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Erasmus 2016D.E.A.R

Lesson 3


Write down two truths and one lie about yourself.

They can be funny, strange, unusual or just basic facts, but

Can we spot the lie?


Erasmus here,Today you are going to learn about the internal organs in the body.

CLIP 1Watch the video clip and listen to the names of the internal organs and medical diseases.

CLIP 2Watch the video clip and listen to the names of the internal organs and write them down, trying to spell them correctly.

CLIP 3Watch the video clip and with the spelling answer sheet, see how many are right.

INVERSE OPERATION THE MAD DOCTORS GAMECould you perform an inverse operation?

1. Using the internet, research the different organs and find out; where they are in the body and what they look like.

2. Draw them where you think they are in the body, on your A1 image of Leonardo da Vincis, Vitruvian Man.
