Page 1: Fall CampusLife Newsletter



SELECTION 2012Thinking about what

leadership positions you are going to add to your resume

next year? Not yet? Well you should be! Student Leadership

Selection is right around the corner (in January)!

Page 4



YOU ?Page 2

B R O U G H T T O Y O U B Y T H E C A M P U S L I F E T E A MR E S I D E N C E L I F E & S T U D E N T L E A D E R S H I P & A C T I V I T I E S

CAMPUSLIFE NewsF A L L 2 0 1 1 E D I T I O N




Join us every Friday & Saturday Night from 8pm-12am in Quadside. Past late nights have covered everything from Jewelry Making to Caribbean Dance, to Shark Bingo!• Friday, Dec 2ndCraft Night: Mod Podge

• Saturday, Dec 3rd Laundry Bingo• Friday, Dec 9th Board Game Night• Saturday, Dec 10th Stress Free Night


This monthly newsletter brings information about the campus

community to you. If you have things that you would like to read about, let

us know! Email us at [email protected]





Page 2: Fall CampusLife Newsletter


Last year, the entire country took notice of a student who took his own life after experiencing bullying. Tyler Clemente is one of many Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) youth that have committed suicide due to mistreatment based on their sexual orientation. This tragedy brings to light not only the struggle that LGBT students may be experiencing, but how prevalent bullying and mistreatment of classmates is on a college campus.

We must remember that most often when an earth shattering event like this happens, it doesn’t always start with a threat or obvious show of intolerance. It begins with teasing, a disparaging whiteboard message, a sarcastic comment in the hallway or on Facebook, or a note written on a flyer. If you are the person participating in this teasing you may not even recognize the impact that you are having on the person you have targeted. You may not even be the one who is making the comments, or writing on someone’s whiteboard. You may be witnessing a friend actions while knowing that the impact could be hurtful. It is no doubt very hard to stand up to someone you know and respect. However, your decision to stand up shows your strength and what we hope defines you as a Simmons student.

I want to paint a picture of two distinct communities. Consider for a minute coming home to your residence hall room and seeing that someone had defaced your whiteboard. They have written something that specifically attacks your culture, religion, body size, sexual orientation, or gender identity. They have torn down pictures and symbols that have been hung on your door as a representation of who you are and what you believe in. You ask yourself: Why would someone do this? Did someone target just me, or was it a random act of vandalism? Will this happen again? In this “community” you don’t know if other people on your floor would have stopped someone if they saw this happening. You feel alone.

Now imagine living in a community where you can leave your room and feel confident that while you are gone your floor mates are watching out for you. You know that if a guest was walking down your hallway that their Simmons host would never let them do something harmful to anyone’s space or any organization’s property. You know that without a doubt if

a Simmons student saw a group of people causing damage to a display that honors any culture,

religion or identity that they would call public safety and confront the group (or otherwise interrupt the behavior) immediately. You know this because Simmons students are strong, thoughtful, caring, and community minded. You know that your fellow students will stand up for you because they have shown a commitment to fight against hate. Zero tolerance for hate is a known community standard. Your Safe Zone sticker gets torn down – ten will pop up in its place. Doesn’t this sound like a community that you want to belong to?

I hope that you share the same vision of Simmons as I do. Not necessarily as a place where incidents of hate do not affect us, but as a place that when hate happens anywhere in our lives, Simmons is the most supportive and action-oriented community you can be in.

I challenge you all to be a part of the second community I described. Create a visual statement by hanging a sign of support for everyone affected by the national incidents of bullying, and stand up to friends and guests that would hurt others, whether intentionally or not. Be mindful of what you post on your own or other people’s Facebook page or twitter feed. Electronic communication is another form of a public white board. Remember that intent and impact are entirely different things. Consider both in all that you say and do. You have an opportunity to make your positive impact at Simmons now.

What your whiteboard says about


Jessica Faulk, Director of Residence Life

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RD Leigh Viscomi sat down with Aly Modest, a junior resident student living in Smith Hall. Learn about what makes Aly a Room Design Star!

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING IN YOUR ROOM?I’d have to say my desk. It’s just a very organized space and I love the shelving on it so you can put different things on it.

