
Evaluationquestions 4 and 5

Alex Rayner

Who are my audience?

0 Judging from results from my questionnaire my audience would be 16-18 year old males as a primary audience. They watch films weekly and prefer music to build up tension. This agrees with what my target audience is meaning. When I received feedback from people of that age group they said encouraging things, for example; Oscar Hawkley (one of the actors) said that he enjoyed what he got to see and thought the editing was good, a criticism was that “if the film was to progress there needs to be character development”.

More audience feedback

0 Jack Lamb ( another actor ) says that the film has an interesting plot and hopes it would continue through the film.

0Simon Smith ( secondary audience ) also says that he likes it amongst a few changes he would make to make it better.

0Simon fits into the Secondary audience because, whilst he’s a male, he is older than 16-18. These people may still go see the film for themselves but they may also get dragged along with friends.

What classification is RPM?

0According to what the BBFC says, RPM is a fifteen. Although my initial intentions were to have it be a 12 as stated by my research on the BBFC, I have had to move it to a 15 due to illegal activity and a murder. There is no nudity in what you see meaning it is fine there. There is one instance of mild violence in which a character is shot but that is deemed okay. Also swearing is kept to a minimum so it doesn’t exceed the limit.

How it appeals to an audience?

0One of the ways it appeals to my audience is by use of sporty cars. Granted there’s not Ferraris or Lamborghini’s but the cars aren’t drastically slow either. Because of this, the audience can still have a good time and watch as the fun stuff happens.

How it appeals to an audience?

0Another way it appeals to an audience is an engaging back story that you are let in on from the beginning. Having a good sense of narrative and good character development is a good way of engaging with the audience and I feel my film has a decent narrative so it is fun to watch and makes people want to find out what happens.

How it appeals to an audience?

0The third way it appeals is by having a good action plot involved. Nobody wants to sit through a film I which nothing happens and because my film would have a fair amount of action combined with drama to balance it out it creates a good vibe that people will enjoy.

How it appeals to an audience?

0The final way it appeals to an audience is by having a sense of both thriller and realism. These tie in together because the fact that it’s a believable plot meaning it could potentially happen. Also there is a sense of mystery as you are left questioning what happened? Who is Freddie? What is his point in the plot and who was the killer?

How would I attract my audience?

0To attract my audience I would primarily use 3 types of advertising: Print based media, Trailer and Social media.

0Print based media or posters would be put near cinemas and shopping centers to make sure my film is advertised properly. Placing on in an area of dense population so many people will see it.

0 If you look at the Inbetweeners 2 poster, it clearly conveys the type of film and the genre it will be. It appeals to it’s audience by using comedy on the poster as well.

My Poster:

0 It would have the background logo as the focus image:

0And the image of the Audi in the car park as the back ground:

0And then general detail at the bottom with release dates as a footer. Actors names at the skyline above the logo.

Social media

0Because advertising on social media is free it’s an efficient way of advertising. It also allows the audience to directly engage with the company/companies who are making the film. This is known as media democracy and can be used by the makers of films to see what the audience thinks of their product. There is also accidental advertising which comes in the form of interviews that are posted online for people to see. The companies have no control over these though because it solely relies on what the actors have said.

Social media

0With Facebook and twitter the People who makes the films can check to see how many likes and followers they have. With Fan based advertising it’s essentially the same with interviews. Companies cannot warp what they produce to give a certain feel or look to things they produce to increase the likes or viewers they get so more hype and more profit.


0With a trailer I can show good bits of my film without spoiling to much for the audience, also this helps to build hype because it’s actual footage from the film not just what has been leaked. From this the audience will get to see conveyed emotions and themes, also major plot roles in the film that they may be interested. This helps with the media democracy as it gives the audience more to talk about.