
Experiences Integrated with

in ChileMapuche CultureE n c o u n t e r w i t h o r i g i n a l p e o p l e s


This International Program is an innovative and intregrative proposal of different Faculties of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Indigenous organizations and Government agencies, that for long years have realized a joint work and that allows to offer a experience, very practical and integrated to the indigenous reality to the international students who participate in it.

To this end, students will have the possibility to develop different activities from an experiential perspective in such a way that they have the opportunity to be linked directly with the richness of the Mapuche people culture through their participation in everyday environments with families, traditional authorities and Mapuche communities of the Region of La Araucanía and that allows them to discover the different realities of the Mapuche communities according to the territorial spaces occupied by this culture that correspond to

four territorial identities:

• Lafkenche People of the coast, west area of the Nahuelbuta mountain.

• Nagche Abajinos, eastern slope of the Nahuelbuta mountain.

• Pewenche Pewen people, from Los Andes mountain)

• Wenteche People of the central valley and Cautin river.

Furthermore, during the development of the Program, students will have the opportunity to integrate with different Research Centers and Faculties of the University that have worked, from different levels with the Mapuche culture, as well as to integrate workshops developed by the Department of Affairs Students of the Universidad Autónoma de Chile in Campus Temuco.

• Directorate of Institutional Relations

• Office of Management of Cultural Diversity


• Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

• Universidad Autónoma de Chile


• Ministry of Education

• National Corporation of Indigenous Developement

• Groups and Communities Mapuche Region of Araucanía

• Art and Culture Council of Araucanía

• Institute of Studies of the Habitat Faculty of Architecture

• Learning Center for Learning

• Nucleus of Intercultural Studies

• Faculty of Health

• Education Faculty

It was founded on February 24, 1881 in a privileged environment, surrounded by the Rio Cautín and Cerro Ñielol. It was born as a consequence of a military task, reason why in its beginnings Temuco had the characteristics of a camp and, a year after its birth, the streets that today make up the agitated center of the regional capital were already insinuating.

The diverse and nurturing group of men and women who had the task of raising this city, never imagined its vertiginous growth. Shortly after, in 1888, the authorities that conformed the first Municipality were already chosen.

Its multiethnic population has been characterized by the high percentage of Mapuche population and the arrival of numerous German and French settlers. The rapid growth of inhabitants was appreciated in the early years; In 1895 a census established a population of 7,708 people and, when the province of Cautín was created, when Temuco became capital, this number increased to 16,037.

About Temuco

Founded in 1989, the UA is a non-profit institution and one of the ten largest private universities in Chile. It has more than 23,000 students, who study from a selection of thirty degrees taught by the seven faculties: Administration and Business, Architecture and Construction, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Law, Education, and Engineering. The mission of UA is to train graduates and qualified graduates, socially responsible and oriented towards a permanent education.

Three campuses located in the cities of Temuco (where the main house is located), Talca and Santiago, where

there are two localities (Providencia and San Miguel) with first class infrastructure have transformed it into the private university with the second largest investment in infrastructure from the country.

The UA is accredited by the National Commission of Accreditation of Degrees (CNAP) in the areas of Institutional Administration and Undergraduate Teaching, which has allowed to become one of the five private universities with the longest accreditation period. And since the year 2016, has been accepted to the Law of Gratuity.

About the Universidad Autónoma de Chile

• Promote educational experiences where the exchange of ancestral knowledge converges as a means of approaching the concept of Kyme Mogen of the Mapuche culture, that is based on a way of living and daily practice of respect, harmony and balance with everything.

• Promote the international training of undergraduate students from both Universities, given the importance of internationality and multiculturalism for future professionals in the area.

Active, reflexive and very participative work of the students is promoted, interacting with indigenous communities, academics, researchers and public management authorities associated to the indigenous theme to offer an experiential learning of the subject.

• Promote intercultural coexistence in students through the recognition and appreciation of diversity and interculturality.

• Knowledge of the Mapuche worldview from a communicative approach.

• Get to know the basic forms of social interaction and understanding of the environment of the Mapuche culture by teaching the map.

• Generate dialogues of intercultural content based on the promotion of creative expressions linked to the work of the clay.

• Establish a direct relationship between the international student and a rural indigenous community regarding the recognition and protection of their cultural, productive, medicinal and educational heritage.

General Objectives

Methodology of work

Specific Objectives

The program includes lectures by prestigious exhibitors, specialists in each subject, which will be confirmed in a timely manner once the dates and realization of the Program have been defined, sent to the participants their respective Curriculum.

Official Diploma Universidad Autónoma de Chile that will officially certify the internship held at the Universidad Autónoma de Chile.



Classrooms equipped with audiovisual system and Wi-Fi connection. Each student will receive backpack, folder, pencil notebook and public transportation card.

Equipment - Infrastructure - Materials

• Airport transfer round trip.

• Accommodation with a host family.(includes: private room, 3 meals a day, wifi, laundry)

• Welcome Lunch at Mapuche Tourist Center Gastronomic RUKA KIMÜM (Maquehue Zanja Km 7, Padre Las Casas)

• Coffee services.

• Orientation Day.

• Workshops and academic activities.

• Stays with Mapuche families and communities in southern Chile.

• Cultural and sports activities.

• Farewell reception at RUKA LELFÜN (Km 8 Boyeco area - route Temuco – Cholchol)

• Participation Certificate.

