


ENVIENVI™™OperationOperationManual Manual




ENVI™ Boiler Controller

Advanced User’s Guide

Installation Date: _______________________

100 Burson Street East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Telephone: (877) 728-5351 Facsimile: (570) 476-7247

ENVI™ 09

ENVI™ Control


1.0 ENVI™ BOILER CONTROL.................................................................................. 3

1.1 Operation of the ENVI™ Control ......................................................................................3 1.2 Menu Screen ....................................................................................................................4 1.3 Boiler Status Screen .........................................................................................................4 1.4 Information Menu..............................................................................................................5 1.5 Errors Menu ......................................................................................................................5 1.6 Program Parameters Menu ..............................................................................................6

1.6.1 Initial Setup of the Control ............................................................................................6 1.6.2 CH Settings...................................................................................................................6 1.6.3 CH Modes.....................................................................................................................7 1.6.4 DHW Settings .............................................................................................................10 1.6.5 Additional Settings ......................................................................................................11

1.7 Configuration Menu: .......................................................................................................11 1.8 Cascade Menu:..............................................................................................................12

1.8.1 Control Mode ..............................................................................................................12 1.8.2 Master Settings...........................................................................................................12 1.8.3 Master Modes .............................................................................................................13 1.8.4 Cascade Settings........................................................................................................15

1.9 Service Menu:.................................................................................................................16

2.0 TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................................................... 17

2.1 Troubleshooting Table ....................................................................................................17 2.1.1 The Loss of Power......................................................................................................18 2.1.2 Flame Errors ...............................................................................................................18

2.2 Manual Reset Error Codes – A##...................................................................................19 2.3 Auto-reset Error Codes – E## ........................................................................................20

3.0 APPENDIX – BOILER DEFAULT SETTINGS..................................................... 21

3.1 MACH® Boiler Parameters.............................................................................................21 3.2 Modu-Fire® Forced Draft Boiler Parameters..................................................................22

4.0 APPENDIX - MODBUS® INTERFACE................................................................ 24

4.1.1 Descriptions of MODBUS® Register Map..................................................................25 4.1.2 Boiler State .................................................................................................................26 4.1.3 Information Byte..........................................................................................................26 4.1.4 Sequence Byte ...........................................................................................................26

ENVI™ Control


1.0 ENVI™ BOILER CONTROL The ENVI™ boiler control is an intelligent control system with advanced features such as text-based display, communication capabilities, and boiler sequencing. Errors are date and time stamped, and the control records burner high, low and mid run hours. One control for temperature control, flame safeguard, firing rate control, blocked flue protection, outdoor air reset, freeze protection, built-in cascade sequencing and more.

The user should become thoroughly familiar with the operation of the boiler and controls before attempting to make any adjustments.

The ENVI™ control consists of three components: the main board (845), the interface board (794) and a text-based display panel. The display panel is used to setup and monitor boiler operation by means of six push buttons; MENU, BACK, ENTER, UP, DOWN, and RESET as shown below. There are shortcut functions also associated with these buttons; LIGHT, SET PT, DHW, SVC and CANCEL. The four line screen shows boiler operating information on various screens. The display screen is backlit for ease of viewing. Press the BACK button to illuminate the backlight. 1.1 OPERATION OF THE ENVI™ CONTROL

The control displays the default screen (above) at startup. This screen shows the date, time, boiler status, supply temperature, setpoint temperature and may show additional information in the lower left corner. The control has multiple menu levels to provide set-up and operating information. Navigation through the various menus may be performed using the buttons beneath the display. The function of the buttons may be two-fold as shown below. The shortcut functions are available only when the default screen is displayed

Buttons Function Shortcut

Menu Accesses the menu None

Back / Light Returns to the previous screen Turns on Backlight

Enter / Set Pt Accepts the value Accesses Set Pt Menu

Up / DHW Increases the value Accesses DHW Menu

Down / SVC Decreases the Value Accesses Service Mode

Reset / Cancel Resets the control Cancels Service Mode

ENVI™ Control



MenuStandby Information Errors

MenuStandby Information Errors

Pressing the MENU button provides access to the following sub-menus:




Program Parameters




Use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll to the desired menu and the ENTER button to select that menu. The menu is displayed in a list format. Use the DOWN button to view the rest of the list.


Pressing ENTER at the STANDBY menu returns you to the boiler status (default) screen described in Section 1.1 above. The default screen displays the current operating status. A list of possible operating status is shown below.

Standby Checking Air Switch Pre Purge Ignition Main Flame Established Run Post Purge Post Pumping

Mar 12 2009 08:00Run Power 65%

Supply 130°FCH Setpt 146°F

Mar 12 2009 08:00Run Power 65%

Supply 130°FCH Setpt 146°F

The default screen also displays errors. These errors are explained in the ERROR menu.

ENVI™ Control



Pressing ENTER at the INFORMATION menu displays the following information.

InformationSupply Temp 122°FReturn Temp 119°FDHW Temp 14°F

InformationSupply Temp 122°FReturn Temp 119°FDHW Temp 14°F

InformationSupply Temp 122°FReturn Temp 119°FDHW Temp 14°F

Use the UP and DOWN buttons to scroll through the INFORMATION menu.


Apr 20 2009 14:20 Locking IGNITION FAILURE


Apr 20 2009 14:20 Locking IGNITION FAILURE


In the event of an error, the default screen displays the error message and code (above left). Pressing ENTER at the ERROR menu displays information about the most recent error (above right). Pressing UP and DOWN scrolls through several lines of information about the status of the boiler during the error.

Description Units

Open/Shorted Sensor


Supply Temp (Outlet) °F 14°F / 244°F

Return Temp (Inlet) °F 14°F / 244°F

DHW (Domestic Hot Water) °F 14°F / 244°F

Flue Gas Temp °F 50°F / 280°F

HX (Heat Exchanger) °F 14°F / 244°F

Outside Temp °F -40°F / 176°F

CH Set Temp (Comfort Heat) °F N/A

DHW Set Temp (Domestic Hot Water)

°F N/A

Header Temp °F 244°F / 244°F

Flame Signal


If below 1.7, flame not detected

Fan Speed RPM N/A

Description Units

Open/Shorted Sensor


Ignitions N/A

Burner Hi (75% to 100%) Hrs N/A

Burner Med (45% to 75%) Hrs N/A

Burner Low (20% to 45%) Hrs N/A

Water Level Off/On N/A

Low Gas Pressure Off/On N/A

Air Pressure Off/On N/A

Blocked Flue Off/On N/A

CH Pump Off/On N/A

DHW Pump Off/On N/A

Air Damper Off/On N/A

Hi Gas Pressure Off/On N/A

ErrorsIGNITION FAILURE Supply Temp 122°FReturn Temp 119°F

ErrorsIGNITION FAILURE Supply Temp 122°FReturn Temp 119°F

ErrorsIGNITION FAILURE Supply Temp 122°FReturn Temp 119°F

ENVI™ Control


The error information stored is shown below in the table.

