Page 1: Fifty Fables of La Fontaine

Fifty Fables of La Fontaine

Translated by

Norman R. Shapiro

Illustrations by

Alan James Robinson

Page 2: Fifty Fables of La Fontaine

Fifty Fables of La Fontaine

T ranslated by

Norman R. Shapiro

Illustrations byAlan James Robinson

University o f Illinois Press

Urbana and Chicago

Page 3: Fifty Fables of La Fontaine

Illini Books edition, 1997

© 1985,1988 by Norman R. Shapiro Illustrations © 1988 by Alan James Robinson

Manufactured in the United States o f America p 5 4 3 2 1

This book is printed on acid-free paper.

Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

La Fontaine, Jean de, 1621-1695.[Fables. English. Selections]

Fifty fables o f La Fontaine / translated by Norman R. Shapiro with illustrations by Alan James Robinson,

p. cm.ISB N 0-252-06649-9 (alk. paper)

1. Fables, French—Translations into English. 2. Fables, English Translations from French. I. Shapiro, Norman R. II. Title.

PQ1811.E3S45 1988 84i'.4—dci9 87-28750


Page 4: Fifty Fables of La Fontaine


Preface xi

Introduction xiiiLA CIG A LE ET LA FOURM I 2The Cricket and the Ant 3

LE CO RBEAU ET LE REN ARD 4The Crow and the Fox 5


LES DEUX M ULETS 8The Two Mules 9

LE RAT DE V ILL E ET LE RAT DES CHAM PS IOThe City Rat and the Country Rat 11LE LOUP ET L’AGNEAU 1 2The Wolf and the Lamb 1 3

LES VOLEURS ET L’An E 14The Thieves and the Ass 15

LE COQ ET LA PERLE 16The Cock and the Pearl 1 7

LE CH EN E ET LE ROSEAU 18The Oak and the Reed 19

LES DEUX TAUREAUX ET UNE G REN O U ILLE 20The Two Bulls and a Frog 21

L’OISEAU BLESSE D’UN E FLEC H E 22The Bird Wounded by an Arrow 2 3

LE LION ET LE M O UCH ERO N 2 4The Lion and the Gnat 25

LE COQ ET LE REN A RD 26The Cock and the Fox 27

LE LOUP ET LA CICO G N E 28The Wolf and the Stork 29

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LE LION ABATTU PAR L’HOMME 30The Lion Brought Down by Man 3 1

LE REWARD ET LES RAISINS 32The Fox and the Grapes 3 3

LE CYGNE ET LE CU ISIN IER 34The Swan and the Cook 3 5

LE LION DEVENU VIEUX 36The Lion Grown Old 3 7

LE SINGE ET LE DAUPHIN 38The Ape and the Dolphin 39

L’HOMME ET L’IDOLE DE BOIS 4 2The Man with the Wooden Idol 43

LE GEAI PARE DES PLUMES DU PAON 44The Jay Dressed in the Peacock’s Feathers 45

LE CH AM EAU ET LES BATONS FLOTTANTS 46The Camel and the Floating Sticks 47

LA GRENOUILLE ET LE RAT 48The Frog and the Rat 49

LE POT DE TERR E ET LE POT DE FER 52The Earthen Pot and the Iron Pot 5 3

LE PETIT POISSON ET LE PECH EU R 54The Little Fish and the Fisherman 5 5

LA MONTAGNE QUI ACCOUCHE 56The Mountain in Labor 5 7

LA POULE AUX CEUFS D’OR 58The Hen with the Golden Eggs 59

L’A n E PORTANT DES RELIQ UES 60The Ass with a Load of Holy Relics 61

LE CERE SE VOYANT DANS L’EAU 62The Stag Who Sees Himself in the Water 6 3

LE SO LEIL ET LES G REN O U ILLES 6 4The Sun and the Frogs 6 5

L’OISELEUR, L’AUTOUR ET L’ALOUETTE 66The Bird-Catcher, the Hawk, and the Lark 67

LE CH IEN QUI LA CH E SA PROIE POUR L’O M BRE 68The Dog Who Drops His Prey for Its Reflection 69

LA DISCORDE 70Discord 7 r

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LA JEU N E V EU V E 7 2The Young Widow 7 3

LE MAE M ARIE 76The Man Who Married a Shrew 77

LE RAT QUI S’EST R ETIR E DU MONDE 8oThe Rat Who Withdrew from the World 8 1

LA TETE ET LA Q UEUE DU SERPEN T 82The Snake’s Head and Tail 83

L’HOM M E ET LA PUCE 84The Man and the Flea 8 5

LE COCH ON, LA C H EV R E ET LE MOUTON 86The Hog, the Goat, and the Sheep 87

LE RAT ET L’ELEPH A N T 88The Rat and the Elephant 89

L’AVANTAGE DE LA SCIEN CE 90The Value o f Knowledge 9 1

LE GLAN D ET LA C IT R O U ILLE 92The Acorn and the Pumpkin 9 3

LE M ILAN ET LE ROSSIGNOL 94The Kite and the Nightingale 9 5

LA TO RTUE ET LES DEUX CANARDS 96The Turtle and the Two Ducks 97

LA LIO NN E ET COURSE 98The Lioness and the She-Bear 99

LE LION 10 0The Lion 101

LE VIEU X CH AT ET LA JEU N E SOURIS 10 4The Old Cat and the Young Mouse 10 5

LE CERE M ALADE 10 6The Sick Stag 1 0 7

UN EOU ET UN SAGE 10 8A Lool and a Wise Man 10 9

L’AM OUR ET LA FOLIE 1 I oLove and Folly 1 1 1

Notes 1 1 3

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