Page 1: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406


Charles F. Riddle, P.E.Program and Office Engineer

Bureau of Local Roads and [email protected]


Page 2: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406

Examples of Federal Programs• Surface Transportation – Urban (STU)*• American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARA)*• Surface Transportation – Rural (STR)• Transportation Bill

•High Priority (usually from multi-year ; i.e. SAFETEA-LU)•Section Funds (usually from fiscal year program)

• Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)*• Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP)*• Highway Bridge Program (HBP)*• High Risk Rural Roads (HRR)• Highway Safety Improvement (HSIP)• and others

* Comprise most of local program

Page 3: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406

Keys to Know• Federal funds are reimbursements – not ‘Grants’

• Projects sponsors are required to front money for engineering and then invoice for the appropriate portion of funding reimbursement.• On State let construction, the State pays the Contractor then bills the project sponsor for their portion.• In the rare case, where a federal project is let locally, the project sponsor is required to ‘front’ the money and seek reimbursement. In some cases, a percentage of the funds may be made available upon award of the project.

•Engineering Phases cannot be overlapped or combined when federal funds are involved (i.e., PE2 funds will not be authorized prior to PE1 Design Approval).• All Federally funded projects are required to be in the TIP (Transportation Improvement Program). TIP entry, monitoring and changes are the responsibility of the program administrator, not the project sponsor.

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Do’s and Don'ts with Federal Funds• DO Coordinate early with IDOT-BLRS.• DO Keep program administrator in the communication loop. • DO Be responsive to inquiries.• DO Keep a current status of schedule and funding as many federal fund programs have fiscal year constraints. Any changes to the TIP require lead time for approval.• Do not deviate from the approved scope. Any change would require approval from the Program Administrator or political sponsor.• Do not bypass the Federal Process, as funds for all phases could be nullified.

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Page 6: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406


Charles F. Riddle, P.E.Program and Office Engineer

Bureau of Local Roads and [email protected]


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Page 8: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406


Municipality:         Contact Information

Project:         Municipality          

Scope of Work:         Council/Liaison          

TIP #:         Consultant          

TIP Years (Ph II / Const):         IDOT          

Section #:                    

Last Constr & E3 Cost (date ): $            

Current Constr & E3 Cost (date: ): $         Date Prepared:   Date Revised:  

Projected Dates

Initial Est. Kick-Off Revised/Actual

1. Project Scoping     Notes          

2. IDOT Phase I Kick-off Meeting                  

3. 1st State/Federal Coordination Meeting                  

4. Categorical Exclusion Concurrence                  

5. Design Variance Concurrence                  

6. Submit Draft Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT (a)                  

7. Public Hearing/Meeting (or N/A)                  

8. Right-of-Way Kick-off Meeting (or N/A)                  

9. Submit Final Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT (b)                  

10. Submit Phase II Engr. Agreem't to IDOT (or N/A)                  

11. Phase I Design Approval                  

12. ROW Aquistion Initiation (or N/A) ( c )                  

13. Phase II Engr. Agreement Approval (or N/A)                  

14. Submit Pre-Final Plans and Estimates (d)                  

15. Submit Phase III Engr. Agreement to IDOT                  

16. Submit Final Plans, Specs & Estimates (PS&E) (e)                  

17. ROW Acquisition Complete                  

18. Construction Letting                  

Notes:         See IDOT Local Roads' Mechanics of Project Management

(a) 3 to 6 month review required per complexity and submittal quality "Federal Aid Project Initiation to Completion" Flow Chart for

(b) 1 to 3 month review sequence of events and estimated review times.

(c ) Minimum 9 to 18 months required from plats to acquisition

(d) 1 to 4 month review Prepared by:CATS-Comm. Liaison / IDOT-BLRS (7-11-02, 5-03)

(e) 7 to 10 days before Springfield BLR due date File Name:P:\DATA\CATS\[STP MILESTONES 5-03 doc.xls]Sheet1

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Major Milestones (thru PE1)

1. Project Scoping 2. IDOT Phase I Kick-off Meeting3. 1st State/Federal Coordination Meeting 4. Categorical Exclusion Concurrence 5. Design Variance Concurrence 6. Submit Draft Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT (review time varies) 7. Public Hearing/Meeting (if applicable) 8. Right-of-Way Kick-off Meeting (if applicable) 9. Submit Final Phase I Report (PDR) to IDOT (review time varies) 10. Submit Phase II Engineering Agreement to IDOT (or N/A) 11. Phase I Design Approval

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Major Milestones (cont.)

11. Phase I Design Approval12. ROW Acquisition Initiation (or N/A) (9 to 18 months) 13. Phase II Engineering Agreement Approval (or N/A) 14. Submit Pre-Final Plans and Estimates (per schedule) 15. Submit Phase III Engineering Agreement to IDOT 16. Submit Final Plans, Specs & Estimates (PS&E) (per schedule) 17. ROW Acquisition Complete 18. Construction Letting

Page 11: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406

LETTING SCHEDULE: 2010-2011IDOT - Bureau of Local Roads and Streets

Region One

Pre-Final Plans to Region One


Final PS & EAND

Draft Agreementto Region One


TIPRevisions Due


ProgramRevisions Due


Final ConstructionEngineering, Railroad& Joint Agreements

to BLR(Friday)

ROW Certifiedby Bureau of

Land Acquisition(Wednesday)



Service Bulletin(Friday)


August 21, 2009 October 19, 2009 November 3, 2009 November 6, 2009 November 20, 2009 December 2, 2009 November 27, 2009 December 4, 2009 January 15, 2010

