Page 1: Famed -Podf&Pfo fe//s Rol^ Angels Nuns Begin" fhlnu His'business prospered so that-early

' X -


JIilyi?^ukee1— (NC) — The f iist s tage Ins V>eon com­pleted in. the obly cause for beattfbtaaya jiiii catomza-tipn^vet1 started, m the Aich<E6cese o f "Milwaukee, tha t ~* " la ther Stephen Egkeit, " of OJF.M Cap.

"AUBURN PILGRIMS — Shown above in their Auburn liorae, following" a redout pilgrimage RTQEmope, aie the AVawrzaszek family of St. Hyacinth's parish. From left aie Miss Mary Wilczek, a sister of Mis. Waurzaszekj Me-lanie 4; Jacqueline-S (m back); Mrs. Wawrsjaszek; Bonnie Lynit 6; a n d Jerome C. Wawizas/ek.

Famed -Podf&Pfo fe//s

Documents a n d 'testimony gathcied during a seven-yoai investigation here and in Lon-d o n j M , and Newjfork City aaxe been mailed to Rome.

The documents included

^ g ^ ^ f c y jIAR* J ^ M T & K l M p t

Auburn; — "Pray to t h e Blessed1 Virgin Mary," These

.Were the -words of advice oft feted an ^uinirn. father _Wl)eh'

„.. he was privileged, to kneel, a t l tt° beflgjflgjpf f'adre Pjo: In:&n, ; interyiew_atthe ftorneof .,$GsT

"' apd^Ts. Jeramo C, \¥awra;aszefc j -off .Grant Street, 'Auburn,, this

. ' repdWje* teamed the ' story of j •the i family. *

' Jcrprae Wawrkszekrhls .SvJfev . and three daughters Jacqueline

"~8,; Bonnie Lynn 6,. and Meiaiue: 4, were living happily and coji-;

_ tentedly in their comfortable: home, the two older girls Wovel enrolled at St, - Hyacinth's! school, Mr. ^Vawrzasiok Was?; busy as a -Building contfaator, When suddenly tragedy struck.-

. - Shortly after the first of the present year, Bonnie gave ovl-i dence of not being In, the-host]

_ of health. Symptoms developed at ,ap alarming, rate; her onlS' concern, over her healthj was compounded by the* fact] that thh child Was most unooro-: fortable. Front a lively, lovely,

1 chubby little six-year-old she: * was being, metamorphosed be-! . fore •their very eyes into? a, list-"

less^wTdeb«^qne invalid,-'•-.» " . - ' IN ill$, TIME of worry Mr* „ ^VavfiMaefewenWoHsee-hi^

- ' tor, tlio Refe, Jerome-Holubo-f ~ -'MaTOttCom "of..ISEniyar

-«uuh Church? ''Father Jerry" reminded the young father of the truths ho already know and accepted: Stat such sorrow* we, . , _ . crosses bestowed by AlmightyiThoy had, done everything- pos?-

-Godr-lhft pastor- -had-t<»entl#slbje-f^

-.returned from a pllgrimago to; — Lourdes and had brought back

some holy &aler from the] • ""shrine, He gave- a ytal of this

stairs hungry.'


sand announced. "Pm

Because We ~ all ' know the Church** teaching On .super­natural occurrences," .e i ther Sir, or Mrs, Wawrzaszok ,rtor I tiso.-. t he word, "miracle";, ye t one can. appreciate the hope" Ijhat throbbed i through; then* when the frail child appeared on the stairs and gave thesdal

-sist6r Saiss. Mary' Wlczete.jpf-.4I Ftilaski_SU*eet> Auburn, flei\y-Tv, Paris, thekon to tourdes: -whore they bathed the Utile girFlti the mfa'acUlous -Ming: and whore * she. again drink the

•tttirdes, Scaler. . ' „ , , , . , ,

"They w,"eht" oft toltoih'e whore Father 'Jerome, had, nia&eiar rangenients through frjenas'lnj his Order to, facilitate tliqlr| gelling around the Eteinal City; At Rdme they rccoived (hq blessing.of'Hi§ Holiness Pops John twice, once—in-St, Peter,'? whore His, Holiness passed WKhln a-few -feet of them, and again -in St. ' Peter's Square when the Pontiff gave his bless­ing front the balcony,»

Irt,'Rome they "mot the- Rev, Robert MaWnVwho had yislk ed in .Auburn as the guest of the R e v . , John £ » Nacesi, -pastik of St Francis! of AsSlBi-'Chwch, Father l&trjno has bad- sen In-

