
Europe Part IEurope Part IGeneral InfoGeneral Info

StatisticsStatistics2nd smallest continent/3rd most populous

731 MillionGermany 82.6

Vatican City 1,000

Most of Europe is within 300 miles of the coast

Large/Dense Cities75% of Europeans live in Cities

WHY? - Industrial RevolutionInvention of Factories

Mass production of goods

Job Opportunities

Language & Religion

Language & Religion↑50 Different Languages

100 Dialects (forms of languages)

Indo-European Language Family BranchesSlavic (Polish, Russian) - Eastern Europe

Germanic (German, English) - Northern Europe

Romance (Spanish, French) - Southern Europe

Mainly Christian - Conflict between groupsCatholics - Southern/Western Europe

Protestants - Northern/Western Europe

Eastern Orthodox - Southern/Eastern Europe

Muslims - Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria


“We hid a quey caff yistreen”TRANSLATION

“We had a female calf last night”

Education & LifestyleEducation & LifestyleEuropean Economic Success Well Educated➔

Money canImprove schools

Provide specialized education for students

European Literacy Rates↑90%State (Country) Sponsored Human ServicesComplete Social Welfare - Welfare States

Tax programs for:

Higher education (money for college)

Health Care

Social Security (Retirement)

SwedenFamily receives an allowance for:

Every child under 16

Secondary & University Students

Single parents with low income can receive money for family vacations

SportsSportsFútbol (SOCCER)

World Cup - Most Watched Event after Olympics


Ukraine - Ice-skating

Scandinavia - Skiing

Netherlands - Elfstedentocht (Eleven Cities Tour)

Ice Skating Marathon

Bullfighting - Spain & PortugalBullfighting - Spain & Portugal

Paseíllo - Parade

Matador - Performs & kills bull

Tercio de Varas (the lancing third)

Matador observes bulls behavior w/Tanda (series of passes)

Picador lances bull in neck

Tercio de Banderillas (the third of flags)

Banderillos put two sharp barbed sticks into bull’s shoulders

Tercio de Muerte (the third of death)Matador enters with a sword & muleta (red cape)

Stabs bull between shoulder blades



Greeks have Roast Lamb

Ukrainians - Pysanky (Decorated Eggs)

European Jews - Hanukkah

8 Day Religious Freedom Festival

Potato pancakes - Latkes

Other FeaturesOther FeaturesNetherlands - 25% of land is below sea level


large “walls” or earth/stone

Hold back water

Channel Tunnel

Links France to Britain under English Channel w/train

2 hours

Blue is below sea level
