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Definition: The word “Corruption” has its origin in a Latin verb “corrupts” meaning “to break”. Literally, it means “a broken object”. In simple words, corruption means “the misuse of entrusted power for private benefit.” Conceptually, corruption is a form of behavior which departs from ethics, morality, tradition, law and civic virtue. World Bank and Asian Development

Bank define corruption as:

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“abuse of public office for private gains” By NACS: “a behavior on the part of office holders in the public or private sector whereby they improperly and unlawfully enrich themselves and/or those close to them, or induce others to do so, by misusing the position in which they are placed.”

corruption equation (set by Klitgaard, 1998) as: Corruption = (Monopoly) + (Discretion) – Accountability or in abbreviated form as: C = M + D – A

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Causes of corruption: Corruption is a universal curse around the world and exists in all the countries as a commonphenomenon, both in developing or poorer countries and developed countries.

1.Low Salaries: The basic reason for corruption is low salaries as everyone is finding a way to better their living standard as much as they can; it’s also a human nature that he has everything more and more. So mostly corruption is to be seen where there are people having fewer salaries they use corrupt ways to achieve the goal. It is true that they do not have any other way to fulfill their wants.

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2.Lack of accountability and regulation: If money that the government receives is going in their pockets rather than being spent on the people who need it, on their education, health and so on, then the consequences are obvious that many people don't pay taxes because they don't trust the government to spend it on the people, they think they are corrupt and the money would just disappear.

3.Lack of knowledge and awareness: People are not informed of or have no awareness to their rights. This ignorance on the part of the common man provides government officials to extort illegal benefits from him. They bribe even for a genuine and legal right that should have been done in normal routine.

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4.Culture: In many of these nations, it's almost expected that a policeman or clerk will earn a fair amount of income through bribes, So the states pay those workers less based on that assumption. Bribes and the like become a kind of tip.

5.Self-enrichment: No nationalism.

6.Weaknesses in the judicial system:

7.Power of influential people: