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Exchange Site User’s Guide

Page 2: Exchange Site User’s Guide - SNIEG › documentation › manual_English.pdfthe National System of Statistical and Geographic Information (SNIEG), issued on December 24, 2014, the

International Exchange HUB


Content Exchange Site User’s Guide ................................................................................................... 0

CHAPTER I About the system ............................................................................................... 4

I.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 4

I.2 Features of the Exchange Site (HUB) ........................................................................... 4

I.3 Links to the Exchange Site (HUB). ............................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II Registration and Authentication ...................................................................... 5

II.1 Authentication and Self-registry Screen ...................................................................... 5

II.2 Self-registration............................................................................................................ 5

II.3 Self-registration of a Foreign Representative whose data were recorded as a Referred

Collector profile by an Exchange Responsible................................................................... 7

CHAPTER III Profiles and Roles ......................................................................................... 10

CHAPTER IV. Parts of the Screen and Header .................................................................. 11

IV.1 Parts of the Screen .................................................................................................... 11

IV.2 Header ...................................................................................................................... 11

IV.2.1 Minimize ........................................................................................................... 11

IV.2.2 Pending Tasks Alert 3 ..................................................................................... 11

IV.2.3 Comments .......................................................................................................... 12

IV.2.4 My Profile ......................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER V Control Panel ................................................................................................. 15

V.1 User’s Guide .............................................................................................................. 16

V.2 Activities of the last 30 days ...................................................................................... 16

V.3 Users to validate ........................................................................................................ 17

V.3.1 Name ................................................................................................................... 17

V.3.2 Suggested Profile ................................................................................................ 17

V.3.3 Action ................................................................................................................. 17

V.4. Agency to validate .................................................................................................... 17

V.4.1 Name ................................................................................................................... 17

V.4.2 Action ................................................................................................................. 17

10 V.5 Top 10 Hashtags ................................................................................................... 17

V.6 Search results with (#Hashtag) .................................................................................. 17

V.6.1 Name ................................................................................................................... 18

V.6.2 Agency ................................................................................................................ 18

V.6.3 User ..................................................................................................................... 18

V.6.4 Type .................................................................................................................... 18

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International Exchange HUB


V.6.5 Date ..................................................................................................................... 18

V.6.6 Action ................................................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER VI Main Menu ................................................................................................... 19

VI.1 Requirements ............................................................................................................ 20

VI.1.1 Create a new one ............................................................................................... 21

VI.1.2 All ...................................................................................................................... 23

VI.1.3 Not Answered .................................................................................................... 24

VI.1.4 Answered (Not Seen) ........................................................................................ 25

VI.1.5 Completed ......................................................................................................... 26

VI.1.6 Information not available .................................................................................. 27

VI.1.7 Delete................................................................................................................. 28

VI.1.8 Answers by other means.................................................................................... 28

VI.1.A Detail of the Requirement ................................................................................ 29

VI.1.B Detail of the Response ...................................................................................... 31

VI.2 Responses (Role of Informant)................................................................................. 33

VI.2.1 All ...................................................................................................................... 33

VI.2.2 Pending .............................................................................................................. 34

VI.2.3 Answered (Not seen) ......................................................................................... 35

VI.2.4 Completed ......................................................................................................... 36

VI.2.5 Rejected ............................................................................................................. 37

VI.2.6 Information not available .................................................................................. 38

VI.2.7 Deleted .............................................................................................................. 39

VI.2.A Detail of the requirement .................................................................................. 40

VI.2.B Detail of the response ....................................................................................... 41

VI.2.C Answer. ............................................................................................................. 42

VI.2.D Forwarding. ...................................................................................................... 44

VI.2.E Deployment of the response detail. ................................................................... 46

VI.3 Forwarded ................................................................................................................. 48

VI.3.1 All ...................................................................................................................... 48

VI.3.2 Not Answered (Consult / Delete) ...................................................................... 49

VI.3.3 Answered (Not Seen) ........................................................................................ 50

VI.3.4 Completed ......................................................................................................... 52

VI.3.5 Canceled ............................................................................................................ 53

VI.3.6 Rejected ............................................................................................................. 54

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VI.3.7 Information not available .................................................................................. 55

VI.3.A Forwarding details (Consult / Delete) .............................................................. 55

VI.3.B Detail of the Response ...................................................................................... 57

VI.4 Answered by other means ........................................................................................ 59

VI.4.1 Generate one new .............................................................................................. 59

VI.4.1 All ...................................................................................................................... 62

VI.5 Activity of the agency .............................................................................................. 63

VI.5.1 Requirements ..................................................................................................... 63

VI.5.2 Responses .......................................................................................................... 63

VI.5.3 Forwarded .......................................................................................................... 64

VI.5.4 Answered by other means ................................................................................. 65

VI.6 HUB Activity ........................................................................................................... 65

VI.6.1 Requirements ..................................................................................................... 65

VI.6.2 Responses .......................................................................................................... 66

VI.6.3 Forwarding ........................................................................................................ 67

VI.6.4 Answered by other means ................................................................................. 67

VI.7 Users ......................................................................................................................... 68

VI.7.1 Add user (Only for Administrator) .................................................................... 69

VI.8 Agencies (Only for the HUB Administrator) ........................................................... 70

VI.8.1 Add Agency (Only for the HUB Administrator) .............................................. 71

VI.9 Directory ................................................................................................................... 72

VI.10 Contact me .............................................................................................................. 73

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International Exchange HUB


CHAPTER I About the system I.1 Introduction Mexico has the commitment to provide Statistical and Geographic Information of National Interest

(INI) that may be used by Foreign Governments or International Organizations in comparisons and

studies performed thereby.

For such reason, and in order to address the requests for information, INEGI, as the coordinator of

the National System of Statistical and Geographic Information (SNIEG), issued on December 24,

2014, the "Rules for Serving the International Requirements for Information of National Interest" and

developed a mechanisms for information exchange supported on the use of technologies.

The "Exchange Site" is a WEB application, through which one can access this mechanism, making it

easier for the State Units to comply with Article 51 of the SNIEG Act, which obliges them to inform

the Institute about how they address such requirements.

This Exchange Site User’s Guide has been developed in compliance with Article 12 of the

aforementioned Rules and in order to take the User step by step through the multiple processes can

access, depending on the profile and role has been assigned

I.2 Features of the Exchange Site (HUB)

1. Fully multi-lingual web application

2. Design and programing for any type of equipment, including mobile devices

3. "UX"- based design, therefore its use and appearance as well as use, is the same in all

applications used by social networks.

4. Web accessibility, which can be used in special devices

5. Profile and role scheme

6. It enables self-registration of users and the administrator authorizes them.

7. Decentralized administration (each agency manages its own users)

8. The application has technology which allows incorporating different user interfaces,

connect it to other applications, and even create networks

9. Token-based security which avoids connections to be diverted

I.3 Links to the Exchange Site (HUB). Site for hands-on practice and training:

Production site:

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CHAPTER II Registration and Authentication II.1 Authentication and Self-registry Screen The first screen in the application is used to authenticate the user, who must provide an access account

(which is the e-mail), and password.

II.2 Self-registration If you don't have an account to enter the system, you must register by clicking in Register

now, which is a very simple process, as explained below.

