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Page 1: February 2016 Forum

First United Methodist Church of Orange

The Forum Volume 85 issue #2 February 2016

Join us on Wednesday, February 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary to begin our 6-week Lenten journey together with our Traditional Ash Wednesday Service.

We will have the imposition of ashes and anointing of oil.

LENTEN SOUP SUPPER DINNERS & BIBLE STUDY February 17, 24 and March 2, 9, 16

6:00 p.m. in Messenger Hall

BLAZE PIZZA FUNDRAISER for SSP! Join FUMCO’s Youth group for our first SSP Fundraiser of the year!

This will take place on , February 9th, FAT TUESDAY! Stop by anytime between 4 pm and 8 pm.

Sierra Service Project is a Christian organization that gives youth the opportunity to serve people from other cultures. This summer we’ll be taking a group on a 10-day trip to the Spokane Indian Reservation in Washington. Our team embarks from July 22nd thru July 31st, 2016. When you present your flyer (which will be available at church) or show your phone at checkout, 20% of your order will go directly to our youth group to support our trip (specifically, to gas, lodging, food and registration). If you can’t make it to the event, but still want to support us financially, you can make a donation on our GoFundMe page. Blaze is located just around the corner from FUMCO at 101 S. Glassell St., Orange, CA 92866.

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A Message from the Pastor Foundations for Our Holiness

Read Romans 12:1-2 The Christian life encompasses so much more than receiving forgiveness of sins through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Our acceptance of Jesus’ forgiveness and our baptism constitute a new birth, the beginning of a whole new journey of faith through the Holy Spirit. When we say "yes" to Jesus and accept his offer of new life, our withered, atrophied souls are regenerated and the world becomes for us "a new creation." We are accepted by Christ, we receive his assurance, and his love is poured into us. Our first conscious awareness of this is a powerful and beautiful moment! And yet a lifetime in Christ is more than a moment, and maturity in Christ stretches far beyond the moment of new birth. The journey to holiness isn't always easy- - many Christians who begin well soon find themselves slipping back into old habits, old compromises, old patterns that conform more perfectly to the world of sin than to the Kingdom of God. So it is that Paul urges his readers to yield to God's grace, to receive the strength and aid of the Holy Spirit, and through God's grace be "transformed by the renewing of our minds." We also need to minister to one another along the way. God brings us together as a body of faith so that when we struggle we find help and consolation not only through the Holy Spirit’s inner witness but also through the ministry of fellow Christians who love and care for us. To truly become a body of healthy disciples we’ll need to become much more than Sunday morning Christians; our Sunday worship is wonderful but is only a small piece of the discipleship puzzle.

In the coming months I will be working with Peter Joseph, our Director of Discipleship, to create new opportunities for becoming “transformed together by the renewing of our minds.” These will include prayer ministries, bible studies, accountability groups, and work teams…just to name a few. The goal of all of these opportunities is not to create more “Christian busy-ness” in our lives, but to foster real growth and transformation - to nurture ourselves into wholeness as disciples of Jesus. I look forward to sharing this journey with every one of you. To truly become a follower of Jesus, we must become like him in every way: what is important to him must become important to us, his concern for creation must become our concern, his forgiveness and mercy must become our forgiveness and mercy, we must be obedient as he is obedient and his sacrificial love must be shed abroad throughout every aspect of our being. Only then will his joy truly become our joy. See you in worship…and beyond! Pastor Bill

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The Forum

Director of Discipleship

Sarah Fast and I went to the National Youth Workers’ Convention in Louisville, Kentucky this past November with the financial support of our church and the Orange Foundation. This is always an excellent opportunity for volunteers, and myself, to be refreshed and renewed and to have access to new resources. This was also a great opportunity for Sarah and I to deepen our relationship and have her immersed in the youth ministry culture by experts and peers. The theme of the National Youth Workers’ Conventions was to Go Beyond, and there were three take aways, which we are also learning through our visioning process here. We need to go where the youth are at, not wait for them to come here. That means going to their sporting events, plays/musicals, choir concerts, and being a presence on their campuses. Secondly, our youth are valued and have so much to share with us so they need to be a part of the ministries here at church and be put in leadership positions, and be a part of leading worship. Finally, the lack of intergenerational worship has led to the departure of our young people.