Description Display Units

Error Description Text

Supply Temp (Outlet) Temp °F

Return Temp (Inlet) Temp °F

DHW (Domestic Hot Water) Temp °F

Flue Gas Temp Temp °F

HX (Heat Exchanger) Temp °F

Outside Temp Temp °F


1.6.1 Initial Setup of the Control

Press the MENU button and select PROGRAM PARAMETERS from the menu. A screen opens that allows the user to view and change various operating parameters. There are three access levels including User, Service Level 1 and Service Level 2. OEM settings can be viewed, but cannot be changed in the field. Service Level 1 and Service Level 2 require access codes. Access codes are provided to those individuals who have been properly trained by Patterson-Kelley.

Four menus are available:

Menu Description

CH settings Comfort Heat Settings

DHW settings Domestic Hot Water Settings

Boiler Settings Boiler Operating Settings

OEM Settings Original Equipment Manufacturer Settings

To select a parameter, position the arrow next to the desired parameter and press ENTER. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to change the parameter values. Press the ENTER button to save the new value.

CAUTION: Do not change any parameter unless specified or absolutely needed. Changing of the parameters may cause the boiler to operate improperly

1.6.2 CH Settings

ParametersCH settings DHW settings Boiler settings

ParametersCH settings DHW settings Boiler settings

From the PROGRAM PARAMETERS menu, press ENTER at the CH SETTINGS menu to access the comfort heat parameters listed in the table below.

Description Display Units

Operation Mode CH # 0-8

Run Hours Number Hrs

Sequence of Operation during error Text

Error Code Letter-##

Date MMDDYY Date

Time (24 hr clock) XX:XX Hrs

ENVI™ Control


Comfort Heat CH Parameters

ENVI™ Text Display Function

Range Units Passcode


CH Setpoint Comfort Heat Setpoint See Appendix I °F User

BLR OP (Boiler Operation) Boiler / Pump Run settings 0-3 User

Off = 0, On = 1, Off/Pump On = 2, and On/Pump On = 3

0 = Boiler Off, Pump Off 1 = Boiler On, Pump Off 2 = Boiler Off, Pump On 3 = Boiler On, Pump On

CH Mode Comfort Heat Operation Mode 0-8 SVC1

CH Mode 0 (Setpoint & Stat) See below 0

CH Mode 1 (Outdoor &Stat) See below 1

CH Mode 2 (Outdoor Control) See below 2

CH Mode 3 (Setpoint Control) See below 3

CH Mode 4 (Header & Stat) See below 4

CH Mode 5 (Header & Outdoor & Stat)

See below 5

CH Mode 6 (Header & Outdoor) See below 6

CH Mode 7 (Analog Setpoint) See below 7

CH Mode 8 (Analog Firing Rate) See below 8

Hi ODA Temp Outdoor Maximum Design Temperature 40 - 86 °F SVC1

Min ODA SetP Minimum Boiler Setpoint See Appendix I °F SVC1

Lo ODA Temp Outdoor Minimum Design Temperature -18 - 59 °F SVC1

Max ODA SetP Maximum Boiler Setpoint See Appendix I °F SVC1

ODA Shutdown Outdoor Air Shutdown Temperature 45 - 140 °F SVC1

Night Setback Reduces Boiler Setpoint When Enabled 0 - 58 °F SVC1

Hysteresis On On Differential (below setpoint) 0 - 22 °F SVC1

Hysteresis Off Off Differential (above setpoint) 0 - 22 °F SVC1

CH Post Pump time Pump Time After Burner Shuts Off 0 - 2550 Sec SVC1

Anti-Cyc Time Restart Time Delay to Prevent Short Cycling 0 - 2550

Sec SVC2

Prop Band Proportional Band 0 - 230 °F SVC2

Integral Rate Integral Rate 0 - 255 Sec SVC2

Der Time Derivative Time 0 - 255 Sec SVC2

1.6.3 CH Modes

There are nine CH Modes. A more detailed description of each mode is included below. CH Mode = 0 (Setpoint & Stat)

Setpoint is the desired outlet water temperature. In this mode, an external thermostat or other control (stat) controls the heat demand. Upon heat demand, the ENVI™ control fires and modulates the boiler to maintain outlet water temperature at the setpoint. The upper (HYSTERESIS OFF) and lower (HYSTERESIS ON) temperature differentials control the temperature at which the burner turns on or off.

ENVI™ Control


Example: A boiler with the following parameters (SETPOINT = 160 °F, HYSTERESIS OFF = 9 °F, HYSTERESIS ON = 10 °F) modulates to try to maintain 160° F. If the temperature increases above 169° F (160 °F SETPOINT + 9°F HYSTERESIS OFF), the boiler will shut off. Once it shuts off, it will not restart until the temperature drops below 150° F (160 °F SETPOINT – 10°F HYSTERESIS ON). This is illustrated graphically below.

The MIN SETPOINT and MAX SETPOINT parameters limit the setpoint range. See Appendix 3.1 and 3.2 for the default values. CH Mode = 1 (ODA & Stat)

In this mode, setpoint is varied by the outdoor air temperature (ODA). An external thermostat or other control (Stat) controls the heat demand. Upon heat demand, the ENVI™ control fires and modulates the boiler to maintain outlet water temperature at the setpoint. The upper (HYSTERESIS OFF) and lower (HYSTERESIS ON) temperature differentials control the temperature at which the burner turns on or off. The boiler maximum setpoint (MAX ODA SETP) occurs when the outdoor air is at or below the design temperature (LOW ODA TEMP). The boiler minimum setpoint (MIN ODA SETP) occurs when the outdoor air is at or above the maximum outdoor temperature (HI ODA TEMP). The boiler setpoints for “in between“ values of outdoor air temperature follow the line connecting the two end points of the outdoor air reset graph (see example below).

Example: Using the values in the table shown below, the boiler setpoint is 80° F when the outdoor air temperature is 70° F. As the outdoor air temperature drops, the boiler setpoint increases until the outdoor air temperature is 0° F. At this point the boiler reaches its maximum setpoint of 180° F. If the outdoor air temperature drops further, the boiler setpoint remains at 180° F. Settings for example shown at left: CH Mode = 2 (Outdoor Control)

In this mode, setpoint is varied by the outdoor air temperature (ODA). The heat demand is generated when the temperature of the outdoor sensor drops below the ODA SHUTDOWN. Upon heat demand, the ENVI™ control fires and modulates the boiler to maintain outlet water temperature at the setpoint. The upper (HYSTERESIS OFF) and lower (HYSTERESIS ON) temperature differentials control the temperature at which the burner turns on or off. In this mode, the enable/disable terminals (Stat) operate the night setback function. See the wiring diagram on your boiler.

CH Mode 1

Hi ODA Temp (Outdoor TMax) 70 °F

Min ODA SetP (Setpoint TMin) 80 °F

Low ODA Temp (Outdoor TMin) 0 °F

Max ODA Setp (Setpoint TMax) 180 °F

Hysteresis On (On Differential) 10 °F

Hysteresis Off (Off Differential) 9 °F

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Outdoor Air Temperature (°F)





nt (


190180170160150140 130 120 110 100 90 80 7060

Max ODA Setpoint

Min ODA Setpoint





Hi O




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Outdoor Air Temperature (°F)





nt (


190180170160150140 130 120 110 100 90 80 7060

Max ODA Setpoint

Min ODA Setpoint





Hi O




Internal Setpoint








0 10 20 30 40


Boiler Temperature

Boiler Set Point

Boiler Turns On

Boiler Turns Off

ENVI™ Control


80Min ODA Setpoint

170Max ODA Setpoint

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Analog Input (VDC)





nt (


190180170160150140 130 120 110 100 90 80 7060

Max ODA Setpoint

Min ODA Setpoint


80Min ODA Setpoint

170Max ODA Setpoint

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Analog Input (VDC)





nt (


190180170160150140 130 120 110 100 90 80 7060

Max ODA Setpoint

Min ODA Setpoint


NOTICE! When in analog control mode, enable/disable terminals are non-functional.