Uerestlrig faraily-Jblstorj^—llla {lather -lived at - ono . t ime In Rochester,,'but ;rctQrrie<I' to

—Btntsasejrand Tcmitrrlglitfutly |o l bellovo, the "family dofesl nol want to dwell at any longt&T on the Illness of Hie child l ! have passed over, it qulqfcly;

cation of the--£ourt}es Water.l She had been to hospitals and spaetelisu In'^^bnnrSyrabuser ^mlnteceffllf as he told tOUk a.H Washington, B, C. None of

covety*-. AT THIS P1BST fay of hope^

Sir, Wawmrszek voWed that: somehow he- -would take' the;

to theVwo"rr°^Mhe"rwho"re>ftli(!m". gave "any, hope o£ re-j turned" hpjrnO with I t

iSonhle 'Wfis'.ih such a pain.-] Wracked condition, that they Oould not persuade her'to swat

-low the water, Howeycr,. tliey Wete able to nib. * Itttlii teound lion mouth and in a -state of mind any p&fent can uiulcr-standi tliey returned satily to tlio living room.

As the father recalls the ever]

child to lourdes to intercede ^hlle staying at the ho ettbot'p, to the Holher Of God a{ he r - t l «Wet pilgrims who had « » shrine thei'O, He is careful to make clear that he docs ftot Consldec. himself a rich man,; but. be explained that as sodftj as lie had wade the resolution-: to take the chittt~to Gourdes]

Ing^elpoMsJoLanjoperLitaidiMUmai^ seemed to. help " fhlnu His'business prospered so

that-early In:-' May- the entire family.-with Mrs. Wawraaszek's

case and remembers the corn.-1

: -aplete ^surprise, of J[he .parents, T, %lien Bonnie appeSrcd. on the'

pages written in _longhand, .\ [^ransciipt of all testim'ony tak e n during ncaily 90 hearings oil t h e cause and eight typewritten] volynics of Father Stephen's writings, each WitbTW pages.

•PlIE EJ^iPENCfi-Wiirhe ex-amincd- irj,.KOme and, *if ap­proved, a 'second, step. in--ihe

jjifc'beatUication-ittyestl^-:tion,,tbe-«p6stolic- process;. Will b e unuettSKeiniere,

Italy, married and. r.alsedt his family there, Kathor Matvlno arranged^ tO' come f rom: (he «ntalt viflago'Where-lie *stthe paislOr idowh to Rome Wheyo;lic

m j • mt • -MWluaWe i\i^m -tl« "WWyftasiek famllyf not tl;« lc|st,of wmch.-was acting its/In icxiirciet..

THrbtigh Father Itatrtoio ar­rangements were made f o r thoi iamlly" t o goto Pjetroclno -t-oro-j cciv'c. the blessing of the stlg-mat(p, Padfo Pio»',Tho. faemlly mauo t h e journey of 350 miles over the ycnOwned *nd almost pei'i)6h4icuiar, ibili'foads. in a ta|fl.. -Mr«"\VaWr&szek' chuckled

lAuburnians, FatheX- K*txlnoJ and the taxi-driver all tcwkcd| into One Small Italian t ax i .

ARRrviN& ' A.T" Pletroelno: they, learned that Padre Plo was foo ill to receive* visitors.

waltiffg jot three weeks r t o see the noted Capuchin. One - flor-son In particular who moved tlienv Was a Polish p e s t Who had: corfle asking prayers- Mid

fadvlce t o combat the Insicli&ps inroads thd 'Communists "Were jnaktag liito. t h e lire,, o f jils| pa'tlsL:

Ho'svever, and "hete ~;


51 • — — K1 " 3

Bmiltim •

Father -StepjieA.Eckert was am uncle of (he Rev. Vincent JSckeit, C.SiB, present tieas-*xrer~of "Aquinas- Institute, atocliester^ The local Iiasllian father reta|ls_that,hls uncle -was in Rochostcr on at least two Qccasioiiis to give missions aii"GtrJK£a*at Holy Eamlly aind Corpus Christ! pjirishes,

:;;; BasilLans

FoUi no\v3Ey oiJiln_ed DTsilian Fathcis, na tHECi of Rocliestei, will celeliia^e tliolff=irst Solemn Masses tills weehcfL in parish churches ,,

"REV. AlfcTHllll rKlKM wjll|

.^Father Stephen >*a,s known, as

,0*0516?' • BCe'was. .the. first MSI dent pastorr0f S^ Benedjfct |jifc!

p i e in JHllwankee> serving theM from i9lSt-until' shortly before His death in 1923. •.

