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 Galapagos Islands

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• 600 miles of coast o Ecuador. Lays on one othe worlds longest lasting hot spots whichcreates oceanic crust.

• 13 main islands. Each with own characteristic.

• Sierra Negra last eruption 00! " #sh $ miles


• % ma&or ocean currents create this 'astcollection o marine di'ersity.


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Natural (eser'es o the


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)alapagos *arine (eser'e

• +n 1,,- the protected area which included nautical miles around each island was e/tendedand ecame the )alapagos *arine reser'e.

• Lie ranging rom corals to shars to penguinsto marine mammals.

2*any nati'e and endemic species depend entirelyon marine en'ironments and e'olutionary and

ecological processes that occur on land and thatha'e a direct relationship with the sea.

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•  he Ecuadorian )o'ernment passed an emergency decree in1,!, ormally estalishing the )alapagos +slands National 4ar.

 he par ser'ice sees to protect nati'e species and eradicatein'asi'e plants and animals.

•  he go'ernment o Ecuador has designated ,$5 o the landarea o the )alpagos +slands as the country7s 8rst national

par. he remaining 35 is distriuted etween the inhaitedareas o Santa 9ru: San 9rist;al <loreana and +saela.

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Endangered Species are causedby…

• =aitat loss>alteration>ragmentation

• +n'asi'e Species

• +ntroduction o inection

• 4oaching>hunting

• +ncreased ourism

• )loal ?arming

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Vertebrate Species

9ritically Endangered



Near hreatened


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Plant Species




Near threatened


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Marine Life




Near hreatened


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• Sot 'olcanic ash such as tuf or pumice erode

Buicly into more gentle shores while harderand newer asaltic Cows orm rugged steeperisland walls.

• Seasonal rainstorms round of the summits othe higher peas gi'ing these islands an oldermore inhaitale appearance.

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Eutrophication Solutions

• Minimizing non-point sourcepollution

Nonpoint source FN4SG pollution comes rom manydifuse sources. N4S pollution is caused y rainall or

snowmelt mo'ing o'er and through the ground. #s therunof mo'es it pics up and carries away naturaland humanmade pollutants 8nally depositing them intolaes ri'ers wetlands coastal waters and ground waters.

• Shell!sh in Estuaries

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El NiHo

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El Nino Solutions

• +t is part o the weather system. – ?hich means it is a selsustaining period in which

it occurs.

 – +t can e calculated when these periods will occur

and thus can e prepared or them in time. – ?e now what things can trigger it such as

?esterly ?ind Iursts.

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 ourism and 4opulation


Ietween1,,1 00$


4opulationJ %000 4opulation douleseach year reachingK0000


2ourism generates %1- million>y

63 mil enters local economy F!15 o )alapagos economyG

No. o ouristsJ%0000

No. o ouristsJ1%!000

No. o ouristsJ1!000

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 ourism and 4opulationJ+mpacts

*ore 9argo ships>planesJ riss• Ail spills Fessica 001GF+saella 01!G

• +ncreased numer o inhaitants calls or rapidgrowth o inrastructure and pulic ser'ices.

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 ourism and 4opulation Solutions

• 1,$- MNES9A declared )alapagosislands a ?orld =eritage Site.

• 1,,0 he MN placed the islands on its+n DangerO list Fupheld in ulyG.

• 00$ the ?orld =ealth 9ommittee*ission (eport +mplemented Pero4eople on +rregular Status in )alapagosO

 – )i'en cards which help withorgani:ation and management.

 – +n 00,J

» 63 irregular shipped to mainland

» 6,% inormed on status

» !$ anned rom returning or ayear.

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 ourism and 4opulationJ+mpacts

• 01% 1, Ecuadorians were remo'ed witharmed guards or +llegal *igration.

•  he National 4arJ – *onitor @isitors sites.

 – 9hange +tinerary or increasedpressure.

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+n'asi'e Species

• Scientists and conser'ationists agree that introduced plantsand animals represent the single greatest threat to theterrestrial ecosystems o )alapagos.

• Since the disco'ery o )alapagos in 1!3! humans ha'erought many alien species to the islands.