1. Click on link Register now, on the lower right of the Authentication screen.

2. Fill in all the fields in the form

a. Add your institutional e-mail

b. Add your full name

c. Add your telephone where you can be reached (preferably office) with the

following nomenclature: Country Code + City Code (Lada) + telephone


d. Choose the Organization you belong to, from the list of Organizations

included in the drop-down menu. In case it is not in the list, you can request

its registration by clicking on Create organization.

e. Add the Department you belong to.

f. Add your Position.

g. You can choose a Suggested Profile for entering the HUB system,

although this does not guarantee it will be authorized, since the assignment

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International Exchange HUB


of a profile will depend from the HUB Administrator or the Institutional


h. Enter a password; when writing it you will see a status bar in colors which

indicates the security level of your password: Red - weak password; Yellow

- medium password, and Green - secure password.

i. Confirm the password you chose.

j. Enter the characters displayed in the image.

k. Click on Create account.

Note: If user enters an E-mail that has been registered in the system with the profile

Referred Collector he/she must click the Register button to complete the access to the


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II.3 Self-registration of a Foreign Representative whose data were recorded as a

Referred Collector profile by an Exchange Responsible For complete the self – registration from the Foreign Representative should be completed

your data in the form.

On the home page, you should be write you e- mail address and after this the system

identify if you had a referrer account, and appears the Registration button, completed the

cycle of the registration of the Foreign Representative.

On this screen can will update information, except for the fields of Agency and Email that

will be disabled. Once the data is correct, click the Accept button.

a. Add your full name

b. Add your telephone where you can be reached (preferably office) with the

following nomenclature: Country Code + City Code (Lada) + telephone


c. Add the Department you belong to.

d. Add your Position.

e. Enter a password; when writing it you will see a color-coded status bar which

indicate the security level of your password: Red - weak password; Yellow -

medium password, and Green - secure password.

f. Confirm the password you chose.

g. Enter the characters displayed in the image.

h. Click Accept button.

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If you have finished your Self-registration, your will receive an e-mail to validate the e-

mail address, where you should click the link prompted. The system will validate your

request and send an e-mail to the Institutional Administrator(s) with the data of the user to

be authorized.

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The Technological Administrator, HUB Administrator and Institutional Administrator are

the only ones that have permissions to authorize accounts; the next step is assigning a

profile, which can be the one previously prompted by the user or may change according to

the activities actually performed. After verifying the data, click on Accept, and the system

will send a notice via e-mail to the user, informing about the acceptance and release of the

account, ready to be used.

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CHAPTER III Profiles and Roles Each authorized account has a profile and a role assign, to navigate the system, with permissions

differentiated as shown in the following table.





UE = State Unit





HUB Admin Responsible of


• Authorize all IA / EU

• Authorize users in general

• Consult all activity in the


• Consult directory




Institutional Admin

Focal or Contact

Point for



• Authorized users of the IA /


• Make Requirements (IA).

• Send responses (with or

without request) (EU)

• Consult directory






Representative of

the OI

• Make requirements (IA)

• Consult responses

• Consult directory




Informant Responsible of the

UE Exchange

• Send responses (with or

without request) (EU)

• Consult directory

Visitor Read Only

Representative of

Mexico before the

OI, Authorities of

the UE, etc.

• Consult all the Site


Administrator Tech Admin DGAI/DGA • Support to all the Site

It is NOT a user Referred Collector



who is NOT a user

• Nothing, only used as a

reference by an Exchange


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International Exchange HUB


CHAPTER IV. Parts of the Screen and Header IV.1 Parts of the Screen When logging into the system, the options and tasks you are able to access based on your

user profile and role will be displayed. In order to explain each of them, the screen has been

divided into 13 different parts as shown in the following image:

IV.2 Header 1

Comprises the options, Minimize, Alert, Comments and My profile. Below is an

explanation of each of them:

IV.2.1 Minimize

Allows hiding or showing the main menu.

IV.2.2 Pending Tasks Alert 3

List of pending tasks, according to the user’s role, as shown below:




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International Exchange HUB



Options of

the Header









with Collector




le with








ve which

data were


by an






pending 1 To send =




response has

not been

addressed; 2 To receive = Requirement

s made which

response has

not been

received; 3 Requiremen

ts not seen =


s made,


response has


received, but

you have not

seen the




tasks (all 1, 2,

3), NOT



tasks from

the agencies.


tasks of all

agencies can be seen

at the




pending tasks

(all 1, 2, 3), NOT


pending tasks

from your


Pending tasks

of your agency

can be seen in

the Control


Personal pending

tasks to receive2

and requirements

not seen3

Personal pending

tasks to



Comments N/A



help or exit) N/A

IV.2.3 Comments

This option displays the number of notes and/or small messages related with the

requirements or their responses.


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IV.2.4 My Profile

It is located on the top right of the screen and is identified by its name and a user icon; click

on any of these two elements and a submenu with the following options will be displayed:

IV.2.4.1 Profile

By clicking on Profile, the system gets you to a page where data and recent account activity

will be displayed. If you need to update them, click on the Edit button, located at the

bottom of the screen.

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You can update almost any data, except Exchange Profile and Roles, which are the

responsibility of the Administrators.

Once the data has been updated, click on the OK button, to save the changes or Cancel to

leave them as they were.

IV.2.4.2 Help

The Help option within My Profile will display the online version of this User Guide. To

return the system, click Back to HUB.

In order to return to the system, click Back to HUB.

IV.2.4.3 Exit

The third option in this submenu is Exit, click on it to log off and exit the HUB System.

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CHAPTER V Control Panel In the Control Panel you will find a summary of all activities and options to which a User

has access, according to their Profile and User Role.

Control Panel


Options in

the Control



















Read Only









Guide N/A

Activities of

the last 30

days N/A

Pending to

be sent Requirements

received in all

agencies that

have not been



received at

your agency,

which have

not been



ts received

by the user,

which have

not been



Pending to

be received All

requirements made by all




have not been



made by your

agency, which


have not been



made by the

user, which


have not been




ts not seen Requests

made by all




have already

been received

but have not be

seen by

requiring party


made by your

agency, which


have already

been received

but have not

be seen by the

requiring party


made by the

user, which


have already

been received

but you have

not seen them



View and

modify all


View and

modify users

of your


View users of

your Agency

View users

of your




(All) N/A

Users to



Your Agency



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International Exchange HUB


Agencies to




Top 10


(tags most

used in the




results N/A

V.1 User’s Guide This option allows you to access the online System Manual, and download it.

In order to maximize the panel, click on the arrow located on the right side of it.

V.2 Activities of the last 30 days Allows you to see graphically the activity of the last 30 days divided into two parts: the first

part shows a graph with the number of responses and requirements per day depending on

the selected Profile. The second part shows (depending on your Role and Profile) the

number of Pending activities (Send and Receive), Requirements not seen, Users and


1 Pending to be sent (Informant Role) = Received Requirements hat response has not been

attended; 2 Pending to received (Collector Role) = Requirements made whose response has not

been received;




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3 Forwards pending receive (Informant Role) = Requirements forward the answer has not

received. 4 Requirements Not seen (Collector Role) = Requirements who made and already

responded but the response has not been consulted. 5

Users = Added users by your own agency 6

Agencies = (Administrator of the HUB Role or Technologic) = Agencies authorized,

referred and authorization pending of the system HUB.

V.3 Users to validate Only visible for Administrators. Users to validate have the following three attributes:

V.3.1 Name

Name of the person requesting validation as User.

V.3.2 Suggested Profile

The profile suggested by the candidate to become User, but which can be changed.

V.3.3 Action

In the "Action" column, you can click on the "Pending Authorization" button and the user

information will be displayed. You must properly fill the form to create the account.

V.4. Agency to validate Only visible for the HUB Administrator. The table shows two attributes that are:

V.4.1 Name

It shows the acronym and the name of the Agency to authorize.

V.4.2 Action

In the "Action" column, you can click on the "Pending Authorization" and the Agency

information is displayed. You must properly fill the form for approval.

