  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet




    Te Static Intranet is so overAny enterprise is te sum o its people.Tats wy te best companies are invariably te ones tat are better at

    arnessing te passion, experience and expertise o teir people.

    Its all about capturing and saring knowledge; ostering dynamic teamwork;

    and making better decisions, aster.

    Over te last decade, te Intranet as played an increasingly important role

    in tis critical arena. For many companies, its te primary medium or col-

    laboration and knowledge saring.

    But todays static Intranet model is starting to sow its age:

    Its a one-way medium

    or broadcasting inormation to te workorceIts over-centralized wit too muc control rom eadquarters and

    not enoug contribution rom te real sources o knowledge

    It fails to engage delivering a user experience tat pales in compari-

    son to te ric, interactive Web 2.0 and social media sites

    It inhibits access to knowledge instead o acilitating it

    As a result, most Intranets are under-valued, under-utilized and, rankly,


    Tis workbook is about a new approac to teamwork and knowledge

    management tats based on all te exciting Web 2.0 ideas tat are taking

    te public Internet by storm. Its called te Social Intranet and its completely

    canging te way enterpr ises tink about communication, collaboration andknowledge assets some call it Enterprise 2.0.

    EPiServer is at te oreront o tis quiet revolution because were one o

    te rst companies to integrate te power o social media and community

    into an enterprise-class Content Management System. Te idea is simple:

    by combining traditional Intranet content wit te new generation o social

    media tools and services and making it all easy to develop, deploy and use

    companies can unlock te people power tat drives success.

    We ope te ideas presented ere inspire you to try new tings wit your

    own Intranet. I so, weve got a killer platorm to elp you accelerate your


    harnessing te power o Enterprise 2.0Community Social Media User-generated content

    Large groups of people are

    smarter than an elite few, no

    matter how brilliantbetter

    at solving problems, fostering

    innovation, coming to wise

    decisions, even predicting the



    The Wisdom o Crowds

    Enterprise 2.0 makes

    accessible the collective

    intelligence of many,

    translating to a huge

    competitive advantage in the

    form of increased innovation,

    productivity and agilityThE ENTERPRISE 2.0 CONFERENCE

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    Imagine an Intranet tat your people really want to engage wit and contrib-

    ute to. An Intranet tat actually elps tem do teir jobs better and enjoy

    teir work-lives more. Were project groups orm spontaneously, users tag

    and bookmark avorite resources, and top down inormation is supplement-

    ed by igly relevant user-generated content.

    Tats te Social Intranet: a knowledge base and collaboration platorm

    tat arnesses te power o social media to:

    Engage users in te mission o te enterprise

    Encourage people to contribute teir ideas

    Make it easy to capture, sare and discover knowledgeSupport fuid, spontaneous and structured collaboration

    Te Social Intranet supports all orms o communication and collaboration:

    One to One wit instant messaging and email

    One to Many troug blogs, video-saring and podcasting

    One to All in orums and discussion treads

    Many to Many in wikis, communities, orums and groups

    In sort, te Social Intranet is Facebook, YouTube, Skype , Blogger andWikipedia all rolled into one service tats integrated wit your existing

    content resources, communication tools and knowledge assets.

    Te result: an incredibly powerul, enterprise-wide knowledge platorm

    wit a riendly, amiliar ace.

    Because knowledge is a critical competitive dimension

    In te global, always-on, always connected world, te way companies cap-

    ture, sare and discover teir knowledge as a direc t impact on eciency,

    decision accuracy and time-to-market.

    Because its a medium of cohesion, inclusion and engagement

    Tere arent many ways to get dispersed organizations working togeter,

    saring teir ideas and giving teir onest eedback. Te Social Intranet

    as te power to uel te new engaged workorce.

    Because Generation Y is hitting the workplace

    Younger employees are native to Facebook, YouTube and Flickr. I your

    Intranet just sits tere, so will your people.

    Introducing te Social Intranet

    Wy te Social Intranet is important

    Social networks represent

    the digital reection of what

    humans do: we connect and


    Source Forrester, The Future o the Social

    Web, by Jeremiah Owyang April 27, 2009

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    ThE SOCIAL INTRANET harnessing te powero Enterprise 2.0

    Te Social Intranet is appening now. Over te past ew years, pioneer-

    ing organizations ave been star ting to integrate simple, standalone

    eatures tat tap into te power o social media. But only now as it been

    possible to incorporate all te best o te social media world wi t te ull

    capabilities o traditional document, content and knowledge management

    platorms witout te need to deploy serious IT resources.

