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8th Grade

Conserving Resources (Process)

What can kids do to help conserve natural resources, such as trees, clean air, and energy?

Write a how-to essay with several suggestions for conserving resources. Give detailed instructions and examples to support your ideas.

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Designing a TV Show (Informative)

A public television network is seeking ideas for a new series of shows that would be educational for teenagers. The series will include ten one-hour episodes and will be shown once a week. Some of the titles under consideration are:

"Great Cities of the World""Women in History""Nature Walks""American Legends"

Choose one of these titles. Write a letter to the network president describing your ideas for a new educational series. In your letter, describe what one episode might be like. Use specific examples of what information you would include in the episode so the network president will be able to imagine what the series would be like.

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Dog Sitting (Persuasive)

Your neighbor is going out of town for several weeks and needs someone to take care of her dog. She is considering either hiring you or taking the dog to a kennel. Write an essay describing what you think your neighbor should do with her dog. Give several reasons and examples to support what you recommend.

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Favorite Music (Descriptive)

Imagine that you are listening to your favorite music. Write a descriptive essay about this music. Describe how it makes you feel. Also include what the music would be like if you could see it, touch it, smell it, or taste it. Use your imagination. Give lots of details so that the reader can share your impressions.

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Footprints on the Beach (Narrative)

You have probably read books or seen movies about people shipwrecked or lost by themselves on a deserted island. In the famous book, Robinson Crusoe, the main character is a castaway who thinks he is alone on an island. However, one day he is surprised to find a set of footprints on the beach. He knows the footprints aren't his.

Imagine you are a lonely castaway on an island and that you notice someone else's footprints on the beach one day. What will you do? Tell the story of what happens after you find the footprints.

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Graduate (Expository)

Imagine that the Board of Education decides that students may earn a high school diploma after completing the eighth grade. Students will no longer have to attend ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grades. What would you do next year? How will your life be different? Write an essay using specific details to describe what path your life would take after graduating from eighth grade.

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I'm Bringing a Guest (Descriptive)

You want to bring your best friend along for a trip to visit your relatives, but first they want to hear all about him/her. How would you describe your best friend to someone who has never met him/her?

Write an essay describing your best friend in detail. You can talk about how your friend looks, talks, and dresses, but also try to describe the qualities that make the person such a good friend. Be as specific as possible, and provide enough details so your relatives could picture your best friend in their mind.

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Impostor (Narrative)

You wake up one day to find yourself living somebody else's life. Whose life are you living? What happened to your life? How does it feel? What do you do? Write a story about the experience of being someone else for a day. Use details so that your reader will understand your experience.

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Lengthening the School Year (Persuasive)

Many people think that students are not learning enough in school. They want to shorten most school vacations and make students spend more of the year in school. Other people think that lengthening the school year and shortening vacations is a bad idea because students use their vacations to learn important things outside of school.

What is your opinion?

Write a letter to your school board either in favor of or against lengthening the school year. Give specific reasons to support your opinion that will convince the school board to agree with you.

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Library Computers (Persuasive)

The public library in your neighborhood has announced that it will no longer allow patrons under the age of sixteen to use its computers. The announcement argues that children under the age of sixteen rarely need computers for research and are more likely to damage or misuse the computers. Write a letter to the head of the library in which you argue against this new policy. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

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Literary Character (Compare & Contrast)

Have you ever read a book that included a character that reminded you of yourself? Perhaps the character had the same type of family as yours, was the same age as you or played the same sport as you. Maybe the character had a personality similar to yours. Select a fictional character that is similar to you in some way. Write an essay comparing and contrasting the character with yourself. Use specific examples in your essay to illustrate the similarities and differences.

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Mind-Readers Everywhere! (Cause & Effect)

Imagine that everyone on earth is suddenly granted the ability to read minds. It is no longer necessary to speak in order to communicate, and it is no longer possible to lie to another person.

What effects would this change have on our world? You may want to concentrate on a specific aspect such as social interactions or political campaigns. Write an essay describing some of the changes you would expect to see. Be sure to include both good and bad changes.

