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The following is required of all submitted articles and Collisions. Submissions that do not meet these requirements will not be considered for publication or sent for peer-review.


Authors should use American spelling and grammar. Our arbiters are The Chicago Manual of Style and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. If more than one spelling is given or more than one form of the plural, Chicago normally opts for the first form listed, thus aiding consistency.

All text should be double-spaced.

The standard indent is one-half inch or five spaces. Apply an indent to each new paragraph, hanging indents in references, and block quotes.

Leave a margin of one inch on all four edges of the page.

Use a legible typeface no smaller than 12pts.

The author’s name should not appear anywhere in the submission document.

Submit in MS Word (.doc or .docx), not PDF.


Quotation marks

Use double quotation marks except for quotations within quotations, which should use single marks.

For ironic or emphatic remarks, single quotation marks should be used.

All punctuation should go inside quotation marks except colons and semicolons.


When using an en dash to set off nested clauses or parenthetical statements, make sure to employ a single space on each side. Due to the idiosyncrasies of this journal’s font, EA favors the use of the spaced en dash over the em dash with no additional spacing.

Only when the en dash is used to indicate a closed range of values between dates, times, or numbers should it not be surrounded by spaces.

____________________________________________________________________________ The Chicago Manual of Style is an evolving document as is EA’s style guide.

The information listed here is subject to change.

February 2015 compiled by Rich Andrew, Assistant Editor

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Do not bracket ellipses inside quotations. When using ellipses in the middle of a sentence, a space should appear between the first and last ellipsis marks and the surrounding letters. If words are omitted at the end of a sentence, it is not necessary to indicate the omission with ellipses. Similarly, when words at the beginning of a quoted sentence are omitted, do not use ellipses when that fragment can fit into the flow of your text.


Use square brackets to indicate words added to quotations. In addition, when a quotation contains a capital letter that you must rewrite as a lowercase letter (or vice versa), surround the rewritten letter with square brackets.


Please use Italics, not underlines, for emphasis. If a quoted passage contains Italics, the endnote in which the passage is cited should specify “Emphasis added,” if you have added the Italics, or “Emphasis original,” if the Italics appear in the original, quoted document.

Period Spacing

Because The Chicago Manual of Style has endorsed both single spacing and double spacing after the concluding punctuation of a sentence, it comes down to an issue of aesthetics. Due to the modern complexity of references, quotations, and footnotes, EA prescribes the use of two spaces after periods and colons and one space after semicolons.



Citations should appear at the end of the article under the heading “Notes.”

References are not to be cited in the body of the text but rather in an endnote. Please do not use parenthetical citations.

Successive citations from the same source must use Ibid – eg., x. Ibid., Page–Page.

Intervening entries (citations of sources that you have previously cited but with citations of other sources intervening) require a reference to the original citation in this form: Author’s Last Name, Short Title, Page-Page. For example: Hegel, Phenomenology, 213.

Reference List

Titles and publication information appear at the end of the submission under the heading “References” and should be listed alphabetically by author and chronologically for each author.

____________________________________________________________________________ The Chicago Manual of Style is an evolving document as is EA’s style guide.

The information listed here is subject to change.

February 2015 compiled by Rich Andrew, Assistant Editor

Page 3: Evental Aesthetics - Style Guide


The list of references should be limited to and inclusive of all those publications actually cited in the text.

Please consult the list below or previous issues of the journal for examples of EA’s citation style. References not presented in the required style will be returned to the author for revision.


ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, Book Title (City: Publisher, Year of Publication), Page–Page. 1. G. W. F. Hegel, Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, trans. A. V. Miller (New York: Oxford University Press, 1977), 23-44. REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. Book Title. City: Publisher, Year of Publication. Hegel, G. W. F. Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Trans. A. V. Miller. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.

CHAPTER IN EDITED VOLUME ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, “Chapter/Section Title,” in Book Title, ed. Firstname Lastname. (City: Publisher, Year of Publication), Page–Page. 1. David Sedley, “Atomism’s Eleatic Roots,” in The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy, ed. Patricia Curd and Daniel W. Graham. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 305–332. REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. “Chapter/Section Title.” In Book Title, edited by Firstname Lastname, Page–Page. City: Publisher, Year of Publication. Sedley, David. “Atomism’s Eleatic Roots.” In The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy, edited by Patricia Curd and Daniel W. Graham, 305–332. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.

DISSERTATION ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, “Title” (Source Type Identifier, Publisher, Year of Publication). 1. Mihwa Choi, “Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty” (PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2008). REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. “Title.” Source Type Identifier, Publisher, Year of Publication. Choi, Mihwa. “Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty.” PhD diss., University of Chicago, 2008.

____________________________________________________________________________ The Chicago Manual of Style is an evolving document as is EA’s style guide.

The information listed here is subject to change.

February 2015 compiled by Rich Andrew, Assistant Editor

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Electronic books are cited exactly as their print counterparts. Endnote citations pertaining to quoted passages must include page numbers. If your e-book does not include stable page numbers, consult the printed version of the book. ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, Book Title (City: Publisher, Year of Publication). 1. Rebecca Lemon, ed., et al., The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature (West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009). REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. Book Title. City: Publisher, Year of Publication. Lemon, Rebecca, Emma Mason, Johnathan Roberts, and Christopher Rowland, ed. The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Books consulted online are also cited exactly as their print counterparts with the addition of a DOI (or URL) at the end of the citation. ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, Book Title (City: Publisher, Year of Publication), URL. 1. Grant Ian Thrall, Land Use and Urban Form (New York: Methuen, 1987), REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. Book Title. City: Publisher, Year of Publication. URL. Thrall, Grant Ian. Land Use and Urban Form. New York: Methuen, 1987.