IF YOU HAD TO DESCRIBE YOUR ROOM IN ONE WORD, WHAT WOULD IT BE?Homey. It’s very bright and colorful which is a big thing for me to live in. I like things to be bright. It makes me more cheery, it motivates me to do my work, and it’s just very comfortable.

HOW DO YOU BEST UTILIZE THE SPACE THAT YOU HAVE?I try to use the alcoves in the room the best I can. So my refrigerator goes in an alcove so it doesn’t sit on the floor, which creates more space. I just try to fit everything in the nooks and the crannies and not leave things out on the floor.

HOW DOES YOUR ROOM REFLECT YOUR PERSONALITY?Like I said, it’s very bright and colorful and fun. I’m a fun and colorful person. This room makes me happy and I’m a very happy kind of a person.

IS YOUR STYLE AFFORDABLE?I would definitely say my style is affordable. I got most of my things from Target, Home Goods, Christmas Tree Shop, and they’re all very affordable. The pictures I have up in my room, I actually made myself and they are just pictures from a calendar and I put them in some inexpensive frames and it just added a nice touch to the room. So I definitely think anyone can do this if you hit the right stuff in the stores and shop around for what you’re looking for.

ANY LAST TIPS FOR STUDENTS TRYING TO MAKE THEIR ROOM COMFORTABLE AND A HOME AWAY FROM HOME?I definitely think pictures are important. I’m a picture person. I like hanging pictures of my friends and my family. I’m also a beach person so I have a lot of beachy things around the room too. I know a lot of people also like the Christmas lights look. Those are very inexpensive from the Christmas Tree Shops, around $2.99 a box so I would definitely recommend those as well. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and at home I think you need to incorporate in your room.

room design star

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Leadership can be a very challenging concept to define. There are many different approaches to leadership and many different ways to unpack the concept. I recently heard Kathleen McQuiggan of Catalina Leadership give a beautifully simple definition of leadership: "Leadership is getting yourself and others to do things that you never thought were possible." No matter which approach of philosophy of leadership you are considering, this definition frames the entire concept very well in a very succinct way.  If you are looking for ways to develop your own leadership experiences please consider these two upcoming opportunities:

The Emerging Leader Program - This program  is a Spring Semester program for students looking to expand their leadership skills and connect with other students interested in leadership.Apply by November 30, 2011 -

 Student Leadership Selection Process - A process to look for the 2012-2013 Resident Advisors, Orientation Leaders, Simmons 101 Facilitators, Health Educators, Student Finance Board Members and other student leader positions on campus.

Starting December 12, 2011 you can visit our SharkLink Page to read about positions and see application timelines:

In any of these positions you will gain skills that will help you get yourself and others to do things you never thought possible!

Invest in yourself

If you have questions do not hesitate to contact John O'Connor at [email protected] or 617-521-1102

Learn to Lead

"Leadership is getting yourself and others to do

things that you never thought were possible.”

By John O’Connor, Campus Life Coordinator

Photo Credit: Julia Golden

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Financial FocusClasses, readings, and papers, oh my! At times, the to-do list seems never ending, but of all your responsibilities, managing ways to finance a college education is something that you do not have to tackle alone. The Student Financial Services office at Simmons is always ready to answer questions about anything from Federal and State loans to filling out the FAFSA. Andrea Cunningham in the Student Financial Services office extends an invitation to students saying, “Students are welcome to drop by our office to meet with a financial aid counselor.” Located in W-207, the Student Financial Services staff is ready to help students

Get to know the helpful folks in Student Financial Services

navigate their way through billing statements, loan disbursements, and compounded interest. Each student is assigned to their own financial aid counselor. Students with last names beginning with the letters A-E work with Mehrdad Kermani, students with last names F-L work with Jean Jeffers, students with last names M-R work with Leslie Czwakiel, and students with last names S-Z work with Heather Patenaude. If students wish to schedule an appointment with their financial aid counselor, they can call the Student Financial Services main phone line, 617-521-2001 Monday through Friday.  Students also have the option of attending

• Get to know your counselor; they are seasoned professionals who have great personal experience to match their expertise in financial aid.

• Don't buy something until you "need it." “Need” is different from “want”...It is not hard to spend money on things you already have just because you are going to college.