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Night Owl (Persuasive)

Now that you are in the eighth grade, you think your bedtime should be moved back by one hour. Your parents aren't sure that this is a good idea, but they are willing to consider your argument. Write an essay that explains your reasons for wanting a later bedtime. As you make your argument, be sure to address any objections your parents are likely to make about your proposal.

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No School (Expository)

Imagine living in a society where kids do not have to attend school. Instead, they are expected to teach themselves. Write an essay comparing and contrasting teaching yourself with attending school. Explain how you would teach yourself. What resources would you use? Describe several ways your life would be different if you did not have to attend school and several ways it would stay the same. Give specific examples.

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Pen Pal (Descriptive)

Imagine that you have a pen pal from another country. In a recent letter your pen pal asks about your school. Write a descriptive essay explaining how your school looks, sounds, and smells. Also describe how your school makes you feel. Provide enough details so that your pen pal can share your impressions of your school.

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Pioneer on Mars (Persuasive)

It has just been discovered that Mars is a planet that can sustain life. The government is choosing people to go there and establish a colony. You want to be chosen to spend a year there as a pioneer. Write an essay persuading the government to choose you as one of the first inhabitants of Mars. Clearly describe how choosing you would benefit the project.

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River Swimming (Narrative)

While swimming in a river something shiny near the bottom catches your eye. You dive down to get a closer look. What is it? Why is it there? What will you do with it? Write a story describing what you find. Be creative!

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Scavenger Hunt (Process)

Suppose that one of your friends has asked you to help organize a scavenger hunt for a younger sibling's birthday party. Write an essay in which you outline the exact process of setting up a scavenger hunt. What would you hide? Where would you hide it? What kind of instructions and clues would you leave for the participants? Be very detailed and include all the steps.

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School Club (Expository)

You are a member of a school club, and the members want to take a field trip. The problem is that the club does not have sufficient funds. What can you and the other members do to raise money for the trip? Write an essay detailing several suggestions for fund-raising. Give specifics to show how these suggestions would work.

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Space Adventure (Narrative)

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You are an astronaut who has been sent on a secret mission by the President. You are to determine if any intelligent life exists on a planet in a galaxy far away.

What happens on your trip? Do any problems arise? What do you find out? Write a story about your adventure. Be creative!

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Space Visitor (Narrative)

Imagine this situation! A noise outside awakens you one night. You look out the window and see a spaceship. The door of the spaceship opens, and out walks a space creature. What does the creature look like? What do you do? Write a story about what happens next.

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Students Working (Persuasive)

Many students work part-time while going to school. For example, they may baby sit, have a paper route, mow lawns, or pet sit. Explain whether or not you think working while going to school is a good idea. Give several reasons and examples.

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Technology (Cause-Effect)

Technology is everywhere. People use it at home, at work, and at school.

What if technology were not as advanced as it is today? Using specific examples, write an essay describing how your life would be different.

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Teenager (Expository)

Think about what it is like being a teenager. How is being a teenager different from being a young child? Write an essay comparing and contrasting life as a teenager and life as a young child. Make sure you include several ways that the two stages in life are similar and several ways that they are different. Give examples from your own experiences to support your points.

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That’s My Slingfrapper! (Descriptive)

You are almost ready to reveal your brilliant new invention, the slingfrapper, to the world. But first, you need to apply for a patent. Write an essay for your patent application describing the slingfrapper in detail. What does it look like? What does it do? What makes it unique?

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TV Characters (Compare-Contrast)

Think about your favorite television shows that feature teenage characters. How realistic are these characters?

Write an essay comparing and contrasting television portrayals of teenagers with real life. Make sure you include several ways they are similar and several ways they are different. Give examples from specific shows to support your points.

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Winter Tourism (Persuasive)

The civic and business leaders of your hometown want to increase the number of tourists who visit there. These leaders have decided that they will advertise winter as one of the best times for

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tourists to come. Write an essay in which you explain whether you agree or disagree that winter is a good time to visit your hometown. Give several reasons and examples to support your viewpoint.

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Yearbook (Persuasive)

The principal says that school yearbooks are too expensive and not enough students buy them. Therefore, your school may not publish a yearbook this year. Write an essay explaining whether or not you think your school should publish a yearbook. Give several reasons to support your position.

