Page 1: Fate ofModel Xenobiotics in Calcareous Marine Algae! · to xenobiotics introduced either indirectly in shoreline runoff or directly as chemical spills (pesticides, oil, etc.) on the

1 This paper is contribution no. 855 from the HawaiiInstitute of Marin e Biology. We gra tefully acknowledgefinancial support through the Hawaii Institute of Mar ineBiology (Pauley Foundat ion), the University of Cali­fornia Toxic Substances Research and Teach ing Pro­gram, and the National Institut e of EnvironmentalHealth Sciences (Teaching Gr ant ES07059). Manu scrip taccepted 15September 1990.

2 Departm ent of Environmental Toxicology, Univer­sity of Ca lifornia, Davis, California 95616.

CALCAREOUS MARINE ALGAE are importantcomponents of reef structures. Halimeda, amember of the Chlorophyta, is a major sandproducer in many areas (Goreau and Goreau1973). Porolithon, a rhodophyte, helps main­tain reef structure and integrity by formingalgal ridges at the reef front, as well as bycementing together the calcified fragmentsthat compose the reef itself (Goreau 1963,Goreau and Goreau 1973). Although mem­bers of the Phaeophyta are not known tocontribute significantly to the building ormaintenance of the reef structure, they areprominent members of the reef community. Inour work, this third major division of calcare­ous macroalgae was represented by Padina ,which was common at the study site, HawaiiInstitute of Marine Biology on Coconut Is­land , Oahu, Hawaii .

Pacific Science (1991), vol. 45, no. 3: 308-313© 1991 by University of Hawaii Press. All rights reserved

Fate of Model Xenobiotics in Calcareous Marine Algae!


ABSTRACT: Uptake, depuration, and metabolism ofp-nitroanisole (PNA) andp-nitrophenol (PNP) were investigated in Halim eda, Padina, and Porolithonspecies, all of which are calcareous marine algae found in tropical waters . Thealgae were exposed to filtered seawater solutions of either PNA or PNP in astatic system for 24 hr (uptake period), then placed in clean water and allowedto release absorbed chemical and possible metabolites for 24 hr (depurationperiod). Concentrations of the chemicals were monitored spectrophotometri­cally, and the water at the end of uptake and depuration was extracted onto acolumn of Amberlite XAD-4 resin, eluted sequentially with methylene chlorideand methanol , and analyzed for metabolites by high-pressure liquid chromatog­raphy (HPLC). Results showed that the algae absorb PNA but not PNP. Therewas no indication that they were capable of metabolizing PNA, except incon­sistently, to PNP. However, half of the absorbed PNA remained unaccountedfor, and may either have been metabolized to undetected metabolites or boundto tissue macromolecules.

Because man y of these algae live on theshallow reef flats, they are likely to be exposedto xenobiotics introduced either indirectly inshoreline runoff or directly as chemical spills(pesticides, oil, etc.) on the reef. Althoughthere have been studies on the ecology, growth ,and intermediary metabolism of these algae(Hillis-Colinvaux 1980, Johansen 1981), thereseem to be no reports on their ability to me­tabolize xenobiotic compounds. Xenobioticmetabolism consists of primary reactions(oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis) , andsecondary reactions (conjugation to polargroups), which render the chemical morewater-soluble (polar) and thus easier to ex­crete. Because it is moderately fat-soluble andit can be modified by many metabolic reac­tions , p-nitroanisole (PNA) is a good modelpollutant; it can be demethylated via oxida-tion to form p-nitrophenol (PNP), ring oxi­dized at the 2-position to the nitrocatechol, orreduced to form an amine (Figure 1). In addi­tion , the analytical techniques to detect andmeasure PNA and many possible metaboliteshave already been developed (Foster andCrosby 1986).

