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David "Avocado" Wolfe

INTERVIEWER: Lucien GauthierDATE: February 2010

February 2010 – Part 1

Lucien: I am here with David "Avocado" Wolfe, here to give you his expertise on raw food nutrition and superfood nutrition. As you know, David Wolfe is a raw food legend. He pioneered this entire industry well over 15 years ago now, and we have been around since about 2001-2002. Len Foley and David Wolfe pioneered this website and we have got groundbreaking information coming your way every month without fail. So it's just an absolute pleasure and honor to have you here once again, David. Thank you for joining us.

Avocado: Thank you, Lucien Gauthier. I really, really am excited to get into the nuances of this month's interview. Let's dive right into it.

Lucien: Okay. We've [00:00:53] got some great questions from the members. The first one begins with some sleep Circadian rhythm problems.

Hi Dave. I work at night. I am in a constant state of Circadian dysrhythmia. I was wondering, other than going to a day shift, what would you recommend for this issue?

Avocado: Vitamin D3 for sure, because if you are working the night shift and you are not getting sunlight, or at least if you are not even seeing sunlight, that can really throw you off. So that's one thing I'd recommend strongly, vitamin D3. The amounts that have been thrown about by the RDA are about 400 IUs a day. The numbers [00:01:34] that have been thrown around by Dr. Mercola and Dr. Gabriel Cousens are between 5,000 and 10,000 IUs per day. It's probably one of the least regarded supplements out there in terms of its effectiveness, but it's probably one of the most effective things out there, and in the interview I did with Mercola recently he

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mentioned that vitamin D3 turns on more genes than any vitamin or substance ever found. And so it helps to activate dormant aspects of our genetic code, it helps us to turn off cancer genes and all kinds of things. So that's one of them.

Another thing is of course grounding technology. When you are grounded and you are always grounded you really can't have Circadian rhythm problems. That's been my experience. Two years of being grounded, that's where I'm at. You can be definitely thrown for a loop if you travel 19 hours across the world, which I just did, and then land in one place and try to just get up the next morning and just continue at the same pace that you're going, but at least you know I could actually get up in the morning and do the work that needed to [00:02:38] be done. It didn't necessarily feel comfortable, but it was done anyway.

So definitely grounding, definitely vitamin D. Is that anything else that can be helpful? You can take melatonin. Part of the sleep cycle is melatonin you take before you go to bed and you know that can help you to go to sleep if you are not on that evening cycle where you know you wind things down. Then you'd have to take melatonin before you go to bed, an hour or two before, and see what that does for you. A lot of people do that. More people – people that I'm not around actually, but a lot of people, a lot of friends of mine, their mothers, use melatonin religiously and swear by it to help with sleep. So that's definitely a recommendation. And those are three good ideas.

Lucien: And the recommendation to supplement vitamin D3 is kind of a great – it [00:03:30] sort of speaks to the power of the Sun, doesn't it, in terms of our getting outside and getting Sun exposure as just a way to be healthy in general. We know grounding technology tells us to connect with the Earth, barefoot if possible, whenever we can, and then also the vitamin D3 sort of revelation is telling us that not only do we need to be connected to the Earth, we also need to be connected with the Sun.

Avocado: Exactly. And very interesting the way you worded that, because Circadian rhythms have to do with the completion of the circuit between the Earth and the heavens. And if that is disturbed in any way – let's say for example if we are in a building. Even if we are


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grounded but we are in a building [glitch in tape] then it's going to be disturbed. And let's say it's the other way around. [00:04:12] Let's say we are wearing shoes. That's also creating a disconnection from that complete circuit. So if we imagine the electricity [unintelligible word] out of the Earth, it must actually flow through our feet, through us into the heavens in order to help generate the hormones and neurotransmitters.

Now that's actually very close to what [Rudolf] Steiner said, which I find unbelievably interesting. That is very close to exactly what Steiner said causes proper hormone production and mineralization is completing that circuit like that.

Lucien: All right. Fantastic. Next question.

Dear David, I want to get the filling in my tooth removed and to rebuild it. Besides dropping it with Ormus Gold, what else can I do to improve the tooth healing?

Avocado: Always something good to use in your mouth, if it's too acrid for you, you can dilute it in coconut real easy, real fun to play around with. A lot of people have been contacting me recently with HPV and coconut oil right on the cervix, directly on every day, is a pretty darn incredible little thing to know about. Anyway, if you are dealing with a tooth problem you have got to make sure that that tooth is as free from bacteria as possible. But not your mouth free of bacteria; just that tooth. And what I mean [00:05:32] by that is, give it a little extra care to make sure it's flossed, rub some coconut oil and neem oil around the tooth and zapping is another thing, using electrical currents to help to lighten the bacterial load and the potential infection load. Because that has a lot to do with growth and with helping things grow.

I have been noticing – I have been in Noniland here for the last week and I have been noticing that when young plants are very, very hindered by parasites – and in the case we have here we have aphids and ants that can stunt the growth – that a huge amount of energy will be put out by the plants to try to throw that thing off. If we just go then go through and remove the parasite – in this case the aphids and the ants – the plant just naturally grows. So I have a feeling that that is what goes on when we are [00:06:17] trying to heal an injury,


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when we are trying to heal a tooth, something like that, is that if we can lower the battle that is going on with the immune system right there we can free up a lot of energy for rejuvenative and growth.

Lucien: Dear David, Regarding making a homemade [00:06:31] grounding pad, could I just take regular copper wire, wrap one end around my ankle and stick the other end into the Earth? Would that work as a grounding medium in place of a grounding pad? What tool do you use to measure whether a grounding apparatus was in fact successful?

Avocado: Great question. That would work, and the tool that you use is a – what is the name of it? There is a term for it. It's called, it's like a voltmeter. That's what it's called. It's called a voltmeter, and you can get one at Radio Shack. And what you can do is you take one side of [unintelligible word(s)] and you connect it to the ground. So that's your reference is your ground, and then you connect at the other to you. Okay? So that will give you the amount of potential that you are being hit with.

So take an electrical wire like an extension [00:07:17] cord, plug it in, drag it to you and you will notice on a voltmeter that actually your voltage will go up. Let's say it's 2 volts. Sometimes it can be as high as 3 volts just from being next to an electrical extension cord. Now then you touch your grounding apparatus and watch that voltmeter rating drop. It usually drops by a factor of 10. So that means if it's coming out, if you are being by 3 volts you will suddenly drop to .3 volts [three-tenths of a volt] because you are being grounded and it is helping to shield or actually pull off of you that extra voltage.

And we actually did a video like that, you and I, Lou, in my room. Do you remember that?

Lucien: Yeah. And I remember that you were standing next to your computer, your stereo, you had a couple of other devices and the voltage if I remember correctly was hanging around 7 to 8 volts, [00:08:07] and then when you touched the actual bed pad it would drop to 1.2 to around 1.5.

Avocado: And that video – where is that video?


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Lucien: They can find the video online on and also on YouTube. If you guys go to the YouTube video – and I can't remember which YouTube account it is, but if you Google it on YouTube you'll find it. It's on YouTube.

Avocado: Okay. Excellent. Maybe David Wolfe on grounding or something like that, it will put it up there. And that will demonstrate it to you. It shows you exactly what we were doing. [Note: Easy to find by searching "David Wolfe EMF" or go to].

Lucien: It's really fascinating because you can actually see the voltage being registered on the voltage meter, and that's the voltage that is actually coursing through [00:08:49] your body. Like at that time, when you are standing next to those devices, that is the actual voltage going through every cell of your body. Is that correct?

Avocado: That's correct. And it's an eye-opener. And you can get a really advanced voltmeter for like $40 at Radio Shack that has all kinds of things on it, bells and whistles, but when you start playing around with that stuff and you see how much voltage is right next to your head when you are sleeping at night or right next to your stereo, it's pretty shocking. And then when you see what grounding technology can do for you, it's real. It's like then all of a sudden you get it.

And I have noticed that that is actually what it takes for some people to get it. They actually have to see that happening before they go, [00:09:31] "Oh, okay. This is real." I got a lot of feedback like that from that recording that we did, Lou, is that people told me they didn't really understand it or think it was working until they saw that video. Then they realized how it all worked.

Lucien: And that was really fantastic, because this winter when we went to my parents' house, myself and Len, he brought my father a pair of the grounding sheets for him and his wife. And my father is a complete skeptic. I mean he doesn't buy anything related to any of this health stuff that we are doing. But the one thing that completely converted him was the sheets, because he immediately started sleeping better. And he has always had trouble sleeping. He gets up in the middle of the night. He's a workaholic. So he will get up at all


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hours of the night and he can't get back to sleep so he goes down [00:10:12] into his home office and works. And this is the only thing that he has ever tried that like immediately within one night it just completely transformed him. And now he teaches tax law, and in all of his tax seminars now he tells everyone about these grounding sheets. It's hilarious.

Avocado: That's great. That's great.

Lucien: So all these lawyers doing grounding pads. But it is amazing when you see the voltage going through your body and then you actually touch the sheets. You see the voltage being out of your body and through that third prong in the wall and you know that it is dissipating out of your body and you are not actually suffering from that EMF. And what shocked me was just the alarm clock by your head was kicking off 2 to 3 volts.

Avocado: And this is 8 hours [00:10:59] a day, and then the whole bed itself is like a static electricity pit. You know, all that electricity, all those wires and stuff on there. So then we've got this voltage hitting that static electricity and we're sitting there bathing in that with wool which is like also picking up static electricity and insulating the whole thing. It's just, it's unbelievable the normal sleeping arrangement in the Western world, and then it makes sense all of a sudden of why everybody has insomnia. I had no idea, Lou, what a big problem insomnia was until I became a professional in the health field, and it's like everybody has insomnia.

