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Proceedings of The 11th International Natural Language Generation Conference, pages 99–108,Tilburg, The Netherlands, November 5-8, 2018. c©2018 Association for Computational Linguistics


Explainable Autonomy: A Study of Explanation Styles for Building ClearMental Models

Francisco J. Chiyah Garcia1, David A. Robb1, Xingkun Liu1,Atanas Laskov2, Pedro Patron2, Helen Hastie1

1 Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK2 SeeByte Ltd, Edinburgh, UK

{fjc3, d.a.robb, x.liu, h.hastie}{atanas.laskov, pedro.patron}


As unmanned vehicles become more au-tonomous, it is important to maintain ahigh level of transparency regarding theirbehaviour and how they operate. This isparticularly important in remote locationswhere they cannot be directly observed.Here, we describe a method for generat-ing explanations in natural language of au-tonomous system behaviour and reason-ing. Our method involves deriving aninterpretable model of autonomy throughhaving an expert ‘speak aloud’ and pro-viding various levels of detail based onthis model. Through an online evaluationstudy with operators, we show it is best togenerate explanations with multiple possi-ble reasons but tersely worded. This workhas implications for designing interfacesfor autonomy as well as for explainable AIand operator training.

1 Introduction

Robots and autonomous systems are increasinglybeing operated remotely in hazardous environ-ments such as in the nuclear or energy sector do-mains (Hastie et al., 2018; Li et al., 2017; Kwonand Yi, 2012; Nagatani et al., 2013; Shukla andKarki, 2016; Wong et al., 2017). Typically, theseremote robots instil less trust than those co-located(Bainbridge et al., 2008; Hastie et al., 2017b;Li, 2015). Thus, the interface between the op-erator and autonomous systems is key to main-taining situation awareness and understanding be-tween the system and the human operator (Robbet al., 2018). It is this aspect of understandingthat we examine here with respect to aligning theoperator’s mental model (Johnson-Laird, 1980), interms of both what the system can do and why itis doing certain behaviours. We propose that this

type of explainability will increase trust and there-fore adoption of remote autonomous systems.

According to Kulesza et al. (2013), varyingthe natural language generation of explanations interms of verbosity (i.e. how many reasons to giveor completeness) and the level of detail (sound-ness) changes the effectiveness of the explanationsin terms of improving the user’s mental model.It also affects whether the user thinks that it was“worth it” to read the explanation. It is these as-pects of explanation generation that we explorehere.

We focus on the natural language generationof explanations as a part of an interactive multi-modal system called MIRIAM for situation aware-ness for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).This interface was developed in conjunction withindustry partner SeeByte Ltd (see Figure 1) andruns alongside their commercial UI called See-Track with a chat interface, which gives status andmission updates. This multimodal interface hasbeen shown to increase situation awareness (Robbet al., 2018; Hastie et al., 2017a) both by usingchat and graphical interface over just graphical in-terface alone.

We describe a method of explanation generationthat is agnostic to the type of autonomy or vehi-cle. Our contribution is through the ‘speak-aloud’method for deriving a model of autonomy for ex-planations and through the analysis of the formsthat these explanations would take to maximallyimprove the user’s mental model. The findings re-ported here can be used as heuristics for explain-ing behaviour of remote autonomous systems butalso face-to-face robotics (Perera et al., 2016) andother explainable AI tasks such as explaining rec-ommendations (Kulesza et al., 2013). Finally, theycould be used to improve operator training.

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Figure 1: The multimodal interface with SeeTrack interface showing the predicted path of the vehicle onthe left and the chat interface on the right where explanations appear.

2 Background

Explainability is an important facet of a transpar-ent system (Wortham et al., 2017) as it can pro-vide the user with a high fidelity mental model,along with increased confidence and performance(Bras et al., 2018; Lim et al., 2009). Mental mod-els, in cognitive theory, provide one view on howhumans reason either functionally (understandingwhat the robot does) or structurally (understand-ing how it works) (Johnson-Laird, 1980). Mentalmodels are important as they strongly impact howand whether robots and systems are used. In pre-vious work, explainability has been investigatedfor a variety of systems and users including: 1)explanation of deep learning models for develop-ers, as in (Ribeiro et al., 2016) who showed thatsuch explanations can increase trust; 2) explana-tions of planning systems (Tintarev and Kutlak,2014; Chakraborti et al., 2017); and 3) verbalis-ing robot (Rosenthal et al., 2016) or agent (Harri-son et al., 2017) rationalisation. Here, we will belooking at verbalising rationalisation of behaviourof the autonomous system, in a similar way to 3).However, these explanations will not be in termsof a constant stream as in (Harrison et al., 2017),rather as part of a mixed-initiative conversationalagent where explanations are available on request.