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Your Own Superhero (Descriptive)

There are dozens of superheroes in comic strips and in movies. Some can fly, some can run faster than humans, and some have enormous strength.

Imagine a new, original superhero. How could this superhero be described? What special powers would he or she have, and where did the superhero get those powers? How would he or she look? Does your superhero have a special hideout and equipment? And, of course, don’t forget to describe your superhero's costume!

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4 | 3 | 2 | 1

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Score = 4


Develops ideas well and uses specific details throughout the essay. Is well organized with transitions; maintains focus. Contains some varied sentence structure. Exhibits specific word choices. Contains little or no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; errors

do not interfere with understanding.

Persuasive mode

Clearly states the position and effectively persuades the reader of a certain viewpoint.

Score = 3


Generally develops ideas; may have some details. Provides a clear sequence of information; provides pieces of information that are

generally related to each other. Generally has simple sentences; may exhibit some instances of sentence variety. Has mostly simple word choices, but may contain some specific word choices. Contains errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation that generally do not

interfere with understanding.

Persuasive mode

States a position and adequately attempts to persuade the reader.

Score = 2


Provides limited information and makes a minimal attempt at development; may be list-like or have the quality of an outline.

Is disorganized or provides a disjointed sequence of information. Exhibits uneven control over sentence structure. May have some inaccurate word choices. Contains errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation that sometimes

interfere with understanding.

Page 11: Essay Topics

Persuasive mode

While a position is stated, either it is unclear or undeveloped.

Score = 1


Attempts a response, but may only restate the prompt or be brief. Is very disorganized or too brief to detect organization. Exhibits limited control over sentence structure. Contains inaccurate word choices throughout most of the essay. Is characterized by misspellings, missing words, and incorrect word order; errors in

grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation severely interfere with understanding throughout the essay.

Persuasive mode

Little effort is made to persuade, either because there is no position taken or no support is given.

6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1

Score = 6


Develops ideas well and uses many specific details related to the topic. Is well organized with clear transitions; maintains focus. Sustains varied sentence structure. Exhibits specific word choices. Contains little or no errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; errors

do not interfere with understanding.

Persuasive mode

Clearly states the position and effectively persuades the reader of a certain viewpoint.

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Score = 5


Develops ideas with some specific details. Is clearly organized; information is presented in an orderly way, but essay may lack

transitions. Exhibits some variety in sentence structure. Contains some specific word choices. May contain some errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation; errors do

not interfere with understanding.

Persuasive mode

Clearly states the position and persuades the reader.

Score = 4


Provides clear ideas, but not fully developed; may have few details. Provides a clear sequence of information; provides pieces of information that are

generally related to each other. Generally has simple sentences; may exhibit uneven control over sentence structure. Contains mostly simple word choices, but may display some specific word choices. Contains errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation that generally do not

interfere with understanding.

Persuasive mode

States a position and adequately attempts to persuade the reader.

Score = 3


Provides limited or incomplete information; may be list-like or have the quality of an outline.

Is disorganized or provides a disjointed sequence of information. Exhibits uneven control over sentence structure.

Page 13: Essay Topics

May have some inaccurate word choices. Contains errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation that sometimes

interfere with understanding.

Persuasive mode

While a position is stated, either it is unclear or undeveloped.

Score = 2


Provides little information and makes little attempt at development. Is very disorganized or too brief to detect organization. Exhibits little control over sentence structure. Contains inaccurate word choices in much of the essay. Is characterized by misspellings, missing words, and incorrect word order; errors in

grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation are severe enough to make understanding very difficult in much of the essay.

Persuasive mode

Either a position is not clearly given or little attempt is made at persuasion.

Score = 1


Attempts a response, but may only restate the prompt or be extremely brief. Exhibits no control over organization. Exhibits no control over sentence structure. Contains inaccurate word choices in most of the essay. Is characterized by misspellings, missing words, and incorrect word order; errors in

grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation severely interfere with understanding throughout the essay.

Persuasive mode

Little effort is made to persuade, either because there is no position taken or no support is given.

Page 14: Essay Topics

1. Zoos are sometimes seen as necessary but not poor alternatives to a natural environment.  Discuss some of the arguments for and/or against keeping animals in zoos.

