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The classical theory of recessive oncogenesis predicteda mutational mechanism for the inactivation of tumorsuppressor (TS) genes. This prediction has been amplyconfirmed, but an alternative, nonmutational, pathwayfor loss of TS gene activity has also come into focus. Forsome TS genes, this epigenetic pathway is more fre-quent than the mutational one. The best-studied DNAmodification that correlates with epigenetic gene silenc-ing is methylation of cytosine residues in CpGsequences, and CpG methylation has recently beenlinked to an even more general mechanism of epigenet-ic silencing, histone deacetylation. From a combinationof descriptive studies and manipulative experiments,some hints of mechanisms for epigenetic silencing ofTS genes in cancer cells are beginning to emerge. Here,I discuss several well-documented examples of epige-netic gene silencing in human cancers. I then considerpotential mechanisms for de novo methylation of TSgenes in cancer. These include spreading of DNAmethylation from repetitive sequences into promoter-associated CpG islands secondary to loss of transcrip-tional activator proteins, gain of methylation secondaryto hyperexpression of transcriptional repressors, pri-mary hypermethylation due to hyperexpression ofmethyltransferases, and interallelic transfer of methyla-tion via gene pairing. In some cancers, environmentalpressures that select for a hypermethylating cellularphenotype may drive these processes.

DNA methylation and heritable gene silencingEpigenetic gene silencing refers to nonmutational geneinactivation that can be faithfully propagated from pre-cursor cells to clones of daughter cells. The addition ofmethyl groups to cytosine residues in CpG dinucleotidesin DNA is a biochemical modification that meets thisrequirement. A very striking example of the potential forCpG methylation to be heritable is provided by epimu-tations in plants. Genes carrying epimutations causemorphological phenotypes to be transmitted from gen-eration to generation, not based on any alteration in thecoding sequence of the relevant genes, but insteadcaused by CpG (or CpNpG) hypermethylation of theirpromoter sequences (for example, see ref. 1).

The prototypical mammalian cytosine DNA methyl-transferase, encoded by the DNMT1 gene, is a largeenzyme with strong sequence homology to bacterialmethyltransferases over its conserved COOH-terminalcatalytic domain. More than half of the DNMT1 pro-tein (the NH2-terminal portion) is not involved in catal-ysis, but instead is essential for protein-protein interac-

tions and fine tuning of substrate recognition. One crit-ical aspect of this substrate recognition is a preferencefor DNA substrates that are methylated on 1 strand butnot the other. This preference for hemimethylated DNApartly explains the ability of this enzyme to propagateDNA methylation patterns to daughter strands at eachS-phase. A second function of the regulatory domain istargeting of DNMT1 to foci of DNA replication in thenucleus. The preference for hemimethylated DNA andphysical proximity of the enzyme to newly synthesizedDNA combine to account for the observed ability of theenzyme to copy methylation patterns faithfully (2).

Although patterns of DNA methylation are generallypassed faithfully to daughter cells, these patterns canalso be created or erased. Creation of methylation pat-terns de novo is critical to epigenetic gene silencing incancer, and the DNMT1 enzyme does have some denovo methylating activity in vitro. But de novo, asopposed to maintenance, methylation is also catalyzedby other cytosine methyltransferases, distinct fromDNMT1. This was first suggested by data from cellshomozygous for a null allele of the mouse Dnmt1 gene.These cells suffered a severe reduction in overall DNAmethylation, but retained their ability to methylateinvading retroviral DNA. The prediction that addition-al cytosine methyltransferases exist in mammalian cellswas borne out when database searches for conservedmethyltransferase motifs led to the cloning of mouseand human versions of 2 additional functional methyl-transferases, DNMT3A and DNMT3B. These enzymesexhibit de novo methylating activity both in vitro and invivo (3). Interestingly, DNMT3B is hyperexpressed, atleast at the mRNA level, in some human cancers (4).

