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Written Essay

1500 words for the exam

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Written Essay

Written Essay of 1500 words. • Compare and contrast two different

photographers work that fit with your concept. • You must analyse 2 different images from each

photographer in depth.

The more artist research you have the better – remember the essay is worth 25% of your overall grade.

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StructureTitle • What is the title of your essay? For example…A study comparing and contrasting the work of Martin

Parr and Sophie Calle, looking specifically at how they use still life within documentary

Introduction – briefly state what exam question you are doing and how the photographer’s work you’re analysing connects to this. Include a short synopsis of what each photographers body of work is about.

Main content• Conceptual practice of each photographers body of work. What common themes do they have? What

differences? • Understanding of the genre – how does the photographers work your analysing fit into the genre? How

do they compare? Are they a particular sub genre? What are the conventions of that genre/sub-genre. • Analyse the camera techniques and extract the concept from 2 images from each photographer.

Compare and contrast how they use camera techniques and composition to show their concept. • How does their work connect to your ideas and work. How and why?

Conclusion - summarise the findings of your essay. What inspiration and ideas are you going to carry forward into

your own practical work?

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Written Essay - example titles

Spend 10 minutes in your group thinking of a study question to help focus your study. Use the following as examples and replace the words to suit you:

• “A study looking at the insider and outsider’s approach to documentary photography. I will specifically compare and contrast the work of Nan Goldin and Diane Arbus.”

• “A study comparing how landscape photography can represent idealised fantasies and the real world, by looking at photographers such as Joe Cornish and Simon Norfolk.”

• “How has fashion photography developed from 1950 – 2010? Focusing on photographers like Richard Avedon and Nick Knight.”

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Timothy Archibald compared to Evi Numen

Comparing and contrasting two photographers that explore mental disorders

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A study comparing and contrasting the work of Martin Parr and Sophie Calle, looking specifically at

how they use still life within documentary

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Martin Parr and Sophie Calle

Read the example paper and highlight key aspects and what type of analysis it uses? Use these categories to help:

• Meaning behind the work• Historical and social context • Technical details• Genre• Quotations – from who and

how are these used?

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Documentary Photography• “A study looking at the insider and outsider’s

approach to documentary photography. I will specifically compare and contrast the work of Nan Goldin and Diane Arbus.”

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Diane Arbus and Nan Goldin

Read the example paper and highlight key aspects and what type of analysis it uses? Use these categories to help:

• Meaning behind the work• Historical and social context • Technical details• Influences• Quotations – from who and

how are these used?