Why? One of the speakers, Kara Powell, an Executive Director of the Fuller Youth Institute and a faculty member at Fuller Theological Seminary, shares with us the number one reason high school graduates really leave the church.

Kara, what has changed the most in youth ministry over the last decade? The biggest change over the last decade is definitely the professionalization of youth ministry. There is much good as a result of this like better trained leaders, more called people, better pay, more resources, and specialized education programs. The downside is many churches feel like they can outsource spiritual formation of young people to their designated staff member. The result is churches have moved away from investing in the lives of students themselves.

So what’s the #1 Reason this generation walks away from their faith? Of all the youth group participation variables we’ve seen, being involved in intergenerational worship and relationship was one of the variables most highly correlated to young people’s faith. So in other words, while it’s great that there are better trained, more called, more specialized paid and volunteer youth leaders - the downside is that the gap between the overall congregation and the youth ministry is growing, which ends up being toxic to young people’s faith. As a result, students graduate and all they know is the youth ministry and the youth leader. They don’t know their church; they don’t know adults in their church. No wonder they drift away from the church because they feel like they’ve graduated out of it. Really good research indicates that almost half of young people drift from God and the church after they graduate.

In conclusion, we need to show our teens and teach our teens that the kind of love that God created and demonstrated is a costly one that involves sacrifice and presence, not one of convenience and superficiality. If you see me on campus, and would like to help impact the lives of our teens in church for Christ, ask me how you can get more involved. Peter Joseph, Director of Discipleship

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Peter Joseph, Director of Discipleship Email: [email protected] Cell: 714-473-8086 Office: 714-532-6363 x203

Youth Fellowship for 6th – 12th grades

February 9th 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.


February 21st 5:30 p.m.

It’s Car Rally Time!

February 28th 5:30 p.m.

Bible Study & Discussion, Youth Cellar

The God Squad

Just a reminder . . .

The next


takes place on

February 28th

at 5:00 p.m. The Youth & Young Adult Christmas Party at the Simpson’s home!

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The Forum

United Methodist Women February Luncheon Meeting February 11, 2016 at 11:30 am

Our monthly UMW luncheon meeting will be on Thursday, Feb. 11th. This will be our annual “Call to Prayer and Self-Denial. Following a simple lunch, we will have a program on “Women at Work: Economic Justice and Empowerment. This year’s offering will support national and international programs that empower women to gain the resources they need to earn a living wage in order to care for themselves and their families. Project include (but are not limited to) vocational training, job readiness and life skill training, and small business development assistance. The grant will also support advocacy campaigns to educate com-munities on issues of economic justice at a local, national and global level. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you and enjoying our time together.

30th Annual Woman’s Retreat February 26-28, 2016

Calling all ladies! It’s time for our annual retreat. Retreat will include time for quiet reflection, prayer, journaling, and worship. There will be group presentations and small group sharing as you feel comfortable. Cost for this lovely weekend is $200 (partial scholarships available), which includes your bed and linens, plus 4 meals (Friday night dinner is not provided, but there are a lot of restaurants within walking distance). We will be going to Aldersgate Retreat Center, 925 Haverford, Pacific Palisades, which is a beautiful place for renewal and the chance to focus on our spiritual life and growth. To sign up, look for a table in the courtyard starting on January 31st. We arrive after 4pm on Friday and will depart after Sunday worship (approx. 2pm). Carpooling is a must as parking is extremely limited. In addition to the basic outline of the weekend above, we promise a weekend of fun and laughter, and fantastic fellowship time. For further questions, contact Sandy Wilson, 714/637-4533.

Fundraiser for Retreat Scholarships Be on the lookout for news of an upcoming fundraiser at a local restaurant where you can support UMW by having a good meal with a portion of your check donated to UMW.


