Download pptx - Evaluation question #4


EVALUATION QUESTION #4Who would be the audience of your media product?

My target audience is basically school going teenagers.

As you can see most of my audience is aged 16-19 years.

The percentage of female viewers is more.

The reason my target audience will watch my film is because they can relate to it. My film is about a regular high school teenager therefore my target audience of ‘regular school-going teenagers’ will understand what’s going on. Almost all teens today possess mobiles and use social networks so I believe they know the consequences if they’re misused and so they would look forward to knowing what happens to my main character. Also, the title of my film “April the 1st” would grab any youngsters attention because they know that that’s April fools day and usually on this day it is the youngsters that play pranks/tricks, therefore the movie would grab their attention. The movie is pure suspense which is the genre most loved by the target audience of my age.

The cast attracts the audience

and my cast is of a teenage girl.

Most people like colorful, student characters.

There is drama and a good story in my film which my target audience wants.

One of my reference films is a movie Trust. The movie is about how a teenage girl betrays her families' trust by trusting a mystery man who she talks to online. He lies to her about his age and then meets her and takes advantage of her. It portrays the problem of modern day internet exposure issues. This film was mostly seen by teenagers as the main character was also a teenage girl and also the social media websites she used are mostly used by teens. She was also shown using her cell phone and laptop and she went to high school. The main character of my film is also a teenager who loves to use social media and electronics such as music players, laptops and phones, things that are hip within teenagers.