• ,!5 o the archipelagoQs nati'e species remain intact today

•  he numer o pri'ate 'essels tra'eling through theislands greatly increases the threat o hull and anchortransport o potentially in'asi'e marine species.

Especially in'asi'e marine speciesJ• North 4aci8c Sea Star F#sterias amurensiG

• Iarnacle 9hthamalus 4roteus

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• # total o 36 'erterate species ha'e eenintroduced to )alapagos with 30 o them ecomingestalished.

• Some $!0 introduced plant species ha'e eenregistered in )alapagos with nearly ,05 o themrought delierately y humans or agricultural andornamental purposes.

• #ppro/imately !%3 alien insect species more than1>% o the total insect auna ha'e een registered in)alapagos.

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+n'asi'e Species Solutions

• 9D< estalished )alapagos +nspection and RuarantineSystem F)+#RSG. *onitors and checs all cargocontainments rom oats and planes along withaggage rom tourists>'isitors.

• 9ommunity EducationQ was implemented or thelocals to learn aout the harms o alien species.

• Iiological 9ontrolJ=ypothesis aout enemy organisms o e/isting in'aders was

researched. #ustralian Ladyug was introduced later in 00

Fon purposeG which decreased populations o 60 in'asi'especies Fmainly insectsG.

006 4ro&ect +saela " (estoration o +saela in terms o si:eand scope Feradication o goats>doneys rom N.+saela>Santiago and 4inta.

• Eradication o <resh water ilapia and cattle rom

<lorena in 013.

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Newest SolutionJ

•  he 9harles Darwin <oundation created the 9ontrol o+n'asi'e 4lants in =ighlands o )alapagosQ pro&ect in


 –  hey use iological control methods Fsuch as the #ustraliansLadyugG.

 – Eradication o IlacIerryQs. *ainly y hand picing.

+n'asi'e Species Solutions

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=aitat Loss

• Land can ecome less suitale ashaitat e'en i it is not directlycon'erted to other uses.

• =aitat <ragmentationJ• Splitting populations into smaller

groups.•  +ncreasing crowding and

competition within the ragments.• (educing species7 oraging ranges

and access to prey and watersources

• +ncreasing riction etweenanimals and humans as animalsrange into de'eloped areas

Land can ecome less suitale as haitat e'en i it is not directly con'erted

to other uses.

#ll orms o de'elopment alter natural ecosystems.

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*igration T =awaiiani:ation

• 4eople rom mainland in'adedO theislands.

4opulation increase o'er 3005 in thelast ew decades.

• 9urrent 4opulationJ %0000 – 4ressure put on +slands Froads pulic


 – )arage dumped in open areas andurnt with no treatment.

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• "hose #ho do not participate in the tourismindustry in some #ay are usually !sherman

• Sea $ucumbers% and Shar&s !shed to supply'sian mar&ets for medical and lu(urious means

• Sea cucumbers dropped to )*+ of their originalpopulation in a fe# decades

• In ,*% the !shing of Sea $ucumbers #asbanned

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A'er<ishing Solutions

• .*,) the S/G began #or&ing #ith Galapagos0ational Par&% $onser1ation International% 2areand "he $harles 3ar#in Station to apply data fordi4erent techni5ues to better inform and impro1e

management – "his #ill #or& on the bioeconomical modeling of area to

e1aluate alternati1e zoning options for Galapagos

Pro1ide solutions for marine life and for the local people

• /irst 5uantitati1e stoc& assessment of the Sea

$ucumber population in the #orld "hisinformation #ill be used for re-zoning% aidpreser1ation and sustainable tourism6!shing

• Sea $ucumber !shing banned in Galapagos

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• =igher temperature in ocean illscoral rees supports algal loomsand the the loss o some endemic


• 4ollution rom products Fcars

chemicalsG runs of into oceanurther illing lie.

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9ontamination Solutions

• #ter the essica spill in 001 9D<collected samples rom eaches orresidual hydrocarons le'els.

 – hey ound le'els o residual contaminants in thesamples that were not rom spill FpollutionG.

 – he same ollow up procedure ound higher le'elso the containments and similar le'els o thehydrocarons Fwhich means there ha'e een

continual spillsG.

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• httpJ>>>

• httpJ>>www.en'>arcadia>e'olutionworldheritagegalapagosislandsnationalpar