He-Was hovn at St. Columban, Ont.,.AprH 28,1869. After cont pletihg' h i s ,'classfcal studies at] S t , Jerome's College, Kitchener, Out,', he. entered the Capueljln1

Order in Detroit.on,.May 21, 1S91, and 'tyas ordained in Jill-v^iikoe July 2, 1806.

Before-coming to Milwaukee, h e served as a missionary in ij$ew.1fw*.

In the -first' mpntlf after his) krtlvaLto JlllWaukeo, he visited several hundred poor-families! i n his. parish.

To Sing ~

First Masses

sing lus-riarst iolciMan Mass—at Blessed Sacraniciil —Church on Sunday, J i i lV 5 Assistant! priest will fae let, F=tobat Scol Jard, .Secietary, 5tiw*era| of. the, Basiliaii''liSath-.etf,, -C3,S,!1„ -aaid! Rev. AlUdrfc Shaia ^Willipreach t h e sermon—

-"- • ' • , ' _ »

;3S£a§'s/ sschednlecL. atff Ei4n;, --Beacba-»«?iH:l)(i,:^eVj, 'Robert' Flbod(:{j,SiE!. Q % Jrobl|-Fis&er College ifta^snipR«*;on 'ivill be Fafh.ej:,,Ckradei;'Ai«o»ld,iO,S.B, '

flbie f*champipn vt ; f h ^ * b l o r c d H ^ ^ y r i f ^ R # , -IS48P1S3BR wil l offgrhSs aPlrjpSBtoWiiif SfiaSs|

the gjivwcftftlbeissurrip: HtissIvns-fof^oloF«a^iwlQn^ali'p>4r^lir-Z^

rda)f|#5dly i

- , Prcaclier Tv0i:liJ'WEev4Villiani' OTCoolo, O.S.P>.„{|SSt. JHIchael's. College, ITaronlo, anil Rev, Leonard Kesll5?-.\f||| asetesistaiit priest.

: For the: next 10 yeMrsj-luV! Worked among the colored, pqo p ie , gave missions and "begged a lms for the poor of his parish. BEe founded a boarding: Ichool |£or Negro children, which con­tinued to-- operate until 1921,

REV. ,ftOBElW' WM Will cel.ebratpi'htis Jd« "in'SL An­drew's Cliii cbfc'OD.Swndiy, Jalyj

[Sr-atrlSllS pan,' '

Rev, iohsa.' jDjUiJy-. CAB., of St- " Mictowsi's /|e«legO| will

(preach tllP-aseap acjidit. Rev, ;Hsgr,Gc(irjBe IJpsckVpastorj will ,bo asssastail pjBriesIf .

REV. RE 'cmi TJ-KiNSKY] will-slngtiias Flfj|<i«Eass.ptv Swn .day,;' July .-K • -at-41—fciife-in—Sit] j'B'onif45(i..C3aiK{|l '.., ^

Ueacon'aacd siJeracekwlii. bel Rev., Olitrfces Icecap. wd. Bteyj David HeaKh,. mL. m'> JTohp &. O'Mswi*. of .l^robn" Fisher 'College Wimt' swtbm. -

PIONEER HOLY ANTGELS NUNS — Three of t h e seven, Sisters who first came to Holy Angels Homes 1326 Wlnton Hd. N., hi 1930_stlILare at the Home, which marks its 28tli anniversary July 9. They are (fi&m left) Sister M. of St. Andrew (Ziiiimci), "native of Webstor; Sister Mary Lawrence, ex­tern Siste.ri.and Slstej M. of St. Teresa. -

Rol^ Angels Nuns Begin

Service •Ph&ieen nuns of Holy it'ngieisj

[Hoaie, 'pq^in to 'n ^ d . N,iJ«rili! Mark" tii'e beginning of the «iv

t dor's 20th yearlrt^Rochesiei at1

!.jji, private ftlass In the liqnxels chape l on Thursday, Julyt;?., -|

-Bief^s-dairglittfr of the late MTCT" . ,anj, ^Irg. Joseph Jtl dimmer,

-feelfihrantr^tbe-IWTrtrR^lWwsfe^ who:-entered the Ruf-Msgr. Francis. B..BuriiB-'.6f ISt.' Bernard's Seminary- - •. jribl who ,-htts.been, ,a$focljtt$d''.W*t«' the. work of the; Home slnije it was established In 1930".'

[liai'dening^cookingrand-embrop] dery, - , . - - - - - -

0?he Holy Angels STuns" (Sis­ters of Our-Lady of 'Cllacity of Refuge) "d0yote-:themset'sres to t h e rehabilitation of teenage girls in need of special 'giiid-ance. Established; in, • Biiffatlo since 18§S> the-Sisters' accfpteil art invitation from the thten Bishbp John- F. O'Hem of the Rochester Diocese to,work in |this areav - . . . .