Gene silencing by DNA methylation coupled to histone deacetylationData for an active role of methylation in gene silenc-ing are both correlative and functional. More than halfof all mammalian genes contain CpG-rich sequences(CpG islands) overlapping with their promotersequences. For the majority of transcriptionally activeand potentially active genes in normal cells, these CpGislands are maintained in a fully unmethylated state.In normal non-neoplastic cells, 2 categories of genesillustrate the correlation between CpG methylationand gene silencing: a subset of genes that are subjectto parental imprinting and most of those that resideon the inactive X-chromosome. In the upstreamregions of prototypical imprinted genes, such as thepaternally silenced H19 gene and the maternally

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Epigenetic gene silencing in cancer

Benjamin Tycko

Institute of Cancer Genetics and Department of Pathology, Columbia University, College of Physicians andSurgeons, New York, New York 10032, USA

Address correspondence to: Columbia University, Institute of Cancer Genetics, Russ Berrie Research Pavilion,1150 St. Nicholas Avenue, New York, New York 10032, USA. Phone: (212) 304-7165; Fax: (212) 304-7336; E-mail: [email protected].


on epigenetic regulation

Benjamin Tycko, Editor

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silenced SNRPN gene, the active allele is unmethylatedand the silenced allele massively methylated at numer-ous CpG dinucleotides (see the Perspective by Maherand Reik and the Perspective by Nicholls, this series).This allelic asymmetry is established during gameto-genesis and persists in postzygotic development. Theresulting correlation of hypermethylation with silenc-ing is so reliable that it can be used in routine clinicaldiagnosis of syndromes caused by abnormal expres-sion of imprinted genes (see Maher and Reik, thisseries, and Nicholls, this series). Similarly, the exten-sive methylation of CpG islands of silent genes on theinactive X-chromosome, and the absence of methyla-tion of these sequences on the active X, has allowed thedesign of widely used assays for clonality in humantumors and non-neoplastic syndromes.

Functional data supporting a causative role of methy-lation in gene silencing in non-neoplastic cells are of atleast 3 types. In vitro methylation of promoter-reporterconstructs inhibits their subsequent expression in trans-fected cells. Conversely, erasure of DNA methylationusing the covalent methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-deoxycytidine (AzaC) leads to re-expression of previous-ly methylated genes. Last, homozygous embryos with agermline deletion of the Dnmt1 gene re-express a num-ber of genes, including the normally silent alleles of sev-eral imprinted genes and the abundant but normallyrepressed endogenous retroviral sequences, which aremethylated and silent in heterozygous littermates (5).

In principle, DNA methylation can silence genes byinterfering with sequence specific binding of positivetranscription factors or by producing more generaleffects on chromatin. Good evidence exists for the firstpossibility, but the second has received even moreattention. Hindrance of transcription by DNA methy-lation was long thought to be mediated by generalmethyl-C binding proteins, and a group of proteinswith this property have been characterized. Recentwork on the biochemistry of these proteins, exempli-fied by MeCP2, has led to an important advance inunderstanding epigenetic gene silencing–forging a linkbetween CpG methylation and a second, synergisticepigenetic modification, histone deacetylation onlysine residues. Deacetylation of histones causes anincrease in the positive charge of these proteins. In thesimplest models, this modification increases the his-tone’s avidity for DNA or for other histones. The result-ing compaction of the chromatin may block access oftranscription factors to the DNA or constrain themovement of RNA polymerase. The link between his-tone deacetylation and DNA methylation was the find-ing that MeCP2 physically interacts with the transcrip-tional corepressor protein Sin3A, and in so doingrecruits a histone deacetylase (HDAC) to chromatinthat contains methylated DNA (6). This biochemicallink explains older observations that methylated DNAtemplates microinjected into cell nuclei can be activelytranscribed until the DNA is packaged into chromatin.

Extensive evidence, discussed later here, indicates thatgenes can be silenced by CpG methylation in cancercells, but data for pathological gene silencing by his-tone deacetylation are still sparse. However, the gene

for the multifunctional actin-binding protein gelsolin,which is epigenetically silenced in most human breastcancers, can be reactivated either by AzaC or by treat-ment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor tricho-statin-A (7). For certain other genes that are silenced byDNA methylation, inhibition of histone deacetylase isinsufficient to cause reactivation. Rather, to reactivatethese genes, it is necessary first to alleviate partially thehypermethylation of their promoters with a brief AzaCtreatment, after which TSA becomes effective andboosts expression strongly (8).