ENVI™ Text Display Function Range Units Passcode


Hi ODA Temp Outdoor Maximum Design Temperature 40 - 86 °F SVC1

Min ODA SetP (Setpoint Min) Minimum Boiler Setpoint 45 - 176 °F SVC1

Lo ODA Temp (Outdoor Min) Outdoor Minimum Design Temperature -18 - 59 °F SVC1

Max ODA Setp (Setpoint Max) Maximum Boiler Setpoint 68 - 185 °F SVC1

ODA Shutdown Outdoor Air Shutdown Temperature 45 - 140 °F SVC1

Night Setback Reduces Boiler Setpoint When Enabled 0 - 58 °F SVC1

Hysteresis On On Differential (below setpoint) 0 - 22 °F SVC1

Hysteresis Off Off Differential (above setpoint) 0 - 22 °F SVC1 CH Mode = 3 (Setpoint Control)

In this mode, the boiler functions as described in, CH Mode = 0 except that the external thermostat does not create the call for heat. Closure of the stat terminals causes the night setpoint to engage. CH Mode = 4 = Header & Stat

In this mode, the boiler functions as described in, CH Mode = 0 except that the boiler maintains the setpoint temperature in the header piping. The external thermostat creates the call for heat. CH Mode = 5 = Header & ODA & Stat

This mode is a combination of CH Mode 1 (ODA & Stat) and CH Mode 4 (Header & Stat). The setpoint temperature is maintained in the header piping based on a reset schedule that is determined from an outdoor air sensor. An external thermostat controls the heat demand. CH Mode = 6 = Header & Outdoor

This mode is a combination of CH Mode 2 (Outdoor Control) and CH Mode 4 (Header & Stat). The temperature is maintained in the header piping based on a reset schedule that is determined from an outdoor air sensor. The call for heat is generated by the temperature of the outdoor sensor dropping below the ODA SHUTDOWN. The enable/disable terminals (Stat) operate the night setback function. See the wiring diagram on your boiler.

CH Mode = 7 = Analog Control of Setpoint In this mode, an external 0-10 VDC signal controls the setpoint of the boiler. Applying a voltage of at least 1.5 VDC creates the heat request. Applying 2 VDC sets the boiler setpoint to MIN ODA SETPOINT. Applying 10 VDC sets the boiler setpoint to MAX ODA SETPOINT. Applying less than 1 VDC removes the heat request.

ENVI™ Control

10 CH Mode = 8 = Analog Control of Firing Rate

In this mode, an external 0-10 VDC signal controls the firing rate of the boiler. A signal of 1.5 VDC generates a heat request and is required to start the boiler. At 2 VDC the firing rate is 20% and at 10 VDC the firing rate is 100%. A signal below 1 VDC removes the heat request.

1.6.4 DHW Settings

ParametersCH settings DHW settings Boiler settings

ParametersCH settings DHW settings Boiler settings

From the PROGRAM PARAMETERS menu, press ENTER at the DHW SETTINGS menu to access the domestic hot water parameters listed in the table below.

Domestic Hot Water (DHW) Parameters

ENVI™ Text Display Function Range Units Passcode


DHW Mode CH/DHW = 0 DHW Priority = 1 3 Way Valve NC = 2

Domestic Hot Water Operation Mode 0 = Simultaneous CH and DHW Pumps 1 = DHW pump has priority over CH pump 2 = 1 Boiler Pump, when 3 way valve Closed = DHW, when 3 way valve Open = CH

0 – 2 SVC1

DHW TYPE None = 0 Storage & Sensor = 1 Storage & Stat = 2 Plate Heat Exch = 3)

Type of System 0 = No Domestic Hot Water 1 = Storage Tank with Temperature Sensor 2 = Storage Tank with Thermostat 3 = Plate Heat Exchanger w/Flow Switch

0 – 3


DHW Setpoint Setpoint for Domestic Hot Water Output 86 – 185 °F User

Tank Set Setpoint of Storage Tank 104 – 162 °F User

On Different Boiler On Differential 0 – 36 °F SVC1

Off Different Boiler Off Differential 0 – 36 °F SVC1

Tank Off Diff Tank Off Differential 0 – 36 °F SVC1

Tank On Diff Tank On Differential 0 – 36 °F SVC1

DHW Post Pump Time DHW Post Pump Time 0 – 255 Sec SVC1

Prop Band Proportional Band 0 – 230 °F SVC2

Integral Rate Integral Rate ### Sec SVC2

Der Time Derivative Time ### Sec SVC2

The DHW system designs that can be accommodated by this control include a storage tank with temperature sensor (Type 1), a storage tank with thermostat (Type 2), and a plate heat exchanger (Type 3).

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Analog Input (VDC)




e (%














0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Analog Input (VDC)




e (%














NOTICE! When in analog control mode, enable/disable terminals are non-functional.

ENVI™ Control

11 Storage Tank with Temperature Sensor (Storage & Sensor 1)

A storage tank equipped with a temperature sensor is connected to the boiler. When the temperature sensor reads that the tank temperature is below the TANK SET parameter by the TANK ON DIFF, the boiler starts and supplies heat to the tank. The boiler modulates the firing rate to maintain the DHW SETPOINT at the boiler outlet. When the temperature in the tank exceeds the TANK SET parameter by the TANK OFF DIFF, the boiler shuts off the burner and post pumps for a pre-set time (POST PMP TIME). Storage Tank with Thermostat (Storage & Stat 2)

A storage tank equipped with a thermostat is connected to the boiler. When the thermostat closes, the boiler starts and supplies heat to the tank. The boiler modulates the firing rate to maintain the DHW SETPOINT at the boiler outlet. When the temperature in the tank exceeds the thermostat setting, the thermostat opens and the boiler shuts off the burner and post pumps for a pre-set time (POST PMP TIME). Heat Exchanger without Storage (Plate Heat Exch 3)

A plate heat exchanger equipped with a DHW flow proving device and a temperature sensor is connected to the boiler. When the flow proving device closes, it creates a call for heat and the boiler pump starts. If the DHW water temperature is below the DHW SETPOINT by the ON DIFFERENTIAL, the boiler fires and supplies heat to the exchanger. The boiler modulates the firing rate to maintain the DHW SETPOINT at the boiler outlet. When the temperature of the boiler water rises above the DHW SETPOINT by the OFF DIFFERENTIAL, the boiler shuts off the burner and post pumps for a pre-set time (POST PMP TIME). When the demand is satisfied, the flow proving device breaks the call for heat.

