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Page 1: Fairy Kidnap

T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 17)

When you arrive to the human village, there is a fair in full apogee.

- I wonder what should be in that place which is in the center – you tell Tortenu – I

think I´m going to climb up that tree to can see better.

When you reach the top of the tree, you get such a surprise that you almost fall down.

The humans had captured Bachod, a Deeny O´Shee guard who has disappeared three

days before. Poor Bachod!!!!, it´s not wearing its hat. The Deeny O´Shee sharpened

hats make them invisible to humans. If a leprechaun loses its hat, humans can see him

and capture.

At this very moment humans are disturbing and bothering Bachod. It is possible to

hear its shouting even in the place where you are.

Near the fair place, three human kids are playing with its hat. What a nasty thing!!!

One of the kids had put it on his nose.

- Tortenu, Tortenu!!! – You screamed while you get down the tree – The humans

had captured Bachod. They´re pinching and squeezing it. We have to save it!!!

Tortenu answers you:

- We could try to have the Bachod´s hat back and give it to it, but maybe it is very

difficult. Another possibility is to come back to the castle to look for another hat

for Bachod. What do you think?

If you decide to go back to the castle, go to page 25.

If you decide to stay and try to get Bachod´s hat back, go to page 28.

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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 25)

You hurry up walking by the forest´s path in the castle´s way with the intention of

looking for another hat for Bachod. Suddenly you´re stopped by the most beautiful

horse that you had ever seen.

- Are you a member of the Deeny O´Shee tribe? – The horse asks you.

- Yes – you answer.

- I had just run away from the Tuatha of Danaan´s castle. This early morning the

Thuathas had captured your princess. I know where she is and I would like very

much to take you there.

Lucky us!!!This could be your chance to save the princess. But, what will happen to

Bachod? He really needs that other hat. Besides, I had not seen this horse before. Who

know if you can trust it?

If you go with the horse and leave for later Bachod´s hat, go to page 20.

If you keep on your way to the castle to pick up Bachod´s hat, go to page 34.

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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 20)

You can´t pass away such a chance to save the princess Morgana. You jump on the

horse´s back, and start galloping towards the river Twee and the Dark Forest.

- Wait a minute! – You shout – Isn´t the castle in the opposite direction?

The horse laughs with a horrifying and tenebrous laughter.

- Ja,ja,ja, now I get you!

Oh, no! Your parents had told you about evil leprechauns disguised as horses. This

might be one of them. You try to jump, but you can´t move your legs!!. A powerful

enchantment had immobilized.

The horse dives into the river Twee, and you keep yourself immobile on its back. Glup,

glup, glup…

The water reaches your ears. Your last thoughts under the water are to Bachod and to

the kidnapped princess. But now there is nothing that you can do for them.


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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 34)

- Thank you for your gentle offer. But I have to go back to our castle – you tell the

horse – At this very moment a group of my people is its way to the Tuatha´s Castle.

Maybe you can help them.

- What?! – angry snorts the horse – You aren´t going to take my offer??? I´m going to

show you…!!

Before it can do anything, you turn around and you start to run towards the forest.

Your steps are fast, but the horse is even faster. In seconds, you can feel its warm

breath in your nape. Suddenly you stumble. You feel that you fall down, down, down…

You wake up hours later. It´s is completely dark and you have an awful headache. You

have felt in a sort of hole.

- Help! Help! – You shout.

You hear a creaking of brunches and grasses. A few seconds later, several torches light

the hole in which you are.

- Here you are! We have been looking for you everywhere!!

- Tortenu? Are you? – You ask.

- Yes – it answers you -, we are going to take you out of here right now.

There are other two leprechauns that throw you a rope to take you out of the hole.

Then, they put you on a stretcher to take you to the palace.

- But, what happens with Bachod? And what has happened to Princess Morgana? –

you ask.

- They both have escaped. They´re safe and sound in the Palace. Don´t worry about

them! Now what you need is resting. Tortenu is right. You are still stunned.


