Download pdf - erdas digitizingp01



DIGITIZATION USING ERDASBySWETHA.A5WD12CGI15Run ERDAS softwareOpen a new viewer i.e. viewer1

Open a Raster image(JIFF Format)

Open a new vector layer

Polygon feature digitizationMake sure to open the new vector layer in .shp (shapefile) format and name it.

Select shapefile type as polygon.

Vector tool box appears as shown below..

Use symbol to draw polygon features which are present on satellite image.

Output file only with polygon features are depicted.

LINE feature digitizationMake sure to open the new vector layer in .shp (shapefile) format and name it.

Select shapefile type as Arc Shape(Line).

Vector tool box appears as shown below..

Use symbol to draw line features which are present on satellite image.

Output file only with Line features are depicted.

POINT feature digitizationMake sure to open the new vector layer in .shp (shapefile) format and name it.

Select shapefile type as Arc Shape(Line).

Vector tool box appears as shown below..

Use symbol to draw line features which are present on satellite image.

Output file only with Point features are depicted.

Combination Of All Layers

