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In the progression from the preliminary task I did to this full product I have discovered and learnt many new things about which I was previously unaware. When I did my preliminary task, I knew very little of the camera handling part. All I knew was how to take some basic shots like long shot, mid shot etc and a few angles and movements as well.

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While in my film, I managed to capture many complex shots and used different angles to make my film more presentable. I used tilting and panning both quite smoothly. I was able to use the tripod more easily while shooting for my film as I could adjust its height and rotate it likewise. I used manual focus in my film and maintained the rule of thirds throughout the film.

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The picture quality of my prelim was just satisfactory and not excellent. This was mainly because, back then I did not know about how to handle the lighting part while in my final film I managed to use white balance which gave a more bright and natural look to my film.

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Voice clarity was another major issue. In my prelim I did not know how to dub the actors dialogues and match them up with their expressions in the editing process. But, in my film to avoid the background noise I managed to dub my actor’s voice and put it in place with the help of Adobe Premier Pro CS6. Similarly I also added a nice background music to enhance the film.

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Moreover, in my prelim I combined my scenes simply without any cutting through Windows Movie Maker. Whereas, for my film I used Adobe Premier Pro CS6 for the editing i.e. cutting and combining the scenes together. In my prelim I added simple credits and title where needed. While in my film I added the logo, title and credits in a different way with the help of transitions and effects wherever needed.

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Lastly, I did not undertake any kind of research or paper work before I shot my prelim. But, before shooting my final film I undertook quite lengthy paper work and research such as target audience analysis through questionnaire and so on. Shot division list and a descriptive story board was made which aided me in shooting for my film on the desired location.

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Going about shooting the film in uniformity i.e. by first coming up with a film proposal then the film treatment helped me a lot as I had a sense of direction which made me eligible to come up with such a unique film with an extravagant storyline.