Begin the citation by including any personnel responsible for the content being cited, including composers, writers, or performers. ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, Film Title, Medium, directed by Firstname Lastname (Distributor City: Distributor, Year of Release). 1. Sandra Bullock, Gravity, DVD, directed by Alfonso Cuarón (Burbank: Warner Bros., 2014). REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. Film Title. Medium. Directed by Firstname Lastname. Distributor City: Distributor, Year of Release. Bullock, Sandra. Gravity. DVD. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón. Burbank: Warner Bros., 2014.

____________________________________________________________________________ The Chicago Manual of Style is an evolving document as is EA’s style guide.

The information listed here is subject to change.

February 2015 compiled by Rich Andrew, Assistant Editor

Page 5: Evental Aesthetics - Style Guide


INTERVIEW ENDNOTE: Published Interview From Publication: x. Firstname M. Lastname, interview with Firstname Lastname. Publication Title, Date of Publication. 1. Angelina Jolie, interview with John Smith. Newsweek, February 3, 2009. Published Interview From Radio/TV Program: x. Firstname M. Lastname, interview with Firstname Lastname. Program Title, Network, Call Letters, Date Interviewed. 1. Angelina Jolie, interview with Steve Kroft. 60 Minutes, CBS, WCBS, February 3, 2009. Unpublished Interview: x. Firstname M. Lastname, interview by Firstname Lastname. Interview Type, Location, Date Interviewed. 1. John Smith, interview by Bob Anderson. Tape recording, New York City, March 5, 2009. REFERENCE LIST ENTRIES: Published Interview From Publication: Lastname, Firstname M. Interview with Firstname Lastname. Publication Title. Date of Publication. Jolie, Angelina. Interview with John Smith. Newsweek. February 3, 2009. Published Interview From Radio/TV Program: Lastname, Firstname M. Interview with Firstname Lastmame. Program Title. Network, Call Letters, Date Interviewed. Jolie, Angelina. Interview with Steve Kroft. 60 Minutes. CBS, WCBS, February 3, 2009. Unpublished Interview: Lastname, Firstname M. Interview by Firstname Lastname. Interview Type. Location, Date Interviewed. Smith, John. Interview by Bob Anderson. Tape recording. New York City, March 5, 2009.

JOURNAL ARTICLE ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, “Article Title,” Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year of Publication): Page–Page. 1. Mandy-Suzanne Wong, “Hegel’s Being-Fluid in Corregidora, Blues, and (Post–)Black Aesthetics,” Evental Aesthetics 1, no. 1 (2012): 85-120. REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. "Article Title." Journal Title Volume, no. Issue (Year of Publication). Page–Page. Wong, Mandy-Suzanne. “Hegel’s Being-Fluid in Corregidora, Blues, and (Post–)Black Aesthetics.” Evental Aesthetics 1, no. 1 (2012). 85-120.

____________________________________________________________________________ The Chicago Manual of Style is an evolving document as is EA’s style guide.

The information listed here is subject to change.

February 2015 compiled by Rich Andrew, Assistant Editor

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MAGAZINE ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, “Article Title,” Magazine Name, Date of Publication. 1. John Smith, “Obama inaugurated as President,” Time, January 21, 2009. REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. “Article Title.” Magazine Name, Date of Publication. Smith, John. “Obama inaugurated as President.” Time, January 21, 2009.

MUSIC OR SOUND ART RECORDING ENDNOTE: x. Composer Firstname Lastname, Title of Recording, Performer Firstname Lastname, Record Label (followed by) CD Identifying Number, Format, Year. 1. Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Sonata no. 29, Rudolph Serkin, ProArte Digital CDD 270, CD, 1992. REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Composer Lastname, Firstname M. Title of Recording. Performer Firstname Lastname. Record Label (followed by) CD Identifying Number. Format. Year. Beethoven, Ludwig van. Piano Sonata no. 29. Rudolph Serkin. ProArte Digital CDD 270. CD. 1992.


ENDNOTE: x. Firstname M. Lastname, “Article Title,” Newspaper Name, Date of Publication. 1. John Smith, “Steelers win Super Bowl XLIII,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, February 2, 2009. REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. “Article Title.” Newspaper Name, Date of Publication. Smith, John. “Steelers win Super Bowl XLIII.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, February 2, 2009.


ENDNOTE: 1. “Article Title,” Accessed Month Date, Year, URL. 1. “Heck Yes! The First Free Wireless Plan is Finally Here,” Accessed February 18, 2014, REFERENCE LIST ENTRY: Lastname, Firstname M. “Article Title.” Website Title. Month Date, Year of Publication. Accessed Month Date, Year of Access. URL. Limer, Eric. “Heck Yes! The First Free Wireless Plan is Finally Here.” Gizmodo. October 1, 2013. Accessed February 18, 2014.

____________________________________________________________________________ The Chicago Manual of Style is an evolving document as is EA’s style guide.

The information listed here is subject to change.

February 2015 compiled by Rich Andrew, Assistant Editor

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With questions about any aspect of the submission process, contact the Editors at [email protected].

____________________________________________________________________________ The Chicago Manual of Style is an evolving document as is EA’s style guide.

The information listed here is subject to change.

February 2015 compiled by Rich Andrew, Assistant Editor