2. Imagine  that your teacher wants to teach a new subject for the next few weeks.  Your teacher will take suggestions, and then let the students vote on the new subject. What subject should your class choose? Write an essay to support your choice and to persuade the other students to vote for your choice.

3. Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?4.  Should teachers have to wear uniforms or have a dress code?5. Since the invention of nuclear weapons we have had a long period of GLOBAL peace

and stability.  Are nuclear weapons global peacemakers or killing devices?6. Should boys and girls be in separate classes?7. Is the death penalty effective?8. To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?9. What age is appropriate for dating?10. Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do

whatever they wanted! Explain what the world would be like. Use your      imagination!11. Should student’s textbooks be replaced by notebook computers?12. Should students be allowed to have cell phones in elementary and high schools?13. Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations?14. Should money be spent on space exploration?15. Is fashion important?16. Are we too dependent on computers?17. If  you had the opportunity to bring any person — past or present, fictional      or

nonfictional — to a place that is special to you (your hometown or      country, a favourite location, etc.), who would you bring and why? Tell us      what you would share with that person

18. Most high level jobs are done by men. Should the government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women?

19. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?20. In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie?21. The destruction of the world’s forests is inevitable as our need for land and food grows. 

Do you agree?22. Many parents give their children certain chores or tasks to do at home. Should     

children have to do chores or tasks at home? Be sure to explain why you      think it is a good idea or a bad idea. Include examples to support your      reasons.

23. Should the voting age be lowered to thirteen?24. Should the government place a tax on junk food and fatty snacks?25. Should more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals?

Persuasive Essay Writing

Persuasive essay writing refers to the form of writing where a writer presents his or her viewpoint and analysis in the light of analytical argument, factual data and previous stu

Persuasive Essay Writing

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Persuasive essay writing refers to the form of writing where a writer presents his or her viewpoint and analysis in the light of analytical argument, factual data and previous studies.

The format of a persuasive essay normally follows a standard five paragraph essay structure, comprising of introduction, body text and conclusion paragraphs.

Creating an argument with persuasive style of writing.

To create an argument which involves persuasion you need to attend to your topic by focusing on one aspect and gathering evidence and straightening up your facts.

List of Topics for Writing With Persuasion

You can also check these argumentative essay topics to get inspiring and interesting starters for an essay which incites dual sides for any matter of. Following is a list of topics for persuasive essay writing. You can use these essay prompts for your own essay writing or edit them to your liking.

Persuasive Essay Topics for Kids

1. Are school uniforms important enough?2. How much homework is too much homework?3. Why should kids go on field trips.4. Why do we love our parents?5. Why do children prefer television to playing out?6. Pets should be allowed in school.7. I’m old enough to stay at home alone.8. We should all grow our own vegetables.

Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary or Primary School

(1st, 2nd,3rd, 4rth & 5th Grade)

1. Why should people have pets?2. How can we get rid of pollution?3. Milk or sweets4. Sesame Street is a great watch5. Why is war bad?6. Exercising daily is important

Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle or Secondary School

(6th, 7th & 8th Grade)

1. Why is proper sleep so important for health?2. Smoking should be banned in public places

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3. Education should be completely free4. Greenhouse effect due to deforesting

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

1. Cigarettes should be more expensive.2. Smokers should be levied with a health tax.3. Child support dodgers should go to jail.4. Negative influence of fast food on health5. Violent Video Games Should be Banned6. Anorexia is because of obsessiveness with weight loss.7. Negative effect of divorce on children

Persuasive Essay Topics for College

1. Was Saddam Hussein’s execution an essential point in establishing democracy in Iraq?2. Bad effect on ecology of air pollution in your city3. Ban on carrying weapons4. College graduates should go off for the travels for a year before getting the job.5. Responsibility of the mothers when raising the child.6. Should mothers work or take care of the children and house.7. Teachers should not interfere into the private lives of student8. The production and sale of cigarettes should be legally prohibited.9. People have become overly dependent on technology.10. Censorship is a justifiable act.11. Privacy is not the most important right; security is.12. Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense.

