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Facebook Economy

Luca Colombo – Country Manager Italy

Rome, July 8th 2015

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Facebook first eleven years

Company Profile – Stats

$12.5B Revenue in 2014

$2.9B Net Income in 2014

10k employees (Q1 2015)

2M active advertisers

1.44B people per month

900+M people per day

“Openess” (& Ecosystem)

“[…] design and enable the delivery of the most efficient server, storage and

data center hardware designs for scalable computing […]”

Technology leadership is not defined by patents … but rather by the ability of a company to attract and motivate the world’s most telentedengineers

– Elon Musk

$6 billion 70kItalian economic impact Italian jobs supported

We don’t have rules. We have values.

We don’t have rules. We have values.Focus on ImpactTo have the biggest impact, we need to focus on solving the most important problems. It sounds simple, but most companiesdo this poorly and waste a lot of time. We expect everyone at Facebook to be good at finding the biggest problems to work on.

Move FastWe have a saying: “Move fast and break things.” The idea is that if you never break anything, you’re probably not moving fast enough. At Facebook, we’re less afraid of making mistakes than we are of losing opportunities.

Be BoldWe have another saying: “The riskiest thing is to take no risks.” In a world that’s changing so quickly, you’re guaranteed to fail if you don’t take any risks. We encourage everyone to make bold decisions, even if that means being wrong some of the time.

Be OpenWe believe that a more open world is a better world. The same goes for our company. Informed people make better decisions and have a greater impact, which is why we work hard to make sure everyone at Facebook has access to as much information about the company as possible.

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