THREfoOF THE* seven Sis ; ' VM< >><••"•• JJ'I r —

St. RpesGriis

ters~who iirst" ,e>nie is. ycarsj ag.O'are stiilafctheHome, they are; ' '. , , ' . 1 . " ":

before coming- to Ro,ehes,ter, SlUl very active, Sister's duties-iiielude the njaking"pTT"aitar breads foe churches, sewing.

StsterMrof StrAndrew (Zlm4aiid^eoeltitig.

falb comrtiUnlW i)* 1922< Amphgj " ' " " '""*• -ilrfe.laiinriBrJjng,

Sister ITary. (Ocelli), .'J6sir»

L a w re n e e

Momnt, Pa,, Who also entered at! Buffalo in '1922, Now 8? years old, she.serycd for m%hy yoars, as an. extern Sisters^' and Still" works daily at . dusting and In thfj kitchen. '

Sister M, of St. Teresa (Mor-rissoy), born in Michigan, who entered the -order a t Buffalo i r i lWi-where she assisted i n . tho',braining .School for orphans

„;MDRE THAN 43«F teeiiap -

girls have .received specialized help! — I'oliglousr iQCial and' educational -~r at -the -Monte since Jts-feundihg, They include girls who. have failed i n adjust satisfactorily a t home o r in the cemmunfty a n d who- n e e d spec-

in Plcasantfial Sa l r t ingT^i rbeqome socially-. agcepiabio'fand seif-suppprtiflg.

ReferralsVare inadTbTpublie Welfare .deparhnehts,—TOWtg; private: agencies or individuals, Average stay of" the girls, who are. received"" Irrespective of race, color; o r creed; is front a few ntonths to two or'three years. Most referrals are frjom Monroe -.County and otfter-area-coiintles.' v ' .

RV Connolly Feted By ~ School Employe s

•Newark—A. reception'was givoif. ler^lfc Jioilot oil Rev, John- A. Qopolly,:CafaoTic^l|»fIa1iptt^^ State iScJattioi who wastransfeEradV'c^l311111^ S(,.Rita Church, West Webster after


-First let yoin*. JBye.lPiijslclan. decide wftetJieYyon can or ahould wear Con» jactr t«iise«t If he approves, talce nivahbage .61 W'tdert** tweiity-rive-years of experlcncei


^mmimmimmmmmmmmNM^rmsnmmmmmnm^ iiid^uburinW • feet, aielyen ; sn)ll?3 rtippn them, Fatheaf? '. -trlno,, was given, permission to ; brtng;al»^W^te^5zeHo iAi'tlre ; :PI8's "bedsfde; in tho'Jnfiraoiary.

jrasib^^Utlirrdan. ktfelt aleng-^isl#~-ae^-bedi—the-v5tijgimlltle : m blessed 'Mtn. Padre Plo listened SfepfuHy' to theuia^"'--d«e -the

' sfstefc datightcr- arid -tlie pitgrlai-j'age, Bf£' then .said thatr. they wete '-to, pray;, to^ the Blejsed

I Wgln "Marj for their souls and sf (Continue,d'on .Page-3C2) ]

Serving' a t the tnititutlon ftf toe,pasti± years. • * ,t

Dr, P r a ^ R, Hcrme; director, a n d the Rev, Arthur H'.-jBlalS' dell , Protectant chaplaln»4aud-&± Father Connolly for his work andlevot ion to the spiritual we^are of Stale Schpol'patlents,)

Dr! Edward D. StovcnsOhV as­sistant, director, presented Fa­the r Connolly with a purse of £165 irt~Behalf of the employees. Two hundren' employees atteiitl' ed- tile .reception.

Kjf two years- Father.'Con* jsollywas chaplain fortherJew IrorkJ&tate'ASsnf of VbTunteer FSTjPitten arid is presently hon­orary chaplain to' the Newark Volunteer Fire Departtnent«\At Qye imerican p^syehiatfie*~jLs|n. 1959 h e WaS-desb> rrated • Mid=ilastetHfc:tepjcesent.a-t ive of t h e Association' bf Men-t a l Jlespltal Chaplains covering tHe^Iates: of Wew "TOrEiTJew Jersey and Pennsylvania^

" I - -FATItJER:.JCOtefdibY~'--

here ; Biirlrxg 'tlitfeafll.ojtjng .six years he'Sesrsefis- a " j p - t S » chaplain at; tiiiUeiwal'Pstatei iSchoot--M& was.jliwen fctinioldarit; for, meritorious sehricel daties oil'SKay- 3,1»54', -.' ]0fe letyt^estlft'tMraMept his1


Pledge $2,500 One 'hundred and. f i£ty-nx*m-

bera bf the t31ass of '$$ pledged the spm'of twenty-five^ hundred dollars to their Alrha Meter, to be" paid-over a period of one year. , ' • .