Lucien: It's amazing. And then the "cure" for that is to wake up and have coffee, but of course you are tired when you get up. You only slept a little bit if at all and then you have got to compensate by drinking coffee and then you get into this horrible cycle.

Avocado: Good point.

Lucien: All [00:11:49] right. Next question.

Dear Avocado, Does food get damaged going through an X-ray machine at the airport? What exactly does it do? Is it similar to irradiating food? And what does irradiating food do to it? Are there some special containers that would protect food from X-ray machine


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Avocado: Okay. Yes. There are containers that will protect substances that are in your luggage or your backpack or computer bag when it goes through the X-ray machine at the airport, so that's working on X-rays. X-rays, it's a very high amount of radiation. It's like a microwave. And actually whenever you are around those machines at an airport, stay clear away from them as best as you can, because they are emitting – like a microwave oven – a huge amount of EMF, like unbelievable. And they say, "Oh, they are shielded." They are definitely [00:12:39] not shielded enough, you know, to stand right next to when you are running things through that machine. I really feel for those people who are working there, I can tell you that.

Anyway, one of those containers is Miron glass. Miron glass looks black to an X-ray, so if you contain something in Miron glass you have got it pretty well protected. Any metal will shield the X-ray. That's why metals suddenly pop up on an X-ray machine, is because they bounce the X-ray back. Metals are electron-dense. They are very bunched up with each other, and as the X-ray tries to go through it gets bounced off. Now that may be difficult, it may be easy, depending on the situation, to shield things with metals. You can get a lead bag from a photography store that they use for film if you really want to put stuff in there. That's an [00:13:30] option as well.

Generally X-rays different dramatically from the way they irradiate food. The way that food is irradiated is they actually use a radioactive element. In most cases I believe it's cesium-60. I could be wrong on that. I think cesium is a higher number, but for whatever reason cesium-60 seems to come up in my mind. Cesium is radioactive and it is spontaneously neutrons and radiation, which is totally toxic to all life forms. And when we have cesium near our food it actually turns the food radioactive, and that's this whole thing of like irradiation.

Is there anything that can be done about it? Well, we have got to stop this whole food irradiation thing. It's really a plague. When I really got into researching it, listen to this: they actually have like a conveyer belt and they are running the food or whatever substances [00:14:23] right over this conveyer belt and the cesium block is right


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underneath that conveyer belt and it is exposing all these things that are passing along and it's sitting, that cesium block is raised up out of a pool of water. Now at the end of the work day this cesium block goes back into the pool of water and the pool of water is its containment vessel. There are no regulations about the way that that water is disposed of, so that water is sitting inside of a radioactive chamber in order to contain the neutron bombardment that is coming out of the radioactive cesium when the device is not in use. And then they just dump that water right down the drain. So they are dumping radioactive water coming out of these facilities where they are doing irradiation right into the environment.

And this is the kind [00:15:15] of stuff that we are dealing with on every level. It's like the most unconscious of the unconscious, the most dangerous thing possible. And you know, why is it that we have to deal with this? Well, it's because the peril must be high for us to pay attention. That's kind of how I look at it. The peril must be so extraordinarily high we just are not [sic; not not] going to be paying attention. And for whatever reason, the University, the world, God, the Creation, whatever wants us to really start paying attention to everything that we are doing, all our actions, and sort out our behavior. And this food irradiation thing is just one of those things on that list that we have really got to be watching out for.

Lucien: So two things come mind. One is when they are dumping the— Well, let's start with the first thing. Where did the idea to irradiate food [00:16:02] come from? What is the reason behind irradiating food? Why are we doing it?

Avocado: To get rid of harmful – quote-unquote "harmful" – bacteria that could be on some herb or some harmful parasite that could be on some food that was grown in India as it is being shipped into America. That is the basic idea. We don't want to ship things that are live cultures across borders without strict regulations so we'll irradiate everything, and the essential idea of irradiation [comes] out of the nuclear power industry and the nuclear industry, and they are looking for more ways to sell different products [in] industry of course, and one of the ways is food irradiation.

Lucien: And then the next question would be, when that water is dumped down into the, you know, the municipal water I'm assuming, there is


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no way to actually clean that [00:16:52] up just through a regular filtering process. Is there?

Avocado: Right. There is no way. What you are dealing with there is heavy water deuterium, and deuterium will naturally works its way and percolate back into the environment and the accumulation according to the Russian research on deuterium is that the more of that heavy water that you accumulate the shorter is your life – that that seems to be directly correlated.

And by the way, their solution to that was alternative days of dry fasting. So if you are fasting on water, you fast one day on water; one day dry; one day on water, one day dry; meaning you don’t even drink or eat anything on the dry day. This is not recommended for people who are ill of [00:17:33] course or even people who are dehydrated, but if you are at a stage where you are very, very healthy and you are very, very hydrated and you are looking into doing some fasting, which is pretty much recommended by all religious sects throughout all of history, then dry fasting is something you may want to begin investigating. It gets the heavy water out.

Lucien: All right. Disturbing information I guess, but necessary to be aware about. All right. Next question.

Dear David, I have a friend who has been on lithium and Abilify [also known as aripiprazole and Abilify Discmelt] for 10 years and wants to get off of them. These are antidepressants. [00:18:17] Are there any suggestions nutritionally for weaning him off of these? He has been taking 1200 mg of lithium at night as well as 40 mg of Abilify at night for about 10 years.

Avocado: The second drug named I don't know. I don't know the drug and I don't the effect. Lithium is kind of happy gas. Lithium is one of the lightest substances in the periodic table of the elements. It's found in lots of hot springs waters across the State of California, and I imagine that is how it was figured out that it has a very strong effect in making us feel happy, making us feel good. And it was used traditionally, it was bottled. Lithium water was bottled and then given to people who were either mentally disturbed or couldn't calm down or bipolar or that kind of thing.


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Now lithium is an alkaline substance, and so that's how it works – at least [00:19:14] according to [Dr.] Gabriel Cousens. That's the way Gabriel Cousens taught me. It's a highly alkaline substance and that is one of the reasons why it is able to neutralize perhaps metabolic deficiencies that are leading to schizophrenia or other kinds of situations. What else is alkaline? Well, calcium is alkaline. We have talked about being careful about what kind of calcium we are taking, but certainly vegetable juice can be a very good source of good alkaline calcium and the right kind of calcium, so that's great.

What about magnesium? Magnesium is alkaline and also highly recommended. All chlorophyll-rich juices contain magnesium, cacao is the highest natural source of magnesium found in any food, and some seeds. Watermelon seed comes to mind, and even pumpkin seed has a really high amount of magnesium in it. And certainly [00:20:04] that is something to kind of hunt for. Kelp would be another good source of magnesium as well. That's something to hunt for when you are looking for different types of foods to alkalize yourself with is foods rich in magnesium.

So those are some ideas. I really feel that Gabriel is probably correct in that when somebody has been on lithium for a very long period of time they can get on natural lithium water or natural lithium supplements, which they have at the Tree of Life, – you can go there and find out what they have as a natural alternative, and you might even want to send this person to the Tree of Life, because that is what they specialize in there is neurological health [correct two words?].

Lucien: All right. Fantastic.

Hello David, [00:20:47] I have a strange form of migraine. It occurs once in three weeks and the pressure in my heads up during the day. The next day after sleeping everything is gone. A magnetizer told me that some body canals tend to get blocked by waste products in the body and this results in most illness. I immediately thought about your calcification insight. Are these migraines calcification, and how do I effectively remove this calcification?

Avocado: Okay. Well migraines in general are caused by very different things. Sometimes they are caused by chronic neck and TMJ problems,


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sometimes they are caused by dehydration, sometimes they are caused by excessive acidity.

The intuitive hit of course because of the cycle, the three-week cycle, is that it is hormonally related, because that has also been true too, that some migraines are [00:21:34] actually triggered by hormonal fluctuations. So I would begin to look for somebody who can take blood samples and actually measure where your progesterone is, your estrogen and the estrogens – which there are three of them: estrone, estradiol and [unintelligible word] [free estradiol?]. And then progesterone, DHEA, testosterone, all of those need to be looked at, and to figure out where you are at each month.

Having said that, this is one of the things that I am really into, Lou, and I think that is one of the reasons why I am successful in this field, and that is what are you going to do about anyway? You know, if it's over here or over there, what are you going to do about it anyway? Well, one of the things you can do is start sleeping grounded. That can help your hormones [00:22:16] go out of strange fluctuations. Another thing you can do about it is get those numbers and get some good consultation on how much DHEA might be supplemented with in the diet. DHEA is one of the hormones and DHEA balance may have a lot to do with this situation.

Also, you know this whole thing could be triggered by just stress. A lot of times people say well, you know, "I couldn't help [00:22:39] myself. I had to eat this thing on Friday." But what is not being said is the ritual that happens on Friday. And that is the whole office goes out for a party. So there may be a three-week ritual that is occurring – you know, something having to do with work – that we want to look at.

So you know there are a lot of factors in all this, and if it is hormonal what are we going to do about it anyway? Get grounded, maybe alter our DHEA a little bit, maybe alter the fatty acids in our diet a little bit, maybe alter the fatty acids in our diet a bit. More krill oil is really good for building progesterone by the way, so that might be something we want to do, and we may want to get off of all plastics, which is bringing in the false estrogen, and etcetera. I could go on like that.