TS genes silenced by DNA methylation in human cancersTS genes silenced by DNA methylation in human cancersprovide the impetus for this area of research, and a selec-tion of such genes is considered here. From the largenumber of examples, it should not be concluded that allproved or candidate TS genes undergo frequent methy-lation in cancer cells; some TS genes are detectably butinfrequently methylated. The RB1 gene is silenced by pro-moter hypermethylation in some sporadic retinoblas-tomas, and historically this TS gene provided the firstexample of this pathway, but the incidence of its epige-netic silencing is only about 10% (reviewed in ref. 9).

The von Hippel-Lindau gene in renal cell carcinomas.Germline mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL)gene, on distal chromosome 3p, predispose to renal cellcarcinomas and hemangioblastomas, and somaticmutations of VHL are characteristic of sporadic renalcell carcinomas. An important early study of VHL insporadic renal cell carcinomas showed that the pro-moter was hypermethylated in about 20% of thetumors, establishing a precedent for this route to TSgene inactivation (10). There were no coding mutationsin these cases, and, in a renal cell carcinoma cell line,the VHL locus was reactivated by AzaC. A second com-prehensive study of VHL-associated tumors occurringin the setting of the inherited syndrome showed thatpromoter hypermethylation is a frequent pathway,alternative to loss of heterozygosity (LOH), for thesomatic “second hit” in tumorigenesis (11). In thatstudy, more than 30% of the tumors (renal cell carci-nomas and hemangioblastomas) that had not under-gone LOH had lost expression of the nonmutated VHLallele via promoter hypermethylation. An indirect indi-cation of the specificity and biologic relevance of VHLpromoter hypermethylation is that it has not beenfound in cancer types other than those that are associ-ated with the von Hippel-Lindau syndrome.

The hMLH1 gene in colonic, gastric, and endometrial cancer.The hMLH1 gene, on proximal chromosome 3p, encodesa protein essential for DNA mismatch repair. This geneis mutated in the germline of a high percentage of peo-ple with hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer, and it isalso inactivated in about 15–25% of sporadic colon can-cers. These cancers show a high rate of replicative errorsin repetitive (microsatellite) DNA tracts, a phenotypeoften described as microsatellite instability (MIN);germline mutation of a second mismatch repair gene,hMSH2, represent a rarer cause of MIN. Data from sev-eral studies have indicated that more than half of spo-

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radic cases of colon cancer with MIN are free of muta-tions in hMLH1 but exhibit substantial hypermethyla-tion of the hMLH1 promoter (for example, see ref. 12).Gene reactivation by AzaC showed that hypermethyla-tion causes silencing, and this treatment proved suffi-cient to restore mismatch repair competence to the can-cer cells. Subsequent studies have uncovered a highfrequency of hMLH1 promoter hypermethylation inother common epithelial malignancies, includingendometrial and gastric cancers. In all of these series,strong correlations emerged between promoter hyper-methylation, loss of hMLH1 protein, and the MIN phe-notype. Gene specificity of the epigenetic silencing wasobserved in each of these tumor types, as hypermethyla-tion of MSH2 was not detected in any of several studies.As appears to be true for colon cancers, epigenetic inac-tivation of hMLH1 is also more frequent than mutation-al inactivation in gastric and endometrial cancers.