I_J)L. -4eroll»_c6nta'irdng^^UbaSL pledge, -w»* Ipresenfed to Slsrtcrj Roga Alms,, principal of *hej, school, at th* annual brenkfiasll with bishop Kearney oj *be mornir/g of ifraduation. ..

"ItClralilude for. the .Oppcr-turjity 'of a Catholic Education at Saint.Agn«s High Schodl»JKei the member* of the clfes of li»8a~plcdg6itWs-g|ft to-bo patfd ^{thin.onO yeaf(" the.jclpoli icjid* . " • -

SISTER ROSE ALMA, In ac­cepting the gift to.the school, thanked the class and said thai the money woiit'dlielp to dofray the "expenses of landscaping'SiO "school campus,"

Itishop Kearney, guest <i |iioh:or a t , the breakfast, con­gratulated, t he class* and said that the pledging- of the gptft Was SndjoauVe of tire ittte sp£rit| .wh£ch-ls manifested at Saint Agnes. .

•','- , - . o . ;

Army Awards

Dr. DeMarco

ror oervice -. YouR>ERs<)K«' tiNecawit''ste|t ~^S"¥WaTr o f the CommcrwliP --^"r«d^>S^i^g^i^gik<^jr^ndland-anywhe^. Flag in to•,„

/ " '

tion Jtibbon With Metal Fen-

.from sep t , 30,195?-*e-Jui ie 18, 1959 was -presented Captain C^arielf-.r, IDelfccq at TT-S, lAitojF 'Hospital/ Carlisle Bar-[racks-. -Pa,; • "- , 2 _



*ny electric outlet for fecharglngv, They're^ Workinij oh it!'

I •'•THt|E ClTASlOfjf included:.

"Captain DeMarco demon­strated an ex-f tensrve know­ledge and un­usual talent in the field of internal medi­cine,- He exert­ed every ef­fort to in­crease • h i s proficiency "by professiOridr reading-/-

*C,a p t a.i"if "Dr. i)e;Marco De Harco ajso showed a deep personal;:iiiterest, in . '^hi JPAI Went.;-He.-was aliyays' avsKabS w h e n needed, which, was irc- j (tuently. after duty hours,

i. "Captain lieijareo; jeiideiedj I invaluable service to • the- W*&-.. Airiny^Hospitsl, in t h e accom phshment of its mission in sup port qf the tl S, Army Wir CoUeg'e and Carlisle Barruks

"""Captain DeMarco's outslstnsl mg peifoimance of duty during this Reriod reflects -with great credit upon the Medical Corps, U S. Army and Upon himself"

!Docloi DeMarco -was given the avard a s Chief of the Wtedi cat Service, V S Army Hospital, Carlisle Barracks, Pa,

Amriixe^ndepitidehl liiU aQd power companies >

• • Mildjofyoitr mv) etedrklinng j - • . . . . . - . - ' • • ' " . . " ' •-'• - ' " * •

Tomorrp'vV's Wgherjstandai'ct of livin&"will'pttfcele&>;

tricitylo \'fotk ioi you ift ways' stilranlfeard oft

^ , The time jstt*t,too^ you'41 washr'yjotif dishes witTrbtiHo^-or-water-r • ultras'onit; wave#; will do the job. Your beflrwili-b'g made at tKe, toueMf a fctlttoni rThbMds* bfinifewQrk.

" -will be in&de interestrng and eyeii eifccitlni -wbefc' they1- afe-.aible to dial, a library .b"6.ok»: & leCttire.oif a

, «lassiip!)m^emonitratibtt figbtUnto ydtir hpjne4-:with sotoid,


ije-of th|s".is ^appejitthlgj_aJreiactyi)'

'• -' ^oeniby kflthls,yoti-fti)4oth^peQ^^^ -^Jotmore electrii p6w:er, tod the ihdepettclent elfec\ -tr'tcr tolraT^fe^crf^^ " l>ew piaii'ta abet '-facilities -h••jpi&^^e {%'_

America has always hid the besfc electric power service m the woild Electric companies bke yours are resolved tcr ke6p i t that y?ay,


OWN»*¥M0M J ViHi 51,000 iHAIUHOUliM

