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Sunday 5

Episode I The beginning

We left our school at about 10 'o'clock am. The trip lasted took six hours and we

Sunday 5

Episode I

The beginnin

We left our school at about 10 'o'clock am. The trip lasted took six hours and we arrived in

Holland,at Bemmel, in the evening. Everyone in the bus was excited and worried,but our pen

pals were friendly. They look very nice. We met our respective pen friends and we ate with them a meal they made themselves,and that was very

good to taste. During the dinner,we talked with our pen pals about our hobbies,activities. We

learnt to know our future friends for the trip.After this excellent diner,our pen friend's families arrived and we went to their home.

My pen-friend's name's Thyme Geene. He is 14,has got brown hair,loves to play football and video games. His

family is very nice. His parents don't speak French very well,but their

English is also good. I played video games with my pen friend,and then we

went to bed. Tomorrow,me and my friends will have classes in their

college in English.

Monday 6 Episode II

A day in Holland

Me and my friends had some lesson with Bemmel's teachers. Maths,History and English class. We had

some sandwiches for lunch. Then,in the afternoon,we participated in sports activities with

our pen pals : hockey, football and more...

After this nice afternoon,our teachers gave us a recipe to cook something for tomorrow

evening,where we will eat the food we've cooked with our friends.

Finally, Thyme and myself went to home at We played at video games from 16.00 to 17.00.Then we WENT out to buy the ingredients to cook a crumble. We did it during the evening,after lunch at 18.00


Tuesday 7Episode III

Kroller Muller never die

Tuesday,we went to the famous Kroller Muller Museum. It's a great museum where there are a lot of paintings by Vincent Van

Gogh and others artists and sculptors. We saw some great things : « Le jardin

d'émail »,Van Gogh's paintings,numerous sculptures...It was great!

Then,in the afternoon we have a free moment to go to

the museum park and weused bicycles to visit it. I think everyone had a very good time and we were

happy about this moment.

In the evening,we ate with everyone the food we made. Nobody poisoned by

dishes,fortunately!.It was even very tasty.

Tomorrow,we will go to

...Amsterdam, capital city of


Wednesday 8Episode IV

Amsterdam,a historic city

Today we are going to Amsterdam by bus. We left school at about 8.30 and arrive of

the capital city about 10.30. Everyone came to the central place of the city for a briefing given by teachers : this will be

our checkpoint for 12.00. But in waiting,we can visit next roads,buy some

memories,eat sandwiches...

Amsterdam is really a beautiful city,with numerous canals,an architecture which looks like the

Flammands Belgium cities. There are a lot of shops,fast food...

Then we returned to our check point to visit Anne Frank's house,where she lived during the 2ndWW . When we came in the house,I felt something sad in

me,because we are in the same place as Anne Frank and her family when they must hid to save

their life and it was...strange.After the visit,we had a lunch and we started a rally by group to discover Amsterdam, the visit ending on a boat tour in the canal. We laughed a lot during the trip and everyone was in a good mood. Amsterdam

is a nice city

Thursday 9

,On Thursday,we visited the National Museum of Liberation,in Groesbeek .

It remembers the damages of the war in Holland. A guide explained to us how Netherlands fought against

Germany of Hitler. We saw some soldiers 's uniforms,prototype of weapons....But a lot of my

friends look tired. We ate at 12.00 and we went to Nijmegen for the

afternoon. Objective : FUN! We went at funfair,try attractions,walk in the commercial streets...An

excellent afternoon,really! But even the best things have an end,and we had to return to France the next



A lot of people cried. Especially girls...Pitiful!Despite their tears won't

make us stay,unfortunately. But we will be impatient to welcome them in France,in

May! After touching good bye (my god...)we go in the bus and come back to France,snif...What?Crying?Me?Snif...No!No,of course. But,I was a bit sad. May

May be soon here!