

The 2nd year capitalisation analysis:


RECOMMEND Peer Assessment WorkshopAscoli Piceno – 31st March - 2nd April 2014

Laura Roman, Technopolis Group

2 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

INTERREG IVC Thematic Capitalisation Eco-Innovation Projects

ECOREGIONS Aims to improve effectiveness of local and regional development policies in the areas of eco-innovation – and particularly green technologies, with focus on SMEs

European clusters and regions for eco-innovation network plus (ECREIN+) Works on developing an effective regional policy mix to support eco-innovation

Cleantech-incubation Europe (CIE)www.cleantechincubation.euFocuses on good practices and knowledge transfer on regional policies for cleantech incubation

Producer services for European sustainability and competitiveness (PROSESC) Focuses on regional policies to promote environmental sustainability and competitiveness of road transport (from two-wheelers to e-vehicles and fuel cell buses).

3 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

INTERREG IVC Thematic Capitalisation Eco-Innovation Projects

Forwarding regional environmental sustainable hierarchies (FRESH) Focuses on regional policies to support and measure eco-innovation in the construction sector

Developing sustainable regions through responsible SMEs (DESUR) Focuses on improving regional policies to promote responsible innovation in SMEs through Corporate Social Responsibility programmes

Regions using eco-Management for eco-innovation development (RECOMMEND) Focuses on regional policies to promote eco-management as an instrument for corporate eco-innovation

4 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Types of good practices identified

Development and uptake of eco-innovative technologies

• PROSESC has supported the development of electric vehicle technologies• ECOREGIONS and FRESH projects have identified good practices of using clean technologies (e.g. heat pumps, low impact buildings, biogas production etc.)

Focus on particular sectors • road transport (PROSESC project)• sustainable construction (FRESH)

Improving regional policies• Strengthening regional policies and the role of policy-makers through regional strategies• Improving innovation support: eg. Cleantech incubation, eco-management and eco-design, cluster policies

Capacity building in regional administrations • PROSESC: transfer of expert know-how to regional policy-makers• ECREIN+: capacities to design, implement and evaluate eco-innovation measures• CIE: Capacity building for incubation and innovation support to SMEs

5 Thematic Programme Capitalisation


6 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Good Practices Transferred - CIE

Start-up Sauna in Helsinki

1) internship program for aspiring entrepreneurs to work at high-growth companies in Helsinki and in Silicon Valley

2) An accelerator for early stage entrepreneurs

3) The Slush conference, gathering the entire

ecosystem of stakeholders


Pre-Incubation Facility in Delft based on the Lean start-up


Start-ups enter a 12-week programme where they test

their ideas with potential customers.

7 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Opportunities for scaling up and impact

• Projects have given a push to the dialogue between policy makers and industry and expect it to continue in future

• All projects generally provide guides, handbooks, toolboxes, recommendations and lessons learned based on the experience they had.

• Many good practices are in INTERREG database of GPs. All are potentially useful to other regions, players.

8 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Good Practices Upscaled - FRESH




Kainuu region, Finland

Results of FRESH incorporated

regulation standards for sustainable construction




Mid-West Regional Authority, Ireland

Methodology for evidence-based policy decisions in land use, urban

infrastructures, environmental protection and accessibility to


9 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Good Practices Upscaled – ECREIN+


Rhone Alpes, France

“One-stop-shop” grant scheme for applied R&D for SMEs & clusters

developing eco-innovative projects (in energy, construction, sustainable

land development

Upscaled into Innv’R experimentation

Businesses test the viability of newly developed products in public


Energy House

Uppsala county council, Sweden

Based on traditional cooperation between industry, universities, public

sector and aims to:

1) Establish demand-driven initiatives to capitalise on research findings and

shorten road to market

2) Establish user-driven demonstrations and field studies to

verify new solutions

10 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Preparing for future INTERREG Europe programme

11 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Preparing for future INTERREG EUROPE

Thematic Objectives selected

• Strengthening Research, Technological Development and Innovation

• Enhancing the competitiveness of SME

• Shift towards a Low Carbon Economy

• Protecting the Environment and promoting Resource Efficiency

12 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Success factors for good practice transfer

Feasibility of the actions planned depends on

framework conditions for eco-innovation, the local market demand, social


Focus on real regional needs in

good practices and innovative solutions

Bringing partners to the same knowledge base and understanding of


Cooperative attitude, the willingness of other partners to share their

insights and results

Having a partner region with extensive

experience in eco-innovation promotion

Site visits: seeing with your own eyes what’s happening at a specific site

Multiple types of local stakeholders on board:

regional authorities, SMEs, universities etc

ensures their commitment

13 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Success factors for regional eco-innovation policies

Long-term development strategy includes sustainability targets

Commitment to sustainability targets provides stable market signals for private investments

Work across multiple levels of governance, and where needed involve national policy-makers


leadership of regional authorities

Strategic choices in regional planning made based on regions’ uniqueness: local assets and resources

Role of eco-innovation adopters through GPP and greening their activities

Further enhance demand for EI: voucher schemes for eco-innovation in SMEs, support standardisation etc.

Regional authorities as eco-

innovation push

& pull


Link main stakeholders in implementing EI actions (businesses, R&D providers, consumers)

Develop local skills and build local capabilities for the green economy

Raise awareness, improve access to knowledge on eco-innovation to all stakeholders

Framework conditions for


14 Thematic Programme Capitalisation

Thank you!

[email protected]