10 V.5 Top 10 Hashtags Displays the 10 Hashtags more frequently used in the “Responses” and in the

“Requirements”, sorted from the highest to the lowest number of mentions in the HUB.

If you click on any of the hashtags, the system displays the Responses associated therewith;

it is also possible to search for a specific hashtag by typing it on the bottom of this panel

hashtag #Buscar

V.6 Search results with (#Hashtag) This panel is linked to the previous item (Top 10 Hashtags), since it shows the Responses

linked to the most used Hashtag and the total number inside a green circle. If the search

result has more than five deliveries, a blue "View..." button will appear when clicking it, all

Responses will be displayed, along with the following attributes:









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V.6.1 Name

The name of the "Requirement" or the name of the "Response without requirement"

associated with the selected hashtag.

V.6.2 Agency

Organism to which it belongs who made the response.

V.6.3 User

User who made the Answer.

V.6.4 Type

In this case, there will be only two types of Answer, which are, with or without request.

V.6.5 Date

It is the Date and time of the Answer.

V.6.6 Action

By clicking on the link "View..." the Detail of Requirement page will open (where one

exists) or the Detail of the Response. If no exist a Requirement only appear the

Requirement without Response.

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The Main Menu options to which a User has access depend on the User Role and Profile.

Below is a table of the options available for each Profile.


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International Exchange HUB


Main Menu

Main Menu









ive with





e with








ive which

data were


by an







Control Panel N/A


Made by the

own Agency

Made by the




Made by the

own Agency

Made by

the user N/A


Made by the

own Agency

Made by

the user N/A

Responses by

other means

Made by the

own Agency

Made by

the user N/A


Activity N/A

HUB Activity N/A

Users All

Your Agency


Agency and




Agency and





Agencies N/A

Directory (See

all agencies

and all users) N/A

Contact me N/A

VI.1 Requirements This option is primarily used by the Foreign Representatives to generate their Requirements

and consult the Answers to them. This option also access the Institutional, Technology and

HUB Administrator, as they have both Roles of Collector and Informant.

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VI.1.1 Create a new one

The Foreign Representative may develop a new requirement to provide information for

each of the following fields:

Agencies. Select the agency or agencies to which you want to send the new Requirement.

You can locate the Agency in the Search... box, in case it does not exist, you can request its

inclusion by sending an e-mail through the Contact Me button.

Select, by clicking on the little picture Agency you want to send the new requirement.

If the list is very extensive Organizations can use the field “Search ...”, absent the Agency

must apply to join by sending an email to the administrator via the Contact Me button

Users. When selecting an organism, the Users of the Agency to select what will be shown.

If the list of Users is very extensive can use the field “Search ...”.

If the user you want to send the information is not within the HUB system, you can send

the request to the Institutional Administrator of the Agency and in the textbox 'Additional

Message' request the registration of the User in the HUB system as well as the Requirement


Detail of the Requirement. It is a form to fill that contains the following fields:

1. Name of requirement. Here you should write the short name that will identify the

new requirement.

2. Description. This field must capture a description about the New Requirement.

3. Frequency. He must choose between the options to indicate the frequency of the

information you are requesting.

4. Period. The number of times the request is repeated. This option is mandatory and is

only activated when a different frequency to Unique is selected, with values

between 1 and 12.

5. Modify delivery deadline. You can review and change the dates the system

calculated for each of the periods

6. Additional Message. Optional field where you can type any notes and / or comments

in reference to the new requirement.

7. Add #Tags. It is very important that you select or enter one or more keywords or

tags (pressing Enter between each tag added) to classify the content of the


8. Information Type. Optional field where you can select if the requested information

is an indicator or variable, questionnaire, etc. In the event that among the options

there is the type of information you are requesting can add by clicking the plus (+)

and then select it.

9. Destination of the Information. Optional field where you can select the destination

that will give the requested information, whether it will be used for publication, to

research, to integrate their databases, etc. In the event that among the options there

is the destination of the information you want, you can add it by clicking the plus

(+) and then select.

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10. Attach Files. You can attach the necessary files or your new requirement, either

manually selecting or dragging files from another 'window' browser. Files must be

less than 1 GB each, and the valid file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt,

zip, rar, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt , pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among

others. If the file type is not in this list you may apply for inclusion through the

main menu option Contact

11. Add URLs. Instead of adding a file, you can add a URL or FTP published online to

refer to the new requirement. It is mandatory to attach a file or add a URL.

12. Send. After filling all fields and attaching all necessary files or URL, click on the

Send button, and your request will be sent.

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VI.1.2 All

In this option you can find a list of information relating to all the requests made by you.

Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a

particular requirement through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. Indicates the state in which the requirement (pending, in process, Answered,

Completed, Information not available or deleted) is.

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made the Requirement.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who must respond to the

request. If the request has been addressed to more than one user, instead of the username

Several word appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the action 'View


Name: Short Name Requirement made.

Creation Date. It indicates when it was created Requirement.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request.

Action. View ... Displays the link where you can see the detail requirement (VI.1.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.1.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.1.3 Not Answered

In this option you can consult all the requirements generated by you and have not been

answered by the informant. You can cancel (delete) any requirement to be with Pending

status or process the total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle.

You can locate a particular requirement Slope through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This state consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which the Request Pending (Pending or in Process) is.

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user making the request.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who should respond to the

requirement Slope. If the request has been addressed to more than one user, instead of the

username Several word appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the

action 'View ...'.

Name. Short name of the pending requirement..

Creation Date. It indicates when it was created Requirement.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request.

Action. Ver. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail requirement (VI.1.A)

and the detail of the response (VI.1.B).

Delete. Choosing this option opens a popup window to confirm whether you really

want to delete the requirement. If you click on the OK button all periods of delivery

of its requirement that has not been answered, for all informants who were asked the

requirement be deleted. If you want to delete a particular delivery period must click

on View and Box Delivery Periods detail requirement (VI.1.A) may delete the

specific period.

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

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In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.1.4 Answered (Not Seen)

This option may consult all the requirements generated by you, you have already answered

by the informant and that you have not seen. Total number of records found will see in

white inside a green circle. You can locate a Request Answered unseen in particular

through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This state consists of the following fields:

Status. Indicates the state in which the requirement is (Answered).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User making the requirement.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who responded to the request.

If the request has been addressed to more than one user, only the name of the user who

answered the requirement appears, and only in the case of more than one word Several had

answered appear. To find the names of the recipients must click on the action 'View ...'.

Each of the informants have their own status for this request.

Name. Short name of the realized requirement.

Creation Date. It indicates when it was created Requirement.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request.

Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.1.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.1.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.1.5 Completed

This option may consult all the requirements generated by you, you have already answered

by the informant and you already saw. Total number of records found will see in white

inside a green circle. You can locate a particular requirement Completed through its short

name, Box 'Search ...'.

The list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which is the requirement (Completed).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user making the requirement.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who responded to the request.

If the request has been addressed to more than one user, only the name of the user who

answered the requirement appears, and only in the case of more than one word Several had

answered appear. To find the names of the recipients must click on the action 'View ...'.

Each of the informants have their own status for this requirement.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request.

Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.1.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.1.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.1.6 Information not available

This option may consult all the requirements generated by you, which were answered by

the informant with the caption information not available. Total number of records found

will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a Request Answered with information

not available in particular through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which is the requirement (unknown).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user making the requirement.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who responded to the request.

If the request has been addressed to more than one user, only the name of the user who

answered the requirement appears, and only in the event that more than one word Several

had answered appear. To find the names of the recipients must click on the action 'View ...'.

