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For this project, I first decided that I would either make a student fashion or a student sports magazine. I then researched two magazines; Nylon and SA Mountain Sport. I chose to research these two because they are completely different and I wanted to find an understanding of the layout and style of different magazines before I decided on a topic. Once I had completed this exercise, I came to the conclusion that I would prefer to create the front and contents pages of a sports magazine and did a shoot with a digital SLR camera of my brother’s rugby team and also found some images that I took of my brother and sister on a family holiday last year.

I experimented with Photoshop and finally decided on the image of my sister for the front cover and my brother playing rugby for the contents page. I was, originally, planning to use several images for the contents page, for example, some friends learning to water ski and a ski trip that I had been on and taken images of people. However, when I looked back at my research of SA Mountain Sport, I liked the effect that using a single image on the contents page had and decided to use this idea. I also used a similar font to the South African magazine and found that they were a big influence to my work.

I think that my magazine was reasonably successful. I could have spent more time on working to achieve a better layout but overall, I think that if I had the chance, I would not have done anything differently except to work on the layout of both pages.