October 16, 2009 December 14, 2009 December 11, 2009 January 1, 2010 January 15, 2010 January 20, 2010 January 22, 2010 January 29, 2010 March 5, 2010

December 4, 2009 January 25, 2010 February 16, 2010 February 19, 2010 March 5, 2010 March 10, 2010 March 12, 2010 March 19, 2010 April 23, 2010

January 22, 2010 March 8, 2010 April 6, 2010 April 9, 2010 April 23, 2010 April 28, 2010 April 30, 2010 May 7, 2010 June 11, 2010

March 12, 2010 April 26, 2010 May 18, 2010 May 28, 2010 June 11, 2010 June 16, 2010 June 18, 2010 June 25, 2010 July 30, 2010

April 30, 2010 June 14, 2010 July 13, 2010 July 16, 2010 July 30, 2010 August 4, 2010 August 6, 2010 August 13, 2010 September 17, 2010

June 18, 2010 August 2, 2010 August 31, 2010 September 3, 2010 September 17, 2010 September 22, 2010 September 24, 2010 October 1, 2010 November 5, 2010

August 27, 2010 October 11, 2010 November 2, 2010 November 12, 2010 November 26, 2010 December 1, 2010 December 3, 2010 December 10, 2010 January 21, 2011

October 22, 2010 December 6, 2010 tbd January 7, 2011 January 21, 2011 January 26, 2011 January 28, 2011 February 4, 2011 March 11, 2011

December 10, 2010 January 24, 2011 tbd February 25, 2011 March 11, 2011 March 16, 2011 March 18, 2011 March 25, 2011 April 29, 2011

January 28, 2011 March 14, 2011 tbd April 15, 2011 April 29, 2011 May 4, 2011 May 6, 2011 May 13, 2011 June 17, 2011

March 18, 2011 May 2, 2011 tbd June 3, 2011 June 17, 2011 June 22, 2011 June 24, 2011 July 1, 2011 August 5, 2011

May 6, 2011 June 20, 2011 tbd July 22, 2011 August 5, 2011 August 10, 2011 August 12, 2011 August 19, 2011 September 23, 2011

July 1, 2011 August 15, 2011 tbd September 16, 2011 September 30, 2011 October 5, 2011 October 7, 2011 October 14, 2011 November 18, 2011


**Cut-off dates that fall on a Holiday will be due the next business day          


Dates to be set

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Page 13: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406

District Procedures

Temi LatinwoFederal Aid Agreement Technician

Page 14: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406

Project Implementation

• Job Request form• Agreements

– Local Agency– Engineering Services

• Invoicing/Reimbursements• Project Close-out

Page 15: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406

Job Request form

• Use Region 1 form D1PI0004• Initiate the project, • Outline project scope, • Location and termini, • verify project has been established in the TIP. • State Job & Federal Project Numbers, • defines funding sources and allocates the funding to various

phases of the project. • listing of primary contacts for each project. • submit to the Planning [email protected] for


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AgreementsLocal Agency Agreements

– Between IDOT and a Local Agency– Federal funding agreements are reimbursable

Use Form: BLR05310• Construction Phase • Engineering Phase• Land acquisition• Utility work

Engineering Services Agreements– Between a Consultant and Local Agency– FHWA authorizes Engineering & ROW

• Engineering Forms- Preliminary Engineering form BLR05610- Construction Engineering form BLR05611

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• Invoice Form BLR05620• Reimbursement of Federal funds

– Local Agency Pays the consultant– State Reimburses Local Agency– Request for reimbursement sent to District Local

Roads and Street’s office for processing. – Project should be invoiced quarterly.

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Project Close-out

• Invoice Form BLR05620• Final invoice is required, no later than one

year from the date of completion of the phase of the improvement.

Page 19: FEDERAL PROGRAM Charles F. Riddle, P.E. Program and Office Engineer Bureau of Local Roads and Streets 847.705.4406

Top 10 Agreement Issues10. Math errors 9. Wrong project numbers. 8. Missing Project Addendum 7. Missing Consultant Payroll Rates 6. Missing Sub-Consultant Agreement 5. Incorrect version of the form 4. Project scope change 3. Fund Source changes 2. Missing TIP Information. 1. Project not Funded

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Temi LatinwoFederal Aid Agreement Technician

Illinois Department of TransportationBureau of Local Roads & Streets

201 West Center CourtSchaumburg, IL 60196

Direct Line: (847) 705-4179 Fax: (847) 705-4203

Email: [email protected]

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Contact InformationILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONDISTRICT ONE STAFFBUREAU OF LOCAL ROADS AND STREETS Diane O’Keefe Deputy Director of Highways, Region 1 Engineer 847/705-4110VACANT Engineer of Program Implementation 847/705-4117Carmen Iacullo Assistant to Region One Engineer 847/705-4626John Fortmann Engineer of Program Development 847/705-4118


Christopher J. Holt Bureau Chief 847/705-4201Chad Riddle Program and Office Engineer 847/705-4406

FIELD ENGINEERS (Project Managers/Contacts)Zubair Haider City of Chicago; Cook County Highways 847/705-4206Alex Househ North Shore; Northwest; Lake; McHenry 847/705-4410Melchor Mangoba Southwest; South; Will 847/705-4408Marilin Solomon North Central; Central; DuPage; Kane/Kendall 847/705-4407Temi Latinwo Agreements 847/705-4179 BUREAU OF LAND ACQUISITION Sheila Derka Local Program Coordinator 847/705-4291