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February 2010 – Part 2

Lucien: Hello David. I have been transitioning into a raw food diet for over half a year now. I am happy with progress but I would like to "put a nail in the coffin" by just going 100% raw. I even went two weeks completely raw but then crashed. Why is it a "must" for me to go 100% raw right now? Please feel free to use gut-wrenching details. Also what strategies can be used to avoid crashing.

Avocado: Let me get this. The question is why is it necessary for me to be 100% raw right now?

Lucien: Yep. That's in the question, so I'm wondering if [00:00:41] he is assuming that that is what he should be doing.

Avocado: Yeah. I think that's a big assumption. I mean, it obviously is not the best time to be going 100% raw when we are having like ups and downs. Right? So it's interesting the way that questions are constructed you can oftentimes see the issue right in the way the words are used. I would get rid of all ideas of having to be anything. I mean raw food has always made me feel the best and I don't eat cooked food for that reason because I don't want to feel bad, but it wasn't always that way and things change over time. So you know you go at your own pace and you develop healthy habits instead of just trying to jump on one thing to the next thing to the next thing. Just healthy habits build the ability to actually be raw. The disciplines stack up into the behaviors which stack up into the [00:01:28] character. Right? And if there is a breakdown in there then we are going to be jumping back and forth because our character has not caught up with our behavior or something like that.

Lucien: And it's really interesting, because going to these events you meet people that are at all different levels and I can say you know working in this field now you feel like you should be 100% raw, so for example I'm doing these interviews with you, who is 100% raw, and I can even see in my own mind like there is like a little bit of a push saying, you know, "You should be 100% raw. You need to be 100% raw," and I had to overcome that a little bit in that being comfortable with where I was and where I was heading and not trying to push myself. Like you say, allowing your character to catch up to your behavior. And I find that once those two kind of [00:02:15] meshed


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the progression was even more rapid once I was kind of like they were in alignment. Then that was the real kind of method for finally getting to where I wanted to be.

Avocado: That is well said. That is well said, because now you are like, you are very comfortable with where you are, and so it's just – it's become a lot more fun. Hasn't it? I mean, isn't it a lot more fun? And that's really where we have got to be. We have got to be paying attention to where the fun is. Now if the fun means going out and drinking 30 beers on a Friday night and then having to deal with that, you know, then we are really, really needing to work on developing more healthy habits than that to have fun. But you know, just putting that out there.

Lucien: Yeah. There are a lot of different approaches, and some people do the "I don't want to be in pain approach" [00:03:02] and some people have the "I want to be in pleasure approach," and I have heard you kind of come at it from both angles. Like you just were saying earlier, you don't eat cooked food because you don't want to feel bad, but then also being aware that you have to go where the fun is. So it's a nice kind of balance.

Avocado: Yeah, it's a nice balance. I mean, you know what I realized is that cooked food is not fun. There was nothing fun about it. That you know – see that develops. That could never have been there on day one. It had to develop over [00:03:30] many years to realize, you know, this is not fun. This is definitely not my idea of fun. I don't want to be you know hurting, in pain, that kind of stuff.

Now, not to say that cooked food causes that in everybody, but I became so sensitive to it that it did cause that in me, so I had to say no, I can't do this.

Lucien: Okay. So hopefully he takes it easy and there are a lot of great resources here on the site how to ease you way into it, and you know, this is a no-pressure website. It's, not It is what is best for you, and you try to avail yourself of all the incredible resources that we have here. So I am sure he will find his footing.

All right. Here we go. Next question.


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Dear David, What will be the fastest way to [00:04:08] detox from THC? I know THC is stored in the fat cells. What would be a good protocol for detoxifying or masking for a test via a urine sample? This is a [unintelligible phrase] apparently.

Avocado: Oh God. It's been about 21 years since I have looked into how to beat a drug test on THC. I think goldenseal is what is recommended by the way. Goldenseal is one of the great herbs of the world. We love goldenseal. And that's a long time ago. I mean that's 21 years ago. I would have to actually get online and check that. And if you are listening right now and plan on using goldenseal to pass any drug test, please do your own research first.

How do you get THC out of your system? Sweat it out. Sweat it out, take in the right kinds of oils that drive it out because it's fat-soluble. So [00:04:57] if you take in really good quality oils, raw foods, like avocados, olives, olive oil, good organic olive oil, all the different nuts and seeds that are possible including chia and flax and all the of course amazing things that are available in the nut side – almonds, cashews, that kind of stuff – then you are kind of using the principle of chelation by replacement. Replace the old fat with the new. And when I say fat I am not talking about fat cells. I am just talking about fat in your body, wherever it is at, we want to make sure that the THC is dissolved out of it and removed. In order to dissolve it you need more fat in your diet to draw off that THC out of your system, and then you can eliminate it. So that's a strategy.

They say the THC lasts in your system for six months. At least that's the propaganda I got. I don't [00:05:48] know if it does or not. I mean, who knows? It's one of these things where there are a lot of blanket statements out there but nobody is really sure what the real truth is.

Lucien: Dear David, I have listened to your thoughts on minerals, especially the centenarian that would put his ground up rocks in his rum, whiskey and whatever. I would like to do the same, for I have a couple of shots myself every night, but I am clueless as to what minerals are easily found and ground up for such a potion.

Avocado: There is a story of an old centenarian who put in rock dust powders


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into whiskey and then would drink it like that. And the reason why he got into doing that is because he started to feed his cattle rock dust powders and they became beautiful animals. And he ended up to live like 100 or 110, somewhere in that range, and it was a very interesting [00:06:39] illustrative example of the power of minerals.

Now the thing is, that is not going to work for everybody, and that is a very crude approach. We have got much better technology now. We get the idea that hey, minerals are associated with longevity, but everybody has the gut of a cow or like this guy. I mean, he was an old whiskey drinker. He probably has a lot of calluses in that gut. He wasn't absorbing much, but what he did he absorbed with the alcohol some of the alcohol-soluble minerals and was able to actually live quite a long time as a result of that.

Lucien: All right. Cool. And his follow-up question is, would the sulfur found around the volcanoes – he lives in Costa Rica – be a good source for this? And he wants to know if this is different than MSM in terms of mineralization.

Avocado: I would not recommend just [00:07:25] eating sulfur out of the Earth. You know, there is a lot of mercury in sulfur – mercury sulfide actually. Cinnabar is a very common mercury-containing ore. It's not really an ore. It's easy to crumble up, and this is toxic. It is one of the most toxic things you can put in your body. Sulfur will be attached to lots of strange minerals and things that you probably don't want in your body when you dig it up out of the Earth or near a volcano, so I wouldn't really recommend playing around with sulfur unless you are a metallurgist and you really know what you are doing at that level.

Where MSM is coming from is more from wood or methane gas where the sulfur is not as reacted-with by heavy amounts of heavy and magma and water in the Earth, which can cause it to combine with all different kinds of unique minerals and some of them potentially [00:08:20] toxic.

Lucien: Okay. I'll cut that into the beginning.

Avocado: I might add to that, that more specifically answers his question, is he should be drinking a little bit of ocean water or Ocean's Alive marine


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phytoplankton if he really wants to get those soluble minerals – or take a little bit of ocean water and mix that in the whiskey and do it that way and create a little homeopathic tincture of ocean water for your alcohol – which is a really good idea to me, in my mind. I was just recently studying René Quinton's stuff, how he had used ocean water to complete suffuse a dog, a stray dog, and completely suffuse the entire bloodstream of that dog with ocean water and was able to do that successfully, curing the dog of its ills. The dog was literally walking around with no blood cells. [00:09:13] It was 100% being pumped by ocean water.

Lucien: All right.

Dear David, My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, and after being terribly drugged she died 8 months later at age 73. I am concerned about the hereditary factors. What can I do to possibly help prevent or prolong getting this terrible disease? I eat well, I am on LongevityNOW Program, I exercise, etc. and I am 57 years old. Thanks.

Avocado: My feeling about Alzheimer's, and in particular why it is affecting that generation is a pretty strong opinion. And it's upsetting for sure, and I have many friends whose mothers are dealing with Alzheimer's right now, and it's troubling. And we look at it with responsibility and maturity. And that is, you know, we are dealing with a generation that did not care about the environment. You know, I'm sorry, they did [00:10:02] not care about the environment. They experimented with God knows how many pharmaceutical drugs and drugs. You know, not that they were knowledgeable of it, but these violations against nature have their recourse, and the recourse is interesting. It's that we are led to a place of forgetfulness, that we actually lose our memory and we lose our faculties eventually as well.

Nobody of course ever wants to suffer with this, and those of us who have dealt with loved ones who have suffered from this know that there is a certain karmic aspect of it, and that is what I want to bring here. And that is we must be paying attention. We can't just be off in left field trashing stuff, thinking that the landfill can hold it all or anything like that. We have got to start drawing in full responsibility for all our behaviors and how they are affecting the environment


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[00:10:57] so that we can stave off syndromes like Alzheimer's and the karmic implications of such conditions.

That being said – and that is an important part of the condition, in my opinion – that being said, what do we do to maintain our own sanity, our own neurological health? Omega-3 fatty acids, all different kinds, GLA, DHA, EPA, ALA. All of those are excellent for nervous system health. Rich mineral diet of course – lots of trace minerals with a lot of seaweeds, lots of trace minerals in the form of superfoods, where we are getting some significant amount of substance in our diet. MegaHydrate and substances that are very high-grade hydrogen, including spring water, also protects our DNA, protects our nervous system. The right kinds of fats and oils also protect our nervous [00:11:51] system even above and beyond Omega-3, because Omega-3 is made more powerful when you take it with coconut, which seems to be its polar opposite when you look at it biochemically but in fact they both potentiate each other, they both help each other. Maybe it's the mystical union of opposites.