The p16/INK4A locus in multiple cancers. The p16 generesides on chromosome 9p in a region that is subject tofrequent deletion or LOH in various human cancers.This gene encodes a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitorthat restrains the cell cycle by preventing phosphoryla-tion and inactivation of Rb. p16 is expressed from a com-plex locus, with an alternative promoter and an alterna-tive reading frame encoding the p19ARF protein, apositive regulator of the p53 tumor suppressor. Addingto this complexity, p16 lies immediately adjacent to a sec-ond CDK inhibitor gene, encoding the p15 protein.There is evidence for epigenetic silencing of all 3 of thesegenes in human cancers, but for brevity only the p16 geneis discussed here. After this gene was cloned, it becameapparent that, despite a very high frequency of deletionsand mutations in cancer cell lines, a large group of pri-mary cancers with LOH for this region lacked deletionsor coding alterations. Because the case for p16 as a TSgene was otherwise strong, several laboratories soughtand found evidence for its inactivation in primary can-cers via an epigenetic pathway (reviewed in ref. 13). Theseand numerous subsequent studies showed that pro-moter hypermethylation is the most frequent pathwayfor p16 inactivation in human carcinomas, includingthose that arise in the lung, oropharynx, bladder, cervix,liver, colon, pancreas, and other sites (13). Several ofthese studies also showed that p16 mRNA is re-expressedafter exposure of cancer cell lines to AzaC.

Detailed analysis of a colon cancer with retention ofheterozygosity showed that 1 allele of p16 had sus-tained a coding mutation and was expressed, whereasthe other allele was nonmutated, hypermethylated, andsilent. In that study, the p16 promoter regions weresequenced, and no mutations were found (14). Simi-larly, in a study of pancreatic cancers, Schutte et al.found that the p16 promoter was hypermethylated onlyon alleles of p16 where no coding mutation could befound (15). By all of these criteria, promoter hyperme-thylation is the proximate cause of p16 silencing andcan qualify as an alternative form of “second hit” lead-ing to biallelic inactivation.

Importantly, in many tumors, p16 is inactivated sole-ly by DNA hypermethylation (i.e., both “hits” are epi-genetic), and evidence is accumulating that this

process begins quite early in tumor evolution. Assaysperformed by methylation-sensitive PCR on small tis-sue biopsies showed that p16 hypermethylation isdetectable in preinvasive bronchial mucosal lesionsoccurring in smokers (16).

The E-cadherin gene in carcinomas. The E-cadherin geneencodes a cell-surface adhesion protein that is thoughtto play an important role in homotypic cell-cell adhe-sion and maintenance of epithelial morphology, and itmay also help control cell growth and differentiationby its interaction with the multifunctional cytoplasmicprotein β-catenin. Indeed, E-cadherin protein is absentor mislocalized in certain classes of discohesive andpoorly differentiated cancers, notably diffuse gastriccarcinomas and lobular breast carcinomas. About halfof all diffuse gastric cancers and lobular breast carci-nomas carry inactivating coding mutations in the E-cadherin gene. An alternative pathway to somatic muta-tion, epigenetic silencing of E-cadherin by promoterhypermethylation occurs frequently in sporadic gastriccancers (17), as well breast, prostate, and colon cancers(18, 19). AzaC reactivates this gene, indicating that pro-moter hypermethylation actively silences its expressionin tumors (18, 19). However, in some cell lines frombreast and other cancers, there is evidence for a domi-nant pathway for extinguishing E-cadherin expression(20). Recent data show that this novel pathway involvesthe overexpression of specific transcriptional repressorproteins (21). As discussed later here, these findingsraise the possibility that the observed promoter hyper-methylation in these cancers occurs as a consequence,rather than a cause, of the primary transcriptionalsilencing. It is not yet clear whether all human cancerswith loss of E-cadherin have undergone hypermethyla-tion of the promoter of this gene. One study of trans-formed mouse keratinocytes suggests a methylation-independent pathway for gene silencing, as these cellslose E-cadherin mRNA expression as a result of the lossof a transactivating protein, but apparently withoutincreasing CpG methylation (22).

