
YOGA Ashtanga Yoga with Stewart Richmond Ashtanga yoga is a dynamic breath-led practice which links postures together as a flowing (vinyasa) meditation. Introduced to the West by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, ashtanga yoga is traditionally an early morning practice. Ashtanga yoga complements other forms of exercise by helping to release tight muscles, improv-ing flexibility and preventing injury. It also enhances mental well-being, helping practitioners cope better with life's challenges.

Stewart offers ashtanga yoga lessons for beginners and improvers at various venues across North and East Yorkshire, including York Yoga Studio. A doctor of Health Science, having conducted several clinical trials of alternative and integrative therapies, Stewart brings a direct but warm and supportive approach to his teaching. Dru Yoga with Chrissy Chelinski Dru Yoga is a graceful and accessible form of yoga based on flowing movements and directed breathing and visualisation. With its foundations set firmly in ancient yogic tradition, Dru ( from the Sanskrit dhruva meaning still and unchanging , traditionally the name given to the North Star, represents the still spacious point within us, the Dhruvakasha ) works on body, mind and spirit - improving strength and flexibility, creating core stability, balancing the chakras...

...building a heightened feeling of positivity and deeply relaxing and rejuvenating your whole be-ing. Dru Yoga is at its most potent when prac-ticed outdoors in nature - so Beulah is the per-fect place to make this discovery for yourself.

Flow Yoga with Rachel Gosling This year Rachel will be leading a flow class at Beulah. Flow is generally seen as flowing from one asana (posture) to another, using the breath, but it is also seeking movement and ex-pression within the asana. In this introductory flow class, we will be experimenting and feeling movement creatively and intuitively to find your o w n u n i q u e a n d i n n e r f l o w . Rachel Gosling from In The Flow is a yoga teacher as well as a lover of dance, movement and life. Rachel has always been a "mover" but found her full expression through yoga, as she recovered from physical and mental dis-ease. Yoga not only became a therapy to wellness, it also became a re-discovery of her true nature. Hatha Yoga with Bridget Rowan Hatha Yoga is the combination of asanas (postures) pranayama (breathing techniques) & deep relaxation/ meditation to create a balance & wellbeing in the body, mind & prana (life force). Hatha yoga is a powerful tool for self-transformation. It asks us to bring our attention to our breath, which helps us to still the fluctua-tions of the mind and be more present in the un-folding of each moment. It is accessible to all...

...Bridget Rowan has been practising yoga for over 20 years and teaching for 13 years. Her yoga roots fol-low the traditional lineage of Bihar (Hatha) yoga but she also deeply connects to Mother Earth & Moon Cycles & follows the Celtic traditions of our land & brings these influences into her classes.

Iyengar Yoga with Debbie Rosenberg Iyengar Yoga, named after and developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, is a form of Hatha Yoga that has an empha-sis on detail, precision and alignment in the perfor-mance of posture (asana) and breath control (pranayama). The development of strength, mobility and stability is gained through the asanas.

Debbie has been teaching Iyengar Yoga for Yoga for 14 years and practicing for 21 years. She holds the introductory Iyengar Yoga teaching certificate. Deb-bie’s teaching style is very much rooted in the Iyengar Yoga method yet at the same time is fun, motivating and based on non-duality teaching. Kundalini Yoga with Roisin Kiernan Relatively new to the Western Hemisphere, Kundalini, "the yoga of awareness," opens your heart, builds strength and releases the energy located at the base of your spine. Kundalini is without a doubt one of the more spiritual styles of yoga. Kundalini yoga focuses on breath and movement and challenges its students both physically and mentally.

Kundalini Yoga with Roisin Kiernan Relatively new to the Western Hemisphere, Kundalini, "the yoga of awareness," opens your heart, builds strength and releases the energy locat-ed at the base of your spine. Kundalini is without a doubt one of the more spiritual styles of yoga. Kundalini yoga focuses on breath and movement and challenges its students both physically and mentally.