Each of the informants have their own status for this requirement.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request.

Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.1.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.1.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.1.7 Delete

In this option you can consult all the requirements generated and deleted by you. Total

number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a

Requirement Eliminated in particular through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which is the requirement (Deleted).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user making the request.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user to whom it was directed

Requirement. If the request has been addressed to more than one user, appear only users

who had not answered the requirement at the time of disposal, if a User name is displayed,

if they are several word 'Various' appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on

the action 'View ...'. Each of the informants have their own status for this requirement.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request.

Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.1.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.1.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.1.8 Answers by other means

In this option you can see what some of their informants reported on the system

(Requirements and answers) about information requests that you made them in some other

way outside the HUB system, such as email. Total number of records found will see in

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white inside a green circle. You can locate an out of the system in particular through its

short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It contains the name of the Agency and the User making the requirement.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the Member who gave the response

outside the system a requirement.

Applicant. Name of the Agency and the User who made the Requirement.

Name. Name of Requirement.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.

Action. It shows a link where you can see the Detail of the Requirement (VI.1.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.1.A Detail of the Requirement

Fields that comprise are:

Delivery Periods box.

It is activated only when the requirement comes with a different Single Frequency. It

Contains Submission Deadline Requirement for each period. From this option you can edit

or delete each of the periods of delivery they have not been answered. The only fields that

can be modified are the Submission Deadline and Archives Requirement that were


Title of the Requirement Box.

Title. It is the short name of the requirement.

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Requesting Agency. Name of the Agency to which the User generating the

Requirement belongs.

Requesting User. Name of the User who generated the Requirement.

Description. Description given to the Requirement.

Creation Date. Date when the Requirement has been generated.

Information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the requirement have

selected the type of information requested, either an indicator or variable,

questionnaire, etc.

Destination information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the

requirement selected the destination which will give the information, whether it will

be used for publication, to research, to integrate their databases, etc.

Additional Message. They are the notes and / or user feedback generated by the

requirement that if there included.

Tags. These are key words or classification with which the Requirement is


File List and/or URL's. For each file or URL has been included in the requirement the

following information is displayed.

File. Name of the file or URL.

Format. File type included in the Requirement. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar,

jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, entre otros.

Size. Size of the files.

Action. It has two options:

Download. Click to download the file.

See. Only for URLs. To download the URL you can do right click 'Copy Link

Address. "If you click on the action See the file will be downloaded directly or open

the URL in a new window when you require user interaction to download the file.

Detail of the Response Box.

Users. Name of the Agency and User to whom the Requirement was made.

Status. It indicates the status in which the Requirement is. (Pending, In process, Answered,

Completed, Information not available or Delete).

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Action. Answer. Only this option will be displayed to the user to whom it was addressed the

requirement and has the status of Pending or in process.

See. It is only displayed when the requirement is answered or addressed.

By clicking on 'View ...', much more detail data shown Response. You can see your

reference in VI.1.B.

Message. Only the text of this option is displayed in the case of a canceled or

Forwarding Information not available.

Delete. Choosing this option opens a popup window to confirm whether you really

want to delete the requirement. If you click on the OK button all periods of delivery

of its requirement that has not been answered, for all informants who were asked the

requirement be deleted. If you want to delete a particular delivery period must click

on View and Box Delivery Periods detail requirement (VI.1.A) may delete the

specific period.

By clicking on View, the detail of the Response is shown. You can see the reference

in VI.I.B.

Comments Box. It is a space for comments related requirement.

VI.1.B Detail of the Response

Here you can see in detail of the information with which the Requirement was addressed.

The list consists of the following fields:

Title of the Response Box.

Title. Name of the Requirement.

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Agency. Agency Name that owns the user who responded to the request

User. Name of the user who generates the response to the request.

Description. Description was given to the requirement.

Information source. Agency name and / or statistical and geographical project where

information comes Response.

Type of Information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the requirement have

selected the type of information requested, either an indicator or variable, questionnaire,


Destination of the Information. It will be displayed if the user generates the requirement

that you have selected the destination which will give the information, whether it will be

used for publication, to research, to integrate their databases, etc.

Additional Message. It corresponds to messages generated User Response.

Number of Views. Number of times you have seen the detail Response.

Number of files. Number of files that have the answer.

Number of URLs. Number of URL that has the answer.

Hashtags. Name of related hashtags different requirement and response.

File List and/or URL's. For each file or URL has been included in the response the

following information is displayed.

Files. Name of the files or URL.

Format. File type Response. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg,

gif, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others.

Size. File size.

Action. It has two options:

Download. Click to download the file,

See. Only for URLs. To download the URL you can do right click

'Copy Link Address. "If you click on the action See the file will be

downloaded directly or open the URL in a new window when you

require user interaction to download the file.

User applicant Box. Agency name and the user who made the request.

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Comments Box. It is a space for comments related to the response.

VI.2 Responses (Role of Informant) This option is mainly used by those responsible for Exchange to check the requirements

that make them the Foreign Representatives and generate the responses to them. This

option also access the Institutional Managers, Technology and HUB, as they have both

roles of collector and informant.

VI.2.1 All

This option may consult all the requirements addressed to you and the responses made by

you. Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a

particular request or response through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which the Response (pending, in process, Answered,

Completed, Information not available or deleted) is.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and who gave or User must give the answer

to the request. If the request has been addressed to more than one user, instead of the

username Several word appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the

action 'View ...'.

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who made the Requirement.

Name. Short Name Requirement made.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

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Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.

Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.2.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.2.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.2.2 Pending

In this option you can view all new requirements aimed at you and you have not seen

(Pending) or has not answered (in progress). Total number of records found will see in

white inside a green circle. You can locate a particular requirement Slope through its short

name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which the Request Pending (pending or in process) is.

Informant. Contains the name of the Agency and who will User Requirement Response to

the Applicant. If the request has been addressed to more than one user, instead of the

username Several word appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the

action 'View ...'.

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user making the request.

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Name. Short Name Request Pending.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.

Action. Ver. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail requirement (VI.2.A)

and the detail of the response (VI.2.B) if it has been answered, you can also Reply

VI. 2.C, with information not available to answer or forward the requirement to a

third person, see reference VI.2.D.

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.2.3 Answered (Not seen)

In this option you can see all the responses generated by you and has not seen the user who

made him Requirement. Total number of records found will see in white inside a green

circle. You can locate an Answer Answered unseen in particular through its short name,

Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which the Response Requirement (Answered) is.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who responded to the request.

If the request has been addressed to more than one user, only the name of the user who

answered the requirement appears, and only in the event that more than one word Several

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had answered appear. To find the names of the recipients must click on the action 'View ...'.

Each of the informants have their own status for this requirement.

Applicant. Name of the Agency and the User who made the Requirement.

Name. Short Name Request Pending.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.

Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.2.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.2.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.2.4 Completed

In this option you can see all the responses generated by you and which were already seen

by users that made him Requirements. Total number of records found will see in white

inside a green circle. You can locate a Complete Response in particular through its short

name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. Indica el estado en el que se encuentra el Requerimiento (Completado).

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who responded to the request.

If the request has been addressed to more than one user, only the name of the user who

answered the requirement appears, and only in the case of more than one word Several had

answered appear. To find the names of the recipients must click on the action 'View ...'.

Each of the informants have their own status for this requirement.

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Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user making the request.

Name. Short Name Request Pending.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.

Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.2.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.2.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.2.5 Rejected

In this option you can see all the answers you have given to a forwarding authorization and

which were rejected by the user who forwarded it. To reject one of these responses, it

automatically returns to be on their outstanding responses. Total number of records found

will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a particular response Rejected by its

short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which the Response (Rejected) is.