Gregor and Benbasat (1999) describe four typesof explanation including “Why” and “Why not”, toexplain the functionality and the structure of a sys-

tem, respectively and Justification which includesgeneral knowledge and Terminological. Lim et al.(2009) went on to investigate the first two of theseand showed that explaining why a system behaveda certain way increased both understanding andtrust, whilst “Why not” showed only an increasein understanding. Here, we will also be investigat-ing these two types of explanations.

We compare our work to that of (Kulesza et al.,2013), who showed that high completeness andhigh soundness maximised understanding. How-ever, their domain was different to ours (song rec-ommendations) and their users required no spe-cific training or domain knowledge to performtheir task. In addition, given the cost of au-tonomous systems and effort to run missions, thestakes are considerably higher in our case. Adapt-ing explanations to the various users and their ex-isting mental models is touched upon here. Nat-ural language generation has benefited from suchpersonalisation to the user and this applies to ex-planation generation also. Previous studies inNLG have included adapting to style (Dethlefset al., 2014), preferences (Walker et al., 2004),knowledge (Janarthanam and Lemon, 2014) andthe context (Dethlefs, 2014) of the user. Whilstthere has been much work on personalisation ofexplanations for recommender systems (Tintarevand Masthoff, 2012), there has been little donespecifically for explainable AI/Autonomy.

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Figure 2: Part of the autonomy model, showing reasons for a vehicle spiralling up. Above/below thedashed line shows what part of the model is used for low/high soundness.

Finally, Gregor and Benbasat (1999) show,users will only take the time to process the expla-nation if the benefits are perceived to be worth itand do not adversely add to cognitive load (Mer-cado et al., 2016). Indeed, there needs to be abalance between the amount of information givenand the cognitive effort needed to process it. Ourevaluation investigates this aspect of explanationgeneration for our users, who will likely be cogni-tively loaded given the nature of the task.

3 MIRIAM: The Multimodal Interface

MIRIAM, (Multimodal Intelligent inteRactIon forAutonomous systeMs), as seen in Figure 1, allowsfor ‘on-demand’ queries for status and explana-tions of behaviour. MIRIAM interfaces with theNeptune autonomy software provided by SeeByteLtd and runs alongside their SeeTrack interface.

MIRIAM uses a rule-based NLP Engine thatcontextualises and parses the user’s input for in-tent, formalising it as a semantic representation.It is able to process both static and dynamic data,such as names and mission-specific words. Forexample, it is able to reference dynamic objectssuch as “auv1”, the particular name given to a ve-hicle in the mission plan, without the requirementto hard-code this name into the system. It can han-

dle anaphoric references over multiple utterancese.g. “Where is Vehicle0?” ... “What is its esti-mated time to completion?”. It also handles el-lipsis e.g.“What is the battery level of vehicle0?”...“What about vehicle1?”. In this paper, we fo-cus on explanations of behaviours and describe amethod that is agnostic to the type of autonomymethod. Please refer to (Hastie et al., 2017a) forfurther details of the MIRIAM system.

4 Method of Explanation Generation

As mentioned above, types of explanations inves-tigated here include why (to provide a trace or rea-soning) and why not (to elaborate on the system’scontrol method or autonomy strategy), a subset ofthose described in (Gregor and Benbasat, 1999).Lim et al. (2009) show that both these explanationsincrease understanding and, therefore, are impor-tant with regards the user’s mental model. Weadopt here the ‘speak-aloud’ method whereby anexpert provides rationalisation of the autonomousbehaviours while watching videos of missions onthe SeeTrack software. This has the advantageof being agnostic to the method of autonomy andcould be used to describe rule-based autonomousbehaviours but also complex deep learning mod-els. Similar human-provided rationalisation has

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been used to generate explanations of deep neuralmodels for game play (Harrison et al., 2017).