1.6.5 Additional Settings

The BOILER SETTINGS are password protected by a numerical code and should only be changed by a factory authorized service representative. These settings are:

Boiler Type (P-K Model #) Max Fan Speed Min Fan Speed Max Setpoint Min Setpoint Blr Max Temp

Max T Mod Dlta Mod Back Diff Lo Fire Hold Post Purge Accel Bnr On Accel Bnr Off

The OEM SETTINGS are password protected by a numerical code and should only be changed by Patterson-Kelley / Harsco personnel.


The CONFIGURATION menu is a general menu that allows selection of the display language, date/time, code, °F/°C temperature selection and MODBUS® address.

LANGUAGE configuration allows the user to select English (default), French (future) or Spanish (future). DATE TIME configuration is set at the factory and should not need to be reset. CODE configuration indicates the display panel software version. ° F or ° C configuration allows the user to select Fahrenheit or Celsius. MODBUS® ADDRESS configuration allows the user to set the MODBUS® device identification.

MenuErrors Program Parameters Configuration

MenuErrors Program Parameters Configuration

ENVI™ Control



With the power off, connect up to 24 boilers into the ENVI™ Link network. Wires are connected from the Cascade terminals (A & B) on the master boiler to the Cascade terminals (A & B) on the member boilers. Connect A to A and B to B. The boilers are connected in series (daisy chain).

After making the boiler to boiler connections, select one boiler as the master boiler. Remove the auxiliary board cover (if present) and set the master/member selector switch to the MASTER position. Ensure that the remaining member boiler switches are set to the MEMBER position. A picture of the master/member selector switch is shown below.

CAUTION! Setting more than one master/member selector switch to the MASTER position may damage the control.

Turn the power on. Pressing ENTER at the CASCADE MENU allows the user to set the cascade features of the ENVI™ boiler control. These settings include the CONTROL MODE, MASTER SETTINGS, CASCADE SETTINGS, and INFORMATION ERRORS.

Cascade MenuControl Mode SAMaster Settings Cascade Settings

Cascade MenuControl Mode SAMaster Settings Cascade Settings

Cascade MenuControl Mode SAMaster Settings Cascade Settings

1.8.1 Control Mode

In this mode, the operational mode is selected (single boiler, master boiler, member boiler). When the mode is set as master, the unique address is automatically set to 0. When the mode is set as member, the user enters a unique address (1-23) for each boiler.

1.8.2 Master Settings

The master settings are used in conjunction with the cascade settings to set the system response parameters. These settings are described in more detail after the list of settings.

ENVI™ Text Display Function Range Units Passcode


HDR Setpoint Sets the operating

temperature at the header 104 – 194


Power Mode 0 – 1 SVC2

Power Mode Min Boilers On

See Below 0

Power Mode Max Boilers On

See Below 1

Master/Member Switch

ENVI™ Control


ENVI™ Text Display Function Range Units Passcode


Header Mode 0 – 4 SVC2

Header Mode (Header & Stat)

See Below 0

Header Mode (Header ODA & Stat)

See Below


Header Mode (Header & ODA)

See Below 2

Header Mode (HDR Setpt Control)

See Below 3

Header Mode (HDR Analog Setpt)

See Below 4

Hyst Start Blr See below 0 – 36 °F SVC2

Hyst Stop Blr See below 0 – 36 °F SVC2

Wait Blr Swtch See below 1 – 255 Sec SVC2

Prop Band (Proportional Band)

Proportional Band 0 – 230


Integral Rate Integral Rate 0 – 255 Sec SVC2

Der Time (Derivative) Derivative Time 0 – 255 Sec SVC2 Cyc Lmt Incrmnt See below 0 – 50 Min SVC2

Cycl Limit Max See below 1 – 255 Min SVC2

Hys Quic Start See below 0 – 51 °F SVC2

Quic Start Tme See below 1 – 255 Sec SVC2

Hys Quick Stop See below 0 – 51 °F SVC2

Quic Stop Time See below 1 – 255 Sec SVC2

LoLoad Waiting See below 0 – 255 Sec SVC2

Start Rotation See below 1 – 255 Hr SVC2

No Blr on Wait See below 1 – 255 Min SVC2

1.8.3 Master Modes

The master modes listed in the table above represent several control strategies for the Master/Member boiler network. These modes are described in further detail below. Power mode = 0, Min Boilers On (Not Recommended)

In this mode, up to two boilers modulate while the remaining boilers run at high fire. This satisfies the load with the minimum amount of boilers firing. Power mode = 1, Max Boilers On (Parallel Modulation – Default Setting)

In this mode, the boilers modulate in parallel based on a signal from the master boiler. This satisfies the load with the necessary number of boilers firing at the lowest rate possible Header Mode = 0, Header & Stat

In this mode, the master boiler controls the operation of all the boilers in the network to maintain a supply temperature at a common header. The heat demand is controlled by an external thermostat or other control (Stat). Upon heat

ENVI™ Control


demand, the ENVI™ control on the Master boiler fires and modulates the boilers to maintain outlet water temperature at the setpoint (Master boiler CH settings). The upper (HYST STOP BLR) and lower (HYST START BLR) temperature differentials control the header temperature at which boilers are added or removed.

Example: The Master boiler operates the system to maintain the header setpoint of 160° F. If the temperature increases above 170° F (setpoint 160° F + 10°F HYST STOP BLR), a boiler will shut off. If the temperature decreases below 151°F (setpoint 160°F – 9°F HYST START BLR), another boiler will start. Header Mode = 1, Header ODA & Stat

In this mode, the setpoint temperature (Master boiler CH settings) is maintained in the header piping based on a reset schedule that is determined from an outdoor air sensor. The heat demand is controlled by an external thermostat. Header Mode = 2, Header & ODA

In this mode, the temperature is maintained in the header piping based on a reset schedule that is determined from an outdoor air sensor. The call for heat is generated by the temperature of the outdoor sensor dropping below the ODA SHUTDOWN (Master boiler CH settings). The enable/disable terminals (Stat) operate the night setback function. Header Mode = 3, Header Setpt Control

This mode is similar to Header Mode = 0, Header & Stat, described in, except there is no external thermostat. The heat demand is controlled by the header sensor. The enable/disable terminals operate the night setback function. Header Mode = 4, HDR Analog Setpt

In this mode, an external 0-10 VDC signal controls the setpoint of the Master boiler. Applying a voltage of at least 1.5V creates the heat request. Applying 2 VDC sets the boiler setpoint to “Min ODA Setpoint”. Applying 10 VDC sets the boiler setpoint to “Max ODA Setpoint”. Applying less than 1 VDC removes the heat request. Additional Master Settings

HYST START BLR (Differential Start Boiler) and HYST STOP BLR (Differential Stop Boiler) are the temperature differentials below and above, respectively, the setpoint that the master boiler control uses to call other network boilers on/off.

The WAIT BLR SWTCH (Wait Boiler Switching) parameter is the time the master boiler control waits to watch the effect of a change in the number of boilers operating, before making another change.

The cycling of the member boilers are limited using the CYC LMT INCRMNT (cycle limit increment) and CYCL LIMIT MAX (cycle limit maximum value) settings. The cycle limit increment is a running count of every on/off cycle multiplied by the value entered in the cycle limit increment setting. This count is automatically reduced by 1 every minute. The member boilers are prevented from turning on or off when the cycle limit increment exceeds the cycle limit maximum value. This feature prevents the boilers from short cycling, leading to increased boiler lifespan.

