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Matthew 1:2o-23: angel of the Lord appeared to him in a

dream, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid

to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their

sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet. “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”- which means – “God with us.” NIV Isaiah 53...He [Jesus] grew up like a tender shoot...a man of sorrows and familiar with suffering...he was pierced for our transgressions...he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him...we all, like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all... NIV

2 Peter 1:19-21

“...but when you [we] consider the wonderful truth of the prophets’ words,

then the light will dawn in your [our] souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in

your [our] hearts. For no prophecy recorded in Scipture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit

within these Godly men who gave them true messages from God. The Living Bible


Christmas Greetings…...…………...2

His Presents….…..……..………2 - 3

A Double Miracle………….…...4 - 5

Living Large in Peru…… ..………. 6

“Home” Missionaries.. .....…………7

*Volume 78 *No. 10 *Published by Christian Triumph Co. *Permit # 695 * DEC 2014

Page 2: Faith Messenger December 2014


I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star. Rev. 22:16

Christmas Greetings from Christian Triumph


God bless you this beautiful season. Jesus’ loving message still calls to every person who needs a new beginning or another chance to live a glorious life: Come! Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. Rev. 22:17 NIV

Revelation 22: Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life…

The best gift God has ever given

us is His chosen One: Jesus Christ. In Him we find forgiveness and

freedom from our mistakes or wrong choices. He leads us into new ways of living as He fills us with a love that makes every day “Christmas.” Editor


Gerald, my husband, and his Father

farmed together, and I worked in an

office in Indianapolis. Before being

married, we searched for a mobile home

to place on his parents’ farm. This had

some advantages: it would keep Gerald

near his work, fewer purchases would be

necessary, and it would be a nice size for

the two of us. However, after searching,

nothing seemed to be the best buy. A new

mobile home might depreciate after it had been lived in; it would not be

practical during (see Page 3)

Faith Messenger

Permit #695

Published monthly, except July and August. POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO:

Christian Triumph Company

P.O. Box 5187

Corpus Christi, Texas 78405

L.Y. Janes, Founder (deceased); Israel Hernandez,

President; William Anderson, Vice-President;

Fred Pena, 2nd

Vice-President; Diana Beletic,

Secretary/Treasurer; Una Collins, Asst. Sec./Treas.

This periodical is issued without charge in the name

of the Lord Jesus to help inspire child-like faith and

maintain Christ-like simplicity among the people of

God. To send donations or for your FREE

SUBSCRIPTION, write to the address above or

contact Christian Triumph Co. at

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Page 3: Faith Messenger December 2014


the tornado weather which is prevalent in

Indiana, and there would be some

expense in getting it set up, such as the

septic tank, electricity, water and the list

could goes on.

Another idea seemed more appealing.

His Grandparents old house still sat on

the family farm and was in good enough

condition to warrant some overhaul.

So Gerald and his Dad went to work

taking off old wall paper in one

room, applying beautiful blond paneling

in the front room as well as another type

in the family room.

We then went shopping for new

furniture. The brown couch and chair

went well with the walls; add Walnut

colored end tables and a coffee table,

along with floral drapes and tweed

carpet, and, now, we had a very attractive

front room.

Soon after our wedding, his father gave

us a nice dining room set, and a lovely

china cupboard to hold the china my

parents gave us as a wedding present. We

were happy. All this made possible a

comfortable beginning in our new

married life.

A lovely home, a nice car to drive and

financial stability almost always appear to

be an ideal beginning in life. And, yet,

there is much more needed for quality

living! We read in the scripture about an

incident in a nice home where Jesus often


The happening goes as follows: And she

[Martha] had a sister called Mary, who

also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his

word. But Martha was distracted with

much serving, and she approached him

and said, “Lord, do You not care that my

sister has left me to serve alone?

Therefore tell her to help me.”

And Jesus answered and said to her,

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and

troubled about many things. But one thing

is needed, and Mary has chosen that good

part, which will not be taken away

from her.” Luke 10

It is from this account that we learn that

choosing Christ's presence at home or

otherwise, even in our busy times, is

essential in every walk of life, not only on

this earth, but in the life to come. Jesus’

presence and presents make all the

difference in living and they are eternally


While searching for appropriate

presents this Christmas, please remember

to ask for the greatest Gift of all – for

your own precious self - as well as for

others. Jesus’ Presence and presents will

bring lasting Joy and Peace to every

person or family who will receive them.