• Residential Program Coordinator.

• 24 hours Emergency Contact.

Services included in the program

Tentative programDay 1

AM Arrival at Temuco AirportTransfer Autonomous University

11:00Reception and Check In - Host Families

13:30 Welcome Lunch Tourist Center Mapuche Gastronomic RUKA KIMÜM

16:00Tour of the city of Temuco

19:00Guidance / Introduction to the Program

Day 2Knowing the culture of southern Chile: Araucania Region

9:30 Spanish Classes

11:00 Coffee Break/Mizawün

11:30 Spanish Classes

13:00 Lunch / Mizawün


Workshop “Mapuche worldview and teaching Mapudungung“ Part IIntercultural Cerro Loncoche School

18:00 Return to Temuco

18:30 Analysis

Day 5Mapuche traditional entrepreneurs’s rout wenteche territory

9:00Departure from Universidad Autónoma de Chile

10:00 Visit to the Ruka of the clay artisan

12:00 Visit to the Ruka of the textile artisan

13:30 Mizawün in RUKA WECHE restaurant

17:00 Visit to stone artisan

17:30 Visit to the Ruka of vegetable fiber artisan

18:15 End of visitng. Analysis

18:45 Return to Temuco

19:30 Arrival Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Day 4Workshop creating from the origins

9:30 Spanish Classes

11:00 Mizawün

11:30 Ceramics Workshop

13:30 Lunch

15:30 Ceramics Workshop

17:00 Mizawün

18:30 Ending of the Workshop / Handing over of certificate

19:00 Analysis

Day 3Knowing the culture of southern Chile: Araucania Region

9:30 Spanish Classes

11:00 Coffee Break/Mizawün

11:30 Spanish Classes

13:00 Lunch / Mizawün


Workshop “Mapuche worldview and teaching Mapudungung“ Part IIntercultural Cerro Loncoche School

18:00 Return to Temuco

18:30 Analysis

Day 6Knowing the culture of southern Chile: Araucania Region

8:00 Spanish Classes

18:00 Coffee Break/Mizawün

20:00 Spanish Classes

Tentative program

Day 7Exprience in Mapuche Pewenche territory: Knowing the culture and gastronomy

7:00 Breakfast

8:00Departure from Curacautín to IKALMA lagooneCultural experience in BATEA MAWUIDA in Mapuche Pewenche territory

16:00 Goat barbecue with Mapuche Pewenche community

19:00 Analysis

19:30 Return to Temuco

21:00 Arrival Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Day 8Experience in Mapuche Lafkenche territory

8:00Departure from Temuco to Llaguepulli indigenous community

10:30Mapuche lafkenche community reception with con Llellipun ceremony

12:00Mizawün in KOM CHE ÑI RUKA – “The house of everyone”

15:30Visit to Medical orchard and Nütram (conversation) with lamgen Catalina Lefio Maripan

17:00Boat ride Wampo on the Budi lake and y bird watching

20:00 Mizawün around the stove in KOM CHE ÑI RUKA

21:30 Analysis

22:00 Accommodation in Ruka/Cabin

Day 11Experience in Mapuche Nagche territory: Cultural and touristic tour circuit of the Butarrincon community

9:00Departure from Universidad Autónoma de Chile

11:00 Visit to the Ruka of the clay artisan

11:30 Visit to the Ruka of the textile artisan

14:30 Mizawün in RUKA WECHE restaurant

15:30 Visit to stone artisan

16:00 Visit to the Ruka of vegetable fiber artisan

18:00 End of visitng. Analysis

Day 10Visit to Saavedra area

9:00 Breakfast

11:00 Departure to Saavedra area

12:30 Lunch in Budi lake restaurant

15:00 Visit to the coast

18:00 Analysis

18:30 Return to Temuco

20:00 Arrival to Universidad Autónoma de Chile

19:00 Analysis

Day 9Visit to sites of cultural significance and participation in traditional farming activities

8:00 Breakfast

9:30Visit to Gillatuwe (site of cultural significance) and Eltun (mapuche cemetary)

12:00 Mizawün


Participation in traditional farming activities depending season (harvesting of potatoes, sheep shearing, harvesting of legumes and cereals)

20:00 Mizawün

21:30 Analysis

22:00 Accommodation in Ruka/Cabin

Day 12Knowing the culture of southern Chile: Araucania Region

8:00 Spanish Classes

10:00 Coffee Break/Mizawün

12:00 Spanish Classes

13:00 Visit to Pucón city and surroundings

19:00Dinner and accommodations in Curarrehue

20:30 Analysis

Tentative program

Day 13Trawün in Curarrehue - “Stone Altar”

9:00 Breakfast

19:30 Ancestral Mapuche cooking workshop

12:00Mizawün – Moment to share food with the preparations made by the studens themselves

13:30Visit to TRAWUPEYÜN inter-cultural village –“Where do we meet”: includes museu-m,cultural center, tradicio-nal cook and artisan market

16:00 Visit to Curarrehue thermal center

19:00 Mizawün

19:30 Analysis

20:00 Return to Temuco

21:30 Arrival to Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Day 14Ending of activities

8:30Farewell host families Transfer Universidad Autónoma de Chile

9:30Evaluation of the experience and handing over of certificate

11:00 Ending of the program with Llellipun ceremony

PM Transfer to Temuco airport