Sun Power Yoga Vinyasa Flow with Emma Fotherby Sun Power Yoga is a flourishing and innovative style, perfect for our modern times yet still laced with tradi-tional yoga principles. It is a wonderful blend of flow-ing movement sequences, sun salutations, strength work, core, stretching, opening, increasing flexibility and breathing techniques with all the traditional asa-nas (postures).

Movement & Dance

5Rhythms with Chris Boylan The 5Rhythms is a simple movement meditation practice designed to release the dancer that lives in everybody, no matter what shape, size, age, limita-tion and experience. The 5Rhythms are Flow, Stac-cato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. They come togeth-er to create a Wave, a movement meditation practice. There are no steps to follow. Bring your heart, willing-ness to move and bottle of water.

Conscious Dance with Ben Major A conscious dance session where we will explore the layers of the self through movement, dance and re-laxation. We will start off with some structured se-quences to activate and warm up the body, before moving into free and ecstatic dance, and ending with a lovely earth sequence and relaxation. Along the way there will be a cosmic alchemical fusion of dy-namic beats and devotional chants, with elements of dubstep, dancehall, bhangra, classic/tribal/tech house, trance and many other genres, that will take you on a journey to the very core of your being.

Contact Improvisation with Alistair Edmunds Contact Improvisation is based on the physical explo-ration of how the body moves through its own intelli-gence & how two or more bodies, in contact with each other, can move together. It is a form open to all bodies & enquiring minds.

Alistair will be offering explorations into the funda-mentals of Contact Improvisation; fluid support, active listening, giving & receiving weight, rolling, pouring, falling & flying. We will explore our physical connec-tion to the earth, finding pathways in & out of the floor. In both solo & shared connected dancing, we will look at opening up possibilities of fluidity mobility in the body as well as adding soft expansion & light-ness to our dance.

Hanna Somatics with Sylvia Jay & David Fleming ‘Loosen up for the weekend!’ - Hanna Somatics with Sylvia Jay

Bring awareness to your muscles to free up your body ready for all your Beulah activities. The gentle somatic movements release chronically tight mus-cles, resulting from desk work and using electronic devices, stress, anxiety, accident or emotional trauma – the hazards of busy western lifestyles. You will learn how to ‘pandiculate’ like a cat - lengthening rather than stretching muscles, in or-der to loosen them and increase your range of movement without the risk of damage. Somatic movement in the tradition of Thomas Hanna is a neuromuscular (mind-body) training technique which has rapid and lasting results.

David Fleming

David’s session will offer the opportunity to explore Hanna Somatic movement patterns designed to assist the brain to reset muscle lengths and im-prove whole-body coordination.

Hula Hooping with Pete White Get your hoop on! A great have-a-go activity for all ages and abilities. You'll have the chance to learn to spin a hula hoop on different parts of the body.

Lishi Tai Chi with Lucie Williams Lishi comes from China and is a physical practise of ancient science and philosophy. People who practise Lishi become fitter, healthier and happier.

During the workshop you will be introduced to a wide range of exercises that strengthen different aspects of your mind and body. You will warm the body up, you will do breathing exercises, you will learn Tai Chi forms, Qigong and Moving Meditation.

Morning Gloryville Leeds 'RAVE YOUR WAY INTO THE DAY' at Beulah with Morning Gloryville Leeds.

Morning Gloryville was introduced to London in May 2013, taking the city by storm and seeing the concept go on to launch in New York, San Francisco, Berlin, Barcelona, Paris, Dublin and now Leeds. The sober, monthly, morning event has been going in Leeds since February 2015 and already attracts more than 500 attendees.

'Dress to sweat' is the general dress code, but any-thing goes. Colour and fun festival gear is encour-aged and the only rules are sobriety and authenticity so you can unleash the raw, real, inner you.

Never Alone with Akeim Buck Akeim is a movement Artist and will be leading a con-tact improvisation session at Beulah Festival this year. We will be focusing on the idea of play, releas-ing our inhibitions, the use of breath and connection to each other.

Nia Dance with Amanda Franklin Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that draws from martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. It empowers people of all shapes and sizes by con-necting the body, mind, emotions and spirit.

This year at Beulah, Amanda will be using a routine created by another Nia teacher all set to kundalini music sung by Siri Sadhana Kaur. The routine is called Grace.