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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 28)

- Tortenu, let´s try to take back Bachod´s hat that have those children – you say.

Tortenu and you tighten your hats and walk towards the post which is full of people.

You have to be careful to avoid being step by anyone.

When you are close to the three children, one of them drops the hat accidentally.

Lucky us! It lands a few meters near you. You run towards it to pick it up.

Suddenly you hear Tortenu screaming. Somebody has stepped on it!! It´s hurt and it

can´t move. Even worse, its hat has dropped off his head. What should you do? If

Tortenu hasn´t got its hat back, maybe humans see it. But this can be the only

opportunity to have Bachod´s hat back.

If you run towards Bachod´s hat rather than helping Tortenu, go to page 14.

If you decide to help Tortenu in first place, go to page 41.

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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 14)

You try to reach Bachod´s hat, but a human foot gets in your way. You stumble and

also you lose your hat.

- What have we here? – A human voice rumbles from the highs. A huge hand

surrounds you. Other human leans over Tortenu and says:

- Look! There is another here!

Oh, no! Now humans have three prisoners instead of one!


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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 41)

It bothers you to have to leave Bachod´s hat, but you have to save Tortenu. You hurry

in putting its hat on its head. Then, you drag it to the forest´s edge. No human have

seen you.

- I can´t walk! – says Tortenu weakly.

- Oh no! I´ll have to carry you back! – You exclaimed.

- We´ll help you – somebody shout after you.

- Rennet! Bachod! How did you get here? – you shout.

Bachod smiles.

When one of those terrible human kids dropped my hat, Rennet could have it back.

- Yes – Rennet adds – I see how you rescued Tortenu. I thought that you could get by

yourself. So I picked the hat up and I bring it to Bachod. The humans were very

sourprised. They couldn´t imagine what had happened.

- At least, what is sure is that humans haven´t got the Princess – says Bachod.

- OK!! Hurry up! – says Tortenu – I´m sure that the group which have gone to the

Tuatha´s castle will need as much help as we could give them.


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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 12)

The Tuatha´s castle is an enormous hollow tree in the scariest side of the Dark Forest.

Although it is day time, you have to use torches to light the way.

The king has come with your group. At the edge of the Thuatha´s clearing he say:

- All together will encircle the castle. Then, wait for new orders.

You and your cousin Illsap end up crouched behind a mossy rock, near to the castle´s

door. That door is the only way to come in and out of the castle, and it´s very well


One of the Thuatha´s guards leant out in the darkness. A shudder of fear travel

through your legs. You try to crouch more. It seems that he is looking towards you!!

Everything is very quiet. Suddenly you hear a big din coming from the other side of the

castle. All of the Tuatha´s guards run to that point to see what has happened. There is

no one guarding the castle´s entrance. But, who knows how many time will the guards

be out? Maybe this will be the only opportunity you´ll have to go into the castle.

If you decide to run towards the door, go to page 6.

If you think that is better to stay in the place you are, go to page 22.

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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 6)

You run into the Tuatha castle. Illsap follows you. You run in an empty corridor. Later

the corridor turns in to two different aisles. You must go to the left or to the right.

Illsap says:

- You choose

Both aisles look similar to you.

If you go to the right, go to page 26.

If you go to the left, go to page 32.

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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 22)

You keep crouched behind the mossy rock. Seconds later you received a king´s order.

- Try to slither inside! – he say making a signal to you, Illsap and four more

leprechauns. The six of you stand up and run towards the huge door.

But it´s too late. Some of the Tuatha guards come out from a castle´s corner and run

directly to you armed with spears and knives. It all happens so fast that you don´t have

even time to use a magic enchantment for protection.

In a few minutes all has finished.


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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 26)

You turn right and go inside the corridor. You go up some stairs that kick around and

around. Where are the others? You turn in a corner and … oh, no! There are four

Thuata guards opposite you. They guard a huge golden door.

Illsap and you twisted and begin to run, but it is too late. One the guards has seen you.

