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Evaluation Question 4:How did you use new media

technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

By Beth Berrett

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• We have used Blogger all year to keep an updated log of our progress throughout the process of creating our music video. This featured the research and planning, filming and editing, theory, and evaluation, amongst other things. As we used this last year, I had a general idea of how to use it, however developed my skills by learning how to create labels for each post to be grouped under. My blog has generally been updated at least 4 times a week continuously throughout the process, and the address is

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• Youtube has been used continuously throughout the coursework process in a variety of ways. It is mainly used for research, to look at other videos, both professional and past students work, which from here we are able to embed onto our blogs. I have also used it to look at tutorials for various pieces of software that I have not used before in a particular way, such as Photoshop. Youtube is also where we uploaded our own videos for anyone to watch and comment on, on my channel ‘Bethrett’.

Page 4: Evaluation Q4• This is the website we had to use to

pick our music from. It is here where we found ‘Oh Me Oh My’ by The 99s, amongst a wide variety of hundreds of songs, and the initial information about the band which added to our research and planning.

Page 5: Evaluation Q4• On survey monkey, we were able to create a survey which we could link to Facebook to

gather target audience research and find out who our target audience was and what they like to see in a music video. After the production of the music video, we were able to retrieve audience feedback by the same method. This provided us with all the information we required, in a way which was easy to collect, analyse and interpret.

Page 6: Evaluation Q4• This was a really useful website which I

discovered by chance last year and continued to use this year. It allowed me to create charts and graphs to display the survey results in an alternative way to just listing them. It is quick, free and easy to use, as well as an easy to read information once the graphs are made.

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• One true media allows us to display a series of pictures as a montage. I used it to create a montage of The 99s band pictures from their website, one of filming the band scenes, and one of us filming in London amongst other things, again as an alternative way of displaying pictures.

Page 8: Evaluation Q4• Slideshare allowed us to put onto our

blogs slideshows created offline on PowerPoint, such as this one. Along with this, I have created and uploaded to Slideshare PowerPoint's on our digipak and magazine adverts, as well as analysing real examples.

Page 9: Evaluation Q4• Wordle provided us with a method by which we

could display information in a alternative, interesting way. By typing in words from a set of results, from a survey or a focus group, it processed the text and displayed the most popular words larger, and those less common responses as smaller, so more popular responses can be recognised easily. Examples can be seen below.

Page 10: Evaluation Q4• This is website belonging to the band who’s unsigned song we used for our music video. We used

their website to research their background, and discover the kind of band they are. We tried to mirror this in our digipak and magazine advert, and also featured on the digipak other actual songs by the band, found on the website.

Page 11: Evaluation Q4• This was a new website discovered recently, which allowed us to download various fonts

which we were able to use on the digipak and magazine advert. By searching ‘graffiti’ and ‘spray-paint’ we were able to find freely downloadable fonts which we could import to Photoshop, where we created our ancillary texts.

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• Prezi is something which has only just been introduced to us, as a brand new way of displaying information in a creative, organised and original way. The process of using Prezi takes a while to get used to, but once managed, it becomes easier to use, as a way of demonstrating pictures, videos and text, in a illustrative method. This is then embedded into the blog.