• Students usually get into trouble when they do not manage their time effectively.

Your work-study job may help you manage your time and study more efficiently. Working a full-time job, however, is not a proper balance. Students should not sacrifice making good money for making good grades.

• Apply for Scholarships. If there are scholarship opportunities on the web and in the SFS office "Scholarship Book," apply for them! Most students usually start this process way too late. Applications for scholarships are usually due in the late winter and early spring of the preceding year.

• Be wary not to fall for scams that request a fee in order to provide names of scholarships. In general, the best online resource is Fast Web (, which is a free site. However, there are many others, to which our Career Resource Library's website has links.

• Visit

“walk in” hours at the Student Financial Services Office, as there is a counselor on duty and available to meet with students Monday through Thursday with no appointment necessary.  If students have specific questions about their billing statements, they can sit down with a student account representative to review them, or they can call the Student Account phone line, 617-521-2009, to speak with a representative. No matter how daunting it might seem to organize your student finances, just remember that the Student Financial Services Office is there to help!

By Kristi Swartz, RD Morse Hall

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Interested in making a difference on a weekly basis? Want to take on a bigger project to make a great impact on peoples’ lives? If you answered yes to either or both of these questions, we have the perfect on-campus organization for you. Circle K, a new group created at Simmons College, a branch of Kiwanis International, is dedicated to developing responsible global citizens (that’s you) and making a difference in Boston, the USA, and around the world. Each week they take on one smaller service project, such as making cards for the elderly, while at the same time working on long term projects.

One of the most recent projects for the organization was collecting donations for a Thanksgiving Food Drive. The food collected was given to families to bring them a little extra cheer this year. Due to the generosity of the Simmons College community the food drive went better than the organizers could have ever imagined. Circle K had planned on supporting eight families (each hall council

supporting a family) and they ended up having enough donations and money collected to support thirteen families!  Simmons Hall was the major contributor of food with Mesick and South close behind!  We’ve always known that Simmons is very giving, but this project truly illustrated how students will go above and beyond to support their

community.  One student in Simmons Hall even bought a full 23lb turkey and donated it herself !  Once the news of that got around, three other girls did the same thing.  Circle K collected $210.00 in change by going door to door in the residence halls, using the donated funds to buy the remaining turkeys and other can foods that were essential for a Thanksgiving dinner.

The Circle K organization wants to thank everyone who participated in the drive.

Interested in joining Circle K? Come to a meeting every Wednesday night in Bartol Small at 7pm. Don’t forget to join their Sharklink page ( to get more information and show your support!

Simmons Cup

Seasons Giving By Kailey Denzer-Weiler, RD Arnold Hall & Katherine Michaud, Circle K member

Battle of the HallsThursday, December 1st7:00 PM - Basketball vs. Fitchburg State @ Holmes Sports Center1 point for showing up for your Hall2 points for showing up in Hall Colors!

Arnold PinkDix RedMesick OrangeMorse GreenNorth Grey & LavenderSimmons YellowSmevans Black & Purple South Light BlueHa

ll Co


Page 7: Fall CampusLife Newsletter

Favorite aspect of Simmons College?

-Anna 14’, ManagementJohn Simmons’ enduring legacy. It speaks to me and I think it is just as relevant today as it was when the college was founded. And I see evidence of it everywhere.

Favorite musical group to listen to?

-Allison 14’, Physical TherapyI really like all types of music and a lot of the time it really depends on my mood. But I would say right now one band I am really listening to is Death Cab for Cutie. I am a sucker for power pop. I also really love Irma Thomas and Nina Simone. I like jazz and musicians like Joshua Redman.

Why are you so ‘awesome’ all the time?

-Siena 14’, HistoryAsk my mom. (Laughs) I also have a wonderful team that inspires me everyday. If you think I’m ‘awesome’, I’m only ‘awesome’ because of the team I have around me.

Favorite book to read to your son Emmett?

-Allison 13’, PsychologyEmmett is very interested in books and I am very interested in reading to him. It’s an important ritual in our household. But I would have to say I am real sucker for Sandra Boynton

books. My favorite to read to Emmett is, “The Going to Bed Book”. It’s a great little book about all these animals that are on a boat and they do all these rituals together before going to bed.