Informant. Name of the Agency and of User who will give the Response.

Applicant. Name of the Agency and the User who made the Requirement.

Name. Short Name Requirement made.

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Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.


See. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail requirement (VI.2.A)

and the detail of the response (VI.2.B) if it has been answered, you can also Reply

VI. 2.C, with information not available to answer or forward the requirement to a

third person, see reference VI.2.D.

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.2.6 Information not available

In this option you can see the response to those authorized Forwards you answered button

Information not available. Total number of records found will see in white inside a green

circle. You can find a response to information not available in particular through its short

name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which is the Requirement (Information not available).

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who responded to the request.

If the request has been addressed to more than one user, only the name of the user who

answered the requirement appears, and only in the case of more than one word Several had

answered appear. To find the names of the recipients must click on the action 'View ...'.

Each of the informants have their own status for this requirement.

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user making the request.

Name. Short Name Requirement made.

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Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.

Action. It shows a link “See…” where you can see the Detail of the Requirement (VI.2.A).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.2.7 Deleted

In this option you can check the requirements received by you and that were eliminated by

the Applicant before that you have answered. Total number of records found will see in

white inside a green circle. You can locate a particular Removed response through its short

name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which is the requirement (Deleted).

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user to whom it was directed

Requirement. If the request has been addressed to more than one user, appear only users

who had not answered the requirement at the time of disposal, if a User name is displayed,

if they are several word 'Various' appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on

the action 'View ...'. Each of the informants have their own status for this requirement.

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made the request.

Name. Short Name Requirement made.

Creation Date. It indicates when the Requirement was created.

Deadline. Indicates the deadline for responding to the Requirement.

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Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.1.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.1.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.2.A Detail of the requirement

Fields that comprise are:

Box with Title Requirement.

Title. It is the short name of the requirement.

Applicant Agency. Agency Name that owns the user who created the requirement.

User applicant. Name of the user who created the requirement.

Description. Description was given to the requirement.

Creation date. Date on which the requirement was generated.

Type of the Information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the

requirement have selected the type of information requested, either an indicator or

variable, questionnaire, etc.

Destination information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the

requirement selected the destination which will give the information, whether it will

be used for publication, to research, to integrate their databases, etc.

Additional message. They are the notes and / or comments User that generated the

requirement if the there included.

Tags. They are the key words or classification that identifies the requirement.

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File List and / or URL's. For each file or URL has been included in the requirement

the following information is displayed.

Archive. Filename or URL.

Format. File Type Requirement. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg,

jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others.

Size. File Size.

Action. It has two options:

Download. By clicking download the file.

See. Only for URL's. To download the URL you can do right click 'Copy

Link Address. " If you click on the action See the file will be downloaded

directly or open the URL in a new window when you require user interaction

to download the file.

Comments box.

It is a space for comments related to the requirement.

VI.2.B Detail of the response

Users. Agency name and the user to whom the requirement was made.

Status. It indicates the state in which the requirement is. (Pending, in process, Answered,

Completed, Information not available or deleted).


Answer. Only this option will be displayed to the user to whom it was addressed the

requirement and has the status of Pending or in process. By clicking on Reply

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screen enables you to send the requested information. You can see reference VI.2.C.

In case of not having the information can answer with the information button

unavailable or Forward the requirement to a third person, see reference VI.2.D.

See. It is only displayed when the requirement is answered or completed. By

clicking on 'View ...' Response Detail is displayed. You can see your reference in


Message. Only the text of this option is displayed in the case of a canceled or

Forwarding Information.

Information not available Button.

This option is used by the informant to answer a Request in which for some reason does not

have the available information. By clicking this button a popup window where you are

prompted to type a comment Informant to be included in the response that will come with

the legend Applicant Information not available appears.

Forward button. You can see your reference in VI.2.D.

VI.2.C Answer.

This option allows you to reply to the requeriment by appending a file or URL.

Box with the title of the response to the request.

This list consists of the following fields:

Title. Name that was given to the requirement.

Applicant agency. Agency Name that owns the user who created the requirement.

Applicant user. User name that generated the requirement.

Description. Description was given to the requirement.

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Creation date. Date that has been generated the request.

Additional message. They are the notes and / or comments that have been written in

the invitation.

Type of the Information. It shows the type of information that identifies its


Destination information. It indicates where the information will be used.

File List and/or URLs.

Archive. Filename or URL included in the request.

Format. File type included in the requirement.

Size. Or size of the files.

Action. There are two types of action, depending on whether it is a file or a URL.

Download. By clicking download the file.

See. Only for URL's. To download the URL you can do right click 'Copy

Link Address. "If you click on the action See the file will be downloaded

directly or open the URL in a new window when you require user interaction

to download the file.

Source of the information. Agency name and / or statistical or geographic project Where

does the information in the response.

Additional message. Any entries and / or comments with reference to the answer.

Add #hashtag. To add additional keywords to the requirement, select or type Labels

(giving an Enter or click Add Label) to classify and then find the content of the new


Attach files. Or you can attach the necessary files its response, either manually selecting or

dragging files from another 'window' browser. Files must be less than 1 GB each, and the

valid file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt ,

pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others. If the file type is not in this list you

may apply for inclusion through the Contact option from the main menu.

Insert URL's. You can add a URL or an ftp published online to refer to your answer. It is

mandatory to attach a file or add a URL.

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Send. After filling all fields and attached the necessary files or URL, click on the Send

button and your response will be sent.

VI.2.D Forwarding.

This option lets you forward to other users Requirements aimed at you, in order that those

other users to reply to the request. There are three types of forwarding:

1. Forward Released.

Use this option if you need to review the response before it is sent to the Applicant. While

you do not give the nod to the response, the request will continue to process and the

applicant may not see the reply. If you want the person you are forwarding the requirement

directly answer the applicant must use the Forward option channeled.

2. Return as new requirement.

If you need to integrate the response to an invitation with information of different users use

this option. In this option you Forwards the requirement to multiple users for each

response, which must integrate outside the system in order to respond to the request

independently, ie through Action 'Reply ...' Earrings Replies.

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3. Return channeled.

In this option you forward the requirement to a single user for it to answer directly to the

initial applicant. It has the option to 'Notify me when delivered' which when selected will

cause the system to send you an email when it has not replied to the request by the user to

which you forwarded it.

Agencies box.

Agencies. Select, in the square of check box, the body or bodies to which you want to

forward the request.

If the list is very large agencies will be able to locate the Agency in the Search box ... if

there is no incorporation request by sending an email via the Contact Me button.

User’s box.

Users. When selecting an organism, the users belonging to that body will be displayed and

you can select a number in the box provided if Forward checkbox as a new requirement or

one in the circle of radiobutton for Forwarding Forwarding authorized or channeled.

If the ratio of users of one organization was very extensive, you will find the user you want

to forward, in the Search box ....

If the user you want to send the information is not within the HUB system, you must ask

him to do his self-registration and expect it to be authorized by the Institutional or HUB


Data of the Requirement for forwarding

Title. Short name to be given to the requirement.

Applicant agency. Agency Name that owns the user who created the requirement.

User applicant. Name of the user who created the requirement.

Description. It is the description that was given to the requirement.

Creation date. Date that has been generated the request.

Type of Information. It shows the type of information that identifies its category.

Destination information. It indicates where the information will be used.

Additional message. Are the notes and / or comments are included in the request.

Tags. Classification with those identified in the request.

File List and / or URL's.

Archive. Filename or URL included in the request.

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Format. File Type Requirement. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg,

jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others.

Size. File Size.

Action. It has two options:

Download. By clicking download the file.

