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FAMAS Inventory

User Manual

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1. Introduction The purpose of this document is to introduce the operator to the Inventory section of

FAMAS (Florida Air Monitoring and Assessment System). The FAMAS Inventory is

developed to aid primarily AMS CMR personnel and to a lesser extent site operators in

daily operations.

a. AMS CMR Shop Personnel

Maintains a property tracking database within AMS and at sites statewide

Maintains the Parts inventory database

Creates and tracks Work Orders

b. Site Operators

Review AMS CMR Inventory records for their sites

Initiate Work Orders requesting support from AMS CMR

Track work orders from inception to completion.

c. Others

Read only review of all the above

2. Security Security is based on access through FAMAS. You must have a FAMAS User ID before

you can be granted access to the FAMAS Inventory. In addition to privileges provided

thru the normal FAMAS program, you have additional privileges for FAMAS Inventory.

a. Administrators

Administrators have unlimited access to all areas within the FAMAS

Inventory program. Administrators can assign any FAMAS user to any of

the four categories. This level should be limited to trained AMS CMR

Shop personnel.

b. Editors

Editors will have view only access with the following exception; the

creation and completion of Work Orders.

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c. Browsers

Browsers will have view only access to the FAMAS Inventory database.

d. Users

No access at all to the FAMAS Inventory database. This list is the entire

pool of users within FAMAS itself, Again only a personnel registered

within FAMAS is eligible to become a user of FAMAS Inventory.

e. Login

1. Login to the FAMAS Inventory system is handled through your

network password. No additional login is necessary.

2. Login from outside the network. Load a web browser and

access FAMAS as normal.

3. Main Menu On the left had side of the screen in the FAMAS web site, under Utilities select

FAMAS Inventory. This will take you to the main inventory screen. See Figure 1

Figure 1

Each selection is available from this menu, they are:

a. Equipment

The “equipment” selection was based on Florida DEP Property Inventory. It is not

limited to only “property” items as was the preceding database. Now with the advent of

the AMS Inventory number any item of interest can be tracked and worked with.

Equipment items can be but not limited to: pumps, zero air systems, test equipment,

dehumidifiers, and many others.

1. This Selection will take the user to the AMS Equipment Inventory

main screen. From this screen, See Figure 2, most equipment

information can be accessed as needed.

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2. Section 5 “Equipment” will guide the operator through the use of this


Figure 2: Inventory Equipment Main Screen

b. Parts 1. This Selection will take the user to the AMS Parts Inventory

main screen. From this screen, See Figure 3, most equipment

information can be accessed as needed.

2. Section 6 “PARTS” will guide the operator through the use of

this selection.

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Figure 3 AMS Inventory Parts Screen

c. Work Orders 1. This Selection will take the user to the AMS Inventory Work

Order main screen. From this screen, See Figure 4, most

equipment information can be accessed as needed. Tracking and

creating work orders can be done from this screen.

2. Section 7 “Work Orders” will guide the operator through the use

of this selection.

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Figure 4 AMS Inventory Work Order Screen

d. Manage

1. This Selection will take the user to the AMS Manage main

screen. Only FAMAS Administrators will see this selection or

be allowed to make changes within FAMAS Inventory from this

screen, See Figure 5, Administrators can assign or remove rights

to users.

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Figure 5 Inventory Security Management Screen

e. Main Menu

When this selection is made, you will be returned to the main FAMAS Web page screen.

4. General Information This section contains information germane to the three main subsections of FAMAS


a. Adding Records In all “Main Screens”, a button is provided at the top of the page to enable the addition of

records. In equipment this is called “Add New Equipment”, in Parts this is called “Add

New Part” and in Work Orders it is called “Create Work Order”. These will be explained

in depth in each section.

b. Search Searching within each section of the data base is handled by a drop down box and a

variable. Throughout the FAMAS Inventory database the wildcard is the percent sign, %.

This can be used both as a leading and a following wildcard. Thus if you search in

inventory for “Site” and use %A033% all equipment meeting the criteria will be


c. Reset Clicking this button will return the search to the default listing and clear all search criteria

from memory.

d. Report Selecting report will create a report for the screen that is based on any and all criteria

submitted via the search criteria entered in the search windows.

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e. Page

The application can only display ~ 40 lines of search results. If your search exceeds this

limitation then Page numbers will be displayed.

f. Column Headings

In each of the main screens data are displayed via columns. The heading for each column

varies from subsection to subsection, but their use remains the same. One click on the

column header will sort the data by that heading; i.e. click on the “Description” heading

and it will sort all the displayed data, including multiple pages, in alphabetic order A-Z.