- Follow them! – he shouts.

Illsap and you slink by the corridor. As soon as you get the guards out of your sight, you

open with a bang one of the doors of the wall and you go inside. It seems to you that

you have entered in a spacious cleaning room.

Your heart beats so strong that you are sure that the Thuathas are going to hear it. But

seconds later you hear that they pass by.

- Where do you think that leads that golden door? – Illsap asks you, still gasping.

- I don´t know – You answer -, but maybe it leads to the place in where the

princess Morgana is kidnapped.

- I think the same the thing – says Illsap – I´ll like to come back for another quick

view. We could stun the guards with any enchantment.

Enchanments call for years of practice . If Thuatha´s magic would result as

powerful as yours, it will mean death!

If you return to the golden door, go to the page 32.

If you convince Illsap to keep hidden a little more, while you try to plan any

other thing, go to page 45.

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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 32)

You turn left. You lead Illsap to a big lounge. Fííííííu!!! The ground under your feet


Seconds later you land with a big blow over a hard and wet floor. You must have fallen

through a trapdoor.

- Illsap? – you ask - Are you there?

There is no answer. You must have fallen alone through the trapdoor.

Suddenly, you hear a voice in the darkness.

- Are you a member of Deeny O´Shee, aren´t you? You must be looking for your


- What?! Who´s there? Where are you? – you ask.

- Here, in this corner! - the voice answers.

When your eyes get used to the darkness, you see a very old leprechaun chained to

the wall, with the suit that Firg Bolgs used to wear. The Firg Bolgs were extinguished

almost a hundred of years ago.

- I´m a Tuatha´s prisoner – the old leprechaun tells you – I´ve been in this

dungeon over three hundred years.

- Do you know where the Princess is? – you ask him - I have to get out of this

place to rescue her.

- She is in the fourth floor, in a room with golden doors.

- This answers the first question, but how can I do to get out of here? – you


- Well, I can think in two ideas – says the Firg Bolg – You can try to suborn the

guard with gold, or I can teach an enchantment to you to sleep him. Possibly it

will work.

If you decide to suborn the guard with your golden belt buckle, go to page 37

If you ask the Firg Bolg to teach the enchantment to sleep the guard, go to page 30.

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T H E F A I R Y K I D N A P(Page 30)

Are you really going to teach me an enchantment? – You ask.

The Firg Bolg agree with his head and make a gesture to you to go closer his corner.

Then, he whispers:

Repeat after me

“ Boram, boram, terla, quay,

You need to sleep a bit more today”

Instantly you begin to feel sleepy. The Firg Bolg shakes you from your shoulders and


How do you want to learn an enchantment if you don´t listen? Pay attention!!

He repeats the enchantment two more times. Finally you learn it without falling


Now, let see if it works with the guard – the Firg Bolg says to you.

You walk towards the dungeon´s old mossy door and you knock till the guard opens it.

What happens? – the guard ask.

You whisper the enchantment quickly. Instantly the guard begins snoring. The

enchantment has worked! You dress up with Tuatha guard´s clothes and you

enchained him to the wall. Inside one of your new pockets you find something. You

examine it. It´s a map of Tuatha´s castle!

All the corridors and secret aisles in the castle are drawn in the map. With this

information it shouldn´t be difficult to find the princess, you think.

Now, your only problem is to find Illsap.

Page 14: Fairy Kidnap

Half an hour later, after pushing a false bookshelf, you find yourself in a the princess

room. The princess looks to you with open mouth. Illsap is with her!

Illsap, what are you doing here? – you shout.

I was going to make you the same question – he answers you.

I came by sleeping one of the Tuatha guards and I find a map of the castle in one of his

pockets – you explain to them -. Hurry up! We can go out of here right now using a

secret aisle.

You three fallow the map till you reach an old aisle. When you finally get to the

outside, the princess exclaim:

Look! The Twee River! We´re only a few minutes away from the palace.

The earlier we arrive, the calmer I´ll feel – you exclaim.

T h e e n d