Persuasive Essay Topics for University

1. Is Health Insurance the Right of all Americans?2. Nuclear Proliferation: Will Development of Nuclear Weapons Fuel a Third World War?3. Is Death Penalty Inhuman?4. Euthanasia: The Right to Die?5. Some Thoughts About Human Cloning.6. Pros and Cons of Adoption.7. The Grim Reality of Climate Change.8. Use of Mobile Phones in Schools.9. Should human cloning be legalized?10. Should there be a ban on Nude Beaches?

Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

1. Shouldn’t Russians finally bury Lenin?2. Better naked, than in furs?3. Should men be allowed to have more than one wife?

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4. Plastic surgeries: a way to become more beautiful, or someone’s unhealthy idea?5. Puerto Rico should be an empire.6. Kissing in public should be banned7. Men should be sent to another planet.8. Women should be fined every time they scream.

Popular Argumentative Topics and Ideas

Euthanasia Animal Testing Drug Abuse Child Abuse Women’s Rights Gay Rights School Uniforms Death Penalties


The format of a persuasive essay normally follows a standard five paragraph essay structure, comprising of introduction, body text and conclusion paragraphs.

List of Topics for Persuasive Writing

Following is a list of topics for persuasive essay writing. You can use these essay prompts for your own essay writing or edit them to your liking.

Persuasive Essay Topics for Kids

Are school uniforms important enough? How much homework is too much homework? Why should kids go on field trips. Why do we love our parents? Why do children prefer television to playing out? Pets should be allowed in school. I’m old enough to stay at home alone. We should all grow our own vegetables.

Persuasive Essay Topics for Elementary or Primary School

(1st, 2nd,3rd, 4rth & 5th Grade)

Why should people have pets? How can we get rid of pollution?

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Milk or sweets Sesame Street is a great watch Why is war bad? Exercising daily is important

Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle or Secondary School

(6th, 7th & 8th Grade)

Why is proper sleep so important for health? Smoking should be banned in public places Education should be completely free Greenhouse effect due to deforesting

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School

Cigarettes should be more expensive. Smokers should be levied with a health tax. Child support dodgers should go to jail. Negative influence of fast food on health Violent Video Games Should be Banned Anorexia is because of obsessiveness with weight loss. Negative effect of divorce on children

Persuasive Essay Topics for College

Was Saddam Hussein’s execution an essential point in establishing democracy in Iraq? Bad effect on ecology of air pollution in your city Ban on carrying weapons College graduates should go off for the travels for a year before getting the job. Responsibility of the mothers when raising the child. Should mothers work or take care of the children and house. Teachers should not interfere into the private lives of student The production and sale of cigarettes should be legally prohibited. People have become overly dependent on technology. Censorship is a justifiable act. Privacy is not the most important right; security is. Drunk drivers should be imprisoned on the first offense.

Persuasive Essay Topics for University

Is Health Insurance the Right of all Americans? Nuclear Proliferation: Will Development of Nuclear Weapons Fuel a Third World War? Is Death Penalty Inhuman?

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Euthanasia: The Right to Die? Some Thoughts About Human Cloning. Pros and Cons of Adoption. The Grim Reality of Climate Change. Use of Mobile Phones in Schools. Should human cloning be legalized?

Funny Persuasive Essay Topics

Shouldn’t Russians finally bury Lenin? Better naked, than in furs? Should men be allowed to have more than one wife? Plastic surgeries: a way to become more beautiful, or someone’s unhealthy idea? Puerto Rico should be an empire. Kissing in public should be banned Men should be sent to another planet. Women should be fined every time they scream.

Popular Argumentative Topics and Ideas

Euthanasia Animal Testing Drug Abuse Child Abuse Women’s Rights Gay Rights School Uniforms Death Penalties Descriptive Topics

It is always good to begin with essays where children can describe something. The topic should be about something that the kids already know, like, their home or family. Such type of essay topics will aid them to learn to organize their thoughts in a constructive manner. After children select their topic, they can make points about them, before actually writing the main essay. Here are some good essay topics that kids may find easy to write.