Click again on “Description” and the data will display Z-A.

g. Show Details

On the left side of all data returned in each main menu will be a “Show Details” link.

Clicking this will take the user to data specifically concerning the item listed.

h. Delete

Throughout the program the delete button will be available. This will delete the record in

question. Do not use this function unless you are directly instructed to. It is preferred that

a corrective record be initiated with in depth explanation to the error. If in doubt contact

the CMR Shop Supervisor.

5. Equipment

a. Adding New Equipment 1. Select Equipment from the Inventory Main Menu

2. Select “Add New Equipment” from the AMS Inventory Equipment

main menu. Refer to Figure 2.

3. Enter the appropriate data for the new item; AMS Inventory # will be

entered automatically and will be the key field for the database. The

DEP Property Number should be entered if available, enter the

Manufacturer by Name, Model and Serial number should be entered in

full. If either one is not available enter N/A. Refer to Figure 6.

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Figure 6 AMS Inventory Equipment Detail

4. Under status, select from the dropdown table. Usually, Active will be

selected for a new item.

Figure 7 Status Drop Down Table

5. Description is next. Enter ALL data available for the equipment.

Enter data not other wise identified above; ie options, manuals,

software, firmware versions, etc.

6. Enter P.O. Number if known if not enter “unknown”.

7. Enter date purchased, usually this will be on the packing list, or

Purchase Order

8. Enter warranty period, ie; 12 (months), 1 (Year) or 365 (Days), the

warranty expiration will appear and be calculated for you. Refer to

owners manual of the item for proper interval.

9. Press “Save” and the record will be saved. Any and all entries except

for AMS Inventory # can be modified with no loss of data at a later


b. To research information concerning existing equipment 1. Refer to Figure 2: Inventory Equipment Main Screen

2. Create search criteria for the equipment required.

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3. From the AMS Inventory Equipment Main Menu find the

equipment required.

4. Select “Show Details” and AMS Inventory Equipment Detail will

be displayed See Figure 8

Figure 8 AMS Inventory Equipment Detail

5. Transactions and work concerning AMS equipment can be

accomplished from this screen. Actual examples of each type of

activity will be covered in Chapter 11.

i. “Create Work Order” will allow user to access a window filled

in with all germane equipment information needed to start a

Work Order.

ii. “Verify Manifold” Will take the user to a window to fill in

information concerning a site manifold verification.

iii. “Transfer” will allow user to “move” an item from its present

location to another.

iv. “Add Event” will cover “miscellaneous” events not other wise

identified. IE; Calibrations, verifications, on loan, etc.

v. “Assign Part” allows user to access the part database and

assign a part to the inventory item.

10. Parts The Parts section of the FAMAS Inventory program is provided to track and maintain

information concerning parts for AMS CMR equipment.

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Figure 9 AMS Inventory Parts Main Screen

a. AMS Inventory Parts Main Screen

This screen is laid out similarly to the Equipment Screen

already discussed. Adding new parts and the search mechanism is

the same. The default search is based on the AMS Part # query as

seen in Figure 9. General information concerning parts is

displayed here.

b. Access Part Information From the AMS Inventory Parts Main Screen find the part in

question and select “Show Details” link on the left of the menu.

An AMS Inventory Part Detail screen will appear. This will show

general information concerningthe part in question. As in the

Equipment Detail explained before all information can be changed,

corrected or modified as needed with the exception of the AMS

Part#. The AMS Part # is the “key” field for all part information.

A history of all inventory transactions is provided at the bottom of

the Detail page, default sort is by date newest on top. Seer Figure


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Figure 10 AMS Inventory Part Detail

c. Inventory Transactions

It is thru the use of these buttons that accurate inventory information will be achieved.

All part transaction detail screens look the same, refer to Figure 11 In all cases the

numbers are entered as a positive number. Do not use -1 when you are distributing parts.

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Figure 11 Part Transaction Detail

9. Enter Request

This button is for entering a request from an

operator for this part. It is primarily to be used to obligate a

part that is on order or out of stock. Enter the number of

parts the requester needs in the Part Count cell. In notes

(This is a required field) Enter all information concerning

the request; ie: who, what, when, where, why. You must

also enter your name or initials.

10. Disburse Parts

This button is to be used to actually remove an Item

from stock and transfer it to a site or piece of equipment.

Enter the number of parts being disbursed in the Part Count

cell. In notes (This is a required field) Enter all information

concerning the request; ie: who, what, when, where, why.

You must also enter your name or initials.

11. Enter Order

This button is to be used when an order is placed to

a supplier. This should be updated at the same time the

request is submitted. Enter the number of parts that were on

the purchase request in the Part Count cell. In notes (This

is a required field) Enter all information concerning the

request; ie: who, what, when, where, why. You must also

enter your name or initials. Reference any documents you

may have from the supplier.

12. Receive Parts

This button is to be used for the receipt of parts.

This should be updated the same day as the items received.

Enter the number of parts received in the Part Count cell.

In notes (This is a required field) Enter all information

concerning the request; ie: who, what, when, where, why.

Include Purchase Order numbers and any other

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documentation that was received with the parts. You must

also enter your name or initials.

13. Transmogrify

Due to limitations within the database a part cannot

be assigned to a part. For instance; a bearing cannot be

assigned to a pump. A way was needed to identify these

transactions, ergo Transmogrify. This button is to be used

to convert any part, such as a pump, to a piece of

equipment. An entry will appear in the Part transactions.

See Figure 12.

Figure 12 Transmogrify

In this example one part was removed from stock

assigned an AMS Inventory Number (E001063) and was

added to the equipment inventory. This item will now be

tracked in the database as equipment, all other items by the

same part number are still parts.

14. Reconcile Inventory

This button is used to adjust inventory. Examples

are found items in the shop, or returning a part to stock that

wasn’t needed to repair a piece of equipment, and if parts

become missing (this is the only time a negative number is

to be used in the Part Count cell. Enter the number of parts

being disbursed in the Part Count cell. In notes (This is a

required field) Enter all information concerning the entry;

ie: who, what, when, where, why. You must also enter

your name or initials

11. Work Orders The work order section of the FAMAS Inventory data base was designed to track work

requests for the AMS CMR Shop. Historically many different methods have been

utilized for this, all worked to a certain degree. The work order section will provide for a

central location to store, track and prioritize CMR Shop work.

a. Priorities

The Work Order System is based on three levels of Priority.

9. Emergency

An Emergency Priority that involves data that has

been and continues to be lost. In our example above the

pump has quit thus no flow and no data.

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10. Urgent

An Urgent Priority is defined as loss of data hasn’t

happened yet, but could in the very near future. Examples

are: A request for a TEOM pump when the vacuum reading

has dropped below the minimum recommended (20 inHg).

It would be urgent we get one shipped to the site operator;

11. Routine

A Routine Priority is defined as day to day. The

loss of data if Routine work isn’t completed immediately is

very remote. Routine priority examples are: repairs to

equipment that would be considered a loaner; scheduling

and preparing for a site enhancement or installation; repairs

to pumps and equipment that are going on the shelf or to

the warehouse until needed.

12. When Convenient

This is reserved for work that makes more sense to

perform it at the next site visit for instance. Data is not

being impacted. This is where we will make entries for a

To Do list at the next site visit. Examples are: Inventory of

site equipment, replace roof platform due to rot, etc; etc.

b. Creating a New Work Order

9. There two ways to create a work order one is from the

Main Work Order screen (see Figure 13) and from the

Inventory Equipment Detail (see Figure 8).

10. From the Main Work Order Screen select “Create

New Work Order” and the Work Order Details

Screen appears (See Figure 13). This entry is for

Work Orders that are not directly associated with

Equipment. IE: Phone calls for training or

information purposes, requesting parts, software, etc.

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Figure 13 New Work Order 1

a. Date Created – Automatically entered by the


b. AMS Tracking Number – Automatically entered

by the system and is the key field for tracking

work Orders.

c. Requestor – Usually the person requiring the

Work Order. It defaults to the person logged into

the network machine, but with the use of the drop

down window any name can be entered. If

someone has called in, you can enter their name in

the window.

d. Status – This is always “Requested” initially.

Once work is being done or completed this will


e. Priority – Keeping in mind the Priority definitions

identified earlier, select the Priority required. If

Emergency is selected another window will open

giving the requestor the opportunity to select

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email addresses of who should be notified of the

Emergency Work Order. This screen will stay on

screen until the save button is selected.\

f. Problem Found Date – This is the date the

problem was actually discovered, it may or may

not be the same as the Date Created.

g. Work Requested – Enter as much as is known

about the problem.

h. Requested Date – Select the date that the

Requestor desires the work be completed.

This is all that is required for the creation of a work

Order. Once Save is selected the Work order is saved

to the data base. The Outlook email window will

open and automatically enter the names you selected

in, the To: box. If there are others not listed in

FAMAS that you wish to add to the distribution list,

do so at this time. c. Completing a work Order

9. From the Main Menu select Work Order. From this

screen CMR Shop personnel can keep track of actions

required in the Work Order data base. By default,

only open work orders are displayed, if a closed Work

Order is required, uncheck the check box and all will

be displayed. As is common with all main screens

within FAMAS Inventory, clicking by column header

will sort by A – Z, click again and the Z – A sort will

be displayed.

10. Clicking show details will take you to the Work Order

Detail screen, See Figure 14

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Figure 14 Inventory Work Order Detail

11. Correction – This is what you or some one else did to

correct the problem. This space will also be used to

identify ongoing work, IE; Technician A may have

replaced the solenoids, while Technician B did the

leak test. Reference any forms used to fix problems.

And initial all entries.

12. Correction Date – Select the date that the CMR shop

says the requested work is corrected.

13. On Hold Reason – Enter reasoning for why the work

cannot be completed. Be very specific ie; Need part

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number XX_XXX which is on order. Purchase Order

Number XXX. Etc. Again initial of sign all entries.

14. Hold End Date – The best estimate of when the On

Hold will be removed. In this case the date the part is

expected from the supplier.

15. Shipping Type – If the part or piece of equipment

needs to be shipped to the requester, select what type

of shipping was involved

16. Shipping Date – Enter date shipped

17. Completed Date – The Work Order is NOT Complete

until the Requester says it is complete. Only the

requester, or on rare occasion an administrator, can

close the work order.

d. Main Work Order Screen

From this screen (See Figure 15) CMR Shop

personnel can keep track of actions required in the Work

Orders data base. By default only open Work Orders are

displayed, if closed work orders are required, uncheck the

check box. As is common with all main screens in

FAMAS Inventory, clicking any column header will sort

the list A – Z, click again and it sorts Z – A.

Figure 15 Main Work Order Screen

Clicking Show Details will take you to the Work Order Detail screen. See Figure 14

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12. Calibration/Verification Tracking The Calibration/Verification Tracking database has been added to assist users in tracking

this type of work. It was designed to be very flexible.

a. Creating a Cal/Varif record

9. Begin at the AMS Inventory Equipment screen (See

Figure 2)

10. Find the equipment you wish to attach the

calibration/verification report to.

11. Once the equipment is located, click on the “Show

Details” for this equipment.

12. The AMS Inventory Equipment Detail screen will be

displayed. See Figure 16

Figure 16 Inventory Equipment Detail

13. Initially the Cal/Verif Needed check box will be

blank. Select the box to begin a Cal/Verif Detail.

Press Save

14. Once saved the Create Cal/Cert button will be active.

Select Create Cal/Cert

15. The AMS Equipment Calibration Details screen will

appear (See Figure 17)

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Figure 17 AMS Equipment Calibration Details

8. There are four Activity Types to select from in the

drop down menu. Select the appropriate for the

action being recorded.

1. Verification

As defined in the QA Handbook Vol. II

Section 12.0 Rev 1: Commonly referred to as the

Redbook: this is a “Check without Correction.” A

multipoint verification falls into this category

2. Certification

As defined in the QA Handbook Vol. II

Section 12.0 Rev 1: Commonly referred to as the

Redbook: this is a “Check without Correction.”

3. Comparison

As defined in the QA Handbook Vol. II

Section 12.0 Rev 1: Commonly referred to as the

Redbook: this is a “Check without Correction.”

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4. Calibration

As defined in the QA Handbook Vol. II

Section 12.0 Rev 1: Commonly referred to as the

Redbook: Calibration is defined as: “the

comparison of a measurement standard, instrument,

or item with a standard or instrument of higher

accuracy to detect and quantify inaccuracies and to

report of eliminate those inaccuracies by


9. Description of activity

Accurately describe the activity; such as:

Performed Temperature and Pressure verification

refer to scanned document for particulars.

10. Verify the date blocks and the requested by and

completed by blocks are accurate.

11. Browse to the location on the “N” Drive that the

scanned document resides. Highlight the document

and then press the “Save”.

12. A completed Cal/Verif Screen will appear. See figure


Figure 18 Completed AMS Equipment Calibration Detail

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This manual was written by Don Brown. If you find any errors or

confusing steps, along with any omissions. Please forward the particulars to:

[email protected] or call 59550 or 59566.