    Te transition rom simple to static to social Intranet is almost complete.

    In te next ew years, most companies will be drawing on te power o

    social media to enric, enliven and empower teir Intranets .

    Are we tere yet?

    Want to know what the

    most effective corporations

    of tomorrow will look like?

    Look at those that are most

    successful at attracting young

    workers today.

    If youre older than 30,you probably think you are

    as cyber-sophisticated as the

    next person but compared

    to the kids, most of us are



    Author o Wikinomics

    Because collective intelligence beats gurusTe collective intelligence o your workorce beats te wisdom o even

    your most experienced experts. But only i you can tap into it. Te Social

    Intranet is a natural medium or crowdsourcing.

    Because traditional document management isnt friendly enough

    Legacy document management systems are ard to use so ewer people

    use tem, less oten. Te Social Intranet is intuitive and amiliar. Users

    jump in witout a single training session, bringing Enterprise 2 .0 closer.

    Because its easy to deploy

    Creating and deploying traditional knowledge management and collabora-

    tion tools can soak up serious time and resources. Te Social Intranet can

    be as easy to create and deploy as any oter web page i youve got aCMS platorm designed or te job.

    Srce: EPiServer

    Evlin f he Scial Inrane





    Digial Liraries







    Dc ManagemenInegrain


    CRM Inegrain UniedSearch














  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    Te Social Intranet incorporates a wide range o tools and services tat

    ave been proven to encourage par ticipation in te public Internet,







    User-Generated ContentSocial Tagging & Bookmarking

    Instant Messaging and Email Management

    Easy Integration wi t public social media tools

    Easy integration wit internal systems

    Teres noting mysterious about any o tese individually. But combined

    and put into an Intr anet context, te power becomes clear.

    Lets take tem one at a time

    Intranet BlogsEvery enterpr ise as dozens i not

    undreds o people wo are re-

    positories o knowledge and expe-

    rience in a discipline tat is directly

    relevant to many oter people.

    helping tese sources o knowl-

    edge become in-ouse bloggers

    is a antastic way to capture teir

    experience and ideas and sare it

    wit te entire organization.

    Intranet WikisA wiki is a great way to store knowledge assets in a way tat promotescommenting, tagging, bookmarking and saring.

    And because eac entry is edited by everyone, te collective IQ just gets

    iger and iger. Best o all, because its all searcable, its all instantly


    Intranet CommunitiesTink Facebook or work but integrated wit all te oter tools and

    services discussed ere.

    Te elements o te Social IntranetTe big Web Marketing mix circa 2009

    Although inspired by the open

    Internets Web 2.0 sites,

    these features often have

    a much stronger businessmodel within the enterprise,

    simply because theyre more

    useful and less subject

    to noise and information

    pollution by bozos.


    Web Usability guru

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    ThE SOCIAL INTRANET harnessing te powero Enterprise 2.0

    Employees ave teir own prole pages, ull o inormation about teirexperience, expertise, interests and abilities. Plus contact details, potos,

    video, team and group aliations, calendars, cat eatures anyting tat

    elps people understand all te dimensions o te unit o knowledge called

    a uman.

    Intranet GroupsWitin any community, groups can

    easily spring up around a specic

    topic or project. Anyone can set

    one up, invite oters and establis

    te acilities and ground rules.

    All contributions are subject to ed-

    iting, commenting, tagging, saring

    and searcing, so inormal knowl-

    edge tat was previously lost is now

    captured and enanced.

    User-Generated ContentYour ocial company materials are important but teyre not te only

    source o good ideas and inormation.

    User-generated content includes anyting tat people create temselves,

    ten sare rom a video or poto to a document, diatribe, mind-map,

    slide deck, fas demo or comment.

    Te Social Intranet welcomes tem all.

    Social tagging

    & bookmarkingTagging and bookmarking is a great

    way or any individual to save and

    organise te resources most impor-

    tant to tem.

    Social tagging and bookmarking

    takes te idea one step urter, al-

    lowing people to sare teir book-

    marks and tags wit oters. Tis

    simple idea releases te enormous

    power o collective intelligence.

    Wit social tagging you can see wic resources are most valued by te

    community and wy. You can also searc tags to nd te rigt inormation

    at te rigt time.

    The groundswell is a social

    trend in which people use

    technologies to get the things

    they need from each other,

    rather than from traditional

    institutions like corporations.


    Groundswell: Winning in a WorldTransormed by Social Technologies

    (Harvard Business Press; May 2008)

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    Instant Messaging

    & Email Management

    You cant just drop people into suc a ric environment as te Social

    Intranet witout letting tem connect instantly.