Imprinted genes: epigenetic silencing of H19 and activationof IGF-2 in pediatric cancers. Chromosome 11p15 is a fre-quent site of LOH in pediatric solid tumors, and, inWilms’ tumors (WTs), embryonal rhabdomyosarco-mas, hepatoblastomas, and adrenal cortical carcino-mas, the lost alleles are always maternal in origin. Thisparent-of-origin effect suggests that imprinted genescontribute to the pathogenesis of these tumors. TheH19 gene, on chromosome 11p15, encodes a nontrans-lated cytoplasmic RNA. In normal cells, the paternalcopy is silenced and heavily CpG methylated, and thisgene is therefore expressed monoallelically from theunmethylated maternal copy. Given that the H19 geneand its immediate upstream DNA are hypermethylat-ed in sperm, but not in ova, and that this paternalhypermethylation persists throughout post-zygoticdevelopment, the primary imprint is considered to cor-respond to paternal silencing; that is, H19 is paternallyimprinted. H19 lies about 100 kb downstream fromanother imprinted gene, encoding IGF-2, which ismonoallelically expressed from the opposite paternal,allele. The reciprocal expression of these 2 genes is not

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coincidental, but reflects a cis interaction involvingshared regulatory sequences, sometimes referred to as“expression-competition.” There is good evidence frommanipulative experiments in mice, as well as from thestudy of human tumors (see later here), that the mas-ter regulatory sequences for this process reside withinthe differentially methylated DNA immediatelyupstream of H19 (see Maher and Reik, this series).Hence, the primary imprint on H19, methylation of thepaternal allele, also accounts for the opposite allele-spe-cific expression of IGF2.

The H19/IGF2 locus has been the subject of intensestudy in childhood tumors, as well as in the Beckwith-Wiedemann overgrowth syndrome (Maher and Reik,this series). In these neoplasms, there is frequent con-version from the normal monoallelic methylation ofthe H19 gene and its upstream sequences to an abnor-mal pattern of biallelic hypermethylation. As a result ofthis change, both alleles now resemble the imprintedpaternal allele of H19. Hence, the epigenetic alterationin neoplastic tissue that causes complete loss of expres-sion of H19 RNA (23 and references therein) is bestdescribed as a somatic “gain of imprinting” at thislocus. In WTs, the silencing of H19 invariably corre-lates, at the whole-tissue level, with a reciprocal biallel-ic activation of IGF2, which is often referred to as asomatic “loss of imprinting” of this gene. The endpoint of biallelic silencing at H19 and biallelic activa-tion at IGF2 is an abnormal bipaternal pattern of geneexpression at both loci, with hyperexpression of anantiapoptotic growth factor (IGF-2) (24) and loss of atransformation-suppressing RNA (H19) (25).

An important and well-documented feature of alteredfunctional imprinting of H19/IGF2 is that it occursquite early in the multistage evolution of WTs. Theabnormal bipaternal epigenetic state is detectable notonly in the tumors, but also frequently in the adjacenthistologically normal kidney parenchyma, where itexists as a 50–90% tissue mosaicism for the bipaternal-ly programmed cells (23, 26, 27). Mosaicism for the

bipaternal epigenotype is a specific precancerous lesionfor WT, and it is an alternative pathway to 11p15 LOH.It is not observed in control kidneys from patients withother conditions, and it is also never found in kidneysfrom WT patients whose tumors have undergone 11p15LOH. Because epimutation of H19 often occurs beforethe earliest stages of overt neoplastic transformation,and because the gain of DNA methylation on the mater-nal allele is locally restricted to the H19 gene (23), agene-specific mechanism, rather than a global disrup-tion in genomic methylation, probably accounts for thisphenomenon. One possible mechanism, imprint trans-fer via gene pairing, is discussed later here.

Pathways for de novo methylation of TS genesInvasion of CpG islands by methylation: secondary hyperme-thylation after gain of repressors or loss of activators, or pri-mary hypermethylation after overwhelming assault by methyl-transferases? The mechanisms of pathological de novoDNA hypermethylation in cancer precursor cells arecurrently unknown. In approaching this problem, wefirst need to consider 3 general models. In the firstmodel (Figure 1a), the primary event leading to locus-specific hypermethylation in cancer precursor cells isloss of expression of 1 or more critical transcriptionfactors. In this “loss-of-protection” model, hyperme-thylation occurs as a secondary event: somehow, theinitial loss of transcription factor occupancy creates achromatin configuration around the promoter regionthat is permissive for subsequent de novo methyltrans-ferase activity. The second model (Figure 1b) envisionsthe converse situation, in which there is hyperexpres-sion of a transcriptional repressor in the cancer pre-cursor cell. Here too, the observed promoter methyla-tion occurs as a secondary event. In contrast, the thirdmodel (Figure 1c) posits that de novo methylation isthe primary inactivating event. Relevant to this modelis the contentious question of whether total cytosineDNA methyltransferase activity is increased in cancercells. The consensus of the evidence, supported by