“His” Presents

I have come that they may

have life and have it to the full. John 10:10 NIV

…to all who receive him, to those who

believed in his name, he gave the right to

become children of God – John 1:12 NIV

You will fill me with joy in your presence,

with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11 NIV

I have told you these things, so that in me

you may have peace. In this world you will

have trouble. But take heart! I have

overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV

Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas! Gerald & Anita

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Christian Triumph Sanctuary/

Community Center Update By William Anderson

The building project that we have been

praying about, for over two years, has

seen significant progress in the last two

months. While there have been many

challenges, there have been many answers

to your prayers. Two are noteworthy

enough to be classified as miracles from

God, in my mind.

We made the decision at the start of the

project that we would like to have a

kitchen in which to prepare meals for the

elderly and also for church dinners and

special functions. In the city of Corpus

Christi having a legal kitchen means

having a triple sink to properly sterilize

the cooking utensils after use.

Coincidentally, this summer, I joined a

school auction website, and within two

weeks, there was a beautiful triple sink up

for bids. When I began bidding, I

coincidentally noticed the name of one of

the bidders strongly resembled the name

of a Christian school in the valley which

was also building a kitchen for their

school. Thus, I dropped out of the

bidding while hoping we would be able to

find another deal at a later auction. They

won the auction at a very reasonable

price. I saw the sink I had wanted in a

later photograph of their kitchen.

A month later, at another auction, I saw

another sink. It had drain boards on both

sides and a preparation area as well.

Those features normally cost hundreds of

dollars more on a stainless sink. I

thought I could cut it to fit our kitchen

space, so began to bid. Due to its odd

shape, I was able to get it for about the

same price as the previous smaller sink. I

really anticipated working it over with a

sawzall to be able to make it fit. It sat in

the storage area while we dealt with the

next problem.

We needed an equipment room above the

office – storage – nursery area at the end

of the fellowship hall. Brother Israel

Hernandez, president of Christian

Triumph, had purchased the lumber

materials for the floor. We had ordered a

drop down stairway to provide access to

the upper room, and I thought I had

helpers lined up to do the installation of

the floor and stairway. (The stairway

weighed 250 pounds and was to be

installed 10 feet in the air.) The helpers

didn’t pan out.

OK, what’s the miracle about that. Well,

I came from Houston with no idea of how

I was going to get the floor or the

staircase installed but was sure that it was

going to happen this weekend. The

coincidences start to add up:

First, I seldom eat breakfast, but this

morning I invited my daughter, who

attends college in Corpus, to breakfast.

Second, we went to What-a-Burger,

passing McDonalds, my favorite

breakfast spot.

Third, she was in a hurry but decided

to go inside to eat with me anyway.

Fourth, Rob went to the Post Office

near What-a-burger, but it was closed, so

he stopped in the restaurant for a cup of


Fifth, Evelyn and I sat at the table next

to Rob. Page 5

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Sixth, while waiting for our food, she

asked me who was going to help me with

the work, and I told her I had no idea, but

was praying about it.

Seventh, Larry Dial, a young man who

had been working in Texarkana as a

contractor had arrived in Corpus on the

bus at midnight and spent the night at a

local shelter. He had been invited to

Corpus by his friend, Rob, but now had

little money and was praying for work.

Eighth, Rob heard Evelyn and I

talking and said, “I have a friend who

needs a job. He is honest, big and strong,

and a hard worker…just down on his

luck right now.”

When that many coincidences add up, I

call it a MIRACLE!

A day later, I returned home to Houston,

the staircase mounted in the rafters and

Larry lined up with a place to stay (an

answer to his prayers), and instructions to

finish the floor, which he did the

following week.

And the sink – what’s the miracle about?

This weekend, we completed the sink


Check out the picture. The sink fit the

space EXACTLY, like it was custom

made for this kitchen. That’s Larry

beside the sink. I call them our DOUBLE


Thank you, JESUS.

(Please pray for a legal vent hood for the kitchen. That’s the most expensive piece of equipment in a legal kitchen, when you include the hood with fire extinguisher, intake and outlet blowers, and installation. This will take a Triple miracle. Also, please continue praying for the workers and contractors who are working sacrificially to complete God’s house.)

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Living Large in Cajamarca, Peru

On October 27, Christian Triumph’s Elena Merida and Donna Schillinger, along with five others from the United States, traveled to Cajamarca, Peru, to deliver the Women with Purpose conference in three locations and work on the building of the Church of God in Cajamarca, Peru.

The group successfully prepped the structure for the roof so that, on the day after they left, a swarm of Peruvian pastors and laypersons – some 35 people – descended on location to pour the cement roof to first floor (floor to second floor), one wheel barrel load of cement at a time.