    Instant Messaging lets users see wo else is online and available or a cat.

    In many cases, a ew quick lines o text can save ours o ard labor.

    Te Social Intranet also needs ric email management capabilities tink

    o te eatures included in any decent email marketing platorm. Autor-

    ized senders can send out simple text or hTML emails, ten track te

    open rates, responses and click trougs.

    Easy Integration wit

    public social media tools

    No Intranet is an island. Te Social Intranet lets you punc out to te

    wider world o te Internet, so you can arness popular services tat many

    users are already eavily invested in.

    I you like te way Flickr andles potos, just integrate it.

    I you want lots o video but dont want te osting assles, link to your

    YouTube cannels.

    Integration can even include ric web applications (anyting rom WebExto Basecamp to Google Maps), so te skys te limit.

    Easy Integration wit internal systems

    Te more integrated your Intranet is, te more powerul it is.

    Todays Social Intranet needs to easily integrate wit Outlook, Document

    Management systems, enterprise searc even CRM and ERP sys tems.

    A fexible Social Intranet platorm sould be able to reac anywere valu-

    able inormation lives.

    The sales organization in

    a European technology

    company uses informal

    blogs, discussion forums and

    wikis to bring a distributed

    workforce closer together.

    Social software has led to

    the effective use of scarcetechnical resources, which are

    crucial in its technical sales



    Real-World Examples o the

    Business Value o Social Sotware

    Te importance o SearcGeneraing and agging his new wave f scialcontent is not very valuable if people cant ndwha heyre lking fr.

    A pwerfl search engine ha incldes all yredirial cnen and all yr new scial cnenis a criical par f he Scial Inrane.

    the inegraed search fncin shld inclde allser-generaed cnen inclding cmmens, ags,wiki enries and lg pss.

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    ThE SOCIAL INTRANET harnessing te powero Enterprise 2.0

    Way back in 2006, Dion hincclie in is excellent Enter-

    prise Web 2.0 blog [ttp: //]

    or ZDNet, identied six key properties o Web 2.0 in te


    Tey still eel res as a daisy to us, so ere tey are in abridged orm:

    Freeform: Minimal structure wit simple lists, tags, and microormats at

    rst, wit more st ructure later.

    Zero Training/Simple: Any barrier to use means tat automaticallyewer people will use it. Your business systems can and sould be simi-

    larly eortless to use.

    Software as a Service: Online sotwareis te most productive and

    useul sotware possible. Installed native sotware just cannot compete

    wit suc persistent availability.

    Easily Changed: I a user cant easily make te necessary cange to a

    system, e or se must ave an expert usually in te IT department

    to do it, and get in line to wait or it , not to mention pay or it.

    Tis simply wont do.

    Unintended Uses: Preconceived notions about ow an IT system

    will be used can cut it o rom te most valuable uses down te roadIts all about letting te struc ture and beavior o IT systems emerge

    naturally and organically.

    Social: Enterprise Web 2.0 enables just-in-time, reeorm collaboration

    as well as capturing and publising te results to be reused and leveraged

    aterwards by oters. Wikis combined wit enterprise searc do all tis

    automatically or example.

    Six key properties o Enterprise 2.0

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    Te average Social Intranets may not need every one o

    te tools discussed above, but wat it does need is a simple

    way to bring te social elements togeter wit te more

    conventional content tat makes up te core o most

    Intranets today.

    You still need te centrally managed and controlled editorial tat isnt

    necessarily open or communal editing.

    Te trick ere is to use an Intranet platorm tat can andle bot or

    an easy way to integrate your standard Intr anet platorm wit your Social

    Intranet so tat:

    Developers can work in a single environment, designing pages tat

    combine traditional and social content.

    Editors and contributors can create and manage bot k inds o content

    rom a single dasboard wit a minimum o training.

    I your legacy Intranet is already deeply entrenced, you dont ave to

    trow it away. Just make sure te CMS you use or te social media

    can integrate seamlessly.

    Bringing it all togeter

    Tis is te salesy bit but dont go away just yet. I te tings youve just

    learned about te Social Intranet interest you, tis stu will, too.

    Te Content Management System (CMS) you coose or your Social

    Intranet will make a uge dierence to its success. Weve got one tat

    will make your Social Intranet incredibly easy (and ast) to develop,

    deploy and use.

    EPiServer CMS is not only one o te worlds astest-growing Content

    Management Systems, its also te only CMS we know o tats got Social

    Media in its DNA.