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Figure 1Hypothetical pathways for de novo methylation of gene promoters in cancer precursor cells. (a) Primary silencing by loss of activating transcriptionfactors, followed by secondary de novo methylation. (b) Primary silencing by overexpression of transcriptional repressors, followed by secondary denovo methylation. (c) Primary de novo methylation by hyperexpressed DNA methyltransferase, without loss of transcription factors. (d) Interallelictransfer of DNA methylation at a locus with preexisting allele-specific hypermethylation (either parental imprinting or “first-hit” de novo methylation).Methylated DNA is shown in red. The gene promoter is in blue, and changes in chromatin configuration are indicated by a change in shape. Activat-ing transcription factors are in gray, and repressor proteins are in yellow. The red arrows are methylated repetitive elements, and the black arrows indi-cate gene transcription. In a–c, DNA methylation is shown as spreading from preexisting methylated sequences within the repetitive elements.

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immunohistochemistry, is that DNMT1 protein isindeed elevated in some cancer cells relative to theirpresumed normal precursors, but that significant cell-to-cell heterogeneity in DNMT1 expression exists with-in a given neoplasm (28).

Cancer cell lines with hypermethylation of the endoge-nous E-cadherin gene are relatively deficient in their abil-ity to transcribe transfected reporter genes under controlof the E-cadherin promoter, compared with similar celllines without such hypermethylation (29, 30). Clearly,this finding is compatible either with the loss-of-protec-tion or gain-of-repression models of gene silencing, butis not easily squared with the hypothesis that hyperme-thylation at the endogenous locus is the initial event inthe pathway. A follow-up study using somatic cellhybrids suggested that a dominant repressing activitymight account for E-cadherin silencing (20), and the over-expression of a specific transcriptional repressor, theSnail protein, is a strong candidate to be the primary reg-ulatory event that culminates in both silencing andmethylation (21). However, in 1 study, carcinoma celllines with E-cadherin promoter hypermethylation couldstill express reporter genes driven by the E-cadherin pro-moter (19). Also conflicting with the loss-of-protectionor the gain-of-repression models as global explanationsfor gene silencing is the fact that AzaC can reactivate E-cadherin expression in some cancer cell lines (18, 19).

Given the continuing controversies, additional exper-iments are needed to determine the frequency of tran-scription factor deficiency or transcriptional repressoroverexpression as explanations for E-cadherin genesilencing. Similar experiments will be of interest toprobe the role of transcription factor deficiency orrepressor overexpression in the silencing of other TSgenes that are hypermethylated in cancer cells. A recentstudy used somatic cell genetics and chromosometransfers (31) to test for deficiency of trans-acting fac-tors or overexpression of transcriptional repressors ina renal cell carcinoma line with VHL silencing andhypermethylation, and the findings did not supporteither of these mechanisms.

Spreading of methylation from repetitive DNA into CpGislands. Evidence from diverse organisms has suggestedthat repetitive DNA is a preferred target for epigeneticsilencing, and this has been viewed as a host-defensesystem directed against viruses and transposons (seethe Perspective by Bestor, this series). All the TS genesthat are pathologically hypermethylated in cancer cellscontain CpG islands or island-like CpG-rich sequencesin their upstream regions. These sequences are com-pletely or nearly completely unmethylated in the nor-mal tissues in which the cancers arise, but these “pro-tected” sequences are adjacent to other, non–CpGisland, sequences that are methylated in normal cells.Often, these adjoining, methylated, sequences consistof repetitive DNA, notably Alu elements.

