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Evolutionary Computation

Stephanie ForrestExternal Professor, Santa Fe InstituteComputer Science Professor, Arizona State University

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Basic Principles of Evolution • Random variation • Selection• Inheritance

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What are the genetic representations?

• Discrete units (genes) • Genotype vs. phenotype• Information stored in a linear array

How is it implemented?

Discrete units (genes)Genotype vs. PhenotypeInformation stored in a linear array

Mendel (1865)

Mendel (1865)

Crick & Watson (1953)


Mendel:! - Observed that traits (properties) of peas were discrete, that they came in pairs, and that one trait was often dominant.

After 85 years, the mechanism of genetics was revealed by Crick and Watson in 1953.The double helix, which for our purpose will be a linear array of genes.

Mendel (1865) Crick & Watson (1953)

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Darwinian evolution in a computer

• Random variation • Selection• Inheritance

Holland (1962)









MutationPopulation at TN Population at TN+1

F(00111) = 0.1F(11100) = 0.9F(01010) = 0.5

Genetic Algorithm

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Example Performance Curve












0 20 40 60 80 100120140160180200220240260280300320340360380400420440460480500520535



mean fitness max fitness

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Applications• Engineering

• Multi-parameter function optimization

Dimension 1


sion 2

Charles R. Marshall (2014)

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Function Optimization•

0 0 1 1 0 1 Base 2

1 5 Base 10

F(x, y) = yx2 - x4

F(001111) = F(1,5) = 5 • 12-14 = 4

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Origins • Genetic Algorithms (Holland, 1962)• Evolutionstrategie (Rechenberg, 1965)• Evolutionary Programming (Fogel et al., 1966)• Genetic Programming (Koza, 1992)•• Evolutionary Computation

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Further Reading• An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms

Melanie Mitchell, MIT Press 1996

Introduction to Evolutionary ComputingA.E. Eiben and J.E. Smith, Springer 2015

Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems: An Introductory Analysiswith Applications to Biology, Control and Artificial IntelligenceJ. H. Holland, MIT Press 1992

S. Forrest. Genetic algorithms: principles of natural selection appliedto computation. Science, 261:872–878, Aug. 1993.

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ReferencesHardesty, L. Automatic Bug Repair. MIT News. 2015. Ma S, Kemmeren P, Gresham D, Statnikov A (2014) De-Novo Learning of

Genome-Scale Regulatory Networks in S. cerevisiae. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106479.

Marshall Charles R. (2014) The evolution of morphogenetic fitness landscapes: conceptualising the interplay between the developmental and ecological drivers of morphological innovation. Australian Journal of Zoology 62, 3-17.
