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Page 1: Exercise No. 2

Renomeron, Dale Marie P. BSEd – 3 (BioSci) June 6, 2014

Product-Oriented Performance-Based AssessmentExercise No.2

I. Objectives: After discussing about Product-Oriented Performance-Based Assessment, I will be

able to identify learning competencies from the tasks based on my major field of specialization.

Using the concept of Product-Oriented Performance-Based Assessment, I will be able to construct my own Analytic and Holistic Rubrics with at least 90% accuracy.

II. Data:

Topic: Matter

Task 1: Create a model of matter molecules.

Objective: To construct a concrete example of matter molecules.Learning Competencies:

o Sketches a model of an atom with quality.o Labels the parts/composition of an atom.o Applies colors neatly on it for specification.o Shows creativity in your work.o Submits the output on time.

Scoring Rubrics:

Analytic Rubric

Criteria Weight 1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good 4 – ExcellentSketched

model with quality

x1 Needs improvement

Acceptable quality Good quality Excellent

Labeled parts x2 Not labeled at all

Only 1 labeled part

2 labeled parts

All parts labeled

Neatness of colors applied x3

Neatness of colors were

poorly applied

Vaguely applied

Neatly applied with few errors

Well applied without errors

Creativity x3 Creativity is not shown

Fair/less shown Good Exemplary

Submission x2Submitted

2-more days after deadline

Submitteda day after

the deadline

Submitted on the deadline



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Holistic Rubric

4 – Excellent Excellent All parts were labeled Well applied without errors Exemplary Submitted before deadline

3 – Good Good quality 2 labeled parts Neatly applied with few errors Good Submitted on the deadline

2 – Fair Acceptable quality Only 1 labeled part Vaguely applied Fair/less shown Submitted a day after the deadline

1 – Poor Needs improvement Not labeled at all Neatness of colors were poorly applied Creativity is not shown Submitted 2-more days after deadline

Task 2: Find the physical properties of solid and liquid through conducting an experiment and obtain accurate results.

Objective: To perform an experiment with confidence and obtain proficient results.Learning Competencies:

o Selects at least 5 solid samples and 5 liquid samples.o Describes each appearance, included its properties (color, shape and texture).o Explains the differences of two samples.o Answers 1-7 questions.o Submits the laboratory report on time.

Scoring Rubrics: See on the next page…

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Scoring Rubrics: Analytic RubricCriteria Weight 1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good 4 – Excellent

Selected sample x1

1 selected sample of solid and 1


1-2 selected sample of solid and 1


3-4 selected sample in

solid same as liquid

5 or more of both selected


Description of each


No appearance is described

Only the color is described in both solid and liquid

Color and shape were described in


All properties and

appearance were


Explanation of differences X2 Not explained

at all

Merely explained

without connection to


Clearly explained

with connection of


All properties and

appearance were

described and explained


Answered question X1

Only 2 out of 7 were


1-3 questions were


1-6 questions were


All questions were

exemplary answered

Submission X1Submitted 2-more days

after deadline

Submitted a day after the


Submitted on the deadline

Submitted before


Holistic Rubric4 – Excellent

5 or more of both selected sample All properties and appearance were described All properties and appearance were described and explained well All questions were exemplary answered Submitted before deadline

3 – Good 3-4 selected sample in solid same as liquid Color and shape were described in both Clearly explained with connection of theory 1-6 questions were answered Submitted on the deadline

2 – Fair 1-2 selected sample of solid and 1 liquid Only the color is described in both solid and liquid Merely explained without connection to theories 1-3 questions were answered Submitted a day after the deadline

1 – Poor 1 selected sample of solid and 1 liquid No appearance is described Not explained at all Only 2 out of 7 were answered Submitted 2 or more days after deadline

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Task 3: Conduct a written examination about properties of matter and obtain accurate results.

Objective: To infer concepts about the properties of matter.Learning Competencies:

o Explains the different concepts in not less than 4 sentences.o Constructs complete sentences in terms listed (gravity, weight and density).o Summarizes the concepts about the properties of matter with maximum of 6

sentences but not less than 4 sentences.o Clarifies your answer with theories.o Write your answer legibly on the provided sheets.

Scoring Rubrics:

Analytic Rubric

Criteria Weight 1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good 4 – Excellent

Explained concepts x1

Concepts were poorly explained

Concepts were slightly

explained with 2

sentences each

Concepts were

satisfactory explained

with 3 sentences


Concepts were excellently

explained, 4-5 sentences

Constructed terms into complete thought


No terms were

constructed at all

Only the term gravity is

constructed in a sentence

Terms weight and density

were constructed in complete sentences

All terms were constructed well

in a complete sentences

Summary of concepts x3

Summarized with less than 4 sentences

Summarized in 4

sentences but doesn’t

have important contents

Summarized in 5

sentences with clear content

Summarized excellently with

complete important contents

Clarified answers with

theoriesx2 Not clarified/

Not relevant

Merely clarified at most 65% clarification

66-80% clarification with some theories

81-100% clarification with


Legibility x2 Not legibly written

Slightly legible/

readableLegibly good Legibly


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Holistic Rubric

4 – Excellent Concepts were excellently explained, 4-5 sentences All terms were constructed well in a complete sentences Summarized excellently with complete important contents 81-100% clarification with theories Legibly written/excellent