For those instances where the load changes rapidly, the quick start / quick stop parameters bypass the WAIT BLR SWTCH parameters to allow the system to respond more quickly.

When the header temperature falls below the HDR SETPOINT by the HYS QUIC START (differential for quick start) temperature, the control uses the QUIC START TIME (time delay for quick start) to start the member boilers. The master control shortens the interval between boiler starts, allowing the system to catch up more quickly.

80Min ODA Setpoint

170Max ODA Setpoint

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Analog Input (VDC)





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Max ODA Setpoint

Min ODA Setpoint


80Min ODA Setpoint

170Max ODA Setpoint

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Analog Input (VDC)





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Max ODA Setpoint

Min ODA Setpoint


ENVI™ Control


When the header temperature rises above HDR SETPOINT by the HYS QUIC STOP (differential for quick stop) temperature, the control uses the QUIC STOP TIME (time delay for quick start) to stop the member boilers. The master control shortens the interval between boiler stops, allowing the system to prevent overshooting the HDR SETPOINT.

The LOLOAD WAITING is set on the master boiler control and used in conjunction with the various other low load settings found in the cascade menu. This parameter allows the master to turn on a boiler that is below the HDR SETPOINT temperature if this time interval has passed. Additional low load settings are described in the Cascade Settings section of this manual.

The START ROTATION is a setting that the master control uses to determine the accumulated run time that each boiler is in the lead position of the sequence. The boiler designated as the master is included in the lead/lag sequence but the master control does not change.

The NO BLR ON WAIT is the time the ENVI™ Control waits to override a hold from a cascade boiler. For example, a low return temperature hold for a non-condensing boiler in a hybrid system will trigger the NO BLR ON WAIT function. After the wait period expires, the ENVI™ Control forces the non-condensing boiler to start.

1.8.4 Cascade Settings

Pressing ENTER at the CASCADE SETTINGS in the CASCADE MENU allows the user to access the cascade settings:

A list of the cascade settings is shown in the table below. The proper functioning of the network of boilers depends on these settings.

Cascade Settings Function

Value Units Passcode


Max Supply T Temperature limit for boiler output 185 – 200 °F SVC 2

Csc Min Ret T Minimum return temperature setting 40 – 194 °F SVC 2

Hyst Min Ret T Differential above Csc Min Ret T 0 – 36 °F SVC 2

Ret T Max Pwr Below this temp, boiler fires at maximum power 104 – 194 °F SVC 2

Ret T Min Pwr Above this temp, boiler is allowed to modulate 104 – 194 °F SVC 2

Prepump Period Time for prepump before boiler starts to ensure correct

return water temperature measurement 15 – 255 Sec SVC 2

No member boiler is allowed to start when the temperature of the header water is greater than the HDR SETPOINT or the boiler water is greater than the MAX SUPPLY T.

The member boilers are required to modulate back to a low firing rate when the temperature of the boiler is above the LoLoad Mod Dlt temp below the MAX SUPPLY T. The modulation will be at a minimum when the condition (Max Supply T – LoLoad Mod Dlt + 8°F) is reached. The members will also modulate back when the boiler water temp is within LoLoad Hys Slv of the HDR Setpoint.

Each member boiler can detect a low load condition when the member boiler water supply temp is greater than MAX SUPPLY T – LOLOAD HYS SLV or when the member boiler water supply temp is greater than HEADER SETPOINT – LOLOAD HYS SLV. Once a member detects a low load condition, it tells the master boiler and goes to minimum

Cascade SettingsMax supply t 191°FLoload hys slv 15°FLoload mod dlt 9°F

Cascade SettingsMax supply t 191°FLoload hys slv 15°FLoload mod dlt 9°F

Cascade SettingsMax supply t 191°FLoload hys slv 15°FLoload mod dlt 9°F

ENVI™ Control


fire and waits for the LOLOAD WAIT SLV time period. The member boiler rechecks the low load condition at the end of this time and reports the status to the master. If the low load condition is still active, the master reduces the amount of active boilers and switches off the boiler with the low load condition. The Master boiler then waits for LOLOAD WAITING time period and re-evaluates the load situation. At the end of that time, if the low load condition is still detected by another member boiler, the master will shut down the member boiler. This process repeats in increments of one until no more boilers detect low load (or all the boilers are off).

In a hybrid system that contains both condensing and non-condensing boilers, cascade settings help prevent the non-condensing boilers from operating in a condensing mode. The CSC MIN RET T is the minimum return temperature setting. The factory default CSC MIN RET T setting for P-K Thermific® and Modu-Fire® FD boilers is 130°F. Each member boiler checks that the return water temperature is greater than the CSC MIN RET T plus the HYST MIN RET T. If the return temperature is too low, the non-condensing boiler signals the Master ENVI™ control to skip this boiler. If a condensing boiler cannot be found, the Master ENVI™ control goes into NO BLR ON WAIT. When the NO BLR ON WAIT time period expires, the first available boiler will start and burn at high fire until the boiler inlet temperature is greater than RET T MAX PWR. If the return water temperature remains below CSC MIN RET T, the NO BLR ON WAIT sequence repeats. When the return temperature exceeds RET T MIN PWR, the boilers release to modulate according to the master controller. Other boilers in the member network may be enabled and modulated to meet the load.

NOTICE! The Master ENVI™ control will not override individual boiler protective parameters. For example, MOD BACK DIFF will still prevent the member boiler from exceeding the temperature differential setting.


This service menu allows the operator to manually set the boiler to HI or LOW operation for setup and/or troubleshooting. This menu is protected by the service level 1 code (SVC1). Pressing the SVC shortcut key (DOWN button when the default screen is present, see Section 1.1) accesses the SERVICE menu. Users can also access the SERVICE menu by pressing the MENU button and using the UP and DOWN buttons until the cursor is next to SERVICE. Press ENTER. This menu is protected by the service level 1 code (SVC1).

NOTICE! Combustion adjustments should only be performed by service personnel experienced and knowledgeable on the operation of the Patterson-Kelley boiler.

Two test modes are available:



Press the up or down button to select BURNER ON TEST or BURNER OFF FAN, press ENTER. Then press up then enter to select HIGH or down then enter to select LOW operation.

The first test mode, BNR ON TEST, allows the service technician to hold the boiler in high or low fire during firing operation so that the combustion adjustment can be performed. The second test mode, BNR OFF FAN, checks the fan rate with the burner off at high fan speed or at low fan speed.

These test modes will automatically terminate after 15 minutes of inactivity or can be terminated from the control/display panel by pressing the cancel/reset button Each boiler has a specific combustion adjustment procedure that is contained in each boilers specific Installation & Owners Manual. The correct combustion parameters are listed in the boiler specific manual as well. These specific procedures must be followed for the boiler being adjusted.




ENVI™ Control




Symptoms: Possible Cause: Solution:

No Display, No Operation Loss of Power Restore Power. The control retains any error/lockout and may require a reset.

No Display, No Operation Fuse on Main Board is Blown

Replace fuse

Boiler runs with some operation compromised, such as no remote input, alarm output, flame detected output, cascade, MODBUS®, etc.