Another important category of food to be looking at is berries – lots and lots of berries. Raspberries, blueberries, boysenberries, huckleberries, goji berries, all kinds of berries – because berries have this ability to protect our brain and our nervous system. There is a recipe that I put into my Superfoods book on page 161 – I believe that's the page – has a whole recipe called Eye, Nervous System, Brain Rejuvenation Tonic [Super Brain, Eye and Nervous System Rejuvenation Drink] or something like that. And that should be studied, looking at that kind of idea. Whenever we take in a very high-grade oil by the way, whether it is flaxseed oil or hempseed oil or krill oil or algae oil, my [00:12:56] feeling is we always want to be taking that with MegaHydrate in order to get a complete delivery to our nervous system of what our body is actually wanting. If we can take that also with a little bit of coconut oil, maybe a few other different types of broad-spectrum oils, then we might even get a better effect, but I really like taking any high-grade Omega-3 oil with MegaHydrate.

Lucien: All right. That's a fantastic solution to a really tough problem. And growing up in Boston, you know I grew up with Boston Harbor. It was the dirtiest harbor ever. I mean, it was so bad, and the stuff that they were putting into that harbor, you just couldn't believe that it


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was allowed. You know, and in the western part of the state they had all those tanneries and all the chemicals that they used in the [00:13:40] tanneries. And you know a lot of my friends – like you say, you have a lot of friends whose moms are suffering from Alzheimer's. I mean, my generation, their parents now are just all these amazing bizarre, bizarre brain – you know, they call it Alzheimer's, which seems to be a really kind of broad category for a whole bunch of cognitive disorders as you get older, but it's pretty severe. And like you say, it's troubling.

Avocado: Yeah, it is. It's an epidemic. It really is. And you know I look at it from all aspects. There is of course a lot we can do to stave it off with proper nutrition, but also appropriate lifestyle, environmental green lifestyle and supporting environmental green behavior so we are not hit by the karmic wave that our civilization is being hit with.

One more thing I want to say about that is, I assume [00:14:31] that everybody realizes that everybody realizes that there is a connection between Alzheimer's and pesticides, Alzheimer's and hormone replacement therapy, Alzheimer's and injecting hormones into animals, you know, and all the other things that are going on. So we definitely want to eat pure and organic foods in order you know to just be at a baseline stage where we are not being exposed to very dangerous chemicals.

Lucien: Dear David, I have been getting heart palpitations recently. It started after I had been eating what I think was an excessive amount of nuts – especially cashew nuts. I have since stopped eating nuts but I still suffer from palpitations after eating certain food. For example chickpeas, beans and pulses. My diet is 70% raw. What can I do to alleviate this problem? Thanks for your advice.

Avocado: That sounds like a food allergy. [00:15:18] I would suspect that is a food allergy. Nuts are very allergenic. Beans and pulses are also very allergenic, especially if somebody is a blood type O. Because blood type A's can handle nuts and seeds better, especially grains and pulses. Blood type A's can handle them better. Blood type O's cannot handle them, and it's at the blood level. It's a blood level allergic reaction, so that would explain some of what this person is feeling, at least potentially. So that is what I would look into is food allergies, figuring out which foods they are, and you will probably


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find – as most people do – that the foods fall into certain categories. High-fat nuts is one of the categories; grains are another category; beans, especially sprouted beans, not cooked, are also a category. If the beans are cooked they may actually have no allergic [00:16:10] reaction. That's another thing to looking into.

And then checking out – there is a book that was published, a great book on blood type. I believe it was called The Answer is in Your Blood Type. I really want to review that book. It is deep-buried in a box somewhere. It's part of my library and I'm going to be getting it out and rereading it soon. It's not the D'Adamo book [on blood type]. It's actually a whole 'nother book about the all the research that has been done on blood type and it is very scientific and it's really good. There is no agenda. You know, with the blood type it's like an agenda, "We're selling you this diet," but this book is more written from an informational perspective and can be very helpful [00:16:44] to folks who are wondering about more information in regards to blood type and diet.

Lucien: And that could be particularly helpful maybe for someone who is trying to raw, and they hit these certain pitfalls when they look at what other people are doing in terms of a raw food diet and then they try do [it] they come up against these sort of invisible barriers and aren't sure what is going on. Do you feel a lot of this has to do with not only blood typing? I mean there are a few categories. One is blood typing, and the other [00:17:11] we talked about in the last interview was the type of – what you burn for your calories: fats, proteins or sugars.

Avocado: Yes. It could be that too. That's a big factor. Let's say we only have a certain amount of tolerance for fat. We can't have more than a certain amount. If we go beyond that amount then our body will react in a number of ways. One is our energy will go down, but we can have an allergic reaction by OD'ing [overdosing] in categories or genres of food like fat or protein or carbohydrates, depending though, because that changes for each person.

Lucien: Okay. Great.

Dear Avocado: I have a lump in my left breast at the 8 o'clock location, right over my heart. Is there a contraindication [to] using


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the zapper right there? I am not concerned about the square wave but the battery which powers it. Thank [00:17:56] you.

Avocado: That's an excellent question. There is a contraindication of using zappers directly over your heart that is written about, although I have done it for years and never noticed anything. So just putting that out there.

The strongest contraindication in this regard is using a magnetic pulser directly over your heart – which makes more sense to me. The heart is working on a magnetic pulsation and it would take a very strong magnetic pulser, and I'm thinking of the – what was his name? Bob Beck. The Bob Beck original design which is now put out by Sota, the Sota Magnetic Pulser. And there are other companies that make them as well. This is not something you want to put directly over your heart. You might be able to get an angle on it though, and direct the pulse away from your heart, depending on exactly where the [00:18:48] tumor is. All these kinds of therapies by the way do come into play when we are dealing with this kind of a breast cancer. We want to make sure we have all tools available to us, and the magnetic pulser might we useful, but we don't want to aim it directly at our heart or even have the shockwave be anywhere near our heart.

Lucien: Great piece of advice. You know I had not heard that before, so that is a great piece of information to be aware of.

Hi Avo. I know from some of your past interviews you said that you do animal products like bee pollen, honey and deer antler. What is your take on the Surthrival Colostrum?

Avocado: I have eaten colostrum before. I don't agree with dairy products. I am allergic to them, but I had literally this guy in Iceland, the only biodynamic farmer in the whole nation of Iceland, we went to his farm and we were seeing [00:19:41] all their cows. And it just hit me, I said you know, "Do you have any colostrum?" Now it took a while to figure out what the Icelandic translation of colostrum is, and for those of us who do not even know what the English translation is, what the English translation of colostrum is, it's the hind-heavy milk that all mammals produce – to greater or lesser degrees.


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Certainly if you live on a farm you will find out pretty quickly that some of the cows produce a lot more than others. It is not equal of every cow. Some cows produce very little of it. But that thick, heavy hind milk carries a lot more immune system information in the form of transfer factors, as Dr. Lawrence discovered almost 50 years ago, 60 years ago. There is where the immunological information is in; it's in that heavy hind milk, and if you strip [00:20:31] that hind milk completely down of all protein – basically run it through a very, very small sieve so none of the large biological components of that milk can actually make it through and the only thing that bleeds through is a little bit of the liquid – that liquid will have pure immunological information in it.

And that is what Dr. Lawrence discovered, and he named that substance or that grouping of substances transfer factors. And when you take them they transfer immunity from the mother to you. We can get those transfer factors from colostrum.

Now completing that story over there in Iceland is I finally got through to him like, "Okay, this is what we want," and he said, "Oh. [00:21:08] We have that. Nobody ever wants that." And so he suddenly goes to his freezer and he pulls out an entire jug of liquefied frozen colostrum, which is probably worth – of the only biodynamic farm in Iceland, there is no industry, there is no nothing, I mean it's the purest place in the whole world left – and I was like, "We'll take it," and he just literally gave it to us. I could probably sell something like that for a thousand dollars, literally. I mean that kind of value discrepancy is in our world massively when it comes to very, very, very valuable nutrition health products.

For example spring water pouring forth from the Earth in Schneiple Yokel [spelling?] Glacier, near Schneiple [00:21:47] Yokel Glacier in Iceland, that thing is just pouring out of the Earth all day and all night, that water is worth more than any water probably in the whole world. It's just pouring out there for free. There is such discrepancies when you get right to the core of the matter in terms of value and the value discrepancy.

Anyway, if you can get that kind of colostrum you are really happy about that. We made superfood nutmeg colostrum smoothies that entire week I was in Iceland and just ate, had only that. I mean, we


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didn't even have anything else. But I still didn't digest it, and I had a colonic when I got back from there. And it was still there and it just came right out, so that was interesting.

Anyway, colostrum could be sold as a powder. Surthrival has that colostrum powder. [00:22:33] Good product, you know, excellent thing to add to your smoothie. These transfer factors, as Dr. Lawrence found out – listen to this, this is interesting – become much more potentiated when they are added to medicinal mushrooms and beta-glucan-containing superfoods. Oats by the way contain beta glucans, so you know this is one of these things that we are finding out is that there are ways to take what is already there – let's say it's the colostrum in the form of transfer factors – which is already amazing – and even up that even more, which is by adding it to medicinal mushrooms.

Lucien: That's really amazing. I just want to clarify that when we are talking about colostrum we are talking about raw colostrum. I am assuming that once it is cooked or heated or pasteurized that it would become a [00:23:21] lot less effective.