See. Only for URL's. To download the URL you can do right click 'Copy

Link Address. "If you click on the action See the file will be downloaded

directly or open the URL in a new window when you require user interaction

to download the file.

Send. Click on Forward to send the request.

Cancellation of the Forward

To cancel a Forward you may do so from the slopes Forwards option. See the details in


VI.2.E Deployment of the response detail.

In this option you can see the Detail Requirements Response.

This list consists of the following fields:

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Box with Title Response.

Title. It is the name of the requirement.

Body. Agency Name that owns the user who responded to the request.

User. Name of user generated responding to the request.

Description. Description was given to the requirement.

Source of information. Agency name and / or statistical or geographic project Where does

the information in the response.

Type of Information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the requirement have

selected the type of information requested, either an indicator or variable, questionnaire,


Destination information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the requirement

selected the destination which will give the information, whether it will be used for

publication, to research, to integrate their databases, etc.

Additional message. It corresponds to user messages that generated the response.

Number of Views. Number of times you have seen the detail of the response.

Number of files. Number of files that have the answer.

Number of URLs. Number of URLs that have the answer.

Hashtags. Behalf of different Tags related requirement and response.

File List and / or URL's. For each file or URL has been included in the response the

following information is displayed.

Archive. Filename or URL.

Format. File type Response. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg,

gif, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others.

Size. File Size.

Action. There are two types of action, depending on whether it is a file or a URL.

Download. By clicking download the file.

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See. Only for URL's. To download the URL you can do right click 'Copy

Link Address. "If you click on the action See the file will be downloaded

directly or open the URL in a new window when you require user interaction

to download the file.

User applicant Box. Agency name and the user who made the request.

Comment (s) Box. It is a space for comments related to the response.

VI.3 Forwarded Lists all the requirements submitted by you to other informants that can respond to the

requirements of the Applicant. There are three types of forwarding: Released as New

Requirement and Pipeline. Forwarding authorized is when you want to review the response

before it is sent to the applicant, the forwarding as a new requirement is when you need to

integrate the response to an invitation with information of different users, and forwarding

channeled is when you want the person to which you are forwarding the requirement

answer directly to the applicant.

This option also access the Institutional Managers, Technology and HUB, as they have both

roles of collector and informant.

VI.3.1 All

In this option you can find a list of all requests forwarded by you. Total number of records

found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a particular forwarding through

its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

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Status. It indicates the state in which is the Pipeline Forwards, released as New

Requirement (pending, in process, Answered, Completed, or Forwarding Information not

available Canceled).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made Forwarding.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the Member who gave or will give the

Forward Response (Pipeline, Released or New Requirement). Only in the case of Return as

New Requirement may be directed to more than one user, and instead of the username and

the Agency, the word Multiple appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on

the action 'View ...'.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation date. It indicates when it was forwarded the request.

Deadline of the delivery. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request. Only if

Forwarding As New Requirement, the delivery deadline is the date on which the reply is

requested to integrate, it should generally be less than the deadline for responding to the


Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail requirement (VI.3.A) and

the detail of the response (VI.3.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.3.2 Not Answered (Consult / Delete)

In this option you can view all forwards generated by you and have not been answered by

the informant. You can cancel (delete) any forwarding that is with status of Pending or in

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process. Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can

locate a particular Forwarding Pending through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which are the Channeled Forwards, released as New

Requirements (pending or in process).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made Forwarding.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who must give the Forward

Response (Pipeline, Released or New Requirement). Only in the case of Return as New

Requirement may be directed to more than one user, and instead of the username and the

Agency, the word Multiple appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the

action 'View ...'.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation date. It indicates when it was forwarded the request.

Deadline of the delivery. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request. Only if

Forwarding As New Requirement, the delivery deadline is the date on which the reply is

requested to integrate, it should generally be less than the deadline for responding to the



See. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail Forward (VI.3.A) Detail

Response (VI.3.B) or cancel a pending or in process requirement.

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.3.3 Answered (Not Seen)

This option may consult Forwards all generated by you, you have already answered by the

informant and that you have not seen. Total number of records found will see in white

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inside a green circle. You can locate a forwarding Answered unseen in particular through

its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which are the Channeled Forwards, released as New

Requirements (Answered).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made Forwarding.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who must give the Forward

Response (Pipeline, Released or New Requirement). Only in the case of Return as New

Requirement may be directed to more than one user, and instead of the username and the

Agency, the word Multiple appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the

action 'View ...'.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation date. It indicates when it was forwarded the request.

Deadline of the delivery. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request. Only if

Forwarding As New Requirement, the delivery deadline is the date on which the reply is

requested to integrate, it should generally be less than the deadline for responding to the



See. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail Forward (VI.3.A) Detail

Response (VI.3.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.3.4 Completed

In this option you can consult Submissions generated by you, you have already answered

by the informant and you already saw. Total number of records found will see in white

inside a green circle. You can locate a particular Forwarding Completed through its short

name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which are the Channeled Forwards, released as New

Requirements (Completed).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made Forwarding.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who must give the Forward

Response (Pipeline, Released or New Requirement). Only in the case of Return as New

Requirement may be directed to more than one user, and instead of the username and the

Agency, the word Multiple appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the

action 'View ...'.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation date. It indicates when it was forwarded the request.

Deadline of the delivery. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request. Only if

Forwarding as New Requirement, the delivery deadline is the date on which the reply is

requested to integrate, it should generally be less than the deadline for responding to the



See. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail Forward (VI.3.A) Detail

Response (VI.3.B)

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.3.5 Canceled

In this option you can view all Forwards generated and canceled by you. Total number of

records found will see in white within a circle. You can locate a particular Forwarding

canceled by its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. It indicates the state in which are the Channeled Forwards, released as New

Requirements (canceled).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made Forwarding.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who must give the Forward

Response (Pipeline, Released or New Requirement). Only in the case of Return as New

Requirement may be directed to more than one user, and instead of the username and the

Agency, the word Multiple appears. To find the names of the recipients must click on the

action 'View ...'.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation date. It indicates when it was forwarded the request.

Deadline of the delivery. Indica la fecha límite de respuesta al Requerimiento. Sólo en caso

de Reenvíos como Nuevo Requerimiento, la fecha límite de entrega corresponde a la fecha

en que se solicita la respuesta para integrarla, generalmente debe ser menor a la fecha límite

de respuesta al Requerimiento.


See. Muestra el link Ver…, en el cual podrá ver el Detalle del Reenvío (VI.3.A), el

Detalle de la Respuesta (VI.3.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.3.6 Rejected

In this option you can consult with Authorization Forwards all made by you, the informant

answered that he forwarded it and the answer you rejected. Total number of records found

will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a Request with Response Rejected by

its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. Indicates the state in which the response is forwarding (Rejected), showing the type

of forwarding (with permission).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made the rejection of


Informant. Agency name and User who receives the rejection of the response given to a


Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation date. It indicates when it was forwarded the request.

Deadline of the delivery. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request. Only if

Forwarding as New Requirement, the delivery deadline is the date on which the reply is

requested to integrate, it should generally be less than the deadline for responding to the



See. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail Forward (VI.3.A) Detail

Response (VI.3.b)

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

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VI.3.7 Information not available

This option may consult all Forwards generated by you, which were answered by the

informant with the caption information not available the total number of records found will

see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a forwarding information not available in

particular through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Status. Indicates the state in which is Forwarding (unknown), meaning that the person who

forwarded it replied that no information. In addition, it shows the type of status Forwarding

(released as a new requirement or Pipeline).

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made Forwarding.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the User who responded to Forwarding

(Channeled, Released or New Requirement) with the legend of Information not available.

