  • 1. Cafchurch 1/10/13 passage Faith Development 3 of 4 (or so)

2. Introduction This is the third in a series of sessions about faith development becoming adults. This week, we think about Transformation into adults. 3. Preamble-ette It could bear repeating that all this personal growth stuff, while important, is secondary to Gods self- revelation. It is as response that it becomes churchworthy. 4. The Aim of The Christian Life Speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ. Ephesians 4:15 beholding the glory of the Lord, are being changed into his likeness. 2 Corinthians 3:18 5. The Movement From The God of the Superego to the Living God Superego God -> Living God Supreme Being -> God as Thou God of Law -> God of Love God of Belief -> God of Mystery God of Dependency and Control -> God of Freedom God of the Group -> God of Community 6. To Become an Adult is a Journey We are going to be talking a lot about what adulthood is and isnt. It is important to note that this is developmental, gradual, spiralling, not once-and-for-all. I dont know if I fully identify with all of the following characteristics, but I can see that they are important, and are a good description of the sort of person I am in the process of becoming. 7. What is an Adult Self? The adult self is A Body-Self Founded in feeling Has a Sense of depth has clear boundaries exists in intimacy is its own responsible process 8. An Interactive Idea Jesus is our paradigm of adult spirituality. So we are going to see if we can think of Jesus stories (either about him or by him) which resonate with these characteristics. 9. Body-Self The body is owned by the self, and the self is comfortable in the body. Self and body are united. When the self has become an adult, the body is no longer something it has, the body is what it is this integrity of the body self that allows for comfort and trust in the self even as it makes mature affective relationships and commitments possible 10. Question In what ways was Jesus a body-self? 11. Founded in Feeling Feeling is the felt, meaningful aliveness of the body-self and the sense of this self in relatedness. Feeling is a unity of emotion and cognition 12. Question In what ways was Jesus founded in feeling? 13. A Sense of Depth Deep, preconscious feelings of rootedness and well-being, self- esteem, and purposefulness. An inner feeling of worth, trustworthiness, autonomy and capability 14. Question In what ways was Jesus did Jesus have or speak about a sense of depth? 15. Clear Boundaries The adult self has its own dimension and place in its mutuality with what is other. It is an integral self and know who it is and who it is not is able to accept itself and the other as a Thou in his or her own right. 16. Question In what ways did Jesus have clear boundaries? 17. Exists in Intimacy Intimacy is the feeling and depth of the body- self welcoming the feeling and depth of the other. Our need for community & intimacy is a primary, and irreducible fact about ourselves. 18. Question In what ways did Jesus exist in intimacy? 19. Responsible Process To have a sense of responsibility is to have a sense of inner reality and identity. I am because I cannot pass off my responsibilities to any other In adulthood, integrity and the ability to respond go together. To be responsible is to be a self in the presence of other selves, to whom one is bound and to whom one is able to answer freely 20. Question In what ways was Jesus a responsible process? 21. Ways of Being of the Adult Self Actualizing self-in-mutuality Reflecting self-in-mutuality 22. Actualizing self-in-mutuality The body self in its feeling and in its depth, determines for itself how it will move foreard. The meanings and values of others no longer dictate its actualization. The adult self is at one with itself. Its purposeful, directed, responsible action comes from within. 23. Reflecting self-in-mutuality Flowing back and foth with its actualizing and in tandem with it is the ability of an adult self to capture the meaning and significance of his or her activity. This ability to reflect is the way an adult self finds and continues to hold who it is with others and the world.