Download pptx - Evaluation question 2



How does your media product represent particular social products?HARMONY WILLSHER 12RP2

SHOT TYPESFor my shots, I used a medium close up, eye-line shot. This created a direct mode of address, forming a personal relationship between the reader and the artist. This is a common convention in many music magazines. It captures the attention of the audience because they’re looking eye to eye and it makes them intrigued.


All my images are medium close ups of the artists, taking up the whole page of both the double page spread and the front cover. This makes it easier for the audience to determine who the magazine’s main story is about. The contrast of both colours (red and blue) on the front cover would ultimately capture the reader’s attention, leaving them want to read on. I used the same image for the contents page, this gave the reader an easy way to find the main story, as it had the page number near it. The image on the double page spread is also a medium close up of the artist’s face – this also makes it easy to determine which artist it is.


The model is wearing a leather jacket over the top of a white shirt; this look is proven to be popular with people of the ages of my target audience. This makes the audience relate to the artist as they both follow the same trends.

There are no props in my magazine, as the font and the colour scheme upon the front cover mirrors one you might see on CLASH magazine.



The layout is very simplistic and easy to read. There is an organised structure and using different fonts for the divided sections makes things easy to find. Like CLASH magazine, it has a duplicate of the front cover as well as a label saying ‘COVERS’, this makes the main story easy to find.



I would say Mulvey’s theory is present within my media product, whereas it is going against the theory. My images used for both my front cover and my double page spread are both of a pretty girl, yet without excess make up or extravagant or provocative clothing. This countertypes the idea of the ‘male gaze’. The male gaze depicts the male as the subject and the female the object. As on both pages, neither feature a male, it counter typically makes the female the main subject. As the female model is featured on a female’s magazine, I would suggest that men wouldn’t be obligated to purchase the magazine. However, contradicting what I earlier said about the female being the subject, as she’s a pretty female that’s also heavily edited in Photoshop to get the colouring right, you could say arguably that she still may be objectified by males.