    Te open API and modular design o EPiServer means tat its easy to

    add unctionality wit new modules tat snap on as easily as a Lego brick.

    So wen Social Media star ted taking o, we (and our EPiMore com-

    munity o solution developer partners) were able to jump in wit bot

    eet, adding new unctionality tat made te Social Intranet as easy as any

    oter web build.

    Weve bundled all o tese goodies into a package called EPiServer

    Relate+ Intranet Edition. Te details are coming up but te bottom

    line is tis: its te Social Intranet in a box.

    Te Social Intranet CMS

    Playing nicely wit MOSSMicrosoft Ofce SharePoint Server is one of the morepplar Inrane plafrms s a l f cmpanies havealready committed signicant resources to their MOSS-ased Inrane.

    the gd news is ha SharePin is a pwerfl plafrmfr hings like enerprise-class dcmen managemen.the n-s-gd hing is ha is a srggle ry cre-ae Scial Inrane services sing i.

    EPiServer Cnnec fr Sharepin makes i easy se allyr SharePin asses in a Scial Inrane (r plic we-sie fr ha maer). Is all par f he Relae + InraneEdiin ha well alk a elw

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet


  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    EPiServer CommunityAdd profile pages, blogging,

    forums, groups, voting, com-

    menting, calendars, photos,

    videos, tagging and sharing,

    with flexible moderation

    tools to keep it all on track.

    EPiServer Community is a ig-

    perormance social media platorm

    delivering more page views per

    server, so users are never rustrat-

    ed by slow response. Full analytics

    lets editors survey, analyze and

    segment te community in real-time based on activity.

    EPiServer Community was rst developed in 1999 and today supports

    dynamic communities in sports, music, asion, politics and ood not

    to mention collaboration in te workplace. Over 5 million people are

    members o web communities powered by EPiServer Community, wit

    over 500,000 logging on and contributing every day.

    EPiServer MailCreate, send, manage and

    monitor email campaigns to

    the entire organization orany subset.

    EPiServer Mail lets you create

    and manage email communication

    (hTML or text) rom witin te

    CMS itsel. Its easy to man-

    age circulations, sceduling and

    responses all rom a single management view. And real-time analytics let

    you can track click-trougs, compare campaigns and monitor results.

    EPiServer Mail is a managed service so you dont need to deploy and

    maintain extra ardware or sotware.

    EPiServer TemplatesKick start your development efforts with a complete template


    Te EPiServer Template Library is a compreensive set o pre-designed,

    pre-coded pages tat will speed up your development eor ts wile

    driving down costs.

    Grab a template, skin it or your purposes and youre o. Creating

    ynamic, engaging Intranet pages was never so ast and easy.

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    ThE SOCIAL INTRANET harnessing te powero Enterprise 2.0

    EPiServer Connect or SarePointLet SharePoint users publish directly to the Intranet and let

    users access all SharePoint resources.

    EPiServer Connect or SarePoint lets you combine te best o Sare-

    Point wit te latest Social Intranet unctionality o EPiServer.

    All SarePoint users can now contribute directly to te Intranet and

    access all SarePoint assets witout leaving te Intranet por tal. Coose

    weter you want to pus les to te CMS , use bi-directional integration

    or use Web Parts to display CMS content in SarePoint sites.

    Bot systems are built on Microsot .NET so its a seamless experience.

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    EPiServer Relate+ Intranet Edition gives you all you need to

    create and manage great Social Intranet sites.

    But teres more were tat came rom tanks to te EPiMore Com-

    munity o solution providers. Oter modules tat can add extra unc-

    tionality to your Intranet sites include:

    EPiDesk a great way to manage your Intranet elpdesk, rom Mer id-


    Mobile solutions for EPiServer turn your Intranet into a mobile

    Intranet, rom Mobiletec or Mobizot

    ProcessMap a great tool or mapping yor companys processes and

    linking key steps to content in your Intranet, rom Meridium

    Ultilearn te Learning Management System rom Ultimedia


    Enhanced Search modules rom LemonTree, Networked Planet and

    Site Seeker

    Marketing modules rom Enecto, 10 CMS and Ottoboni.

    Translation modules rom Lionbridge and

    Tats just te tip o te EPiMore iceberg. Visit EPiMore to browse te

    entire library. []

    Going above and beyond

    Between a third and one half

    of businesses either already

    are or will be employing

    Enterprise 2.0 tools in the

    workplace in 2009.