Loss of promoter occupancy by activating factors, oraltered promoter configuration secondary to occupan-cy by repressors, may predispose to promoter inactiva-tion by allowing methylation to spread from adjacentdensely methylated repetitive DNA. Experiments withtransfected cells and transgenic mice suggest that when

a single class of transcription factor binding sites, theSp1 sites commonly found within CpG islands, ismutated, DNA methylation can encroach from adja-cent repetitive sequences into the mutated CpG island.However, it appears that genes can be silenced by thismechanism even in cells that still have normal pro-moter occupancy. Graff et al. showed that in cells engi-neered to overexpress DNMT1, methylation spreadprogressively from flanking Alu sequences into theCpG island of a previously active E-cadherin gene (32).The term “spreading” is used in these studies todescribe the observed progressive accumulation ofmethylation in the Alu-flanking promoter sequencesover several cell generations, but the local interactionsbetween methyltransferases and the replicating DNAthat underlie this process are not yet understood.

Gene-specific hypermethylation and natural selection for acellular “methylator” phenotype. Some of the experimentsjust described do not precisely mimic the situation inhuman cancer cells, as, with rare exceptions, mutationshave not been found in the promoter sequences ofhypermethylated TS genes, and loss of Sp1-like tran-scription factors may not be common. Nevertheless,spreading of CpG methylation from adjacent repetitiveDNA into CpG islands is potentially important for denovo methylation in cancer. This epigenetic changemay occur in rare cells that suffer transient loss of tran-scription factor occupancy or in cells that expressmethyltransferases at levels sufficient to breach thenormal protective barriers.

Baylin and coworkers have proposed that specificTS genes, such as p16 and hMLH1, which have repeti-tive DNA immediately adjacent to their CpG islands,are inherently susceptible to promoter hypermethy-lation, particularly in cells with a hyperactive methy-lation system (13). To test this idea, these authorsscreened for methylated CpG islands in cancer cellsand analyzed methylation status of 30 suchsequences in the colon during normal aging and indifferent classes of colon cancers. They found thatthe majority of CpG islands methylated in colon can-cer are also methylated in a subset of normal coloniccells during aging. In contrast, methylation of sever-al “cancer-specific” CpG islands was found exclusive-ly in a subset of colorectal cancers, which displayed a“CpG island methylator phenotype.” These cancersshowed hypermethylation of multiple CpG islands,including a high incidence of p16 promoter methyla-tion, and they also included the majority of sporadiccolorectal cancers in which MIN resulted fromhMLH1 methylation (33). The notion of a “methyla-tor” phenotype in a subgroup of human cancers isalso supported by a large study of gastric carcinomas,in which all of the tumors with hMLH1 hypermethy-lation also showed p16 and E-cadherin methylation(17). Similarly, Lengauer et al. (34) had previouslydescribed human colon cancer cell lines that are pro-ficient at methylating exogenous retroviral DNA andothers that lack this ability.

These observations may be understood within acoherent model inspired by the striking observationthat cancers with the MIN phenotype occur commonly

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in the proximal colon but rarely in the distal colon andrectum. Breivik and Gaudernack (35) have proposedthat nitrosylated bile acids are major carcinogens in theproximal colon and that fecal mutagens are moreimportant in the distal colon. Because bile acid deriva-tives cause O6-methylguanine adducts in DNA thatcannot be effectively removed by the mismatch repairsystem, these authors postulated a selective pressure,applying to proximal but not distal tumors, for a hyper-methylating phenotype and the loss of mismatch repair.In proximal colonic tissue, this form of DNA damagecreates a futile cycle of failed attempts at strand incisionand mismatch repair, which in turn induces checkpointactivation and cellular growth arrest. Silencing ofhMLH1 by promoter methylation would abrogate thisform of “self-inflicted” DNA damage and would enablethe cell to bypass the checkpoint. In this scenario, a spe-cific environmental challenge (bile acid metabolites),together with the structural susceptibility of the hMLH1gene to promoter hypermethylation, drives the naturalselection for cells with the hypermethylating phenotype.For proximal colon cancers, the inactivation of p16 andother TS genes (as well as otherwise unrelated genesthat carry appropriate promoter and flanking DNAsequences) occurs concurrently and influences the out-come of clonal evolution, but it is viewed as a secondaryconsequence of the 2 primary driving forces.