The interpretable model of autonomy derivedfrom the expert is partially shown in Figure 2. If awhy request is made, the decision tree is checkedagainst the current mission status and history andthe possible reasons are determined, along with aconfidence value based on the information avail-able at that point in the mission1.

Whilst our explanation generation decides thecontent of the NLG output, the surface repre-sentations of the explanations are generated us-ing template-based Natural Language Generation(NLG). Templates were picked over statistical sur-face realisation techniques (e.g. Dethlefs et al.(2014)) due to the fact that the end-user/customerprefers to avoid the variability that comes with sta-tistical methods- these end-users/customers beinge.g. the military and operators/technicians in theenergy sector. In these domains, vocabulary andstandard operating procedures lend themselves tothe types of formulaic utterances that template-based systems afford.

The rationalisation of the autonomous be-haviours into an intermediate interpretable model,as shown in Figure 2, assists with the uncertaintythat remote autonomous systems entail. In ourcase, communications in the underwater domainare limited and often unreliable. The data re-ceived from the vehicles is used to steadily builda knowledge base and generate explanations on-demand. Furthermore, this rationalisation dis-tances the reasoning from the low-level design ofthe autonomous vehicles to focus on what actuallyhappens during a mission and allows for explana-tions in broader, high-level terms.

5 Soundness vs Completeness

As mentioned in the Introduction, Kulesza et al.(2013) explore how the level of soundness andcompleteness changes how explanations affect theuser’s mental model, as well as whether the userthinks that it was “worth it” to read the explana-tion. We adopt Kulesza’s terminology here andsimilarly investigate this trade-off between sound-ness and completeness. For our domain, an agentthat explains the autonomous system using a sim-pler model reduces soundness (i.e. the top layer

1above 80% (high), 80% to 40% (medium) and below40% (low) - levels were determined in consultation with theexpert

of the decision tree, above the line in Figure 2).In this case, the agent provides more general ex-planations with fewer details that may be easier todigest but may be too broad (see top left of Figure3).

Figure 3: The three types of explanations used inthe system, modified from Kulesza et al. (2013):Low Soundness High Completeness (LSHC),High Soundness High Completeness (HH) andHigh Soundness Low Completeness (HSLC).

High soundness here means that the explanationis taken from the the leaves of the decision tree,thus producing a focused and detailed explanationin Figure 2. An agent with high soundness thatgives only one reason, reducing completeness butproviding a more concise response, may be viewedas too focused (see bottom right Figure 3)2. Com-bining both high soundness and high completenessmay result in too complex an explanation (see topright of Figure 3). We did not include a condi-tion with low soundness and low completeness be-cause it would omit too much data to be relevantor useful in our domain. We investigate these threecombinations of varying soundness/completenessand measure their effect on Trust, User Satisfac-tion and a “worth it” score but primarily the evalu-ation study focuses on the effect on the user’s men-tal model.

6 Evaluation Method

The experiment was a between-subjects experi-ment with three conditions, examples of which aregiven in Table 1. Specifically:

1. C1(HiSoundHiComp): High Soundness,High Completeness - multiple explanations,

2the one explanation that is presented is the one with thehighest confidence at that time -if tied, an ordering that wasrecommended by the expert is applied

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each explaining all of the autonomy model indetail;

2. C2(HiSoundLoComp): High Soundness,Low Completeness - one detailed explanationthat explains all of the autonomy model;

3. C3(LoSoundHiComp): Low Soundness,High Completeness - multiple explanationseach explaining just the top layer of the au-tonomy model.

6.1 Experimental Set-upThe experiment consisted of an on-line ques-tionnaire with a pre-questionnaire to gather de-mographic data and two questions regarding thesubjects’ pre-existing mental model with regardsAUVs: “I have a good understanding of howAUVs work” (Pre-MM-Q1) and “I have a goodunderstanding of what AUVs can do” (Pre-MM-Q2). We were initially looking to investigate trustand so the users were asked to fill out a propen-sity to trust questionnaire (Rotter, 1967). After thepre-questionnaire, the participants watched 3 sce-nario videos. After each video, they answered 4questions regarding the quality of the explanations(US-Q1-4). These questions were modified fromthe PARADISE-style questionnaire (Walker et al.,1997) for interactive systems and summed to cre-ate a User Satisfaction score. In addition, the par-ticipants were asked one question on whether theexplanations were “worth it” and two questions ontheir post-explanation mental model (MM-Q1/2).All questions were on a Likert scale with 7 values:from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (7).

