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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Why ?Needed a system to support campuses, schools, departments and other academic units throughout IU in igniting student

retention and success Task force assembled in Oct. 2010

Reviewed 4 vended products to see “what’s out there” Assembled information into “Big Picture” Decided to build in-house …..which will take time

Rosters to collect classroom performance data Learning Management System full of data to mine Admissions data in our SIS Reporting capability (both operational & Business Intelligence Advising Notes system already on list for enhancement

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

The Big Picture!360◦ view

Admission Data, Classroom Activity,

Student Self-Assessment


Student Notification, Scheduling,

Action, Interaction

Assessment / Effects on Retention

Student Survey

Class Performance


Learning Management


Business Intelligence


Support Centers




More 4 year


What interventions

were most effective?

Pre & Post Admission

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Then…what happened?Project “stalled” in light of other priorities

Presidential mandate

Available for faculty input by August 2011!!“Quick’ deliverable ...then Four Phase project!

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success


Planning:IU-FLAGS Advisory/Steering Group

Roster Team Reporting Team Advising Records Team Analysis and Assessment Team

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Phase I – Feb thru July 2011

Student Performance RosterCustomize SIS roster to collect student classroom data

Uses a tool faculty already know

Operational Reporting High level overview of FLAGS dataMechanism to capture Requested ActionsOperational reporting

Attendance Performance Concerns Suggested Actions

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Phase I (cont.)

Student Survey “Draft”Study options for student survey content and


Advising Records System Begin draft of initial specifications

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Phase II – August 2011-June 2012

Student Performance RosterAdditional modifications as requested

More recommended student actions Remove default values Separating “Attendance” from “Flags” Institution-specific recommended actions

Student Survey More discussion brings concern

Operational Reporting Additional mods based on changes to roster

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Phase II – August 2011-June 2012

Advising Records Continued development Reviewed Advising dashboard at Minnesota

Assessment Identify and model data for pre- and post- admission risk

assessment, develop reporting Mine, model and report data from LMS (Oncourse) Develop FLAGS dashboard integrating layers of data

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Phase III – Now thru December

Student Performance RosterSeparate “attendance” from other indicatorsDASHBOARD in the Learning Management System

Operational ReportingAdditional mods based on changes to roster

Advising Records System Pilot Deployment

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Phase IV – Through December 2012

Assessment Business Intelligence and Reporting

Identify and model data for pre- and post- admission risk assessment, develop reports

Mine, model and report data from LMS (Oncourse)

Develop FLAGS dashboard integrating layers of data

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Future Development Student Performance Roster

New enhancements to SIS priority list

Operational Reporting Required maintenance mode

Advising Records System Full Deployment…..or additional phase to completion

Assessment Complete full dashboard/Business Intelligence

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation SuccessStudent Performance Roster Front-end data gathering tool

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation SuccessStudent Performance Roster




ended Actions


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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation SuccessStudent Performance Roster



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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational ReportingRoster feedback to data warehouse Visual summary and detail data

Utilize “new” tool – BIRT (Business Intelligence Reporting Tool)

Users able to export data as needed Identify students that are currently at risk in a

course or coursesIntervene to encourage students to take the

“recommended actions”

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational Reporting Summary Dashboard


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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational Reporting





Clickable link to the Student Detail Rpt.


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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational ReportingIrregular Attendance

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational ReportingBI Campus Dashboard

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational ReportingBI Campus Dashboard

Poor Quiz &



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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational Reporting Advisors – for just their students:


Clickable link to the Student Detail Rpt.

Clickable link to the Student Schedule

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational Reporting Drill down to student with FLAGS:



LMS data

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Operational Reporting Academic Support View




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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation SuccessWhat have we done so far?Attendance:

Over 1000 e-mail notifications to IUPUI students

Recommended Actions/InterventionsIUPUI Bepko Learning Center

1,237 students IUPUI Math Assistance Center

1,731 students

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation SuccessWhat have we done so far?

Recommended Actions/Interventions IU East – Retention Office

695 students IU Kokomo – Registrar & Advisor

792 students

Getting into the “swing” of things!

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation SuccessWhere are we going now?Learning Management System

What data can be used? Sorting through the data. Integration to FLAGS

Faculty Students

Advising Records System Getting more involved in this part of project Fully functional system with dashboard approach Advisors and other “In-the-know” at all times!

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation SuccessWhere are we going now?University Assessment and Refinement

Pulling data from: Rosters, LMS, Advising Records System, Admissions, etc.

AnalysisDashboard Display

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Lessons Learned

Involve the right faculty groups from the beginning (don’t assume)

• Our timeline made this difficult

• Not doing it has caused some bad “PR” on initial rollout and inefficiencies

• Could have driven immediate demand to our LMS

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Lessons Learned (cont.)Be Involved from the starting line!!!

Registrar representatives from various campuses on various committees

Communication“There can never be too much communication”

IUPUI vs IU-Bloomington Owner on Campus should be the sender

Develop a thorough Project Plan Document decisions made along the way and


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When it comes to our role in Student Success……

From Passive… To Active….

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IU FLAG S – Fostering Learning, Achievement, and Graduation Success

Who are we? Mary Beth Myers – [email protected] Hadley – [email protected]