Grace' is an elegantly crafted piece of movement medicine, designed to take you willingly into a state of grace, of effortless, uplifting joyous movement. The routine uses the music of Siri Sadhana Kaur whose inspirational, rich and passionate voice creates music medicine that speaks directly to the soul and gets your cells humming

Buddhist Meditation with Andy Young Andy Young has been interested in the transforma-tive power of meditation since his teenage years. Now in his fifties he has been a practising Buddhist and meditator for many years. He has completed a large number of retreats at Meditation centres. Andy is an experienced meditation teacher and has undertaken teacher training with Breathworks, one of the country’s leading organisations on Mind-fulness. More recently he has been introduced to the wonders of devotional singing and Kirtan and is now part of the wonderful Om Bhakti Crew. Andy will be leading meditation sessions and you may even find him singing!

Chakra Journey Meditation with Emma Fotherby Guided meditation to clear, recharge, align & flow with our heart, wisdom & life for peace, gratitude & awareness.


Journey Through the Chakras to the Heart of Mother Earth with Lynda Haigh Earth Heart meditation with Celestial crystal singing bowls and Cosmo form movement prayer - a gateway to higher consciousness - blending Celestial and Earth energies for Unity

Morning Chants with Bridget Rowan We will be coming together to chant the Gayatri Mantra, a beautiful way to start our day.

This is my favourite translations of the Gayatri mantra

“We meditate on that most adorable, desirable and en-chanting lustre and brilliance of our Supreme Being, our Source Energy, our Collective Consciousness….who is our creator, inspirer and source of eternal Joy. May this warm and loving Light inspire and guide our mind and open our hearts.”

Shamanic Drum Circle with Maria Wind


Join Maria for a Shamanic Drum Circle and experience a Shamanic journey to meet your power animal and receive deep cellular healing. During the journey you may ask for guidance on any issue that you may be experiencing at this time or be guided to your life pur-pose. Learn to reconnect with your own natural healing power, through the magic of the drum. No experience necessary, please bring a blanket and blindfold for your comfort.

Silent Sitting with Bridget Rowan Silent Sitting is simple just that, in our busy lives we are rarely given the opportunity to be still & silent, here at Beulah, Bridget will be holding the space where we can come together for reflection & medita-tion.

Yoga Nidra with Anji Craven Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique of physic sleep, practised lying down, where the body completely relaxes whilst the mind remains awake & aware & is led through the practise of sense withdrawal (Pratyahara). Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calm-ness, quietness and clarity. Yoga Nidra is one of the deepest of all meditations, leading awareness through many levels of mental process to a state of supreme stillness and insight.

come and build the best den ever! Fun and games in the woods! Light my Fire There are many ways to light a fire in the woods. This is your chance to experiment with a variety of modern and ancient techniques, tinders and toys to create fire. You will learn how generate an ember and how to nurture that ember into flames. Please bring a parent!

Caterpillar Singing Loudly Yoga with Jo & Ben (age 3+) A fun kids yoga workshop based on the yoga book for children entitled 'A Caterpillar Singing Loudly'. A fun yoga journey for kids (adults can stay if they wish, particularly if your child needs extra support), suitable from the age of 3 years and older. We will learn a series of yoga postures in a fun, creative way and then link them all to-gether to a song.

Circus Skills with Leeds Children’s Circus CircoMoto: Children´s MOTOR CIRCUS: Enjoy with your children Fun, Interactive, PHYSICAL Games + Acrobatic Exercises that YOU CAN PRACTICE @ HOME!!

Kids & Teens Bushcraft with Chris Ensor (Age 6+) This session is aimed at kids and adults. Chris will be running some traditional woodland skills work-shops including fire lighting, shelter building, wood-land crafts and environmental games.

Gimme Shelter Come to the woods and learn how to create a sim-ple lightweight shelter with all the right knots, or just

Faery Dancing & Pixie Playtime with Freyja Faery Freyja Faery is a performing artist who has been working with children for 20yrs. Freya dresses as a real life fairy of many colours. The most famous of these is the Fire Sprite (red fairy).