1. US-Q1: The system chat responses were easyto understand.

2. US-Q2: The system explanations were easyto understand.

3. US-Q3: The system explanations were use-ful.

4. US-Q4: The system explanations were as ex-pected.

5. “Worth it” question: It would be worth read-ing the explanations to understand how thesystem is behaving.

6. MM-Q1: The system explanations in thisvideo help me to increase my understandingof how AUVs work.

7. MM-Q2: The system explanations in thisvideo help me to increase my understandingof what the AUVs were doing.

The mental model questions aim to capturetwo different dimensions of the user’s mentalmodel (Johnson-Laird, 1980): structurally so howAUVs work (MM-Q1) and functionally so whatthe AUVs were doing (MM-Q2). We will also re-fer to the mean of these two scores as the generalmental model score, MM-G. After watching the 3scenarios, a final questionnaire was administrated,which asked about trust and derived a general trustscore using the Schaefer scale (Schaefer, 2013).

6.2 The ScenariosThere were three conditions, as discussed above,and for each condition the same three scenariovideos were watched by the participants in thesame order. Each video showed a mission as re-flected in Figure 1 showing the same AUV missionbut the text chat running alongside the mission var-ied depending on the condition. For example, theoperator is able to observe in the SeeTrack inter-face that the vehicle has not done a GPS fix forsome time. The operator in the video asks why itis not doing a GPS fix and the answer explains therelevant constraints on the vehicle, as captured inthe interpretable autonomy model shown in Figure2. The different scenarios and the questions are asfollows:

1. Scenario 1: a why question about an event“Why is the vehicle spiralling down?”. Thesystem would answer with a few reasons(or only one if completeness was low) withmedium confidence. The user would then re-peat the question after some time and the sys-tem would give a concrete answer with highconfidence. See Table 1 for the dialogue forthis scenario. Note that in this scenario, theranking of the most likely reasons does notchange during the mission.

2. Scenario 2: a why question about an event“Why is the vehicle spiralling up?”. Simi-lar to Scenario 1 but, in this case, the mostlikely reason changes in the second answer.This scenario explores how not having allthe information (low completeness) affectsthe user’s mental model because the first sys-tem’s response does not give all possible rea-sons for the event.

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C1 (HiSoundHiComp) C2 (HiSoundLoComp) C3 (LoSoundHiComp)User: Why is the vehicle spi-ralling up?

User: Why is the vehicle spi-ralling up?

User: Why is the vehicle spi-ralling up?

System: This could be due tothe following reasons:- The vehicle is doing a GPSfix at the start of Survey0 toimprove the quality of the datagathered (medium confidence)- The vehicle is transiting to itssafe plane depth (5m) (mediumconfidence)

System: The vehicle is doinga GPS fix at the start of Sur-vey0 to improve the quality ofthe data gathered (medium con-fidence)

System: This could be due tothe following reasons:- The vehicle is doing a GPS fix(medium confidence)- The vehicle is transiting to itssafe plane depth (medium con-fidence)

System: The vehicle hasreached Survey0

System: The vehicle hasreached Survey0

System: The vehicle hasreached Survey0

User: Can you confirm nowwhy the vehicle is spiralling up?

User: Can you confirm nowwhy the vehicle is spiralling up?

User: Can you confirm nowwhy the vehicle is spiralling up?

System: Yes, the vehicle is do-ing a GPS fix at the start of Sur-vey0 to improve the quality ofthe data gathered (high confi-dence)

System: Yes, the vehicle is do-ing a GPS fix at the start of Sur-vey0 to improve the quality ofthe data gathered (high confi-dence)

System: Yes, the vehicle is do-ing a GPS fix (high confidence)

Table 1: Example dialogue from Scenario 1 showing varying levels of soundness and completeness fora why question.

3. Scenario 3: a why not question “Why isthe vehicle not doing Target0?”. The sys-tem would compute a reason explaining theprocedures of the vehicle in that situation.This scenario investigates how simple expla-nations (low soundness) about the vehicle’scontrol strategies impact the user’s mentalmodel compared to more detailed explana-tions.

