Page 1: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):

Texas Tech University Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Concert Band

Euphonium Audition Materials Fall Semester, 2020

Percy Aldridge Grainger, Colonial Song

Page 2: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):

Johann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch.

Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit): Pineapple Poll


Page 3: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):

Percy Grainger: Molly on the Shore

John Philip Sousa, The Stars and Stripes Forever

11 USMB Euphonium Audition

“Molly on the Shore” (Grainger/Rogers)

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as if starred (quasi Solo).œ

very feelingly

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as if starred (quasi Solo)˙

very feelingly

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5 USMB Euphonium Audition

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“The Stars and Stripes Forever” (Sousa)

March from Suite in F for Military Band, Opus 28, No. 2 (Holst)

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h=120 solo

Page 4: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):

Claude T. Smith: Festival Variations

William Schumann: When Jesus Wept

Page 5: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):

Next 6 pages: Gustav Holst, The Planets, Tenor Tuba in B flat, complete part. For those new to treble clef B flat, the interval of transposition is down a major 9th (written fourth line D sounds Middle C).

Page 6: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):
Page 7: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):
Page 8: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):
Page 9: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):
Page 10: Euphonium Audition F2020 - TTUJohann Sebastian Bach: Suite No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1008 Multiple stops may be arpeggiated or reduced to a single pitch. Arthur Sullivan (arr. MacKarras/Duthoit):