An amazing time was had by all. They learned a lot, worked hard, visited many congregations and generally exhausted themselves in the high altitude environment. “My motto for mission trips is, ‘We can sleep when we get home,’” jokes Donna Schillinger (who was actually the last one up every morning, sleeping in sometimes until 7 a.m.!) “These trips are always incredibly packed with all kinds of sensations, from new experiences to sights, sounds, tastes and smells. They are excellent for getting a person out of a rut of daily routine! You’re acutely aware you’re living. And it’s living large when you’re doing Kingdom work.”

In the next Faith Messenger, Elena Merida will report on the trip and her first impressions of Peru.

Women in Bambamarca carved out a day

to take in the Women with Purpose


Donna Schillinger and Elena Merida

work with the children in Sunday school

at the Church of God in Cajamarca,


Many thanks to those who went and those who helped! Praise God for a good trip!

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When I say “home” missionaries, I

mean, really, “home.”

Did you ever wonder who takes

care of the family when an evangelist,

missionary, or singer hits the road or flies

in the sky to answer his or her calling?

Well, there’s a good chance that the

ones who stay behind are true “home”

missionaries as well and deserve a lot of

credit for doubling up on several duties.

When I was keeping my Mother on

Hospice, God gave me a special verse to

remember (I assure you, when you did it to

one of the least of these my brothers and

sisters, you were doing it to me. NLTranslation)

and while helping with Donna’s family

(when she went to Peru), these words

resounded in my heart, often. There, I

witnessed her husband, John, arising

early, fixing their son’s lunch, and

preparing for his own day of teaching in

the public school. He was caring for others

as he did many things to help, especially

when returning home in the afternoon.

What was my job? Truthfully, one

part was setting the alarm and keeping a

school schedule while learning to “merge”

into busy traffic again – very difficult for

one who lives in the sticks.

One morning went like this: I

didn’t hear the alarm so woke up late and

rushed around, thinking I’ll never make

it! My little sleepy trooper found it hard

to get ready and move faster on such

quick notice, but he did well.

I kept asking God to help us, just in

case. It was a cold morning, and I ran out

to warm up the car. Suddenly, the

neighbor across the street began to call

and to talk. I couldn’t hear a word she

said so finally crossing the street, she ask

if her son could ride with us. Well, believe

it or not, that helped everything – both

boys were ready to go then and jumped in

the car.

Unfortunately, the defroster for the

windows was not working and only cold

air blew, creating a film over the

windshield. I have learned in these

anxious moments to call immediately on

our Father God. While my mind said,

“You are in trouble!” my heart said,

“Trust in the Lord, and He will answer in

His time.”

But this time, I had no time, and I

barely drove 5 mph up the street, wiping

those windows while the sun caused a

blinding glare. I no longer whispered my

prayer, the boys heard me plea for help.

And then, while repeatedly turning the

defroster on and off, I finally felt that

wonderful warm air! The boys now heard

words of praise - thanking God - in the

Name of Jesus.

We made it safely to school on time

– God’s timing – God’s way. And aren’t

both of those always just perfect! He

hears and answers His “home”

missionaries, also, with miracles!

Many prayers were said those two

weeks while trying to partially fill the

significant shoes of a Mother.

As the old saying goes, “My hat is

off” to those who feel called to travel but

equally to those who remain at “Home”

caring for families, the home church, or

those who need a helping hand.

Bless you, our friends! Have a

sacred, peaceful Christmas as you

celebrate God’s words: I have loved you

with an everlasting love; I have drawn you

with loving-kindness. Jeremiah. 31:3 NIV

Merry Christmas!

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Faith Messenger

A publication of Christian Triumph Company

PO BOX 5187

Corpus Christi, TX 78465

Address Service Requested

Little Baby down from heaven,Little Baby down from heaven,Little Baby down from heaven,Little Baby down from heaven, I love you,I love you,I love you,I love you, By the Father to us given,By the Father to us given,By the Father to us given,By the Father to us given, I love you;I love you;I love you;I love you; Star of hope for every nation,Star of hope for every nation,Star of hope for every nation,Star of hope for every nation, I love you,I love you,I love you,I love you, Angels gave ThAngels gave ThAngels gave ThAngels gave Thee adoration,ee adoration,ee adoration,ee adoration, I love you.I love you.I love you.I love you. Carrie B. Adams

Non-Profit Organization

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Corpus Christi, Texas

Permit # 695

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