1) Fuse on Interface Board is Blown

2) Boilers were wired A to B during cascade set-up AND more than one master switch was set to MASTER.

1) Replace fuse on interface board.

2) Replace the interface board.

No Display, Boiler is Operating

1) Display is not wired properly

2) Light source is not functioning

3) S4 switch is in the off position

1) Check the display wires.

2) Use a flashlight to verify that text is present. Replace display board.

3) Turn on the S4 switch on the main board

Display continuously shows CONNECT INIT

Incorrect communication between control boards

Check communication wiring (twisted pair)

Verify that all three control boards (Main, Interface, and Display) have the same software version.


If any boiler “Manual Reset” limit device trips, DO NOT

reset the control without determining and correcting the cause.

ENVI™ Control


2.1.1 The Loss of Power

In the event of a power failure (or when the On/Off switch is in the Off position), the display panel is not illuminated and the entire system is de-energized, closing all automatic valves and halting all boiler operations. When power is restored the sequence of operation will resume at Step 4. If any error/lockout is present when the power is lost, the control will retain that error/lockout and display the error/lockout when the power is restored. A manual reset may be required.

2.1.2 Flame Errors




These errors signify flame error. This may be caused by a failed or leaky gas valve or a flame detector malfunction. If gas valve leakage is suspected, the unit must be isolated by turning off the main gas supply line. Qualified and knowledgeable service personnel must be called to evaluate and repair/replace the failed parts.

The ENVI™ boiler control will display text based error descriptions to indicate any problems with the boiler. There are two types of lockouts the control may experience: manual reset lockouts requiring an operator to press the reset button, and automatic reset lockouts that will self reset when the error condition clear s. A comprehensive listing of the locking and blocking error codes is provided at the end of this section.

ENVI™ Control



Code ENVI™ Display Lockout Description

A00 NED Unassigned No Error Description, Call For Service

A01 IGNITION FAILURE Ignition Failure During an attempt to light, no flame was detected

A02 FLAME FAILURE Flame Failure During run, the flame was lost

A03 HIGH LIMIT High Limit The temperature in the boiler exceeded the setting on the High Limit Control

A05 INT ERR GAS VLV RLY Internal Error Gas Valve Relay Call for service.

A06 INT ERR SAFETY RLY Internal Error Safety Relay Call for service.

A07 LOW FLOW / ILK Low Water Flow or Open Interlock Jumper

Water Flow is Inadequate or Interlock Jumper is Open

A09 INTERAL ERROR 9 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30

Internal Error 9 or 27 or 28 or 29 or 30

Call for service.

A10 INT ERR E2PROM ERR Internal Error E2PROM Err Call for service.

A12 INT ERR E2PROM SIG Internal Error E2PROM Sig Call for service.

A13 INTERAL ERROR 13 Internal Error 13 Call for service.

A14 INTERAL ERROR 14 Internal Error 14 Call for service.

A15 INTERAL ERROR 16 Internal Error 16 Call for service.

A16 INTERAL ERROR 22 Internal Error 22 Call for service.

A18 INTERAL ERROR 19 Internal Error 19 Call for service.

A19 LATE FLAME Late Flame Flame still present after boiler gas valve closed during post purge

A20 EARLY FLAME Early Flame Flame detected before boiler gas valve opened during pre purge

A30 HIGH GAS PRESSURE High Gas Pressure Error The gas pressure is too high and has tripped the HGPS

A31 LOW GAS PRESSURE Low Gas Pressure Error The gas pressure is too low and has tripped the LGPS

A32 INTERAL ERROR 23 Internal Error 23 Call for service.

A33 FAN WRONG SPEED Wrong Fan Speed Error Fan deviation more than 300 rpm for > 1 sec (ignored when fan > 4200 rpm)

A34 AIR SWITCH NOT OPEN Air Switch Not Open Air switch does not open when fan is off

A35 AIR SWITCH NOT CLOSE Air Switch Not Closed Air switch does not close when fan is running

A37 UV SENSOR DEFECT UV Sensor Defective Self Check function of UV detector has indicated a failure

A38 MAX DT EXCEEDED Max Delta Temp Exceeded Maximum temperature differential across the boiler has been exceeded

A39 RAPID RISE INLET TMP Rapid Rise Inlet Error Inlet temperature is rising too rapidly

A40 RAPID RISE OUT TEMP Rapid Rise Outlet Error Outlet temperature is rising too rapidly

A41 RAPID RISE HX TEMP Rapid Rise HX Temp Temperature across heat exchanger is rising faster than allowed

A43 LOW WATER LEVEL Low Water Cutoff Water is too low for boiler to operate

A45 INTERNAL ERROR 31 Internal Error 31 Call for service.

ENVI™ Control


NOTICE! When an Internal Error occurs, as identified above, the failure is internal to the ENVI™ control and replacement of the ENVI™ control is required. A qualified service technician must replace the ENVI™ control.


Code ENVI™ Display Lockout Description

E01 OUT TEMP SENS OPEN Outlet Temperature Sensor Open Boiler outlet water temperature sensor open circuit

E02 IN TEMP SENS OPEN Inlet Temperature Sensor Open Boiler inlet water sensor temperature open circuit

E03 FLUE TMP SENS OPEN Flue Temperature Sensor Open Boiler flue gas temperature sensor open circuit

E04 DHW TEMP SENS OPEN DHW Temperature Sensor Open Domestic Hot Water temperature sensor open circuit

E05 HX TEMP SENS OPEN Heat Exchanger Temperature Sensor Open

Heat Exchange temperature sensor open circuit


Outlet Temperature Sensor Short Boiler outlet water temperature sensor short circuit

E12 IN TEMP SENS SHORT Inlet Temperature Sensor Short Boiler inlet water temperature sensor short circuit

E13 FLUE TMP SENS SHORT Flue Temperature Sensor Short Boiler flue gas temperature sensor short circuit


DHW Temperature Sensor Short Domestic Hot Water temperature sensor short circuit

E15 HX TEMP SENS SHORT Heat Exchanger Temperature Sensor Short

Heat Exchange temperature sensor short circuit

E16 HEADER SENS SHORT Header Temperature Sensor is defective

Header temperature sensor on IF board has a short circuit or an open circuit

E18 LINE NEUTRAL REV Electrical Error Hot and Neutral are reversed

E20 FALSE FLAME False Flame Flame detected when no flame should be present

E22 NO GROUND 60 HZ ERR No Ground error No ground connected or voltage on ground

E23 LINE FREQUENCY ERR Line Frequency Error Line frequency deviates from 60Hz by more than 2%

E24 FAULTY GROUND Faulty Ground Ground/Earth connection is not functioning correctly

E30 HIGH FLUE TEMP Flue Gas Temperature Too High Temperature of the flue gas is greater than setpoint + differential

E32 HIGH INLET TEMP Inlet Temp Too High Inlet water is greater than 194°F

E34 BLOCKED FLUE Blocked Flue Hi exhaust back pressure switch is tripped due to excess pressure in the flue/stack or excessive negative cabinet pressure

E41 REVERSE FLOW IN OUT Reversed Water Flow The water flow through the boiler is reversed (Inlet water is hotter than outlet water)

E42 INTERAL ERROR 48 Internal Error 48 Call for service.

