Page 1: Erasmus+ Outgoing Staff Handbook 2016-17 · 2016-12-19 · Training Placements: • Expression of Interest form. 6. Documents to be completed during the period abroad • Certificate

Erasmus+ Outgoing Staff Handbook


Page 2: Erasmus+ Outgoing Staff Handbook 2016-17 · 2016-12-19 · Training Placements: • Expression of Interest form. 6. Documents to be completed during the period abroad • Certificate


Contents1. Eligibility for Erasmus+

2. Key facts

3. Contact information

4. Testimonials

5. Documents to be completed before fundingcan be arranged

6. Documents to be completed during theperiod abroad

7. Documents to be completed upon returnfrom period abroad

8. FAQs

Further information 9.

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1 Erasmus+ key facts The Erasmus+ programme is the European Union’s (EU) funding programme for education and training, youth and sport. It is the largest programme worldwide to promote student and staff mobility for study and work placements.

The University of Cambridge has participated in the Erasmus programme since its inception 25 years ago. The overall programme objectives are to:

• Boost skills and employability

• Modernise education, training and youth work

• Improve opportunities for young people

The Programme is provided with funding from the European Commission via the British Council, who are the UK’s National Agency.

1.1 Eligibility for Teaching placement

Academic staff who are employed by the University or by a College are eligible to participate on the Erasmus scheme for teaching placements. To be eligible staff must hold a contract of employment with the University (however CTOs are eligible under these rules).

The host HEI in the destination country must have an Erasmus+ Charter and an inter-institutional agreement with Cambridge. If there is not an agreement in place please see the Information for Colleges, Departments and Faculties part of our website for guidance on how to set one up.

Please note that the University aims to establish strategic, long term partnerships and prefers not to sign an agreement for the benefit of one individual

1.2 Eligibility for Training placement

All University employed academic and administrative staff and College teaching officers are eligible to undertake a staff training placement in another HEI or appropriate organisation abroad. Please note that for staff training there does not need to be an inter-institutional agreement in place with the host university.

Please note

All applications for Erasmus teaching or training placements must be submitted in advance of visits taking place. We will not be able to fund or consider any retrospective applications.

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2. Key facts

A Teaching placement abroad has a requirement of a minimum of 8 hours teaching per week or part of the week. If teaching hours are less than this then we will not be able to fund your visit.

If you have established that you are fulfil the requirements outlined above and are therefore eligible to take part in the programme please note the following key facts:

A placement abroad (whether training or teaching) needs to fulfil a minimum duration requirement of 2 days and a maximum duration requirement of 2 months.

All documentation needs to be in place before a staff member is able to go abroad under the Erasmus+ scheme. If the documentation is not completed prior to departure then funding for the period abroad cannot be given.

All required documentation is available to download from our website:

Upon returning from a period abroad a staff member will receive an automatic email inviting them to complete a survey for the European Commission. This survey needs to be completed before the member of staff can receive payment.

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3. Contact Information

The International Student Team (IST) provides specialist support to those who are undertaking an Erasmus placement. During your time on an Erasmus+ exchange the Exchanges Team, part of IST, will be your main contact point for any queries about Erasmus+ paperwork and the Erasmus grant.

For full information on the Erasmus+ programme please visit our website:

Contact details:

Address: International Student TeamAcademic DivisionUniversity of Cambridge17 Mill LaneCambridgeCB2 1RX

Email: [email protected]

Map:Tel:,0.117261,18 +44 (0)1223 761806

Key Contact:

Lucy Gager, Erasmus Co-ordinator Lucy is the University’s Erasmus Co-ordinator which includes having responsibility for administering inter-institutional agreements under Erasmus+ and providing support to students coming to study at Cambridge as part of the programme. Lucy is the primary contact for any Erasmus queries.

4. Testimonials

"Professional development is a key area in language teaching and the Language Unit (LU) constantly tries its best to ensure its teachers keep up-to-date with new pedagogical trends, investigate alternative approaches and exchange resources or classroom practice. We believe it has a direct impact on the quality of the students' learning experience and is not an aspect to be neglected. Training and professional development come at a cost and the LU is therefore grateful for the financial support made available through the Erasmus + staff mobility programme, without which we couldn't provide our staff with such opportunities. So far, this scheme has allowed four of our staff to teach and observes classes in other European higher education institutions and more visits are planned for the coming year. Another benefit is the reciprocity of the scheme as we have been able to receive a number of colleagues from our partner institutions who contributed to the delivery of our language programme and also worked alongside our colleagues to develop resources or share practical ideas. We would really encourage other units/centres to make the most of the scheme as it can be very inspiring and motivating on more than one level."

Language Unit, Department of Engineering

As I was relatively new in my role as Director of the Language Unit in the Engineering Department, I was very grateful for the opportunity provided to me by the Erasmus Staff Mobility scheme to go and visit the Language and Communication Unit at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in December 2014. Given there is no other such unit in the UK, it was particularly beneficial to establish a connection with a similar institution abroad in order to share practice, exchange ideas, discuss common challenges and consider potential future collaboration. During my week in Stockholm, I was able to observe and co-teach some classes, observe extra-curricular activities run for the benefit of language learners and discuss pedagogical issues with fellow language teachers. These discussions were very fruitful as we shared a common concern of better preparing our students to become global engineers and were able to exchange ideas and plans on how to improve this in our respective institutions. I was also invited to make a general presentation about the Language Unit to the staff during their weekly meeting and was able to meet extensively with my counterpart at KTH to discuss management and curriculum development issues specific to language courses for engineering students. This led us to look into the possibility of collaborating on these issues and to launch a project that has now grown to involve many other institutions in Europe and beyond. Finally, the agreement established between our two institutions has since then led to more staff mobility and further collaboration in the area of professional development.

David Tual, Director of the Language Unit, Department of Engineering

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5. Documents to be completed before funding can be confirmed

Grant Agreement (Teaching)

Please note that different documentation is required depending on whether staff will be going on a Training Placement or a Teaching Placement.

Mobility Agreement (Teaching)

Invitation letter or email from the host HEI (you should request this from the host University)

Teaching Placements:

Expression of Interest form•

Grant Agreement (Training)

Mobility Agreement (Training)

Invitation letter or email from the host HEI (you should request this from the host University)

Training Placements:

Expression of Interest form•

6. Documents to be completed duringthe period abroad

Certificate of Participation•

7. Documents to be completedupon return from the period abroad

Expenses form•

When staff have returned from their period abroad the following should be completed: .

Online Mobility report (staff will receive automatic invite from the European Commission)•

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From time to time we may ask for feedback or to be involved in promoting Erasmus+ opportunities within the Collegiate University.

8. Frequently asked questions

9. Further information we may require

The money you will be allocated depends on the distance you will be travelling and the country you will be staying in. Our website has further information on travel and subsistence grants so you can get an idea of the amount of funding you will be allocate. Final figures will be confirmed to you once your period of mobility is finalised.

How much money will I be allocated?

How do I book my travel and accommodation?

Staff travel for Erasmus will be reimbursed upon your return from your period abroad, once all the paperwork has been received by the IST.

How do I claim expenses?

When abroad under Erasmus you should retain all receipts for any expenses you intend on claiming back. When you return you should complete an Erasmus expenses form (available from the IST) and submit this along with all original receipts in the UMS. Staff in the IST will then convert your expenses using the rate agreed by the European Commission and send your claim on to finance for processing.

Can I bring family members with me?

Grant amounts for staff are used to cover the costs incurred by the participant. If staff wish to bring partners then the costs they claim should cover those incurred by the participant only.

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