The purpose of this research was to investi­gate the uptake, depuration, and biodegrada­tion of the model compounds in three types of


Page 2: Fate ofModel Xenobiotics in Calcareous Marine Algae! · to xenobiotics introduced either indirectly in shoreline runoff or directly as chemical spills (pesticides, oil, etc.) on the

Fate of Model Xenobiotics in Marine Algae-INOUYE AND CROSBY 309

FIGURE 1. Possible metabolism rou tes of PNA andPNP (Fos ter and Crosby 1986). Conjugates may be sul­fate (R = OS03H ), glucoside (R = P-D-glucose), andgalactose (R = poD-galactose).

algae. In case they were unable to demethylatethe PNA into PNP, the ability to conjugate atthe hydroxyl group could still be investigatedby using PNP itself.

M etabolism Chamb er

A 400-ml, uncovered widemouth jar wasused as a metabolism chamber. For Halim edaand Padina , ca. 10-15 g wet weight were usedfor each experiment; for Porolithon, ca. 50 gwet weight was used. Algae were exposed toeither PNA or PNP (2 mg/l, 350 ml, in 0.2­,urn-filtered seawater) at room temperature(26 ± 2°C) and natural indoor lighting for a24-hr uptake period. The algae then wererinsed and transferred to 350 ml of clean 0.2­,urn-filtered seawa ter and allowed to releaseabsorbed chemical and possible metabolitesfor 24 hr (depura tion period ). Water samples(5 ml) were taken for analysis throughoutboth uptake and depuration periods at ca. I ,2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 hr. An identical jar, butcontaining no algae, was maintained simul­taneously to contro l for the physical loss orabiotic degradation of either PNA or PNP.

seawater system in partial sunlight and werecarefull y cleaned of epiphytes and com­mensal anim als just before each experiment.Porolith on algal head s were broken into smallpieces, scrubbed with a brush, then placed inseawater, and purged with nitrogen gas for 15min to remove any an imals remaining withinthe calcareous matrix.


~> Q (j0"N0 2 N02

p-Nitrophenol 4-Nitrocatechol(PNP)





Chemicals and Reagents

PNA and PNP, purchased from AldrichChemical Co. , were recrystallized and deter­mined to be pure by high-performance liquidchromatography (HPLC). Reference stan­dards, including 4-nitrocatechol, PNP sul­fate, PNP P-O-glucoside, and PNP P-O­galactoside, were purchased from Sigma Chem­ical Co. and used without furth er purification.


Algae were collected from Kaneohe Bay,Oahu: Halimeda discoidea was collected onChecker Reef, Porolithon sp. from Reef 43,and Padina japonica from the lagoon at theHawaii Institute of Marine Biology on Coco­nut Island. The algae were kept in a flowing

Sample Analysis

All water samples were filtered beforeanalysis to reduce analytical interference dueto particulates, and the filters (0.45-,umNucleopore memb rane filter) were tested toensure that neither PNA or PNP were ad­sorbed (recoveries for both compounds were100%). Water samples were analyzed using aBeckman Model OB-6 spectrophotometer;PNA was monitored by absorbance at318 nm, and PNP at 401.5 nm. These valueswere corrected for instrument drift by sub­tracting a background value taken whereneither compound absorbed (500 nm).

At the end of both uptake and depurationperiods, the remaining water was extracted bypassing through an Amberlite XAO-4 resincolumn (2 x 10 cm). The column was rinsedwith 100 ml of distilled water, then sequenti-

Page 3: Fate ofModel Xenobiotics in Calcareous Marine Algae! · to xenobiotics introduced either indirectly in shoreline runoff or directly as chemical spills (pesticides, oil, etc.) on the

310 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 45, July 1991


(/) 0.12 1'\!::z 0.10 / \=>w0 0.08 / \zoctm 0.06 \ \ /r>.a:0

0.04 )/ \(/)m \ ~/'/ "oct

0.02 ,0.00

250 300 350 400 450 500 550


F IGURE 2. Absorption spectra of p-nitro anisole (- - ), p-nit roph enol (- - -), and p-nitroph enol gluco­side (- - - -). All solutions were 2 mg/l in Instant Ocean'".

ally eluted with 50 ml each of methylene chlo­ride and methanol. The meth ylene chlorideand methanol were combined and rotoevapo­rated down to ca. 10 ml. This method has beenshown to pro vide greater than 90% recoveriesfor PNA, PNP, and several conjugates (Fosterand Cro sby 1986).