"I am very excited to be performing at Beulah Festival 2015. I will be telling Fairy stories as well as my own interactive story of "Freyja Saves the Badgers" I will be available all weekend for photographs with you and your little ones and I will also be doing workshops of "Relax Fairies" where children can relax and let their imaginations run free as well as sensory playtime, offer-ing a range of tactile play opportunities for your little ones to enjoy."

Family Yoga with Jo & Ben Wake-up and shake-up with some family yoga fun! Turn yourself into a jelly monster, come on an adventure, save the world, meet the sad crocodile, become a friendship tree, play yoga musical statues, turn your body into all sorts of funny shapes and meet the Yoga Yuppets in this super special family morning yoga ses-sion.

Let’s Play With Art with Kelly Boyle Whilst focusing on expressing and creating, Art gives us the ability to reach a state of peaceful distraction, from this distraction is born a physical creation and a sense of achievement, which leads to an increase in self-esteem. Encouraging intuitive mark making, shaking off inhibitions and negative thoughts of 'can't draw, don't draw'.' Lets play with art and have fun!

Lishi Tigers Kung Fu Lishi helps children to develop key life skills such as mental focus, physical dexterity, confidence and respect. During the workshops we will learn to move both quickly (kung fu) and slowly (tai chi) with mindfulness. Children learn to use wooden swords and sticks in a safe, respectful and fun environ-ment. We encourage the children to become more aware of their own bodies through moving in differ-ent ways and to also move with a partner to develop co-operation and respect.

Teen Yoga & Meditation with Hazell Cockell TeenYoga is taught across the UK in schools, youth projects and yoga studios. Quite simply, it is yoga for teenagers! The classes are gentle and fun, de-signed to work with both the physical and psycho-logical development of adolescence. They are suita-ble for complete beginners and those practicing for a while. Depending on the group a yoga class may include asana, relaxation, meditation and even some games. The meditation sessions are divided into two short mindfulness meditations with some time to reflect and ask questions.

Wild Times with Sarah De Nurtcheylo Join Sarah, a Forest School Leader, and together you will explore Lime Tree Farm. Go hunting for mini beasts, create a willow fish and search for na-ture’s top 5 watery beasts in the nearby pond.

Under 5's to be accompanied by an adult

DJ Ben Zulu Join Ben Zulu for an out of this world journey through dance music

Charlie & Ant Charlie & Anthony will be performing Hebrew love songs

Fuzzy Jones Miss Jones likes to describe her music as “a tea party with Joni Mitchell and David Bowie, where Burt Bacharach occasionally pops by for a cof-fee.” She has cited influence from 60s and 70s musicians, such as Bobbie Gentry, Grace Slick, Julie Driscoll, David Bowie, Serge Gainsbourg, The Beatles, Nancy Priddy, Jimmy Webb, Scott Walker and Dusty Springfield, and Jazz greats like Billie Holiday, to the artists of now like Dawn Landes.

Gong Bath with Steve Thomas & Dee Mischka Let your entire body relax while the sound of the gong penetrates the body and guides the mind. The Gong Bath� will soothe, inspire and awaken your spirit as you are bathed in sound.

Music & Sound

Jenni Noyes Leeds-based singer-songwriter. Her solo acoustic per-formances are described as beautiful, hypnotic, ethere-al, warm & inviting, with a seriousness, passion & time-less quality. Her songs & style have been compared to Joni Mitchell, Suzanne Vega, Elizabeth Fraser, Lou Rhodes, Ani DiFranco, Beth Orton & Martha Tiltson.

Jenova Collective Causing a scene amongst the UK’s hottest under-ground clubs, bars and festivals, their ‘no holds barred, take no prisoners’ attitude has been relentlessly smoth-ered over unsuspecting audiences all across Europe. Not afraid to go off the rails with tune selection you can guarantee these reprobates will hunt down & deliver dance-floor fillers & swung-out bombs for an all out in-fectiously pumping set that’ll have the whole tent bounc-ing.

