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What have you learnt about technologies from

the process of constructing this product?

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Whilst creating our media product, we used many different types of technology. For example, we used hand-held technology and also used technology on the computer.

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• The computer was the main technology used throughout the project. It allowed us to use all the software and internet we needed. It also allowed us to watch and listen to our final sequence. The internet also allowed us to get any pictures we needed for research.

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Digital Camera

• We used a digital camera in order to capture the shots of our storyboard for the animatic. It was useful because it captured what was written on a piece of paper and allowed us to post it on the internet.

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Video Camera

• The video camera was the most useful part of the project. It was needed to film the sequence itself and allowed us to get the clips onto the computer directly. It also let us watch the clips back that we filmed so we could tell what we still needed to do.

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Mobile Phone

• I needed to use my phone for this project to text people and ask their opinions on the final video. It was also helpful because it made it easier to organise times for filming and also made it easier to get the actors for filming at the right time.

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• Facebook was needed for the audience comments and suggestions. It allowed us to post our final sequence and let people watch it and comment it. Facebook was useful because most people use it and go on it regularly, which meant that people can comment in their spare time. It also allowed us to carry on with other areas of the project whilst people could use it whenever they wanted.

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• Youtube allowed us to post our final sequence and let anybody in the world watch it. It was also needed so we could post it onto our blogs. There was a possibility that people that watched it would comment on it on Youtube also and give us feedback about what was good and what was bad about it.

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• Wikipedia was helpful for the research section of the project. It allowed us to look at other films that are appropriate to the noir style and listed many films that we found to be similar to our intentions.

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• Adobe OnLocation was a helpful software for the first step of editing because we could put all the clips we’d filmed onto it and select which ones were the best and which ones did or didn’t want.

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Premiere Pro

• The Adobe Premiere Pro software was very useful in our project because it was needed to edit the final video and get it to the highest quality possible. It also made it easy to add transition effects to our clips, such as fade ins/outs and allowed us to put the whole thing in black and white. However, although the film was mostly black and white, we wanted to make it more original by keeping the colour red visible for symbolism reasons. This was possible on Premiere Pro.

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Google Diary

• Google Diary was very helpful because it allowed us to plan out our time carefully. We could set appropriate dates for filming and written coursework and we could also see what we still needed to do in order to complete the project.

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• Blogger is essential for the coursework because we need it to post everything we produce on the computer. It is also helpful because it shows what is already done and we can see from another blog what is still missing.

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• Technology was very helpful during the project because it allowed us to do everything a lot quicker than writing it by hand and it was necessary for most parts such as filming and editing.