    was strongest, was at my window and my bed. When I looked overat my pillow, there was a single red rose lying gently next to a


    Edward. I thought and sighed. I walked over to my bed and

    sat in the middle. I picked up the rose and note and placed the note

    in my lap. The rose was perfect. Cherry red petals with an

    evergreen stem. No wilt was to be found, no thorn as well. It was

    truly perfect. I stroked the rich green leaves and the petals and

    sighed.I set the rose down gently on my bed and picked up the note.

    Please tell me.

    It said in his graceful script. I really felt guilty now. I set the

    note down with sadness. I picked up the rose again and laid down

    on the bed, stoking the soft petals over and over again. I smiled

    lightly at the rose. He would do this all for me, when I wasnt

    doing anything to make it better. I then frowned at the last part.I give up. I will tell him. But the question is, how am I going

    to tell him?

    Chapter 6

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    It was the night of the concert for orchestra. I had tried to tell

    Edward each time, but I had either chickened out, or something

    stopped me from telling him. I was in a white button up and black

    skirt and black high heels. I did not put any make up on as I left thebathroom.

    I exited my room and walked down the stairs. Amy put an

    arm around my shoulders. Micheal and Amy were coming to see

    the performance tonight. They had become good friends with the

    Cullens in the two days after I had found the rose on my pillow.

    We walked outside and into the car. I stared nervously at my

    hands while we drove. What was I going to tell him? Have I hurt

    his too much for him to forgive me? The car stopped and I lookedup. We were in the full parking lot; students were walking into the


    I got out and jogged to the front entrance. I traveled with

    some students down the hall to the gym where we would be setting

    up. A stage was in the gym covered with a red curtain. I walked up

    the steps and behind the curtain.

    Students were tuning their instruments and talking amongst

    another. I walked past the many students to my piano next to

    Edwards. He was not there. What?! Has he left? Have I hurt himso much hes left me?

    I turned around and looked at the entrance to the stage.

    Edward was just coming onto the stage, walking past the people. I

    let out a sigh of relief and sat down on my bench. He didnt leave,

    you still have a chance Bella, dont give up!

    I stared at my piano keys and felt him pass behind me. My

    body wanted to be closer to him, and my hands ached to hold him.

    Not now! You can do that all you want later if he takes you back! Ireminded myself.

    Mr. Kirkham stepped onto the stage and looked behind the

    curtains. He turned back around and smiled at all of us proudly.

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    The show is about to start. I know you will all do great. He

    said happily and stepped full onto the stage where the conductors

    podium was.

    We heard Mr. Kirkham announced the choir and orchestra

    before the curtains rose and we faced the audience.Lights blinded us and Mr. Kirkham directed our attention to

    him. The students in the orchestra began to play as I watched them.

    I only had to play for the pyramid song. Mr. Kirkham raised his

    baton and pointed at the violins.

    When we had finished all of the songs, we were applauded

    by the audience and the curtains fell again. The students all began

    to talk and get up to leave. Edward was passing behind me when I

    caught his arm. He looked down at me confused.Can I please talk to you privately? I asked him.

    He nodded and I released his arm. I got up and followed him

    off the stage and out of the gym. He lead me down the hallway and

    around a corner. Edward stopped and turned around to me.

    Yes? He asked.

    I took a deep breath.

    Im so sorry. I am hurting you all the time, and it kills me to

    see you in pain. I said looking down.He pulled my face up with his hand and I leaned into it.

    Are you going to tell me why you ran the other night at the

    party? He asked in a soft voice.

    I was hurting you. Whenever I would look at you, your face

    would be pained, and its all my fault. I said sadly and looked

    into his eyes.

    Bella, you were never hurting me. Jasper would tell me

    what your emotions were. You made me sad because he said you

    were depressed, hurting. And that was my fault. He said to me,moving closer.

    But I rejected you. I still hurt you. I argued.

    Bella, He said in a soft whisper and out his other arm

    around my waist. The only thing that could hurt me is that if you

    said you didnt love me. You never said that, so it gave me hope. It

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    gave me hope that maybe you still loved me. His face pulled

    down to mine closer.

    Edward. I sighed gratefully and put my arms around his


    Bella, do you still love me? He asked as his hand strokedmy face and our cheeks touched each others.

    Yes. I whispered and moved my lips to his.

    I kissed him and he kissed me back. Our lips moved

    together and he picked me up for better leverage. My hands clung

    to his neck as the kiss got more urgent.

    I love you. I whispered and kissed him back forcefully.

    I love you too. Edward whispered.

    And here we are, a happy fairy tale ending that should havehappened fifty years ago. But hey, at least it happened.