Avocado: Correct. It is actually totally ineffective. Transfer factors are very delicate and they are homeopathic in essence, and so they are even hard to be transferred in a powder – but they can be, and that has been proven. But liquid, instant – instant transfer right over.

February 2010 – Part 3

Lucien: Dear David, Can you enlighten me about cleansing please? I know that colonics are good, but the more I research the more things I find. Recently I have come across Gall Bladder Liver Cleanse by Andreas Moritz. Do you like his protocol or is there anything else that you would recommend? I think that Moritz's protocol was originated by Hulda Clark. What do you think of her?

I have also heard of kidney cleansing. Which body cleanses do you really need to do and what other ones are just a waste of time?

Avocado: Good question. I mean, the last part of that question was really an excellent one, which is, you know, does this stuff work? Is it a waste [00:00:44] of time? Should we do it? Should we not? What do you


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The way I have always done cleansing and my whole approach to it has always been paying attention to what shows up in front of me. If a certain protocol suddenly shows up in front of me, if a doctor suddenly shows up at my house and is involved deeply in some kind of a cleansing ritual and wants me to become part of it and do a fast or whatever, I'll just go right in and just start doing it, because that is what is showing up in front of me. That is how I have been able to deal with the enormous amounts of different cleanses that are out there.

The gall bladder/liver cleansing idea is something that I have done many times in my life. I originally learned if from David Jubb. Hulda Clark has a gall bladder/kidney [00:01:30] flush in her books. I like Hulda Clark. I think she was very courageous in many, many ways and brought information out that was really, really crucial. And I think of course there are things to be added onto her work.

The idea with the gall bladder, liver and kidney flush is to get some of that heavy amounts of oil moving through with lemon juice to stimulate the gall bladder to squeeze and to remove some of the stones or some of the resin that has been left over in the gall bladder from the liver processing very toxic substances sometimes for people's whole lives. So the liver, as it is processing all this junk – the leftovers of plastics and God knows what else – it leaves a little resin behind, and that sits in the gall bladder. And if those begin to build up we call them gallstones. Now generally that substance, whatever [00:02:26] it starts out as – let's say it's a plastic or something, or it could just be a natural byproduct of metabolism – as it builds up what is going to happen there is the calcification will occur around that central core crystal of whatever the substance will have [in the] gallstones.

So I believe in gall bladder and liver flushing, but I believe in the protocols that were put together mostly by David Jubb. Those are the ones that I have always followed. I have a friend, Dr. Stewart Blaikie, who has done over 70 liver flushes, and he is going to be at our LongevityNOW Conference, our Longevity Conference coming up here March 26-28. He would be a good guy to talk to about that cleanse.


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Lucien: Yeah. And we just went through the DVDs that are going to be available next week and they did an entire presentation [00:03:11] on a liver flush, and that presentation is complete with slides, a step-by-step walkthrough, also pictures of what to expect to come out, and a lot of great little tidbits of information on how to really connect with your liver. And I think for me it was really an eye-opener understanding the organ – the liver – as being really one of the most essential organs. I mean we talk a lot about the digestive system, but I mean in reality the liver is probably one of our most important organs for us in today's world, because we have so many toxins in our diet. The liver has to deal with basically everything that we put in our mouth eventually makes it way through our liver.

Avocado: The ratio has changed a little bit. Kind of interesting. It used to be like in Chinese medicine the focus was on the kidneys. Certainly in conventional theories [00:04:00] of medicine it's all about the heart and heart health; but really in our toxic world, as you referenced Lou – and I think you are right on about it – now we have got to focus on the liver. It is definitely an important place to look, definitely the important types of grouping of cleanses to be done there, and let me just outline a few other liver cleanses that can be done.

There can be gall bladder/liver flush/kidney flush with drinking the olive oil and lemon juice. That is the basic center protocol. There will be decorations around that, but that's the basic idea after 4 days of fasting. But there is also drinking [00:04:35] lots of lemon. I have been doing that recently in just the last few days. I have drank about a quarter gallon of lemon, that's almost a liter of lemon juice, which has really been fascinating – and that's a really good liver cleanser.

Then there is MSM at high dosages; enzymes at high dosages; there is dandelion root tea which is a great cleanser of the liver; there is beets and beet juice fasting, which is a great cleanser of the liver. So those are some other things that you can look into. There are certain plenty more.

Again, how do you make sense of it all? Whatever seems to be showing up, go with that.

Lucien: And it is really interesting that you mention lemons, because at the


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LongevityNOW Experience I think you said something like women should have [00:05:17] 3 lemons a day and men should have slightly more – I think it was 4 or 5 – and about a couple of weeks ago after I came back from the event I started doing a lot of juicing because I got a juicer, and I just have been pounding the lemons. My body has been craving minimum 4 lemons a day, so for at least a month I have doing minimum 4 lemons a day, sometimes upwards to 8, and it's just been an amazing experience how clean I feel. And I'm not sure exactly what is happening or why it is happening, but my body just craved it and demanded it ever since you mentioned it, and I felt lighter and cleaner. It's just a feeling I have.

Avocado: Yeah. I think that's the liver cleansing. A guy came to see me in New York once. This was interesting. And he got on raw foods and superfoods and just you know [00:05:59] started pounding down the chocolate and everything else, and then he ran into a whole bunch of problems.

And when I got to really questioning him, I did not really realize this, but he had lost something like 80 lbs. or 100 lbs. in that process and had never done any parasite cleansing, any liver cleansing, any kind of fasting, any kind of anything like that. He just kept eating right through. You know, just went from one [unintelligible word] eating to a whole 'nother thing. And we have to be careful about that, because we might hit a brick wall. Because our liver is suddenly processing one whole series of toxins, then all of a sudden it switches over to superfoods and raw foods and then all of a sudden we flush out 100 lbs. of material. That's a lot to deal with all of a sudden.

Lucien: And that is what you would call [00:06:45] like a healing crisis, right? Sometimes you just have so much in your bloodstream that it's hard to take.

Avocado: Yeah. That's why you have go to go at a pace that is reasonable. And we also have to be careful that – because then people say, "Oh no, no, no, the way is not through food, the way is through cleansing," because people in that boat generally all of a sudden and then they start cleansing all the time and then suddenly they are cleansing gurus for like two or three years until they can't cleanse themselves anymore. Then they go back to the diet that they were doing before


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the raw foods, whatever it looked like.

But it's kind of interesting. I see that evolution all the time. Every three years the person who has suddenly jumped into raw food suddenly like a cleansing guru for like three years, [00:07:27] then they go back to you know the standard raw food and a more integrated approach. The whole cycle takes about 5 years. You know, so that's kind of a fascinating objective view as best as I can [see] about how the industry develops with all the raw food people that are out there these days.

Lucien: And did you go sort of through the same kind of cycles where you did tons of cleansing and then you did tons of this and then tons of that and then you kind of now fine-tuned it to where you need to be?

Avocado: Well, yes, I did. I started out actually with the idea of fasting and cleansing first. A lot of people start that way too. So I got deep into that – which I'm glad I did, because in that process I was going raw and so I found out the difference between okay, this is actually like a maintenance diet and this is a cleansing diet. Right? [00:08:20] You find out like the living food diet that Ann Wigmore taught is not a maintenance diet; it's a cleansing diet. You have to discover those things – sometimes through trial and error, but if you are a BestDayEver member generally you get the skinny on these things before you run yourself into recreating the wheel.

And step-by-step I went through those processes, sure, and I do love doing cleanses. It is something that is just very important I feel, but I do feel actually very cleansed in the way that my metabolism works and just the way my body functions, so I am not overly concerned about cleansing anymore. I mean it's very rare that I even get going on a big, long cleanse like a 9- or 10-day thing. Maybe I do that once a year.

Lucien: Okay. Cool. And just for those people listening, if you purchase the [00:09:11] webcast from the last LongevityNOW Experience you can find the liver cleanse on the track labeled Dr. Stew and Kim Sol at DVD 2B, and then if you purchase the DVD you will find Dr. Stew and Kim Sol I believe on DVD 2 you will find the entire presentation along with David Wolfe and Len Foley on that same DVD. But that is a really fantastic track to watch, and I have


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watched that at least 7 times now, and the liver packs and everything that they talk about is really amazing.

Okay, moving along, let's go to the next question which is good quality herbs:

Hi. How do I go about finding a reputable place to buy good quality organic herbs in my area? I am in Toronto, Ontario. [00:09:56] Thanks.

Avocado: Oh. There is a great place out West. Ah. I was going to see if I can cough up the name of that. It is something Springs, Rejuvenative Springs. Google that one, Rejuvenative Springs. They are out in the western part of the GTA, Greater Toronto Area. There is a whole bunch going on with super sprouts, and now known as Toronto sprouts. You can go there at and we are actually going to be doing an event there April 10th in Toronto, and if you come to that event we can network you into an entire community of folks who are not only into the getting the best herbs ever but also – and there will be the best herbs ever at the event, but also the spring water teams that are going out and getting spring water all over Ontario area there and they will be at the event and [00:10:47] actually will be serving fresh spring water that day that I am going to be getting myself at one of my favorite springs.

So Toronto is booming right now. Lots of possibility, a lot of potential. The entire zone of Eastern Canada and the deciduous forest of Eastern Canada is loaded with the most untapped resources of herbs probably left in the world. That's my opinion. I think you are going to find the least amount of people and the most availability of herbs in that ecosystem there of anyplace that I have been to.