The extracts were analyzed on a BeckmanModel IIOB HPLC system with a C-18column (Alltech Econosphere, 250 mm x4.6 mm, 5 flm packing). Two linear grad ientsolvent systems were used, one to analyzefor PNA and PNP (acetonitrile-I % aqueousacetic acid-methanol [60: 39 : I], going toacetonitrile-I % aqueous acetic acid [95: 5]over a period of 10 min) , and a second todetec t the more polar conjugates (acetonitrile­I% aqueous acetic acid-methanol [10: 89: 1]held for 3 min, then going to acetonitrile-I %aqueous acetic acid [75: 25] over a period of15 min). Absorbance was monitored with avariable wavelength detector set at 341 nm.This wavelength was selected because PNA,PNP, and PNP-glucoside all absorb there(Figure 2), although sensitivities were reduced.

Dry, decalcified tissue weights were deter-

mined at the end of the depuration period .Algae were decalcified in 200 ml of 10% aceticacid in distilled water. After 24 hr, the tissueswere considered decalcified if the pH was lessthan 4.5 and no more bubbles were beingformed (if the pH was greater than 4.5, theacetic acid solution was replaced and allowedto stand for another 24 hr). The decalcifiedtissues were then dried overnight at 60°C be­fore weighing. The tissue was not analyzed forchemical residues.


UV absorption (PNA concentration) de­clined in water containing each of the threespecies during the 24-hr upt ake period (Figure3), while control concentrations showed littleloss. Upon removal to clean water (arrow inFigure 3), the algae released PNA. Conversionof these dat a to tissue concentrations (Figure4) pro vided classical uptake, equilibrium, anddepu ration curves, especially in Halimeda ex­periment 3 (optional curves are shown). Poro­lith on appeared to absorb as much PNA as

Page 4: Fate ofModel Xenobiotics in Calcareous Marine Algae! · to xenobiotics introduced either indirectly in shoreline runoff or directly as chemical spills (pesticides, oil, etc.) on the

Fate of Model Xenobiotics in Marine Algae-INOUYE AND CROSBY 311

120.-------------, 0.4.------------.,






20 30Time (hours)

100.0 ......................,........,,.......,~~.,....,... ...............,...,..-T"""O-.-l



.,2 0.3'0Q)

<t""5: ~ 0.2

oQ)'0.a 0.1OlE



• ••

20 30 40Time (hours)


~ 100c:l!'l 80(;

.2 60<t

~ 40£;l. 20


20 3 0 40 50Time (hours)

1 0O .O~..;..,...;..,................................- ......."'T""""~~



.~ 0.3s""~ 0.2al'0

~ 0.1OlE


•20 30 40 50Time (hours)

10o+-.-......................................,....,...~.;......~ .............-.-..........-I


~ 100c:co.c 80(;

~ 60[ij',= 40£;l. 20


120 -r------------,




b _

20 30Time (hours)



0.4 .-------------,

FIGURE 4. Calculated uptake and depuration of PNAin algae. Arrow indicates return to clean water. Experi­ment I (e) , experiment 2 (a) , exper iment 3 (A. ).



20 30 40Time (hours)

1 0


0+-.- +.r T"""" ....-j






F IGURE 3. Spectrophot ometric analysis of PNA inwater in the presence (closed symbols) and absence (opensymbols) of calcare ous algae. Arrow indicates return toclean water . Experiment I (e), experiment 2 (a ), experi­ment 3 (A.).

Page 5: Fate ofModel Xenobiotics in Calcareous Marine Algae! · to xenobiotics introduced either indirectly in shoreline runoff or directly as chemical spills (pesticides, oil, etc.) on the

312 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Volume 45, July 1991




20 30 40Time (hours)




~ 40:s~ 200


0 10 20 30 40 50Time (hours)

~ 100 .,-"---i--!...__--'ce 80s~ 60


Q) 100 ~ II g e Halimeda(Jcell-e 800/Jl.0-c 60


~0 20

0 \1..- -

0 10 20 30 40 50Time (hours)


Ius gPorol lthon

Q) 100(J ecell-e 800/Jl.0

60-c~ 40:s~0 20

F IGURE 5. Spectrophotometric analysis of PNP inwater in the presence (closed symbo ls) and absence (opensymbols) of calcareous algae. Arrow indicates return toclean water. Experimen t I (e) , experiment 2 (_), experi­ment 3 (a) .