My Best FriendMy Favorite SportMy Last HolidayThe Pet that I would Like to HaveWhat if I had Super PowersMy Mother/FatherThings I Like to do During My PastimeThe Most Special Day of My Life

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The Person I Admire the MostThe First Day in My New SchoolThings I Did During SummerA Dream I had Last NightMy Most Memorable BirthdayQualities Required to Become a PresidentMy Favorite TV ShowThings that I am Afraid ofA View from my WindowLiving at a Bus StopMy Favorite FoodMy HobbyWhat Will I Do When I Grow Up?If I Became an AnimalThe Most Interesting Book I have ReadIf I Became InvisibleIf I had a Magic PenIf I Become RichWhat Makes Me Special?An Eventful Day in My LifeIf I Had Three Wishes, What Would I Wish For?All The Things I Want to DoWhat Would I Do If I Became Invisible for a Day?My Space AdventureA Rainy Day I Spent Alone

Argumentative Topics

After descriptive essays, the next step will be argument essay writing. Argumentative essays are those where students have to put forth their point of view about a topic. However, it is important to remember that these essays cannot be based just on personal knowledge, rather kids have to find enough proof to support their opinions and thoughts.

Is Praying Beneficial?Effect of Technology on Human BeingsShould Smoking in Public Be Banned?Harmful Effects of Plastic BagsHow do Humans Affect the EnvironmentReasons we Love ChocolatePros and Cons of ZoosMobile Phones - Necessity or Nuisance?Is Destruction of Forests Affecting the EarthHarmful Effects of Video GamesIs it Right to Kill Animals for Food and Clothing?Should Bullying be Supported?Is Learning a Foreign Language Really Important?

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Global Warming and Deforestation

Persuasive Topics

Persuasive essays are somewhat similar to argumentative essays, where students have to present their opinions on a topic. The difference is that the essay should persuade the readers to change their opinion about something after reading it. Hence, kids have to conduct thorough research before writing a persuasive essay.

Bilingual Education in schoolShould the Government Ban Hunting?10 Pros and Cons of Capital PunishmentAre School Uniforms Good or Bad IdeaAre Exams Making Way for Too Much Stress for Children?How Much is too Much homeworkWhy Helmets should be made CompulsoryHome is the best place to Spend a Thanksgiving HolidayCell Phones for Kids - Pros and ConsShould Mothers Work or Stay at Home?Animals Should Not be CagedCan you Live Without Television?

Compare and Contrast Topics

Essays of this type prove to be a good exercise for kids where they learn to compare between two concepts, find the relations between two contrasting ideas, look at all aspects of a subject and understand it in different ways. Compare and contrast topics thus help build analytical skills in children.

Reading from Books vs. Reading OnlineHarry Potter Books vs. Harry Potter MoviesAmerican English vs. British EnglishComparing two video gamesComparing two booksComparison between two music genresComparing two athletes/sports figuresComparison between two sports events (Wimbledon vs. French Open or NASCAR vs. Formula One)Comparing two restaurantsComparison between two ways to spend a holiday (going out vs. staying at home)Urban Living vs. Rural LivingBeing Rich vs. Being FamousComparing two similar/comparable feelings (being sad vs. being bored or being happy vs. being content)Childhood vs. TeenageComparing two famous personalities

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Your Real Home vs. Your Dream HomeLiving on campus vs. Living off campus


This particular branch of essay writing tests the students' general knowledge and level of imagination. Students are expected to personify a living or non-living thing and write a description of that thing's life. All these essays are fictitious in nature. Autobiography essays are not based on any famous personalities. Some popular autobiography topics are:

Autobiography of a bookAutobiography of a penAutobiography of a treeAutobiography of an animal/birdAutobiography of a flowerAutobiography of a princessAutobiography of a river


If given a chance, what would you do for the poor old man living down the street?What would you do with all the Halloween candies that you collected this year?Convincing parents for a picnicPlanning a surprise party for DadWhat would you do if you found yourself in the land of Lilliput?Inventing an animalHow would you like to decorate your room?Is it important for children to go to a boarding school?If I were the MayorIf I were the PresidentIf I were a billionaireIf I were a treeIf I were a devil/an angel

These essay topics for kids can be altered slightly by the teacher as per the grade at which the children are studying. Teachers should also give the kids appropriate guidelines for each type of essay that they have to write. Practicing essay writing on these topics is a way of preparing kids to deal with more complex essay topics that they will encounter during their higher studies.Read more at Buzzle: