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Page 1: February 2015 The Dirt


The Dirt CCMG E-Newsletter Volume 7 February 2015

More than 25 members and Extension Agent Bruce Lee met January 10th for the first business meeting of the year.

Submitted logos for the 2016 State Convention were passed around. The following was chosen.

This logo will be on tees which will be worn to the 2015 state convention to show enthusiasm for the 2016 convention. These tees will be an orange, which will not be a color available for the 2016 participitants. Colors of tees and other items for sale will be chosen at a later date.

The spring Training Classes will be in March on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and 2 Satur-days. The cost will be $70.00 which will cover the manual and first year dues in the organiza-tion.

Page 2: February 2015 The Dirt


Jon Tooms presented a very interesting and informative program: “Pest Control with Organic Methods and Products”.With no adamant claims, Jon stated that “it works for me!” He is a member of Community Supported Agriculture and sells produce at both the Berryville and Eureka Springs Farm Markets. If you have an interest in organically grown produce, and do not want to go to the trouble to raise it yourself, you might contact Jon to sign up for garden items each week, with the option of substituting one produce for another - when available. Some of the information on the Produce Subscription Service, or Farm to Table subscription is as follows: Each customer receives a bag of fresh produce from Homestead Farms each week for 25 weeks. The subscription begins approximately May 1st, depending on the weather conditions. Three subscription sizes are available. Bags are valued at $10, $15, or $20 each based on current farmer's market pricing. In truth, values are minimums. Usually, each bag receives a bit more than the contracted value. And occasional “freebies” are included.

$10 Bag Subscription: $10 per bag for 25 weeks = $250, Discount of 10% for total cost of $225 $15 Bag Subscription: $15 per bag for 25 weeks = $375, Discount of 12% for total cost of $330 $20 Bag Subscription: $20 per bag for 25 weeks = $500, Discount of 15% for total cost of $425

Customers have the option of ordering additional items at the discounted price associated with their membership. All products are guaranteed. If you don't like something, we will replace it or provide something else in exchange. Email: [email protected]

I have more information available which Jon sent me. If you would like to know more, email [email protected] and I will forward it to you. Neta Stamps

A MountainWings Moment Issue Number 15015 Three Things Needed for Success

============================================== The three things that are needed for success,

TALENT LUCK DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINE is the ONLY one that you can control. ~Michael Chabon~

Page 3: February 2015 The Dirt


Master Gardener, Horticulture (and Other) Events

February 14 Master Gardener meeting Green Forest School Cafeteria. “The Frog Man” from

Yellville will present the program following the business meeting.


21 – 22

22 The Orchid Society of the Ozarks meets at 1:30 p.m. on the fourth Sunday of each

month at Northwest Technical Institute, 709 S. Old Missouri Road in Springdale.

The objective of the society is to stimulate interest in orchids and their culture. Monthly raffles for members and occasional public auctions offer affordable orchids for new and experienced growers. "Orchids in the Garden" show will be the following weekend at BGO.

March 14 CCMG Business Meeting

In The Garden

The above web site has the garden chores of the month and also covers subjects such as: Butterfly Garden Herbs Native Plants Reference Desk Reference Desk Archives

Page 4: February 2015 The Dirt


Get Ready to Garden:

2015 is the Year of the Coleus!

With the continued emphasis on foliage in our gardens, the wide and exciting range of coleus varieties available should nicely augment one's planting palette. Chosen as the annual for the National Garden Bureau’s 2015 program, coleus is a durable plant with very significant gardening potential for almost all gardeners and their garden situations.

For more information: Thanks to Mariellen Griffith

If you are not currently following Janet Carson’s blog, I invite you to go here to enroll to receive either daily or weekly email.

Page 5: February 2015 The Dirt


Four new introductions from the provider of the world's finest roses! .

New Year Brings New Roses to Reinvent the Garden

For over 140 years, Jackson and Perkins has kicked off the new year with the introduction of new and exclusive rose varieties! The 2015 gardening season is especially exciting, with the introduction of 4 sensational and stunning new roses. True Rosarians know that Jackson and Perkins has a limited supply of new varieties, so it is recommended to reserve your supply by the end of January. The new varieties are: Daring Spirit™ Obsession™

Wedding Dress™ and 'Pure Posh'

Thank you again, Mariellen Griffith

Was intrigued to discover that J&P, Park Seed and Wayside Gardens are all one happy family!

Happy February Birthday!


Merry Lucas


Deborah Thompson


Joy Flake


Faye Martin


Karen Reeves


Neta Sue Stamps

Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller!

Page 6: February 2015 The Dirt


Plant-Nurture-Grow Leadership Conference

PREPARE - NOW - GO Who: Arkansas Master Gardeners (Both New & Seasoned) What: Plant-Nurture-Grow Leadership Conference Where: Red Apple Inn, Heber Springs, on Greers Ferry Lake When: October 19-20, 2015

Why: Prepare to become a more informed Master Gardener

Now is the time to make room reservations (limited rooms on site)

Go with a friend, spouse, or significant other and enjoy Greers Ferry Lake

and the surrounding area. Golf at the Red Apple Inn Golf Course and Shop Heber Springs for pre-holiday bargains (more information later) Arrive early or stay a few extra days!

Mariellen Griffith has sent another link which might interest you:

National Garden Bureau Members Present Great Garden Products

Every year, National Garden Bureau's members offer a wide range of products to help you

grow a successful garden. Many are downright necessary or simply make the job easier;

others are fun to have or just make the garden more attractive. All garden products,

descriptions and links for where to purchase them can be found


There were far too many images to include in the newsletter, but you might be interested in following the provided link.

Page 7: February 2015 The Dirt


Alrhough we have had some exceptionslly nice weather in January – WINTER is far from over. Remember February a couple of years ago??

Don’t forget our fine feathered friends. They need extra-high-calorie seeds rich with fats to keep warm.

Hulled, salt-free (raw) peanuts are rich in fat, however they should be crushed.

An easy feed is peanut butter mixed with dried fruit and seeds directly applied to tree bark. Suet is a concentrated source of energy easily found where bird seed is purchased, or you can make your own suet ball. Do NOT use “human” cooking fats.

Sometimes the thoughts in my head get bored, and go for a stroll out

through my mouth. This is never a good thing!


Well, this is interesting - - I was going to put in an article about seeds, and in reading through an article I saved for reference - - I find “Landrace”. I checked out Wikipedia and Websters on line and the references are mainly to pigs! On reading further, landrace seeds appear to be basically the same as Heirloom Seeds. They are seeds which will produce the same in any similar climate from the United States to Russia. The original idea has developed into Seed Savers Exchange. According to Maureen Gilmer of the Tribune News Service, you must be a member in order to participate on line. She suggests that you do not click “Browse” unless you have hours to spend. She thinks it is a perfect way to spend a rainy day. The link is Additional sources are: and So, on this gloomy day, I think I will spend some time on landrace!

The Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual

orientation, national origin, religion, age, disability, marital or veteran status, genetic information, or any other legally protected status, and

is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Neta Stamps, Editor