Propagation of epigenetic silencing via gene pairing. Homol-ogous gene pairing is known to mediate gene silencingin diverse species, and, in organisms with functionalmethyltransferases, this process is often associated withextensive de novo methylation. A particularly well-stud-ied phenomenon of this type occurs in the fungusAscobolus immersus and is referred to as MIP, for methy-lation induced premeiotically. This process is observedwhen 2 haploid cells, 1 with a methylated gene and theother with a nonmethylated version of the same gene,fuse in preparation for a transient diploid phase. At alow but easily detectable frequency, MIP causes exten-sive methylation of the previously active and unmethy-lated allele. The direct relationship between the effi-ciency of this methylation and the degree of sequencerelatedness of the target DNAs, together with the factthat gene conversion accompanies the methylation,strongly implies that MIP proceeds through physicalpairing of the repeated sequences. The simplest expla-nation is that it reflects a direct action of methyltrans-ferase on transient DNA heteroduplexes formedbetween the unmethylated and methylated alleles (36).

Epigenetic silencing via gene pairing (Figure 1d) couldbe relevant to human cancer in 2 situations. For animprinted TS gene, such as H19, a silent allele exists inevery normal cell, and transfer of the silent epigeneticstate to the active allele would lead to complete, biallelicsilencing. For nonimprinted genes, like VHL, hMLH1,p16, or E-cadherin, once 1 copy has become methylatedthrough a de novo pathway, biallelic silencing could beachieved via gene pairing and transfer of the silent epi-genetic state. A potential example of this pathway was inthe first report of VHL promoter hypermethylation; inthat study, 1 renal cell carcinoma retained both alleles ofthe gene and showed biallelic hypermethylation (10).

Future directions: a total genomic map of DNA methylation in cancer cellsA number of challenging mechanistic questions,touched on in the preceding sections, may be resolvedby additional experiments using existing technologies,but the future also holds promise for completing thedescriptive phase of this research. One exciting possi-bility will be to capitalize on the completion of thehuman genome sequence, and the parallel develop-ment of DNA-microarray (“DNA chip”) technologies,by developing methods to assess comprehensivelysequence-specific changes in DNA methylation as theyoccur during cancer initiation and progression. Thestudy by Issa and coworkers (33), in which methylation-dependent PCR and representational difference analy-sis identified differentially methylated CpG islands incancerous and normal colonic cells, points the way forother genomic approaches to the study of epigeneticchanges. A recent pilot study by Huang et al. (37) pro-vides another example. These authors arrayed DNAscorresponding to several hundred human CpG islandson filters and then probed these filters with PCR prod-ucts corresponding to heavily methylated andunmethylated DNA sequences from normal tissuesand cancer cell lines. The resulting direct visual readoutidentified CpG islands that were specifically hyperme-thylated in the cancer cells. About 10% of the CpGislands were hypermethylated, and many of theseappeared to be “hot spots” for methylation, appearingrepeatedly as positives in screens with probes from dif-ferent cancer cell lines. It is easy to imagine that appli-cation of similar methods to more stringent compar-isons — between early preneoplastic lesions andadjacent normal tissues, for example — will advance ourunderstanding of the structural features of genes thattarget them for hypermethylation and, by pointing torecurrent silencing events, will reveal a biologicallymeaningful sequence of early epigenetic changes incancer precursor cells.

AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by grants from the NationalInstitutes of Health and from the Human FrontiersScience Project. The author regrets not being able tocite all of the relevant scientific literature because offormatting constraints; more extensive lists of refer-ences can be found in the cited papers.

1. Cubas, P., Vincent, C., and Coen, E. 1999. An epigenetic mutationresponsible for natural variation in floral symmetry. Nature.401:157–161.

2. Bestor, T.H., and Verdine, G.L. 1994. DNA methyltransferases. Curr.Opin. Cell Biol. 6:380–389.

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