Page 1: EpiCollect Plus samangyvių radyboms registruoti / bryozoa sample collection

„On the trail of B. Pajiedaitė“ project:

using EpiCollect+ smartphone app to track collection sites

Eglė Marija Ramanauskaitė, Citizen Science reseacherMSc in Molecular and Cellular Biology & Education Science

Page 2: EpiCollect Plus samangyvių radyboms registruoti / bryozoa sample collection

Entire project data on one shared map!

• No paper maps• No GPS• No camera (although you

can have one!)• No paper note taking or

drawing (shame… )

Page 3: EpiCollect Plus samangyvių radyboms registruoti / bryozoa sample collection

Just one smartphone app.

• Takes coordinates & elevation

• Date & time• Can add photo & other

media• Can answer form

questions (of own design)

• Add comments

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• Sends to central server• Visualize entries on the map / add

more data later

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Use cases:


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Use cases:


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My projects (Tanzania):Crowd2Map Tanzania – gathering local knowledge for a map of rural areas

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My projects (Lithuania):• Biosynthetic diversity of Lithuanian lichens + pollution map

• Invasive species

• Bryozoa …

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[demo of “bryozoa” project]

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Let’s find some bryozoa!!Detailed EpiCollect+ instructions for the project:

Useful links:

(in Lithuanian) Lietuviškas straipsnis apie EpiCollect panaudojimą ir senosios versijos instrukcijos: Article about EpiCollect+:

Poster at ECSA citizen science conference, “Citizen Science and Biohacking – a Powerful Combination in STEM” covering the bryozoa project:

Original papers about EpiCollect and EpiCollect+:Aanensen, D. M., Huntley, D. M., Feil, E. J., & Spratt, B. G. (2009). EpiCollect: linking smartphones to web applications for epidemiology, ecology and community data collection. PloS one, 4(9), e6968.Aanensen, D. M., Huntley, D. M., Menegazzo, M., Powell, C. I., & Spratt, B. G. (2014). EpiCollect+: linking smartphones to web applications for complex data collection projects. F1000Research, 3.

Contact me!

[email protected]