Lucien: And it was interesting that this question came up, because just before the interview I was messing around on TheBestDayEver chat talking with people and someone mentioned a website called where they are selling like massive amounts of bulk herbs, and I just clicked on their [00:11:35] web page here. They are selling a kilo of cordyceps for 60 bucks, but you can buy upwards to like $5,000 worth of cordyceps in these huge drums. And I wondered if you ever heard of or if this is kind of a new thing?


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Avocado: I haven't heard of Kalyx herbs. I am definitely always wary about quality, so when somebody is selling in bulk in that big of an amount I get concerned that it is some kind of a mass-produced product coming out of China with poor quality control. I think pretty much everybody in North America has those concerns and fears.

I have used Mountain Rose Herbs quite a bit. I think that is a great and reputable company. That's a fun one. And if you want to stay local in Canada, you might want to even start your own herb garden up going over to Richters [00:12:22] Herbs in the GTA. Just Google that, Richters Herbs, and they will sell you all kinds of little starts of ginseng and all kinds of other goodies that you can grow at home.

Lucien: Okay, cool. Like you say, there are a lot of companies coming out. It seems because the raw food, superfood and now the superherb revolution is here and there is actually a huge market for it. Like you say, I am concerned as well about the quality control issues, especially when it comes to buying in bulk, because you are seeing everyone is jumping on the bandwagon basically. Everyone wants in, and it's this whole market that is available to people, and how do you find out which products are good, which products are not good, and I guess we just have to do our due diligence. [00:13:08] I guess that's why we have the websites, because I imagine you get hit with offers all the time to try people's products out.

Avocado: Definitely. You know a company I really like is 1stChineseHerbs. 1stChinese Herbs, I do want to mention that, because I have gotten some amazing organic herbs from them from China, certified organic herbs that I was really impressed with the quality of. I didn't even know that that came out of China or that they could supply such a quality herb – that anybody could. But 1stChineseHerbs really [00:13:39] came up, so that is something to look into as well.

Lucien: Hi Dave, Last weekend a friend and I went and collected spring water. We were told that the place we collected it from had higher ormus content than another possible place we could have gone. My question is: how does one measure ormus content? Is there something like a TDS meter that actually measures it or some other device/way to know? Thanks.

Avocado: Well, hopefully somebody will invent a device that is as easy and


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simple as a TDS meter. That would be a real cool thing. I suspect that ormus is too ephemeral at this point in terms of how we understand it and in terms of how we identify it as matter to be I guess measured by some simple device. Now I can tell you ways you can get an idea or a ballpark about how much ormus is in the water. I'm thinking [00:14:28] of when I trapped a bunch of water up at Enota, Georgia and it broke now what I found out was not 5 of 40 glass bottles but 7 of 40 Miron glass bottles were literally disintegrated by the water. The ormus water was so rich that it actually just broke the silica bonds apart of the glass.

Now I have done that at my own house on my own spring with even more intense trapping, but the ormus is not as high in the aquifer as it is there in the North Georgia Mountains, and when you get to that place in the North Georgia Mountains – Enota, Georgia – you get an idea why. I mean, it is one of the most evolved, perfect ecosystems left in the world probably, and therefore it is an aquifer that has been activated for tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of years, and it's almost to a state of perfection [00:15:23], that water, and that is so loaded you can't even contain it in glass.

When you get that kind of discrepancy of like one product, like okay, no, this isn't going to break through the glass and the other product disintegrates glass, then you have a ballpark crude angle on how to determine how much ormus is present.

Lucien: All right. Interesting. So I'm sure in a couple of years we will have an ormus meter. That will be cool.

Avocado: That would be cool.

Lucien: All right.

Hi Dave. I will be studying abroad in Brazil in a couple of months. I was wondering what you would recommend I start adding in or what should I bring along for my extended stay. What would you do if you were staying abroad in Brazil?

Avocado: I would bring some pretty strong herbs with me, like I did when I went to the Amazon. I brought cat's claw powder, [00:16:18] an extract, and I mixed that with mangosteen powder and I mixed that


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with sacha jergon and mixed that with schizandra berry powder and I mixed that with goji berry powder and I mixed that with camu camu berry powder, and I think that was the formula that I brought to the Amazon. There may have been one more thing in there, but that is pretty close to it. So I would bring some herbal formulas like that. I literally encapsulated all those, put them in a glass container, maybe two glass containers, and brought them with me for my journey to the Amazon.

You could also bring a lot of super green foods with you like spirulina, chlorella, bluegreen algae, marine phytoplankton, things like that that you can add to coconut water to make like an instant smoothie with goodies that you don't have to be procuring from the local area, [00:17:05] and that means you can avoid vegetables to some degree. Because vegetables, generally when I'm traveling around Mexico, Peru, even Europe, I don't really even buy vegetables – or if I do they will be root vegetables. I just generally eat wild green plants from an environment nearby that I know is clean rather than buy the stuff that is in the stores. That's just where I have come to, and that is something to consider if you want to completely avoid all the stuff that could be on the vegetables – which could be e. coli, salmonella. Mexico, you know, we knew never to order a salad when we were kids. You always would end up with Montezuma's Revenge if you did that so we never did that, and it worked.

What else would I do? I would bring some herbal tinctures, alcohol tinctures are easy to keep, easy to use, easy availability as [00:17:59] well.

Lucien: And is there anything that she should do maybe as a preparation before going to like boost maybe her immune system or something or give her body some kind of a preparation in order to deal with the new environment down there?

Avocado: Sure. There is so much you can do. I mean, getting your body into shape is a real good idea. I'm doing that right now, because in 48 hours I'm headed to New Zealand to do three or four days of initiations with the Maoris down there and then some events in Auckland, and the three-week tour across Australia, then right into Bali for a week, then to Hawaii. It's going to be a test to body, mind


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and soul for sure. So I've been really working my body, a lot of yoga, a lot of meditation and getting myself really into shape with a lot of hydration. That's another really good prep to do, and [00:18:52] a lot of bowel cleansing as well, so you just kind of clean yourself out and get yourself prepared mentally, body, mind and soul.

Lucien: All right. Awesome.

Dear Avocado, Can mucuna beans be eaten raw or is there some kind of preparation that needs to be done before ingestion? Also are there [00:19:09] any brands of mucuna that you suggest?

Avocado: There are many different types of mucunas out there. Mucuna is actually from the Shipibo term mucunan [spelling?], which is interesting. Mucuna has a very long history in Amazonia and Central America as well as in India and they appear to be very closely identical plants in both places with thousands of years of history. It is a very unusual circumstance in that regard. Mucuna has a little bit of a thin shell around it that you can kind of peel off, so I kind of like will grate one side and then peel off that little outer shell and you can eat it just like that. It's perfect edible, no toxic side effects ever reported in the literature ever, which is shocking for a legume. I mean you know with all the peanut allergies and stuff that [00:19:55] is out there you would think that there would be something about a legume like that that would be problematic, and there doesn't appear to be anything.

Now the mucuna can also be extracted, you could grate it down and then extract it using oils – coconut oil or cacao butter or any kind of good solvent. Even olive oil is good. And you can draw it off by creating, by heating up the oil and putting the mucuna in there. And you don't boil it or you know heat it up that much, but you just stir it around for an hour, and that is what they used to do in Ayurveda; they would boil it and drink it in milk, and the reason why you would boil and drink things in milk is because there are some fat-soluble substances that you are trying to liberate out of the material that you are starting with – in this case mucuna. And because that is traditional [00:20:40] then we probably suspect [sic; suspect that probably] that a lot of the active ingredients in mucuna are fat-soluble. So that is how you would approach it herbally.


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You could then take that material, you could put it into chocolate bars, you could take the remaining cacao butter/coconut oil mixture, whatever, put it into drinks, smoothies, that kind of stuff. And we did that recently at my house and we kept the mucuna around for quite a bit of time and it was pretty interesting the way that it was synergizing with ashwagandha, which is what you know traditionally it has been used with, and both the mucuna and ashwagandha were grown here at my house, so we got to experience that firsthand. It was really fascinating.

Lucien: And that is a drink that you typically do quite often, if I am not mistaken – you do the ashwagandha, you do the mucuna [00:21:28] and definitely the Shilajit. And what is some of the stuff that you throw in there? Usually tribulus? What is kind of like one of those super drinks that you would do for like your morning chocolate drink or something?

Avocado: I would do mucuna, ashwagandha, shilajit, vanilla, some kind of a super green food. It always switches around. But I kind of like, in the summer I like spirulina and in the winter I'd like – right now I'm a little bit into bluegreen algae, so that would be the thing that I would use. And then what else? Sometimes I will take that and I will put in some reishi mushroom powder or chaga – chaga powder for sure. So chaga would also add to that richer coffee-like kind of taste and flavor. And then you can use coconut [00:22:18] and blend it all into coconut water or you could blend all that into a tea. Recently we have been doing Amazonian herb teas with those kinds of superfoods and superherbs in them and just blending them together and creating like a hot chocolate, chocolate being the carrier, so I had neglected to mention there would be a chunk of chocolate in there, but yes, there would be, and that would be like a superfood smoothie, and that's what I pretty much drink all day. And then if I really wanted more I would probably even drink more of just the same thing again. I haven't really been making salads or anything. I've been too busy, so I've just been blending up a drink or two like that a day.