I have never actually met you but I have heard a lot about you. I am curious to know what you think makes you so prominent here at Simmons?

-Nic 15’, Bio/Chem/Pre-MedFirst of all, I am pleased to hear that you think I am prominent and known. It’s important that you all know who I am and who the staff is in the student life division. As the Dean of Student Life, people should know who you are but that doesn’t mean I get to have personal relationships with every student on campus. A big part of being Dean of Student Life is that there is a person who is here to support and advocate for them. I am constantly saying hi to students,

so I would invite you stop me and introduce yourself !

Who is your favorite student?

-Ellen 14’, Physical TherapyWhy, you of course Ellen! (Laughs) Actually, I would have to say my favorite student would have to be the one who takes themselves seriously and is fully engaged in their college experience. You know who you are.

What is your fondest and most difficult memory since working at Simmons?

-Laura 14’, UndecidedSeveral years ago, I got to know a student named Erika who was an athlete and physical therapy major. Sadly she was diagnosed with a brain tumor in her senior year. She was not able to complete her program and passed away later that year. However, before she died the physical therapy faculty, dean, several other administrators and myself awarded her a degree from the college. We held a ceremony in her hospital room with her family present to honor her. In the process I got to know her friendship circle very well. They struggled mightily with her illness and her eventual passing. I was honored to be able to connect with them throughout the process. It was a difficult memory but it was very powerful in terms of the relationship I developed with all of these

Sarah Neill will now take your questionsDean ofStudents

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students and college’s thoughtful response and recognition of Erika’s achievements.

Favorite TV show?-Kristi and Kailey, Resident Directors

Up All Night is my personal favorite right now. It closely matches my own life at the moment with parenting, marriage and work/life balance. I also think Maya Rudolph is hilarious! There are lots of others I enjoy as well like, Parks & Recreation, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, The Wire and Treme.

What was your first day of work like at Simmons?

-Anuja 13’, PsychologySo, I started in September of 1998, and I remember school was just starting and there was a lot of hubbub. It was really an exciting feeling. One thing I remember the most from my first day is coming up the marble steps in the Main Campus Building and stepping into the groove of the steps and feeling how many people have walked up and down these stairs. I felt like I was going to be a part of something special. It felt right

and that Simmons was the place I wanted to be.

What is one thing you would want students to know about you?

-Jennie, 14’, SociologyThat I am approachable and I enjoy and am interested in learning about students’ lives. A fun fact about me as well is that I love clamming with my wife and son.

You might take a look at this picture and think, how

sweet, a wedding on Simmons Campus. Take a closer

look and you will see that this is actually an old

Simmons tradition. The Freshman-Junior Wedding

was an annual Simmons tradition in which the

freshman class president dressed as the bride and the

junior class president dressed in drag as the groom.

The bride and groom were united until "graduation do

us part." Next time you think that Simmons College

traditions are a "drag" you may be right!

Now a days Simmons Women may not dress up as brides

or grooms, but students make sure to peer mentor one

another. One junior, Stormy Walker mentioned that

students don't feel like classes are divided. "As a junior I

live with three seniors and I look to upperclass women to

learn from them. They give me advice on what mistakes

not to make." What can we learn from older traditions,

mentoring is something that never goes out of style, those

wedding dresses…well only time can tell. 

Now and ThenInterview by Vanessa Martinez,

RD Mesick Hall

By Julia Golden, Campus Life Coordinator

Page 9: Fall CampusLife Newsletter

During the week of November 7th -10th, Stormy the Shark celebrated the first birthday since her naming during last year’s inaugural Shark Week! We hope that you enjoyed this year’s celebration, activities, and shark freebees. Hundreds of

students joined in the fun all week and showed their Simmons Shark Pride. Shark Week coordinators Tia Miller & John O’Connor were very excited about this year’s turn out and are already looking forward to next year’s celebration!

★ Shark Carnival

★ Cake Decorating

★ Crafts Day

★ Shark Hunt

★ Shark Casino

★ Blue & Gold Day

★ Shark Snack Attack

★ Stormy Photos


Photo Credit: Tia Miller & OSLA Staff