February 9 Mission Team Meeting, Library February 11 Luncheon Meeting; Prayer & Self-Denial February 20 Cal/Pac Conference Mid-Winter Event

at Lakewood 1st UMC,10am-3pm (see Joyce Claussen or Sylvia Coussa for further information)

February 23 Ruth Circle February 26-28 30th Annual Women’s Retreat March 8 Mission Team Meeting in Library March 10 Luncheon Meeting, 11 am

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A Note from the Finance Committee: Many of you have been asking how First UMC of Orange is doing financially. We are pleased to inform you that thanks to your support we have concluded 2015 in the black. Following is a breakdown of the income and expenses for 2015:

Income: $435,681 Expenses: $433,677 Difference: $ 2,004

Included in the expenses is 100% payment of the apportionment asking from the annual conference. This is the first time we have been able to pay100% in many years. All bills are paid and we have money in the bank. Well done good and faithful stewards. The finance committee is thankful for your financial support in 2015 and look forward to your continued support through 2016. We will be providing quarterly financial updates in the FORUM beginning with the end of the 1st quarter in March. Should you have questions regarding the church finances please direct your questions to Wayne Nash or Rebeca Espinosa-Rodezno co-chairs finance committee.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Newcomers Fellowship

We hope you’ll join us for Newcomers Fellowship this month on Saturday, February 27th at 6:00 pm in Messenger Hall. Anyone who has begun worshipping at FUMCO in the last 2 years is welcome to attend and enjoy dinner and an informational presentation hosted by a different FUMCO ministry each month. Please RSVP to the church office by Monday, February 22nd or contact Bonnie Joseph with any questions ([email protected]).

CALLING ALL FUMCO MINISTRIES!!! Haven’t yet shared your ministry with our Newcomers? Contact Bonnie to schedule your chance to host in 2016!

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Stephen Ministry Training Class

Are you looking for a way to put your faith into action? Then Stephen Ministry might be the place for you. Stephen Ministers are trained lay Christian caregivers who commit to meet with a care receiver frequently for an hour or so for one-on-one, confidential Christian caregiving.

A new training class will begin on Saturday morning, March 5th. from 9:00 to 11:30 in the Fireside Room. Please contact Wayne Nash or Sandy Wilson if you are interested or need more information. We are in need of both men and women for this ministry.

Church Info & Opportunities

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The Forum

Musical Notes

Music Opportunities for FUMCO’s Children

“Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord.”

The children at FUMCO will have two opportunities to make this joyful noise to the Lord in a musical way: “Kidz Praise” and “Children’s Hand Chime Choir.”

The Children’s Hand Chime Choir is a unique musical opportunity for children in grades 3-6. The hand chime is a musical instrument similar to the hand bells. Children learn the basics of reading music, rhythm patterns and the art of hand chime ringing. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings from 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. in the downstairs music room of the Sanctuary. The first rehearsal will be Thursday, February 4th. This group is directed by Sylvia Coussa.

“Kidz Praise” is a vocal group for ages 4 thru grade 6. Rehearsals are every Sunday (except the first Sunday) for 30 minutes following Sunday School in the Sunday School room. Rehearsals start February 14th. Donna Nelson directs this group.

Both groups will be working on music to be a part of the Palm Sunday worship service on March 20th.

For more information, contact either Sylvia Coussa at [email protected] or 714-667-7813 or Donna Nelson at [email protected].

Good Friday Choir Rehearsals

If you are interested in singing with the choir at our special Good Friday Service, rehearsals will be on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary, beginning February 4th.

Join us! No experience or auditions necessary!

Men’s Luncheon & Bible Discussion

Tuesday, February 9th at 12:00 p.m. in Messenger Hall

All men are welcome!

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Lunchbags for the Homeless Thanks to your generous donations our lunch bag program is doing great! In fact, the word has gotten out and we are serving more people than ever. Of course that means we need more food donations than ever! Items needed to fill the bags include: Vienna sausage, Beanie Weenie, granola bars, box juice drinks, individual applesauce or fruit cups, small boxes of raisins, cheese & crackers, peanut butter & crackers or any other item that would fit nicely into a sack lunch. All donations, large and small, are greatly appreciated. Please place your donated items in the specially marked collection bins in the Narthex on Sunday mornings or bring to the office during the week.

“When did we ever see you hungry and feed you . . . whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me”

- Matthew 25:38-40

Outreach Family Promise of Orange County

Mark your calendars for the weeks of February 7th and February 14th when we will again be hosting Family Promise. Family Promise is a transitional program that helps families achieve housing stability by providing short term shelter, meals, case management and hospitality. Plan to share some FUMCO hospitality with these families. We will be taking food and meal sign-ups in the courtyard on Sunday mornings starting on January 24th. If you have any questions or miss sign-ups on Sunday morning you can call Jackie Hanson at (714) 633-1203 or Joyce Claussen at (714) 633-4934. Thank you for your continued help!