Jonny O’Donnell & Georgie Buchanan Jonny will be returning to Beulah this year for another round of music performance. He will be joined by Georgie Bee this year who will be providing some vel-vety harmonies. Jonny will be performing his own songs. Expect some more of last year!

Kundalini Yoga Full Band Aquarian Sadha-na with Sangeet Kaur & Har Rang Comprising Jap Ji Sahib: the Song of the Soul, Kundalini Yoga session and Aquarian Sadhana Mantra with full band (Har Rang) live music.

Please ensure that you bring a head covering (scarf, bandana, hat…)

...Pens & paper will be provided . Write down any-thing that you would like to let go of this weekend and surrender it to the fire.

Natter, Natter, Sew & Sew with Heather

A chance to have a chat over a cuppa whilst getting creative & crafty!

Making Poems—Mapping the Way Home with Siobhan Mac Mahon We will journey into the wonderful landscapes of our imagination, with our ‘Magical Talking Stones’ leading the way. Along the way we will discover the words for both our own poems and a group poem.

Everyone welcome, (suitable for age 10+ - Adult) no need to worry about spelling, grammar or punc-tuation! No previous experience needed. (younger ’poem makers’ may need an adult to help scribe)

A Celebration of Performance Poetry, Music and Song from the Emerald Isle with Si-obhan Mac Mahon and Sabrina Piggott. Siobhan’s Poetry - passionate, funny, provocative and powerful - celebrates the return of the divine Feminine and our sacred connection to the Earth. Her poems chart both a personal and a collective journey to remember ‘The deep well of our belong-ing/The Holy mystery of our lives’

Sabrina’s songs are full of a sense of open spaces and possibilities. She has taken her rich traditional music background from her ancestral home in the countryside of Cork, Southern Ireland and fused it with modern industrial city sounds of her adopted Leeds and Yorkshire.

Lisa Marie Glover

"She is a wickedly clever and audacious word-smith, with a voice that can send shivers down your spine one minute and have you hot under the collar the next." Bill Mitton - Folk and Roots

DJ Matthew Cullen When Matthew gets on the decks, there’s no stop-ping him. Expect some serious dance floor fillers & hands in the air tunes. I for one will be up there throwing some shapes & getting right on down!

Your Body - The Most Divine Instru-ment with Sangeet Kaur & Har Rang Join Har Rang for an experience of the power and beauty of group chanting together with a deep connection with your own voice. Including insights into how Sacred Mantras have the ability to trans-form our very being, our consciousness and how to vibrate these Sacred Sounds within our musical instrument for the most deep connection.

Other Fire Cleanse Ceremony Fire is a powerful symbol that consumes indiscrim-inately with remarkable evidence of total elimina-tion...

Thinking Spaces with Rik Stack What would YOU like to think about; What are YOUR thoughts?

A question we shall be asking at Beulah Conscious and Creative Camp this year......

It's an experiment....... an exploration...... a delving into the myriad mazes of the mind from which, I hope, we can cooperate and collaboratively grow.

Building courage to go to the unexpected edges of ide-as by eliminating competition between thinkers. At this time, like no other, we share a need to explore, learn and develop our thinking.

We will explore Nancy Kline’s 10 principles of thinking: attention; ease; encouragement; place; appreciation; incisive questions; equality; feelings; information & di-versity.

Wild Foraging Walk with Craig Worrall (Edible Leeds) Craig will be joining us at Beulah on Sunday to host a wild food walk. On this two hour walk learn the gentle art of foraging, how & where to find an abundance of wild edible plants & discuss safe identification, mindful harvesting, preserving/cooking techniques & the senso-ry aspects of foraging.

Renewable Energy at Beulah Festival

This year Green Dragon Productions are powering the Sun Ra Dance tent with their solar generator & Resource Living are supplying the rest of the energy with their converted solar truck.

Thanks for joining us at Beulah Festival. We hope that you have a truly won-

derful time on this magical site & that you leave feeling renewed & refreshed.

We would be grateful if you could take as much of your rubbish off site with

you please.

We look forward to seeing you again next year.

Love & Peace

The Beulah Team á

Be Drunk in Love Since Love is Everything That Exists ~ Rumi