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Page 1: Evaluation ~Question 7~

EVALUATION ACTIVITY 7Looking back at your preliminary task (the

continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

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Here, I have only used 3 different shots for the main sequence, which is very boring, and they are also not from very exciting angles. This has been changed on my actual film.

Variety of Angles &

180 Degree


Page 3: Evaluation ~Question 7~

I have now learned that one continuous action from different angles is much more exciting

than just from one side. It makes the film more appealing to the

viewer as they get a much wider view of the action. The 180

Degree rule is not broken here.

Page 4: Evaluation ~Question 7~

These shots are all from the clip from walking from the car to the door, which if all one long shot would be quite boring.

Page 5: Evaluation ~Question 7~

Match on Action

I have used Match on action effectively in my preliminary

task. I have now taken this on and used it in my actual piece.

Page 6: Evaluation ~Question 7~

These shots are before the protagonist walks through the

door and then after, I used match on action here to show the continuous actions so the film could flow. I have filmed

this differently to in the preliminary task as I filmed it from immediately in front as

she entered the door.

Match on


Page 7: Evaluation ~Question 7~

Shot Reverse


Here, I have used shot reverse shot, however the angle seems to be slightly off which provides an awkward looking, rather unprofessional shot. This has been changed in my actual film opening

Page 8: Evaluation ~Question 7~

I have used shot reverse shot which I learned from our preliminary task. The shot is shown almost from the

characters eye line, which provides a personal view to the audience. However I have now learned that cameras are seen in the mirror and therefore I have since realised that mirrors are not a good idea to have in the back of shot...

Shot Reverse Shot

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Here is another example of my use of shot reverse

shot. This is more similar to the preliminary one

because the characters are both sitting opposite each

other at a table.

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I didn’t actually use any close ups in my preliminary task,

however I feel that they are an effective way to convey

emotions and therefore I have used them in my actual

coursework piece.

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I also used lots of close ups throughout our film. The one on

the left was actually unintentional however it is a super shot for the

shock reaction I wanted to the protagonist. The one on the right is of the ‘mean’ girl and is used

to really focus on her looking the new girl up and down in an evil

way, to show her dislike.

Close Ups