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Page 1: Fa 102a assignment #1

FA102a, Research and Brand Development

Steven JacofskyControl Music With Heads

Page 2: Fa 102a assignment #1

• How to control music and video on the Web with a wave of your hand

Steven Jacofsky

Assignment One, Research

Control Music With Heads

Page 3: Fa 102a assignment #1

• Webcam detect hand gestures, then plays and pauses music

Assignment One, Research

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Page 4: Fa 102a assignment #1

• "Flutter wants to power the eyes of our devices — in the same way that Siri functions as the iPhone’s ears.”

Assignment One, Research

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Page 5: Fa 102a assignment #1

• Able to work with many different media players on the computer

Assignment One, Research

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Page 6: Fa 102a assignment #1

Control Music on Computer with Hand Gestures

Assignment One, Description of Future Product or Service

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Page 7: Fa 102a assignment #1

• Words : Music, Gesture, Recognition, Technology, Control

• Possible Names : The Composer, Conductor, MusTech, Music Controller,

• Selected Name : The Conductor• Justification : A conductor is someone who

control a musical performance, So this name suggests that you are the one controlling the music

Assignment Two, Name Processing

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Page 8: Fa 102a assignment #1




Recognition Innovated






Assignment Two, Brand Character Diagram

The Conductor

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Page 9: Fa 102a assignment #1


Control Music With Heads

Assignment Three, Logotype Research, Word from Diagram

Steven Jacofsky

Page 10: Fa 102a assignment #1

Control Music With Heads

Assignment Three, Logotype Research

Steven Jacofsky

Page 11: Fa 102a assignment #1

Control Music With Heads

Assignment Three, Finished Logotype

Steven Jacofsky

Page 13: Fa 102a assignment #1

• I was able to create a following to this fan page, by sending out multiple Facebook messages.

• In each message I specifically asked to have my message forwarded to any and all friends they have on or off line

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Creating Communtity

Page 14: Fa 102a assignment #1

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Facebook Pages

Page 15: Fa 102a assignment #1

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Facebook Pages

Page 16: Fa 102a assignment #1

Control Music With Heads Steven Jacofsky

Assignment Four, Social Media Branding, Facebook Pages