Lucien: It seems like those herbs in particular – the chaga and the shilajit and the ashwagandha and the mucuna – they like a hardiness to them that kind of gets [00:23:04] you through the day for a long period of


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Avocado: Right. The energy content and the overall manna and prana in those substances is outrageous. And once we get to a point where we feel our caloric needs and what those caloric needs really are and we know that the rest of it you know can just be really fun stuff to play with, then we can really get into that state where we can really feel what these things are doing for us, we could feel exactly what the right amount is, we can tune in onto the power of what we are dealing with. We don't need to eat as much to do that. One drink can cover us for the whole day.

February 2010 – Part 4

Avocado: There is so much that we could say about autoimmune conditions, but I will start with this. This is such an important idea, and you can take this out as [00:00:17] far as you want to go with it, and that is autoimmune conditions, where the body starts attacks itself, where the body attacks its own nervous system or its own immune system, those types of conditions are related to a deficiency and lack of intelligence. And what I mean by that is we are dealing with the overall power of the world's intelligence as it evolves and it develops. And it has recycling organisms, and it has materials that are designed to come in and kind of remove us from the Earth when our time is done, and if we don't fortify our bodies with an intelligence to resist that then our body will just start eating itself. We will become susceptible to forces that want to recycle us.

Now fortunately because we are designed as a sovereign being that we naturally have at our fingertips literally – and under our feet [00:01:17] – the ability to immediately draw in the intelligence of the Earth itself to fortify and defend ourselves. We know that grounding technology has a very powerful effect against autoimmune conditions, and Clint Ober is actually so adamant about that he has been a developer of grounding technology that he has made statements to me that were literally unbelievable, like this is one of the causes of all autoimmune conditions is just not being grounded.

Now that makes sense from a Steiner's perspective, and Steiner was of the belief that there are forces that must come through into us from the Earth that help us mineralize and that actually give our


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immune system some intelligence and knowledge about what's foreign and what's domestic. This is interesting. In order for our body to understand what is foreign and what is domestic there [00:02:09] must be a connection to other organisms, namely the walking barefoot, that that actually increases our own individual intelligence. That is a very interesting insight that I drew out of Steiner's material.

Now also the mushrooms [00:02:27] and the garlic and the echinacea and the great immune herbs of the world – astragalus, schizandra berry, the beta-glucans-carrying food substances and herbal substances. All of those things are basically carriers of intelligence.

What we are really focused on – or at least where I think that the whole field is going – is we have got to focus on what is that intelligence. And the intelligence apparently is these ormus minerals that are in the polysaccharides of these medicinal mushrooms, they are in the polysaccharides of the beta glucans – and beta glucans is a polysaccharide – they are in the polysaccharide structure of aloe vera, of noni. That is the magic, that is the intelligence, and when you bring that into your body then you begin to overwhelm and start to push off of yourself autoimmune conditions. [00:03:16] Just simple ways of eating directly from the Earth and getting of that intelligence of the Earth back into our body, like just eating raw food has a dramatic effect on autoimmune conditions like lupus. I have seen that for years. I have seen cases completely eradicated of lupus just from eating raw food, just from a raw food diet. Not all lupus is the same of course.

And then we have got to start to look at what is it that is blocking us or shielding us from experiencing the world. Because really in the spiritual sense the autoimmune condition is some battle with the world itself, that we are not comfortable in the world so therefore part of ourself is fighting our other part of ourself. That's another like spiritual esoteric element to autoimmune conditions. And you know the path generally by the way is not [00:04:08] only a path of being barefoot, it's not only a path of raw and living foods and bringing in these superherbs, but it is also a yogic path, because there is a known history of autoimmune conditions being sorted out and particularly by yoga and inversions and inverting our body. So that's fascinating as well, and how that all plays in is something that I have been


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looking into for years. I don't know how it all fits together, but I just thought I'd throw it all on the table.

Lucien: And that brings up some very interesting points related to healing because if you go to a conventional hospital there is no natural substances there to give you that intelligence. Everything has been synthesized into a pharmaceutical drug or some kind of processed refined material to treat that condition. So when we look at it from that angle it seems [00:05:02] like that type of medicine will never actually heal our fundamental problems.

Avocado: Whenever I present it in that way, Lou, whenever I present it as it is, as the truth – which is look, these substances that are being sold as food today, they don't have intelligence in them. The medicine that we have today – tetracycline, antibiotics, streptomycin, whatever that [unintelligible word], it has had all of its intelligence stripped out of it. We need substances that have intelligence. It's our own intelligence. Lifestyle choices that increase our own intelligence. Whenever I say those things to people, people get it immediately. They really understand that very quickly, and that is why I wanted to present it in that way, and especially when it comes to an autoimmune condition we are really dealing with a battle of [00:05:44] [unintelligible word].

Lucien: There are a lot of very interesting avenues to take that. And autoimmune conditions are, like you say, they are very difficult to deal with because there is definitely a conflict going on and it seems in nature you have a lot of harmony going on and when you bring that harmony in it is a great way to resolve that conflict.

Avocado: I agree. Exactly. I mean, that's again a hidden esoteric element of autoimmune conditions. It's an inner conflict, and sometimes it's an inner lineage-related conflict; some kind of a miasm or problem that is handed down that was never dealt with by the family lineage and so that problem, that tug of war, needs to be dealt with by the person, and that is why they are manifesting an autoimmune condition.

Lucien: Okay. Great. We'll do a couple more questions here and then we are going to wrap up this [00:06:41] month's interview.


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Dear Dave, I was wondering if you have heard of nattokinase as a remedy for shrinking fibroids.

I don't know if I'm pronouncing that correctly, but—

Avocado: Nattokinase. Yeah. Nattokinase is a type of enzyme. You know what? Let me just pump this up, because ever since I did all this research on serrapeptase, nattokinase, you know by the time you actually get back to it, it is so many years later that— Yeah. Okay. That's what I thought. Nattokinase deals with heart stuff, generally heart blockage, cleans out the cardiovascular system. Its relationship to fibroids is not something that I have particularly studied.

The research on fibroids is, has to do with what William Wong brought out with his kind of a knock-off of Wobenzym which is called Vitalzym, and interesting product. [00:07:39] Vitalzym. And Vitalzym and that company and William Wong put out a whole bunch of information on how to shrink fibroids with their enzymes, Vitalzyms.

I don't really have more to say about it than that. That is about the extent of my knowledge with nattokinase.

Lucien: Hi Dave. I have a family member with epilepsy. The doctors have him on a very high level of medicine to control the seizures but he continues to have them. What superfoods, diet advice or any other advice would you give to someone with epilepsy? Thank you.

Avocado: Anyone who has studied the subject of epilepsy for a period of time realizes that there are different kinds of epilepsies, and I have heard epilepsy is caused by parasites. I think there is some truth to that. Epilepsy can be neurological [00:08:24] disorders that are metabolic in nature. There is some truth to that. Epilepsy can be triggered by certain light patterns and flickering patterns that confuse the brain and suddenly cause an epileptic fit. There is also truth to that.

I wish I knew more. This is an area that I would really like to study more, and it is very deep. I mean I really need to burrow into it, and I will one day because it is such an important subject matter and does come up regularly.


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Any types of improvement in diet, cleansing, cleansing out the nervous system, LongevityNOW types of protocols will be helpful. And it's all helpful, because the epileptic conditions that we are facing today are at an epidemic proportion that we have never seen this in human history, so the immediate inference from that to me is, okay, it [00:09:14] has something to do with toxicity, the very poor quality food and the parasite load. It is all of those things that we now have to factor it, and therefore any cleansing routine, anything that removes pesticides from our diet, those things that remove artificial chemicals from our diet and our lifestyle are going to be beneficial and we start there.

Lucien: Okay. Here is a good one to finish this interview with.

Hi Avocado. Can you give some suggestions on what to say to a wholistic practitioner who is recommending supplements that contain calcium? The practitioner I am working with has been in the field over 30 years with high recommendations and good results and I don't feel confident just saying that David Wolfe says not to take calcium supplements. Is there some sort of reference I could tell him about? Thank you.

Avocado: Well sure, of course. I mean, [00:10:03] we put all those references into the LongevityNOW Program, and they are references to the medical research and literature that is out there in regards to calcification being part and parcel to every aging condition. So we know for example a hundred years – it's actually 150 years of research – on drinking well water has strongly implicated well water in causing arthritis. Well why is that? It's because of the calcium in the water. "Well, I thought we were supposed to be taking calcium."

Well, as most listeners are aware now, no, we are not supposed to be taking calcium, and actually the calcium supplement is well water without any water in it. It's just the sediment. That's how bad it is. I don't know how more to get that across to anybody other than to show them for example the literature on nanobacteria, start tracking them into that [00:10:56] literature.

The latest find on that by the way, Scientific American had an article on nanobacteria this last month that should be mentioned. January 2010. And it's interesting. Here is the conclusion – the latest


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conclusion. It keeps going back and forth. The latest conclusion about nanobacteria from the official scientific perspective is that calcification is a massive problem but nanobacteria is not alive. That was their conclusion.

Now they did mention that they know for sure that this calcium is eating [unintelligible word; protein?]. They know that for a fact. But it's not alive, and therefore you know the jury is still out. This is a very good example of how constipated our science is. I don't care if it is alive or dead or what you want to call it; if it is eating protein and causing us to calcify then we have got to do something about it, and that is where we are at. Like okay, let's get [unintelligible word]. Do you know what I mean? It's like that is where we are at. We don't need to argue if it is dead or alive or spend 50 years battling back and forth. It is obviously eating protein. In my mind it is definitely alive. It self-replicates, this stuff is causing us a massive amount of decay and degeneration. Let's just get on with the solution and we can all go back to if it is dead or alive 100 years from now.