Name. Short name of the requirement realized.

Creation date. It indicates when it was forwarded the request.

Deadline of the delivery. Indicates the deadline for responding to the request. Only if

Forwarding As New Requirement, the delivery deadline is the date on which the reply is

requested to integrate, it should generally be less than the deadline for responding to the



See. Displays the link View ... where you can see the detail Forward (VI.3.A) Detail

Response (VI.3.B).

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.3.A Forwarding details (Consult / Delete)

Fields that comprise are:

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Box with the title Forward (Requirement).

Title. It is the short name of the requirement.

Applicant organization. Agency Name that owns the user who generated


User applicant. Name of user generated Forwarding.

Description. Description was given to the requirement.

Creation date. Date on which was forwarded the request.

Type of information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the requirement

have selected the type of information requested, either an indicator or variable, a

questionnaire, etc.

Destination information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the

requirement selected the destination which will give the information, whether it will

be used for publication, to research, to integrate their databases, etc.

Additional message. They are the notes and / or comments User that generated the

requirement if the there included.

Tags. They are the key words or classification that identifies the requirement.

File List and / or URL's. For each file or URL has been included in the requirement

the following information is displayed.

Archive. Filename or URL.

Format. File Type Requirement. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg,

jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others.

Size. File Size.

Action. It has two options:

Download. By clicking download the file.

See. Only for URL's. To download the URL you can do right click 'Copy

Link Address. "If you click on the action See the file will be downloaded

directly or open the URL in a new window when you require user interaction

to download the file.

Box detail of the response.

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Users. Agency name and the user to whom the requirement was made.

Status. It indicates the state in which the forwarding is. (Pending, in process,

Answered, Completed, Information unavailable, canceled or rejected).


See. It is only displayed when Forwarding has answered or Completed


By clicking on 'View ...' Response Detail is displayed. You can see your

reference in VI.3.B.

Message. Only the text of this option is displayed in the case of a canceled

or Forwarding Information not available as long as who cancel or who

answered Information not available, have typed a message.

Cancel forward button.

This button appears only when the Forwarding Status is Pending or in process because they

cannot be canceled forwarding to another status.

The objective of this option is cancel forwarding, which may be because the user is not

available for a period, or is not responsible for providing the information or for any other

reason. The cancellation can only be done by the user who made the Forwarding and

provided the forwarding status is pending or in process.

Comments box.

It is a space for comments related to the Forward.

VI.3.B Detail of the Response

Here you can see in detail the answer that was attended Forwarding. This list consists of the

following fields:

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Box Title of the response

Title. It is the name of the requirement.

Body. Agency Name that owns the user who responded to the Forward.

User. Name of the user who generated the response to Forwarding.

Description. Description was given to the requirement.

Source of information. Agency name and / or statistical or geographic project where does

the information in the response.

Information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the requirement have selected

the type of information requested, either an indicator or variable, a questionnaire, etc.

Destination information. It will be displayed if the user that generated the requirement

selected the destination which will give the information, whether it will be used for

publication, to research, to integrate their databases, etc.

Additional message. It corresponds to user messages generated by the response.

Number of Views. Number of times you have seen the detail of the response.

Number of files. Number of files that have the answer.

Number of URLs. Number of URLs that have the answer.

Hashtags. Name of related hashtags different requirement and response.

File List and / or URL's. For each file or URL has been included in the response the

following information is displayed.

Archive. Filename or URL.

Format. File type Response. doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg,

gif, png, pdf, ppt, pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others.

Size. File Size.

Action. It has two options:

Download. By clicking download the file.

See. Only for URL's. To download the URL you can do right click 'Copy

Link Address. "If you click on the action See the file will be downloaded

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directly or open the URL in a new window when you require user interaction

to download the file.

User Box applicant. Agency name and the user who made the request.

Box Comment (s). It is a space for comments related to the response.

VI.4 Answered by other means This option is used to inform the INEGI on a response sent by other means (eg email), an

international body that made its requirement outside the HUB system (eg by email).

VI.4.1 Generate one new

This option allows us to load the HUB system the reply sent by other means (eg email) to

an international organization, to notify the INEGI on shipping, regardless of whether the

applicant is User or System. The difference between whether the registrant is User or

System lies not only in that while the Applicant with a User Profile Foreign Representative

may consult the reply in the HUB system, however not being user, the informant must add

as "Referred User "that is, the applicant may not enter the HUB system until it has self –

registered Applicant. Fields requested the system to load a Response are:

Agencies. Select, by clicking on the little picture of the Agency requested information.

If the list of the Agencies is very extensive can use the field 'Search ...' absence the Agency

shall use the "Add account referred" button, details of which are explained later in this


Users. When selecting an organism, the Users of the Agency to select what will be shown.

If the list is very extensive Users can use the field 'Search ...'.

Should the User requested information is not within the relationship, you must use the

"Add account referred" button, details of which are explained below.

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Add account referred. This option is only used when the user is not registered and / or

agency that requested the information. That is, to register in the system with a user profile

and its Agency referred only to the reference who the Applicant, but Referred User does not

participate in the flow of information exchange.

Add a referral system user with the following fields.

Name. Full name of the Applicant.

Phone. Applicant with corresponding numbering nomenclature as Country Code +

Area Code + Phone Number.

Email. Institutional Applicant email.

Agency. Select from the list of registered in the HUB, the name of the applicant

Agency belongs.

If there is the Agency will also have to add it as a referral. You can register a

Referral Agency quickly with the following information.

Acronym. Acronym of the institution to which the applicant belongs.

Name. Full name of the Agency to which the applicant belongs.

Country. Country in which the Agency.

Address. It is where is located the physical office of the Agency.

Website. Agency official web page.

Department. Department belonging to the Applicant in the Agency.

Position. Job title played by the applicant in the Agency.

Create Account. After clicking Create Account, you can already have your new

user referral and referred to the Agency if I have added.

Detail of the Response. The fields to fill out to load the response are:

1. Attach File Requirement. You can attach the file or files with which you made the

request, selecting them manually. Files must be less than 1 GB each, and the valid file types

are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt , pptx, tiff, ico,

html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others. In case of more than two files must pack them in zip

or rar.

2. Name of the response. Here you write the short name by which the Response, which is

generally the same with which he was asked to be identified Requirement.

3. Description of the response. This field must capture a description of the response.

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4. Source of information. Agency name and / or statistical or geographic project Where

does the information in the response.

5. Additional Message. Optional field where you can type any notes and / or comments in

reference to the response.

6. Add #Tags. It is mandatory that you select or capture one or more keywords or labels

(giving a Enter or click Add Label) to classify and then find the content of the response and

its requirement if any selected.

7. Type of information. Optional field where you can select if the requested information is

an indicator or variable, questionnaire, etc. In the event that among the options there is the

type of information you are requesting can add by clicking the plus (+) and then select it.

8. Destination Information. Optional field where, if you knew, you can select the

destination that the Applicant shall provide the information requested, if it will be used for

publication, to research, to integrate their databases, etc. In the event that among the options

there is the destination of the information you want, you can add it by clicking the plus (+)

and then select it.

9. Attach Files. Or you can attach the necessary files its response, either manually selecting

or dragging files from another 'window' browser. Files must be less than 1 GB each, and the

valid file types are: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, xml, csv, txt, zip, rar, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, ppt ,

pptx, tiff, ico, html, mp3, mp4, shape, among others. If the file type is not in this list you

may apply for inclusion through the Contact option from the main menu.

10. Add URL's. Instead of adding a file, you can add a URL or FTP published online to

refer to your answer. It is mandatory to attach a file or add a URL.