    ZD Net, May 15, 2009

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    ThE SOCIAL INTRANET harnessing te powero Enterprise 2.0

    I weve convinced you o one ting, we ope weve con-

    vinced you tat te days o te Static Intranet are coming

    to an end.

    Te knowledge assets and people power locked up in every organization

    are just too valuable to remain untapped. Te Social Intranet is te best

    way to release tat power, arvest your companys knowledge and sup-

    port turbo-carged collaboration.

    Yes, you could get tere by re-inventing te weel and tr ying to design

    and code your own versions o all te social media tools and services

    described ere. But it would take you ar too long, cost ar too muc andprobably end up wit limited unctionality and fexibility.

    Te EPiServer CMS and te Relate+ Intranet Edition will get you tere

    aster, at lower cost and in great sape to exploit te latest trends and

    ideas in social media, community and user-generated content.

    Tere are two ways to get star ted:

    If youre an end user organization

    Well elp you nd an EPiServer par tner to elp you develop te best

    possible Social Intranet or your needs.

    If youre an agency or integrator

    Let us get you up to speed on EPiServer youre going to love it. And

    weve got a uge amount o resources to elp you succeed (rom tr aining,

    support and documentation to our Open Plan approac to code).

    We ope youve enjoyed te Social Intranet Workbook and tat it as

    inspired you to create great Intranet experiences or your users. Do let

    us know ow youve got on!

    Making te Social Intranet real

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the

    Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies,

    Societies and Nations

    By James Surowiecki

    Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of the Crowd Is Driving the

    Future of Business

    By Je howe

    Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything

    By Don Tapscott

    Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social


    By Carlene Li

    Web 2.0: A Strategy Guide: Business thinking and strategies

    behind successful Web 2.0 implementations.

    By Amy Suen

    Collaboration: How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity,

    and Reap Big Results

    By Morten T. hansen

    Furter Reading

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet



    ThE SOCIAL INTRANET harnessing te powero Enterprise 2.0

    The Intranet Benchmarking Forum

    Te worlds leading condential, members-only intranet and port al

    bencmarking group.


    Intranet Journal

    Compreensive portal on Building te Corporate Enterprise


    The Gartner Portals, Content & Collaboration Summit

    Focused on nding better ways to deliver resources, streamline content

    delivery and storage, and bring people togeter or greater eciency.ttp://

    The Enterprise 2.0 Conference

    Te event or enterprise-class collaboration and product ivity.


    10 Best Intranets of 2009

    JakobNielsens latest award-winners.


    Intranet Design Annual 2009: Years Ten Best Intranets

    Nielsen Norman Groups 473-page report on te ten winners o te

    Best Intranets o 2009 Awards.


    Enterprise 2.0 Blog

    Dion hincclies blog on ZDNet


    EPiServer Screencasts

    A growing video library o ow-to videos.


    More resources

  • 8/6/2019 EPiServer Whitepaper SocialIntranet


    EPiServer Inc.One Lincoln Centre18 W 140 Buttereld Rd.,16t FloorOakbrook Terrace , IL 60181

    Pone: +1 [email protected]

    About EPiServer

    EPiServer AB is a privately owned company, ounded in 1994 and a leader in

    Content Management or te Engaged Web.

    EPiServer AB is situated in Stockolm, Sweden, were te main develop-

    ment center is ocused. We also ave teams in Norway, Denmark, te United

    Kingdom and te United States.

    We deliver our Content Management platorm, EPiServer, troug a net-

    work o blue-cip partners wo implement complete solutions wit services

    suc as design, development, support and training.

    Te company is a Microsot Gold Certied Partner and te EPiServer CMS

    is based on Microsot .NET tecnology.

    Version 1.0 April 2009. EPiServer is a registered trademark o EPiServer AB. Some sotware products marketed by EPiServer AB and its distributors contain proprietarysotware components o oter sotware vendors. Oter marks are trademarks or registered trademarks o teir respective olders. EPiServer AB 2009.

    About EPISERVEREPiServer AB is the worlds astest growing provider o Web Content Management

    (WCM) and online social community platorms. More than 2,500 customers worldwid

    use EPiServer CMS to create collaborative and engaging websites. The platorm

    EPiServer CMS is the oundation o more than 8,500 Web sites and is used on a daily

    basis by more than 130,000 web editors . EPiServer delivers its Web Content Manage-

    ment platorm through an extensive network o more than 300 competent partner

    companies in 25 countries. EPiServer is a Microsot Gold Certifed Partner, with an

    AAA-ranking by Dun & Bradstreet since 2000. The company was ounded in 1994 and

    has ofces in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom

    and in the US. For more inormation, please visit