E46 INTERAL ERROR 35 Internal Error 35 Call for service.

E47 INTERAL ERROR 36 Internal Error 36 Call for service.

E48 INTERAL ERROR 37 Internal Error 37 Call for service.

E49 RAPID RISE HX ERROR Rapid Rise Heat Exchanger Temperature

Temperature across heat exchanger is rising faster than allowed

E50 RAPID RISE ERROR Rapid Rise Outlet Temp Temperature of the Outlet water is rising faster than allowed

E51 INTERNAL ERROR 67 Internal Error 67 Call for Service

E52 WRONG BOILER TYPE Wrong Boiler Type Control and Boiler do not match (control is programmed for another type of P-K boiler)

E 54 IF COMM FAILURE Interface Board Failure No communication with Interface Board

Boiler Default Settings Appendix



MACH® Boiler Factory Parameters Parameter C750 C900 C1050 C1500 C2000 C2500 CH Setpoint 180 180 180 180 180 180 CH Boiler Operation 1 1 1 1 1 1 CH Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 CH High ODA Temp 70 70 70 70 70 70 CH Min ODA Setpoint 80 80 80 80 80 80 CH Low ODA Temp 20 20 20 20 20 20 CH Max ODA Setpoint 176 176 176 176 176 176 CH ODA Shutdown 68 68 68 68 68 68 CH Night Setback 18 18 18 18 18 18 CH Hysteres On 9 9 9 9 9 9 CH Hysteres Off 15 15 15 15 15 15 CH Post Pump Time 30 30 30 30 30 30 CH Anti Cycle Time 180 180 180 180 180 180 CH Prop Band 40 40 40 40 40 40 CH Intergral Rate 10 10 10 10 10 10 CH Der Time 128 128 128 128 128 128 DHW Mode 2 2 2 2 2 2 DHW Type 1 1 1 1 1 1 DHW Setpoint 176 176 176 176 176 176 DHW Tank Setpoint 135 135 135 135 135 135 DHW On Different 4 4 4 4 4 4 DHW Off Different 10 10 10 10 10 10 DHW Tank Off Difference 4 4 4 4 4 4 DHW Tank On Difference 4 4 4 4 4 4 DHW Post Pump Time 15 15 15 15 15 15 DHW Prop Band 36 36 36 36 36 36 DHW Intergral Rate 10 10 10 10 10 10 DHW Der Time 128 128 128 128 128 128 BS Boiler Type (OEM parameter) 6 4 8 10 12 18 BS Max Fan Speed 4900 5500 6000 4680 5400 4860 BS Min Fan Speed 1100 1320 1320 1110 1260 1050 BS Max Setpoint 185 185 185 185 185 185 BS Min Setpoint 45 45 45 45 45 45 BS Max Temp 194 194 194 194 194 194 BS Mod Back Difference 45 45 45 45 45 45 BS Low Fire Hold 60 60 60 60 60 60 BS Post Purge 30 30 30 30 30 30 BS Accel BNR On 3 5 3 2 2 1 BS Accel BNR Off 5 10 5 3 3 2 CMS Header Setpoint 176 176 176 176 176 176 CMS Power Mode 1 1 1 1 1 1 CMS Header Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMS Hysteres Start Boiler 10 10 10 10 10 10 CMS Hysteres Stop Boiler 8 8 8 8 8 8 CMS Wait Boiler Switch 250 250 250 250 250 250 CMS Prop Band 18 18 18 18 18 18 CMS Intergral Rate 40 40 40 40 40 40 CMS Der Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMS Cycle Limit Increment 10 10 10 10 10 10 CMS Cycle Limit Max 60 60 60 60 60 60

Boiler Default Settings Appendix


CMS Hysteres Quick Start 25 25 25 25 25 25 CMS Quick Start Time 60 60 60 60 60 60 CMS Hysteres Quick Stop 18 18 18 18 18 18 CMS Quick Stop Time 30 30 30 30 30 30 CMS Start Rotation 24 24 24 24 24 24 CMS No Boiler On Wait 40 40 40 40 40 40 CS Max Supply Temp 194 194 194 194 194 194 CS Cascade Min Return Temp 40 40 40 40 40 40 CS Hysteres Min Return Temp 9 9 9 9 9 9 CS Return Temp Max Power 104 104 104 104 104 104 CS Return Temp Min Power 127 127 127 127 127 127 CS Pre Pump Period 20 20 20 20 20 20 Config MODBUS® Address 1 1 1 1 1 1


Modu-Fire® Forced Draft Boiler Factory Parameters Parameter N750 N1000 N1500 N2000 N2500 N3000 CH Setpoint 180 180 180 180 180 180 CH Boiler Operation 1 1 1 1 1 1 CH Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 CH High ODA Temp 70 70 70 70 70 70 CH Min ODA Setpoint 80 80 80 80 80 80 CH Low ODA Temp 20 20 20 20 20 20 CH Max ODA Setpoint 176 176 176 176 176 176 CH ODA Shutdown 68 68 68 68 68 68 CH Night Setback 18 18 18 18 18 18 CH Hysteres On 9 9 9 9 9 9 CH Hysteres Off 15 15 15 15 15 15 CH Post Pump Time 30 30 30 30 30 30 CH Anti Cycle Time 180 180 180 180 180 180 CH Prop Band 40 40 40 40 40 40 CH Intergral Rate 10 10 10 10 10 10 CH Der Time 128 128 128 128 128 128 DHW Mode 2 2 2 2 2 2 DHW Type 1 1 1 1 1 1 DHW Setpoint 176 176 176 176 176 176 DHW Tank Setpoint 135 135 135 135 135 135 DHW On Different 4 4 4 4 4 4 DHW Off Different 10 10 10 10 10 10 DHW Tank Off Difference 4 4 4 4 4 4 DHW Tank On Difference 4 4 4 4 4 4 DHW Post Pump Time 15 15 15 15 15 15 DHW Prop Band 36 36 36 36 36 36 DHW Intergral Rate 10 10 10 10 10 10 DHW Der Time 128 128 128 128 128 128 BS Boiler Type 14 14 14 16 18 18 BS Max Fan Speed 10.0V 10.0V 10.0V 10.0V 4800 RPM 5900 RPM BS Min Fan Speed 2.0V 2.0V 2.0V 2.0V 1500 RPM 1500 RPM BS Max Setpoint 220 220 220 220 220 220 BS Min Setpoint 130 130 130 130 130 130 BS Max Temp 240 240 240 240 240 240 BS Mod Back Difference 30 30 30 30 30 30 BS Low Fire Hold 60 60 60 60 60 60 BS Post Purge 30 30 30 30 30 30

Boiler Default Settings Appendix


BS Accel BNR On 2 2 2 2 1 1 BS Accel BNR Off 3 3 3 3 2 2 CMS Header Setpoint 180 180 180 180 180 180 CMS Power Mode 1 1 1 1 1 1 CMS Header Mode 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMS Hysteres Start Boiler 10 10 10 10 10 10 CMS Hysteres Stop Boiler 8 8 8 8 8 8 CMS Wait Boiler Switch 250 250 250 250 250 250 CMS Prop Band 18 18 18 18 18 18 CMS Intergral Rate 40 40 40 40 40 40 CMS Der Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMS Cycle Limit Increment 10 10 10 10 10 10 CMS Cycle Limit Max 60 60 60 60 60 60 CMS Hysteres Quick Start 25 25 25 25 25 25 CMS Quick Start Time 60 60 60 60 60 60 CMS Hysteres Quick Stop 18 18 18 18 18 18 CMS Quick Stop Time 30 30 30 30 30 30 CMS Start Rotation 24 24 24 24 24 24 CMS No Boiler On Wait 10 10 10 10 10 10 CS Max Supply Temp 220 220 220 220 220 220 CS Cascade Min Return Temp 122 122 122 122 122 122 CS Hysteres Min Return Temp 9 9 9 9 9 9 CS Return Temp Max Power 113 113 113 113 113 113 CS Return Temp Min Power 127 127 127 127 127 127 CS Pre Pump Period 30 30 30 30 30 30 Config MODBUS® Address 1 1 1 1 1 1

MODBUS® Interface Appendix


4.0 APPENDIX - MODBUS® INTERFACE The ENVI™ MODBUS® connection is available to interface with Building Management Systems.

