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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary


Most newspapers in this day an age now have online editions as well as the actual newspaper. By doing this, the public have easy access to the latest news as soon as it is released. As it is continuously updated some people prefer to read the news online as a quick fix to their daily news reading routine. For these reasons, I also created a website so there is both types of news available for people with alternative preferences.

My website, poster and front page all link together as I have used to same colour scheme and fonts throughout the three pieces of work. The reason for this is that people can easily identify the three products easily. In addition, I have displayed the web address on the poster so people are kept familiar with it and can access it easily if needs be.


For my poster, front and inside page and my website, I used the same masthead so the audience could recognise what newspaper it is. I used the same colour, font and size as well as keeping the layout the same to no cause confusion.

I also kept my font the same throughout the entire production so it provided a sense or seriousness to whoever reading and not something that is informal and based on fictional stories.

Furthermore, I kept the colour scheme the same to set a serious and formal tone for the whole production and to make it seem as though local news is also useful and factual based.

SynergyIn bold terms, synergy is when a media institution divides a media product into other formats for people to access to their preferences. This is also done in my production as I have a physical newspaper for people who do not like to lose sentimental value and they like that it is published every week for them to read the weekly news at once, and online website, for people who like to read news on the go as and when it is released and finally a poster to give people the simple details for the newspaper, such as the web-site.