Halimeda, but upon conversion to tissue con­centrations, it act ually absorbed much less.This may be a result of incomplete decalcifica­tion ; Porolithon was the most heavily calcifiedof the three species, and although it appearedto be decalcified using the described method,white particles (calcium carbonate) were ob­served after drying . The Padina results wereinconsistent; the first experiment indicatedtypical uptake and depuration, but in a secondexperiment, Padina did not appear to absorbany PNA.

In each case where the algae were shown toabsorb PNA, only abo ut 50% of the absorbedcompound was shown to be depurated un­changed. Althoug h trace amounts of themetabolite PNP were detected in some expo­sures, these levels could not account for thePNA that was absorbed but not depurated. Inaddition, the presence of PNP was not con­sistent between replica tes and may have beendue to PNA metabolism by small inverte ­brates that still remained after the cleaningprocess. The PNA may have been retained inthe algal tissue or partially bound to particu­lates in the exposure water that were sub­sequently filtered out before analysis. An­other possibi lity is that the PNA may havebeen converted into metabolites that eitherwere not detected with the methods used orwere not captured by the XAD-4 resin (p­aminophenol or PNP phosphate). Use ofradiolabeled PNA could clarify the matter,but was beyond the scope of this summerproject.

Of the three algal species used in these ex­periments, none absorbed PNP (Figure 5),and there was no HPLC evidence of anymetabolism or conjugate formation. How­ever, in a separate experiment, PNP-glucosidewas foun d to be unstable in the 0.2-,um­filtered seawate r. Within 24 hr, it was hy­drolyzed completely to PNP and glucose. Thismay also apply to the other conjugates, and ifso, none of the PNP conjugates would bedetected with the methods used. However, in0.2-,um-filtered seawater from Bodega Bay,California, the glucoside required 7 days forcomplete degradation, and it was stable inboth distilled water and artificia l seawater(Instant Ocean 'P).

Page 6: Fate ofModel Xenobiotics in Calcareous Marine Algae! · to xenobiotics introduced either indirectly in shoreline runoff or directly as chemical spills (pesticides, oil, etc.) on the

Fate of Model Xenobiotics in Marine Algae- INOUYE AND CROSBY 313

The experiments indicate that these cal­careous algae have very little ability to me­tabolize xenobiotics by the usual routes, and,in addition, they absorb only rather nonpolarcompounds. As only half of the absorbedPNA was depurated, either it was metabolizedinto undetected products or it was retained inthe algae, perhaps as PNP bound into tissuemacromolecules. If the PNA remained un­metabolized, the algae wou ld concentrate fat­soluble compounds in their tissues, becausethey are unable to metabolize them into aneasily excreted, water-soluble form.


FOSTER, G. D., and D. G. CROSBY. 1986.Xenobiotic metabolism of p-nitrophenol

derivatives by the rice field crayfish (Pro­cambarus clarkii). Environ. Toxicol. Chern.5 : 1059-1070.

GaREAu, T. F. 1963. Calcium carbonatedeposition by coralline algae and corals inrelation to their roles as reef-builders. Ann.N.Y. Acad . Sci. 109: 127-167.

GaREAu, T. F., and N. I. GaREAu. 1973. Theecology of Jamaican coral reefs. II . Geo­morphology, zonation, and sedimentationphases. Bull. Mar. Sci. 23(2): 400-463.

HILLIS-COLINVAUX, L. 1980. Ecology andtaxonomy of Halimeda: Primary producerofcoral reefs. Adv. Mar. BioI. 17(1): 1-327.

JOHANSEN, H. W. 1981. Coralline algae: A firstsynthesis. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.