Only qualified control contractors should access the MODBUS® interface menu. MODBUS® configuration parameters are listed below.

Protocol MODBUS® RTU Supported MODBUS® commands

Read Holding register (0x03) Write single Holding register (0x06)

Baudrate 9600bps Data Length 8 Parity None Stop Bits 1 Physical layer RS485 (two wire)


Address Byte Type Parameter Name Formula/Data 0 HIGH State See State Table 0 LOW Supply Temperature Normal Temperature 2 HIGH Return Temperature Normal Temperature 2 LOW DHW Temperature Normal Temperature 4 HIGH Header Temperature Normal Temperature 4 LOW Firing Rate 1 = min to 255 = max 6 HIGH Flue Gas Temperature Flue Gas

Temperature 6 LOW HX Temperature Normal Temperature 8 HIGH Outside Temperature Outdoor Temperature 8 LOW Flame Signal 0x00 = no flame

0x80 = flame 10 HIGH CH Setpoint Normal Temperature 10 LOW DHW Setpoint Normal Temperature 12 HIGH Boiler Operation 0 = Off, 1 = On

2 = Off & pump on 3 = On & pump off

12 LOW High Outdoor Air Temperature Outdoor Temperature 14 HIGH Minimum Outdoor Air Setpoint Normal Temperature 14 LOW Low Outdoor Air Temperature Outdoor Temperature 16 HIGH Maximum Outdoor Air Temperature Normal Temperature 16 LOW Outdoor Air Shutdown Temperature Outdoor Temperature 18 HIGH Night Setback Delta Temperature 18 LOW Error Code See Error List

Section 3.2 and 3.3 20 HIGH Analog In 20 LOW Analog Out 22 BOTH Ignitions 1/16th of Ignitions 24 BOTH Burner High Hours Hours

MODBUS® Interface Appendix


26 BOTH Burner Medium Hours Hours 28 BOTH Burner Low Hours Hours 30 HIGH Information Byte See Information Byte 30 LOW ET Error Number See Error List

Section 3.2 and 3.3 32 HIGH ET Supply Temp Normal Temperature 32 LOW ET Return Temp Normal Temperature 34 HIGH ET DHW Temp Normal Temperature 34 LOW ET Flue Temp Flue Gas

Temperature 36 HIGH ET HX Temp Normal Temperature 36 LOW ET Outside Temp Outdoor Temperature 38 HIGH ET Sequence See Sequence Byte 38 LOW ET Month See BCD Byte 40 HIGH ET Day See BCD Byte 40 LOW ET Year See BCD Byte 42 HIGH ET Hours See BCD Byte 42 LOW ET Minutes See BCD Byte 44 HIGH ET Day Count High 44 LOW ET Day Count Low 46 BOTH ET Run Hours Hours

Depending on the type of MODBUS® software used, the holding register addressing range starts either at 0x0000 or at 0x0001. If your MODBUS® software starts at 0x0000 you can use the holding register addresses shown in the tables above. If your MODBUS® software addressing range starts from 0x0001 then add 1 to the holding register addresses listed in the tables above. 4.1.1 Descriptions of MODBUS® Register Map

Normal Temperature formula The temperature is scaled between -10…+118°C (14°F – 244°F). The formula to calculate the actual temperature using the value of Supply Temperature is as follows: I) Temperature [°C] = (Supply Temperature ÷ 2) - 10 II) Temperature [°F] = Temperature [°C] × 1.8 + 32 Outdoor temperature formula Some temperatures are scaled between -40°C and 88°C (-40°F – 190°F). The formula to calculate the actual temperature is: I) Temperature [°C] = (outdoor temperature ÷ 2) - 40 II) Temperature [°F] = Temperature [°C] × 1.8 + 32 Flue gas temperature formula Some temperatures are scaled between 10°C and 138 °C (50°F – 280°F. The formula to calculate the actual temperature is: I) Temperature [°C] = (flue gas temperature ÷ 2) + 10 II) Temperature [°F] = Temperature [°C] × 1.8 + 32 Delta temperature formula When a temperature is used as a delta temperature (for instance the night setback) it is calculated as follows: I) Temperature [°C] = (night setback ÷ 2) II) Temperature [°F] = Temperature [°C] × 1.8

MODBUS® Interface Appendix


4.1.2 Boiler State

The operation of the boiler is described by the following table of state values.

State (decimal)

State (Hexadecimal) State Name Description

0 0x00 RESET_0 Resetting 1 0x01 RESET_1 Resetting 2 0x02 STANDBY_0 Standby, waiting for demand 3 0x03 SAFETY_ON Relay circuit check 4 0x04 SAFETY_OFF Relay circuit check 5 0x05 PRE_PURGE Pre purging 6 0x06 PRE_PURGE_1 Pre purging 7 0x07 IGNIT_0 Pre ignition with gas valve closed 8 0x08 IGNIT_1 Ignition with gas valve open 9 0x09 BURN_0 Burning

10 0x0A POST_PURGE_0 Post purging burner 11 0x0B POST_PURGE_1 Post purging burner 12 0x0C PUMP_CH_0 Post pumping for CH 13 0x0D PUMP_CH_1 Pumping for CH 14 0x0E PUMP_HW_0 Post pumping for DHW 15 0x0F PUMP_HW_1 Pumping for DHW 16 0x10 ALARM_1 Error handling (locking) 17 0x11 ERROR_CHECK Error Handling (blocking) 18 0x12 BURNER_BOOT Restarting burner control 19 0x13 CLEAR_E2PROM_ERROR Error handing 20 0x14 STORE_BLOCK_ERROR Error handling 21 0x15 WAIT_A_SECOND Error handling

4.1.3 Information Byte

Every bit in the byte is a flag. When the flag is 1 it means closed/running when it is 0 it means open/stopped. In the following table you can find the bit number of the flag. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 High Gas Pressure

Air Damper DHW Pump CH Pump Blocked Flue

Air Pressure

Low Gas Pressure

Water Level

4.1.4 Sequence Byte

The following table details the sequence byte. This byte consists of the state of the boiler and operation mode of the boiler, both at the time of the error. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 1 = CH Mode

1 = DHW Mode

1 = Frost Protect

state state state state state