Friendly Center’s Easter Fun Day Once again it is time to support our communities’ children by helping fill Easter Baskets for Friendly Center’s Easter Fun Day. This will be an All Church Project sponsored by the United Methodist Women. We will be filling the baskets on March 15th at 7:00 p.m. in Messenger Hall. We need your help to make it happen. Our goal this year is to make at least 100 baskets. Please help by bringing any of the following items and putting them in the basket that will be located in the Narthex starting on February 28th. Items needed are: large chocolate Easter rabbits, wrapped candy, jelly beans, sidewalk chalk, a hygiene item (toothpaste, shampoo, combs, etc.), a small toy or book (cars, small stuffed animals, etc.) and anything else you think might delight a child. We do not need: baskets, grass, cellophane, ribbon, large stuffed bunnies, Peeps or any candy that is not individually wrapped. If you would prefer to donate money please see Joyce Claussen. It costs approximately $10.00 to fill one basket.

Thank you! If you have any questions please call Joyce Claussen (714) 633-4934.

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The Forum

February Birthdays 1 Leissa Nazzareno 2 Charlotte Bradshaw 3 Sennia Corbin 5 Sarah Swanson 6 Donna Nelson 10 Janeanne Dominey 13 Kendall Meersman 15 Nancy Teigen 16 Anita Kelly Ron Kelly Betsy Ross Miale 19 Ken Brown Mary Lou Taylor 20 Terry Teigen 21 Florence Towers 22 Lincoln Irwin Christian Simpson 23 Debbie Tanner


Prayer & Praise Requests Mark & Jenni Fawver are asking for prayers for

Matthew Fawver who was in the hospital with internal bleeding and liver failure

George Longyear is asking for prayers for his granddaughter, Sarah, who has been hospitalized for a heart condition brought upon by depression. Her stay is indefinite, but all conditions are reversible.

Bob & Cindy Wilson are asking for prayers for their son, Sean, who is starting his journey as a Juvenile Corrections Officer. May he be surrounded by a heavenly protection and make a positive difference in the lives of the young hearts he will be working with.

Prayers for Hannah Taqrdie as she is spending a semester of study abroad in Istanbul, Turkey.

Prayers for safe travels for Amanda Flosi as she heads for a semester at sea with Chapman University.

Prayers for our shut-ins, the homeless, the hungry, the sick, the lonely, the unemployed, our military so far from home and all the others not mentioned, but known in our hearts.

4 Pete & Kelley Martinez 17 Ron & Anita Kelly 23 Phillip & Susan Dove

Nancy Bjorkland, Diane Brown, Ken Brown, Virginia Eaton, Jay Farrell, Bonnie Goodrich, Shirley Katz, Ramona Kemp-Blair, Cybil Low, Mary McKenerick, Jackie McCracken, Meg Murray, Carol Nameth, Charles Schroeder, Shirley Somers, Freida Stevens, Patricia Stone, Rita Suthers, Karla Turner, Nena Williams, Betty Wisely

Pray Without Ceasing

Joys . . . Concerns . . . Celebrations

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Outreach Ministries of First UMC, Orange

FAMILY PROMISE Casey Crosbie, Exec. Dir. 714-353-0428

FUNCO Parent operated child-care Becky Billingsly, Coordinator 714-944-7156

ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Orange Co. Central 714-556-4555 Meets Monday and Friday evenings in room 205

NARANON Meets Thursday evenings in room 205

161 South Orange St. Orange, CA 92866

Phone: 714-532-6363 Fax: 714-532-5496

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Sunday Morning Schedule 8:30 a.m. ......... Choir Rehearsal 9:00 a.m. .. Adult Sunday School 10:00 a.m. ..... Coffee/Fellowship 10:30 a.m. .................... Worship

Sunday School for ages 4-6th grade following the

Word for Children.

United Methodist Youth Sunday Fellowship

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. First & Last Sundays

Office Staff Telephone Extensions: Dial 532-6363 and extension: Pastor 201 Rev. Bill Johnson

Programs 203Peter Joseph, Director of 204discipleship

Mike Short - Director of Music Sylvia Coussa - Bell Choir Director Joe Schubert - Organist

Administration 204 Karen Mendoza, Office Manager

The deadline for the February edition of

The Forum

will be Sunday, February 21st