6.3 Participant GroupThere were 21 participants (18 male and 3 fe-male3). The 21 participants were distributedevenly across the conditions (7 in each). Partici-pation was voluntary and remuneration was by achance to win one of three £20 Amazon vouchers.The majority of participants were between 25-35years old, educated to undergraduate, masters de-gree or PhD level and all worked in the field ofsoftware for AUVs, and include roles such as op-erators and development and software engineers.

For this study, it was important to get usersof approximately the same prior mental modelof AUVs. Therefore, participants were recruited

3reflecting current gender proportions of employ-ees in the engineering and technology sector, see [accessed May 2018]

from a pool of experts in AUVs from industryand academia. This allowed us to design theexperiment at a certain level that did not requirepre-training of subjects to get to the same expertlevel. Indeed, the pre-test scores reflect a high self-perceived ability within the participant group withregards their understanding of how AUVs work(Pre-MM-Q1 with mean/mode/median/stdev:6.2/7/6/1) and what AUVs can do (Pre-MM-Q2:mean/mode/median/stdev 6.3/6/6/0.6). This ap-proach, however, has the disadvantage of a smallpool of users and results in an uneven genderbalance. Note that expert levels were evenlyspread between conditions.

6.4 Results

Table 2 gives results from the evaluation andshows that C3(LoSoundHiComp) results in higherUser Satisfaction scores, “worth it” question andmental model scores. C1(HiSoundHiComp) hasthe highest level of user trust using the question-naire from (Schaefer, 2013) with C2 (HiSoundLo-Comp) having the lowest level of trust, which wediscuss below. As indicated in the table, only themental model questions were found to be statisti-cally significant.

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C1 C2 C3(HiSoundHiComp) (HiSoundLoComp) (LoSoundHiComp)Mean SD Mean SD Mean SDMedian Mode Median Mode Median Mode

Human-Robot Trust 76.73% 6.2% 68.37% 13.5% 72.04% 13.8%79.29% N/A 74.29% N/A 70.00% N/A

User Satisfaction 5.56 0.695 5.51 0.615 6.06 0.6936 6 6 6 6 7

“Worth It” score 5.76 0.937 5.62 0.911 6.24 0.816 6 6 6 6 6

MM-Q1 for how work? 5.05 1.02 4.81 1.44 5.57* 1.665 5 5 5 6 6

MM-Q2 for what doing? 5.57 1.03 5.19 1.33 6.14* 1.116 6 5 5 6 6

MM-G for general MM 5.31 0.96 5 1.28 5.86* 1.235.5 5 5 6 6 6

Table 2: Overall descriptive statistics reporting Mean, SD, Median, and Mode. As described in the text,Human-Robot Trust is a score out of 100%. Scales were on a 7 point Likert Scale. User Satisfaction is ascale derived from the average of 4 Likert items. “Worth It” score, MM-Q1 and MM-Q2 are from singleLikert scale items. MM-G for general MM is the average of the MM-Q1 and MM-Q2 per participant.N/A for some modes indicates there were no repeated values in that section of the data. We showmodes mainly to help describe the sections of the data derived directly from Likert items, i.e. ordinal,but included them across all the data for completeness. These descriptive statistics are for the dataaggregated across scenarios within each condition. The * symbols indicate the means of those conditions’distributions which were statistically significantly higher than those of the other two conditions by posthoc Mann-Whitney-U tests following Kruskal-Wallis tests for non-parametric data (p < .05) (see text).

Specifically, a Kruskal-Wallis test4 found a sta-tistically significant effect for these 3 dependantvariables across conditions p < .05 with χ2 =9.3051 for MM-Q1; χ2 = 9.6836 for MM-Q2, χ2

= 17.846 for MM-G rejecting the null hypothesis“there is no difference in the participant’s men-tal model scores between the conditions”. Post-hoc Mann-Whitney-U one-tailed tests using Bon-ferroni’s correction were able to show that C3was significantly higher than the other two condi-tions for all three mental models scores at the 95%confidence level. C1 whilst higher than C2 wasnot significantly so (although there was a trendp = .02)5.