11. Send. After filling all fields and attached the necessary files or URL, click on the Send


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VI.4.1 All

In this option you can see all the "answers out" made by you. Total number of records

found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a particular requirement

through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

This list consists of the following fields:

Applicant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made the request.

Name. Short name that gave the answer out.

Creation date. It indicates when it was loaded in the Response HUB out.

Informant. It contains the name of the Agency and the user who made the response.

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Action. Displays the link “View ...” where you can see the detail of the response (VI.1.B),

with the only difference that "Responses outside" can see both the file in case requirement

has been uploaded as the response file.

At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.5 Activity of the agency This option is used by the Institutional Managers, Technology and the HUB to monitor the

activities of the Agency in its own registered users.

VI.5.1 Requirements

In this option you can find a list of information relating to all the requests made by the

Agency. Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can

locate a particular requirement through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

How to operate this section is the same as indicated in VI.1.2, with the difference that its

scope is institutional because it is a section only for Administrators.

VI.5.2 Responses

This option may consult all the requirements aimed at your Agency and the responses made

by all Members of the Agency. Total number of records found will see in white inside a

green circle. You can locate a particular request or response through its short name, Box

'Search ...'.

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How to operate this section is the same as indicated in VI.2.1, with the difference that its

scope is institutional because it is a section only for Administrators.

VI.5.3 Forwarded

In this option you can find a list of all requests forwarded by all members of the Agency.

Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a

particular forwarding through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

How to operate this section is the same as indicated in VI.3.1, with the difference that its

scope is institutional because it is a section only for Administrators.

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VI.5.4 Answered by other means

En esta opción podrá consultar el listado de todas las “Respuestas por fuera” realizadas por

todos los Usuarios de su Organismo. El número Total de registros encontrados lo verá en

color blanco dentro de un círculo verde. Puede localizar un Requerimiento o Respuesta en

particular a través de su nombre corto, en el recuadro ‘Buscar...’.

La forma de operar este apartado es igual a como se indica en el VI.4.2, con la diferencia de

que su alcance es Institucional ya que es un apartado sólo para Administradores.

VI.6 HUB Activity This option is used by the Technology Managers and the HUB to monitor the activity of

users registered in the HUB.

VI.6.1 Requirements

In this option you can find a list of information relating to all the requests made by all

Agency HUB. Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You

can locate a particular requirement through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

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How to operate this section is the same as indicated in VI.1.2, with the difference that its

scope is around the hub as it is a section just for HUB Administrators.

VI.6.2 Responses

This option may consult all requirements and answers given by all members of the HUB.

Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a

particular request or response through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

How to operate this section is the same as indicated in VI.2.1, with the difference that its

scope is around the hub as it is a section just for HUB Administrators.

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VI.6.3 Forwarding

In this option you can find a list of all requests forwarded by all members of the HUB.

Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a

particular forwarding through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

How to operate this section is the same as indicated in VI.3.1, with the difference that its

scope is around the hub as it is a section just for HUB Administrators.

VI.6.4 Answered by other means

In this option you can find a list of all "answers out" made by all members of the HUB.

Total number of records found will see in white inside a green circle. You can locate a

particular request or response through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

How to operate this section is the same as indicated in VI.4.2, with the difference that its

scope is around the hub as it is a section just for HUB Administrators.

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VI.7 Users In this option you can find a list of information concerning all members of his Body, unless

you have the Administrator profile HUB and Technology, who can see users around the

HUB and also can add, edit and Suggestions low users. In case of Institutional Manager

you may only do so for members of his Body; in case of HUB Administrator you may do

so for users of any Agency. Total number of records found will see in white inside a green

circle. You can locate a particular user through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

Fields shows are:

User. User name(s).

Body. Acronym of the institution to which the user belongs.

Email. Institutional e-mail User which is used to enter the system.

Profile. Profile type for the user.

Status. Status that has the user's request, that is: Authorized Referral or pending


Edit. Available only for Administrators. By clicking here you can make updates to the user

in any of their fields to keep them and then continue operation.

Unsubscribe. Available only for Administrators. It drops the User HUB system.

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At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.7.1 Add user (Only for Administrator)

This state consists of the following fields:

Profile. You can choose from four types: Institutional Administrator, Interexchange

Responsible, Foreign Representative and Visitor.

Interchange Role. According to the profile you have selected in the previous point it is the

kind of role sharing, role types are: Informant Harvester or Read only. However, you can

choose different roles according to the needs of the Agency.

Name. New user's full name.

Phone. User with corresponding numbering nomenclature as Country Code + Area Code +

Phone Number.

Email. Institutional User Email being added.

Agency. It contains the name of all agencies registered in the HUB, to select it.

If the Agency does not exist, please add it. Only Administrators HUB or Technology may enlist an Agency and consists of the following fields.

Acronym. Acronym of the institution to which the user belongs.

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Name. Full name of the Agency to which the user belongs.

Country. Country in which the Agency.

Address. It is where is located the physical office of the Agency.

Website. Agency official web page.

Department. Department to which the user belongs in the Agency.

Position. Name as the user plays in the Agency.

Password. Enter a password of your choice; to be writing you will see a status bar in

colors: red for a weak password, Yellow and Green for Medium password to a more secure


Confirm Password. Confirm the password you have chosen.

Create Account. After clicking Create Account, you can already have your new user and if

you have added the Agency will have a referral.

VI.8 Agencies (Only for the HUB Administrator) This option is for the Technology Directors or the HUB. They are the only ones able to

register, edit or terminate agencies. Total number of records found will see in white inside a

green circle. You can locate a particular organism through its short name, Box 'Search ...'.

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Fields shows are:

Name. Full name of the Agency.

Acronym. Acronym Agency.

Address. It is physically located where the physical office of the Agency.

Website. Agency official web page.

Status. Authorized Referral or Authorization Pending: Status having each of the

agencies will be displayed.

Edit. By clicking here you can make updates to the Agency in any of their fields to

keep them and then continue operation.

Unsubscribe. It drops the Agency HUB system.

VI.8.1 Add Agency (Only for the HUB Administrator)

This state consists of the following fields:

Acronym. Acronym New Agency.

Name. Full name Agency.

Country. Country where is located the Agency.

Address. It is where is located the physical office of the Agency. If you type the address of

the Agency will seek predictively possible outcomes. Once you find the address on the

right side of your screen will display a map of the location of the Agency.

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Website. Agency official web page.

Accept. Click OK and it will be added to the list of organizations.

Back. Failure Add Agency you can return to the list of Agency clicking this button.

VI.9 Directory In this option you can find a list of all users. Total number of records found will see in

white inside a green circle. You can locate an organization or a particular user through the

Search box ... typing the acronym of the Agency, or part of the user name, or part of your

profile, or part of your phone number.

Fields shows are:

HUB / Agency. Here is the HUB and the Agency to which the user belongs.

User. User name and the Department to which it belongs. If you pass the cursor over the

name of the user as the user it takes unfolds. And if you click on the username, your full

profile is displayed with all its data.

Profile. That each User Profile: HUB Manager, Technology Manager, Institutional

Manager, Foreign Representative, Head of Exchange or simply "Foreign Representative not

registered" for all referred users.

Email. User email.

Phone. User numbers corresponding to the following nomenclature: Country code + Area

Code + Phone Number.

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At the bottom right of the list are four buttons to select the number of rows to be displayed

per page. You can select 10, 25, 50 or 100 records per page.

In case the total records found exceeds the number of lines per page selected is displayed in

the bottom left a pager that can navigate between pages.

VI.10 Contact me This option you can communicate with Technology and The HUB Administrators for any

