
Face Image Recognition

• Face recognition technology works well with most of the shelf PC cameras, generally requiring 320*240 resolution at 3~5 frames per second.

• Facial recognition software products range in price from US$50 to over US$1000, making one of the cheaper biometric technologies.

• Four primary methods used to identify or verify users by means of facial features, including eigenface, PCA, 2D-PCA, LDA, 2D-LDA, wavelet analysis, neural network, and ad hoc methods.

• Singular Value Decomposition and Pattern Recognition.

• Fast Fourier Transform and Wavelet Analysis

A Face Recognition Flowchart

Begin Image Capture

Image Preprocessing

Feature Extraction



Person 1 Person NUnknown Persons


Face recognition flowchart

Face Database

• YALE • P. N. Belhumer, J. Hespanha, and D. Kriegman. Eigenfaces vs. fisherfaces: Recognition using cl

ass specific linear projection. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Special Issue on Face Recognition, 17(7):711--720, 1997.

• YALE B • Georghiades, A.S. and Belhumeur, P.N. and Kriegman, D.J. From Few to Many: Illumination Con

e Models for Face Recognition under Variable Lighting and Pose. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intelligence 23(6):643-660 (2001).

• ORL• Ferdinando Samaria, Andy Harter. Parameterisation of a Stochastic Model for Human

Face Identification. Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, Sarasota FL, December 1994

• AR• A.M. Martinez and R. Benavente. The AR Face Database. CVC Technical Report #24, June 1998

Faces From The Same Person

Cumulative Distributions of Same Faces

Faces from Different Persons

Cumulative Distributions of Different Faces

Fingerprint Image Verification/Identification

• Each fingerprint is a map of ridges and valleys in the epidermis layer of the skin.• The ridge and valley structures from unique geometric patterns.• A minutiae pattern consisting of ridge endings and bifurcations is unique to each finge

rprint.• Most of the contemporary automated fingerprint identification and verification systems

(AFIS) are minutiae pattern matching systems.• A modern AFIS is composed of 5 primary modules: (1) Image Enhancement, (2) Imag

e segmentation and Thinning, (3) Minutiae Points Extraction, (4) Core and Delta Localization, and (5) Point Pattern Matching.

• A fingerprint forum provided 5 sets of small databases for researchers to evaluate their identification/verification software.

• SecuGen EyeD and Veridicom are two leading companies selling both commercial fingerprint identification/verification systems and sensors with resolution 500dpi. Veridicom FPS110 fingerprint reader sensed a 300*300 fingerprint image in a 2cm by 2cm area.



FVC 2004

FVC 2004

A Paradigm for Fingerprint Matching

Fingerprints and Their Histograms

Fingerprint Image Processing

Thank You for Your Attention

• Koala Angel wishes you have a wonderful university life

• I am from Brisbane, Australia and sleep 16 hours each day but you should not

☆ March 02, 2009

Are They From the Same Person?

Are They the Same Person?