But that was so fun. I just love these articles. It's just, it's hilarious, the scientific mind. It's like absolutely averse to the idea that something could live without having DNA in it. I mean, just averse. Just hates that idea. But whatever.

Anyway, getting your practitioner to [00:12:37] read the LongevityNOW Program is a good idea, because there is no denying it. Everybody knows when you just pay attention. You just realize oh, okay, calcification is a major problem here. And now what we are doing is we are not arguing about whether it is alive or dead. It's like what do we do about it. One thing that is really important, we have got to avoid these calcium supplements however they sneak their way into our body. And they could sneak their way into our body for years, decades, before they really start affecting things, and it's like uh-oh, kidney stones, back pain, right?

You know, that took 60 years of toxic living to finally get to that point. I don't want to do that. I want 60 years of healthy living so I never get to that point, and that is the point. That is what [00:13:19] we are trying to say here. You know, stop stacking the odds against you; start adding the odds, start stacking the odds in your favor.


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Lucien: And I like the point you brought up during the LongevityNOW Experience and I'm sure you will be talking more about it at the Longevity Conference, is all the different areas of our life that we think are maybe benign – like going to get a cup of coffee for example – well, that coffee is made with tap water. Or getting some bread. Well, that bread is made with tap water. Any store, any restaurant that you go to, what they cook with, what they use to make their drinks, every type of processed food, they are using tap water. What they are using contains all of these calcium-forming organisms.

Avocado: Exactly. And it's used to wash the vegetables. It's all over the darn place. [00:14:06] Now it takes a very long time, because obviously we are adapted to fight this stuff off. But you know more and more it is happening. The onslaught is overwhelming. You know, now the onslaught it so overwhelming that you know we have got kids at 20 years old with cancer and stuff like that.

We are just calling the bluff is really what is happening. We are just saying, "Um, oh actually we need [unintelligible phrase] obvious and basic thing here before we can start talking about going to surpassing the [unintelligible word] limit and developing into Immortals that can live a thousand years like Aubrey de Grey is out there promoting. You know, interesting researcher he is, but he is skipping the whole point just like everybody else, which is we can't do that while we are calcified. That is the thing we have got [00:14:49] to pass first.

Lucien: Okay. And now I lied about this being the last question. We have one more coming out of TheBestDayEver chat live right now, and that question is,

What is the best advice for hypothyroidism?

Avocado: Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is an interesting question and it's a deep question, and that's another epidemic issue that we are dealing with all the time. Massive amount of hypothyroidism out there.

Here is what I have been able to learn about the thyroid. The thyroid is a sack that contains about a thousand thyroid glands. That's the real truth. It itself really is not a gland; it's a sack that contains a


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thousand glands. As long as we have some of our thyroid – which means some of our thyroid glands – let's say half of it was removed but the other half is still there, then we can [00:15:40] still produce thyroid hormone, everything is kosher, we can get things back to normal. If the thyroid has been completely removed then we are in trouble and we have to get on unique hormone replacement or use dessicated animal thyroid to help out.

The thyroid as a gland is the most vascularized gland in our body. It gets the most blood flow of any gland in our body. It is also the most negatively charged point in our body. It's like a nodal point that has a very strong negative charge, like a battery. And that negative charge then attracts to itself – especially in light of all that blood flow – it attracts to itself the pesticides, the herbicides, the heavy metals, the nuclear waste literally, like depleted uranium that is in our body that we may have been contaminated with. And with [00:16:28] all that stuff showing up in our blood it can get gummed up in the thyroid and then all of a sudden the thyroid starts to malfunction.

This leads us to the appropriate move, whenever we have hypothyroidism, and that is detoxification and cleansing and sometimes using designer detoxification products like zeolites in order to draw off some of those really toxic debris that can be inhibiting our thyroid. Just treating a thyroid with Synthroid, which is the traditional medical approach, never obviously uproots the major problem which is a toxicity issue.

Going beyond that, Steiner said that one of the best things you can do for your thyroid is to get yourself inverted; flip yourself upside down. Well this can change the blood flow in your thyroid for sure. He also recommended actually grounding like an ostrich sticks his head in the ground, that kind of approach – like [00:17:21] literally have your head touching the ground. And that can help to recharge— Well, we know why that works now: because it recharges your whole head with electrons. Your thyroid is the most negatively charged point in your body, I mean it is the most electron-hungry. It wants all those free electrons in order to function properly, and therefore if your neck is close to the ground or even touching the actual bare Earth you can draw in electrons right to your thyroid. Literally that is the case. That is literally what is going on.


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And when we have an electron deficiency – let's say we are never grounded, we are out of gas, we are out of energy, we never have living foods, then of course our thyroid becomes susceptible for those reasons, because it is no longer negatively charged enough to deal with all the different [00:18:02] positively charged toxins that are passing by day-to-day, week-to-week.

Additionally on top of thyroid stuff we can say that there are foods that are really good for the thyroid. Maca is really good for the thyroid, Brazil nut, kelp and some other high-iodine seaweeds. Not dulse. Kelp. We can say that there are foods that are bad for the thyroid, and one of the big ones of course is the cruciferous family, which is you know like wild mustards – mostly the wild plants in the cruciferous family that have very strong what we call goitrogens in them, which is like thyroid-suppressive substances.

Now if you don't have any thyroid problem or anything like that you can still eat broccoli, you can still eat cauliflower, it's all cool. Kale, great. No big deal. But if we have a serious thyroid problem we want to be careful of things [00:18:56] in the mustard family, especially really strong things that can have very strong goitrogens in them, and generally those are strong mustards. Like arugula is one that comes to mind.

There is another food that I want to mention that is very good for the thyroid, and that coconut, coconut oil, coconut products in general are very supportive and speed up the thyroid and help to get everything going.

Another food that is very toxic to the thyroid: soy. All kinds of soy products super-toxic, terrible for the thyroid, probably the worst thing. They figured out in the '50s you feed your animals soy, they fatten up, they become lethargic, you can sell them for a lot of money. You feed your animals coconut and coconut products, they become lean and strong, they are not heavy enough to sell for a lot of money.

So when [00:19:45] you look at the U.S. population you see nobody is grounded, you see that everybody is massively deficient in electrons, we see that everybody is taking in a huge amount of soy products and almost no coconut products, and therefore we become


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lethargic and kind of stuck. And we can of course come out of that intelligently by working with a thyroid detoxification protocol and a thyroid diet, thyroid-supportive diet that brings certain things and removes certain things in order to get things going again.

Lucien: Okay. Awesome. So this has been an exclusive interview with David "Avocado" Wolfe. We hope everyone enjoyed it. We have got some really exciting stuff coming up. The Longevity Conference is going to be March 26, 27, 28, Costa Mesa, California. We [00:20:28] have got a pretty amazing lineup, Dave, of people who are going to be speaking at this event. I would [00:20:32] say unlike any other. We have got Paul Stamets, we have got, you know, Donna Gates is coming, we have got Dr. Mercola – and if you listen to that last interview you guys did, it was just chock full of amazing information, just tidbits of information from that kind of scientific genre of doctor that was just phenomenal. And there is going to be just so much of that flying around the Longevity Conference it's going to be really ridiculous.

Avocado: It is going to be so awesome, and I am so excited to hang out with Dr. Mercola. His girlfriend actually emailed me today and sent me a little message and said that Dr. Mercola is working on winning one of these awards and he is like a few votes away from getting you know like best doctor or best health authority or something in America, so I'm going to send out a little blast to help [00:21:14] him along, because he really is dishing up incredible knowledge, really saving people from years of reinventing the wheel, extending people's lives. He is touching millions of people a month. It's phenomenal what he is doing, and we are just so happy to have him at this event, and he is going to share with all of us his best secrets, which are profound – which were impressive. I mean, I was very impressed by Dr. Mercola, very impressed. He knows what he is talking about.

Lucien: And we have got the steadfast crew of Truth Calkins and George Lamoureux. I mean these guys just anchor it down and they keep presenting some pretty amazing information when it comes to Chinese herbs, tonic herbs and how to make the best elixirs ever. It's pretty much the best well-rounded event I have ever seen. We have got [00:21:58] amazing speakers, we have got an amazing variety of personalities and information, and the vendors are going to be just


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amazing as ever. At each event it just keeps getting better.

Avocado: It does, and you're right. We've got the usual suspects in George and Truth and they are dishing out knowledge. It's really – the human race has waited tens of thousands of years for this moment, because suddenly here comes the real information – right? – where the monopolies of control of information have all crumbled to pieces. Medical monopolies and all that is crumbling, and what bleeds through is a light, and right in the middle of that spotlight is this Longevity Conference which is bringing forth finally really where it is all headed: cross-referenced knowledge that has been worked on for hundreds of years, thousands of years. We are now getting it all. [00:22:47] It's outrageous!

Lucien: All right. So we look forward to seeing everyone there at the Longevity Conference. There is still time to register, so they can check it out at You can see the list of speakers on the left hand side, you can see the promotional video, you can register for your ticket, and you can get all the information about the hotel where we are going to be having the event and what to expect and everything. So it's really fantastic. I encourage everyone to at least check it out. Consider coming, because if you have never been to one of these events, it's a life changer. That's the bottom line is it's a life changer.

Avocado: It is, and it's a lot of fun and you'll meet incredible, like-minded people. And there are a lot of opportunities that come out of this too – career opportunities, career [00:23:30] change opportunities, huge insight from business perspectives as well, as to how you can be more productive, how you can get the higher economy of efficiency in your lifestyle, all kinds of stuff like that. And you just pick and choose what you like.