3 – Good Concepts were satisfactory explained with 3 sentences each Terms weight and density were constructed in complete sentences Summarized in 5 sentences with clear content 66-80% clarification with some theories Legibly good

2 – Fair Concepts were slightly explained with 2 sentences each Only the term gravity is constructed in a sentence Summarized in 4 sentences but doesn’t have important contents Merely clarified at most 65% clarification Slightly legible/readable

1 – Poor Concepts were poorly explained No terms were constructed at all Summarized with less than 4 sentences Not clarified/Not relevant Not legibly written

Task 4: Make a power point presentation about the concepts of matter.

Objective: To design good information-presentations showing the concepts of matter.Learning Competencies:

o Selects important concepts / content all about matter.o Supplies at least 3 examples on each sub-topic in your power point presentation. o Applies at least 6 slide transitions on your power point.o Applies at least 5 slides animations on your power point.o Shows quality of your output to be saved in a CD.

Scoring Rubrics: See on the next page…

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Scoring Rubrics:

Analytic Rubric

Criteria Weight 1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good 4 – Excellent

Selected concepts/ contents


10% selected

concepts/ content

11-50% selected concepts/contents

51-80% selected

concepts/ contents

81-100% selected concepts /contents

Supplied examples x2 No examples

at allOnly 1 example

on each sub-topic2 examples

on each

3 or more examples on

each sub-topic

Slide transitions


1-2 slide transitions

were applied

1-4 slide transitions were


1-5 slide transitions

were applied

3 or more slide

transitions were applied

Slide animations

appliedx3 No animation

applied1-2 animations


1-4 slide animations


5 or more animations


quality of the output

x2 Poor qualityQuality is

satisfactory shown

Good quality shown

Quality exceeds


Holistic Rubric

4 – Excellent 81-100% selected concepts /contents 3 or more examples on each sub-topic 3 or more slide transitions were applied 5 or more animations applied Quality exceeds expectation

3 – Good 51-80% selected concepts/ contents 2 examples on each 1-5 slide transitions were applied 1-4 slide animations applied Good quality shown

2 – Fair 11-50% selected concepts/contents Only 1 example on each sub-topic 1-4 slide transitions were applied 1-2 animations applied Quality is satisfactory shown

1 – Poor 10% selected concepts/ content No examples at all 1-2 slide transitions were applied

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No animation applied Poor quality

Task 5: Make a video presentation about the compounds and mixtures.

Objective: To integrate ideas about compounds and mixtures through a video presentation.Learning Competencies:

o Makes at least 4 videos about comparison of compounds and mixtures.o Designs your video presentation with quality.o Provides corresponding explanations with scientific relation or bases on the video

with clarity.o Limits your videos maximum of 6 minutes, but not less than 4 minutes as required to

apply on each video.o Shows originality on your work.

Scoring Rubrics:

Analytic Rubric

Criteria Weight 1 – Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Good 4 – Excellent

Videos made x1 Only 1 video was made

2 videos were made

3 videos were made

4 or more videos were


videos with


Poorly designed with poor quality

Satisfactory designed with

less quality

With good design and good quality

Quality of design

exceeds expectation

Explanations x3 No provided explanation

Few explanations

were provided but doesn’t have

scientific bases

Explanations were

provided with some

scientific bases

Exemplarily provided with explanations with relevant

scientific bases

Duration x31-2 minutes time duration


3-4 minutes time duration


5 minutes time duration


Required time limit is

applied and followed well

for each video

Originality x2 No originality shown

50-79% originality


80-90% originality


91-100% originality


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Holistic Rubric

4 – Excellent 4 or more videos were made Quality of design exceeds expectation Exemplarily provided with explanations with relevant

scientific bases Required time limit is applied and followed well for each

video 91-100% originality shown

3 – Good 3 videos were made With good design and good quality Explanations were provided with some scientific bases 5 minutes time duration applied 80-90% originality shown

2 – Fair 2 videos were made Satisfactory designed with less quality Few explanations were provided but don’t have scientific

bases 3-4 minutes time duration applied 50-79% originality shown

1 – Poor Only 1 video is made Poorly designed with poor quality No provided explanation 1-2 minutes time duration applied No originality shown

III. Reflection:

This exercise on Product-Oriented Performance-Based Assessment was about making different tasks with corresponding competencies and from it, scoring rubrics can be made and constructed just like in the process-oriented performance-based assessment. In this exercise, it gives different strategy to design a task and to make the rubrics be effective one and only covers the product-oriented performance of student’s output in certain activity they’ve done. It also needs much specification of the learning competencies and see to it that the learning competencies are measurable. Doing this activity is very time-consuming and need to be planned properly to come up with successful results and I found this activity quite easy than the process-oriented performance which for me is confusing. However, I was able to make it and I was glad that I was able to obtain my objectives on this activity.