We have also investigated how mental modelscores vary across the scenarios during the ex-periment. We can see from Figure 4 that al-though C2(HiSoundLoComp) has significantly

4A Kruskal-Wallis test was used as MM-Q1/2 are non-parametric and MM-G was shown to be non-normally dis-tributed via a KS Test

5p < .0167 for significance taking into account Bonfer-roni’s correction

lower scores than C3(LoSoundHiComp), theuser’s mental model of how the system works(MM-Q1) builds over time, whereas in conditionsC1(HiSoundHiComp) and C3(LoSoundHiComp),it remains steady for the first two scenarioswith C2(HiSoundLoComp) actually ending up thehighest score by the end of the experiment.

The graph on the bottom of Figure 4 reflectsthe user’s mental model of what the vehicle isdoing, which varies from scenario to scenarioacross conditions. As discussed in Section 6.1,there is a change in confidence in the expla-nation given in Scenario 2. The system pre-dicts the AUV’s action as normal for the firstuser query, yet in the second query, the sys-tem has more data and recomputes the mostlikely reason, which varies from the one origi-nally presented. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this hasa bigger impact on C2(HiSoundLoComp) than onC1(HiSoundHiComp) or C3(LoSoundHiComp)because in those last two conditions, all possi-ble reasons are given so there is less of a sur-prise compared to the system seemingly ‘chang-

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ing its mind’ completely. This may also accountfor the lower general lack of trust for the vehiclein C2(HiSoundLoComp), as indicated in Table 2.

Figure 4: Mean mental model scores across sce-narios: C1(HH)–High Soundness High Complete-ness, C2(HSLC)–High Soundness Low Complete-ness and C3(LSHC)–Low Soundness High Com-pleteness. S1 to 3: Scenarios 1 to 3.

7 Discussion and Future Work

Kulesza et al. (2013) found that high soundness,high completeness (HiSoundHiComp) explana-tions performed the best6. They found that com-pleteness was linked to better understanding ofhow the system worked and the highest averagemental model scores. They also found that expla-nations with low completeness resulted in flawedmental models. This is similar to our study wherethe only condition with low completeness seemed

6although no statistical tests were performed due to thelow number of subjects

to result in confusion as reflected by significantlylower mental model scores.

In our study, high completeness (i.e. giving allthe reasons) is the consistent factor that is im-portant for understanding how a system works.However, further investigation is needed to ex-plore the effects of the mental model over longermissions and across missions and to see how themental models build up in the various conditions,as suggested from Figure 4 where low complete-ness might be an appropriate presentation methodif there is less urgency.

For understanding specific behaviours, i.e. whatthe system is doing, a high level of completenessis important, however a high level of soundnessis not necessary (i.e. the reasons don’t have tohave a lot of detail). In fact, users have a clearermental model if broader explanations with less de-tails are used with C3(LoSoundHiComp) beingstatistically higher than the high soundness con-dition C1(HiSoundHiComp). The difference be-tween our study and that of Kulesza et al. (2013)is that in our study the population have a high de-gree of pre-existing knowledge and therefore thehigh soundness may be redundant or even causefrustration or extra cognitive load (Lopes et al.,2018). In addition, according to (Gregor and Ben-basat, 1999; Kulesza et al., 2013), “users will notexpend effort to find explanations unless the ex-pected benefit outweighs the mental effort”. Thus,the system explanations with high soundness, highcompleteness (HiSoundHiComp) may be too con-voluted or distracting in an already complex do-main. Our results seem to reflect this trend aswell with the “worth it” score, which is highest forC3(LoSoundHiComp). Investigating the cognitiveload of processing these various types of explana-tions is part of future work.

In summary, we present here a method for mon-itoring and explaining behaviours of remote au-tonomous systems, which is agnostic to the au-tonomy model. The positive results from thisstudy suggest that this method produces expla-nations that build on pre-existing mental modelsand improves users’ understanding of how the sys-tems work and why they are doing certain be-haviours. This method, along with recommenda-tions for how explanations should be presented tothe user, informs design decisions for interfaces tomanage remote autonomous vehicles, as well asexplainable autonomy/AI in general.

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This research was funded by EPSRC ORCAHub (EP/R026173/1, 2017-2021); RAEng/ Lever-hulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship Scheme(Hastie/ LTSRF1617/13/37).


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